This is my favorite argument, when progressives claim Jesus was one of them. If that is so then why is the progressive agenda to attack any follower of Christ?

Jesus never taught us to compromise with evil, or to condone any sin. He taught us we should reject it. Individuals can be forgiven for their sins, but the sin itself should never be condoned.
I don't know who this is. Is she an American politician? What is new here? Most American politicians are liars, cheats, and hypocrites. This doesn't mean social conservatism is incorrect. Yes no one is perfect, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't have basic standards by which we live. She is a product of a degenerate liberal society, so of course she will have character flaws and skeletons in the closet. She also is another example that women shouldn't be in a leadership position or spokesperson for a political movement, they generally don't have the strength or fortitude for it. Being a "conservative" female politician is an oxymoron.Politics is the realm of men.

But on a final note, adulterers should not be in leadership positions, period end of report. If they cannot honor their commitment to their spouse, how can we expect them to honor their commitment to their constituents and the rule of law?
Jesus was liberal. Isn't He the standard you strive for?
No he wasnt.

What does Jesus have to do with my post?
You were blaming a "degenerate liberal society." So I pointed out how Jesus was a Liberal, which He most certainly was. He was an anti-capitalist socialist who believed in the separation of church and state and sought reform from the Conservative orthodox rabbi's.
No, you are wrong. You are thinking of the gay jewish professor I had in my sociology course freshman year.
Nope, I don't even know your gay Jewish professor. But you have my condolences for what he did with you anyway.
No its ok I did a paper on the "Shoah" and passed the class. The class overall reminded me of Birkenau, dreary and full of Jews.
This is my favorite argument, when progressives claim Jesus was one of them. If that is so then why is the progressive agenda to attack any follower of Christ?

Jesus never taught us to compromise with evil, or to condone any sin. He taught us we should reject it. Individuals can be forgiven for their sins, but the sin itself should never be condoned.
Oh? How has the "progressive agenda" attacked any follower of Christ?
Jesus was liberal. Isn't He the standard you strive for?
No he wasnt.

What does Jesus have to do with my post?
You were blaming a "degenerate liberal society." So I pointed out how Jesus was a Liberal, which He most certainly was. He was an anti-capitalist socialist who believed in the separation of church and state and sought reform from the Conservative orthodox rabbi's.
No, you are wrong. You are thinking of the gay jewish professor I had in my sociology course freshman year.
Nope, I don't even know your gay Jewish professor. But you have my condolences for what he did with you anyway.
No its ok I did a paper on the "Shoah" and passed the class. The class overall reminded me of Birkenau, dreary and full of Jews.
Did that make you feel better after your gay Jewish professor did those horrible things to you?
No he wasnt.

What does Jesus have to do with my post?
You were blaming a "degenerate liberal society." So I pointed out how Jesus was a Liberal, which He most certainly was. He was an anti-capitalist socialist who believed in the separation of church and state and sought reform from the Conservative orthodox rabbi's.
No, you are wrong. You are thinking of the gay jewish professor I had in my sociology course freshman year.
Nope, I don't even know your gay Jewish professor. But you have my condolences for what he did with you anyway.
No its ok I did a paper on the "Shoah" and passed the class. The class overall reminded me of Birkenau, dreary and full of Jews.
Did that make you feel better after your gay Jewish professor did those horrible things to you?
Stop posting niglet.
You were blaming a "degenerate liberal society." So I pointed out how Jesus was a Liberal, which He most certainly was. He was an anti-capitalist socialist who believed in the separation of church and state and sought reform from the Conservative orthodox rabbi's.
No, you are wrong. You are thinking of the gay jewish professor I had in my sociology course freshman year.
Nope, I don't even know your gay Jewish professor. But you have my condolences for what he did with you anyway.
No its ok I did a paper on the "Shoah" and passed the class. The class overall reminded me of Birkenau, dreary and full of Jews.
Did that make you feel better after your gay Jewish professor did those horrible things to you?
Stop posting niglet.
"Niglet?" What on Earth does that mean?

And "stop posting?" Are you truly that mentally retarded that you think I take orders from you??

No, you are wrong. You are thinking of the gay jewish professor I had in my sociology course freshman year.
Nope, I don't even know your gay Jewish professor. But you have my condolences for what he did with you anyway.
No its ok I did a paper on the "Shoah" and passed the class. The class overall reminded me of Birkenau, dreary and full of Jews.
Did that make you feel better after your gay Jewish professor did those horrible things to you?
Stop posting niglet.
"Niglet?" What on Earth does that mean?

And "stop posting?" Are you truly that mentally retarded that you think I take orders from you??

Eat shit niglet.
How exactly has your anti-male, single parent female done for our inner-cities? Oh'yess, it has fucked them and the child that was the responsibility of them.

Sick bastards.
And no, I don't think your kind should reproduce! In fact, I chear when you have a abortion!!!

I just hate what you're doing to this country and the family that built it.
For the most part, I think one's sex life is private, none of our business and pretty uninteresting. Its when these hypocritical, frothing-at-the-mouth, thumper types preach their phony "family values" crap that I get a bit annoyed.

They're nothing but Peeping Tom's when it comes to other people's lives. They want to control others while they screw around and then lie about it.
It's the hypocrisy that is the issue. Their self-righteousness and hypocrisy.
I suspect that Righties will swing by and say that they never heard of her...

Imagine that: a good, G-d fearing Conservative woman who allows another man other than her husband to part her legs and re-enact Germany's invasion of Poland...

Those are some, uh, interesting "family values"!

I guess on of the Liberal icons using a cigar as a sex toy is perfectly OK.

Did I ever say it was ok? Nope.

But I do love watching the RW butthurt on parade. Really, it is apparently the only thing Righties have these days, in between bouts of grunting uncontrollably and scraping their knuckles and farting out their asses and such.

Plenty of you retards did. You said what he did in private was his business and it was the same as what you chastise Holly for now.
OMG What we chastise her for is the hypocrisy of being holier than thou:the self righteousness about family values and Christianity that the Right places so much at the forefront of their platform.
Nope, I don't even know your gay Jewish professor. But you have my condolences for what he did with you anyway.
No its ok I did a paper on the "Shoah" and passed the class. The class overall reminded me of Birkenau, dreary and full of Jews.
Did that make you feel better after your gay Jewish professor did those horrible things to you?
Stop posting niglet.
"Niglet?" What on Earth does that mean?

And "stop posting?" Are you truly that mentally retarded that you think I take orders from you??

Eat shit niglet.
Oh, good. Looks like I iritate you. :mm:
No its ok I did a paper on the "Shoah" and passed the class. The class overall reminded me of Birkenau, dreary and full of Jews.
Did that make you feel better after your gay Jewish professor did those horrible things to you?
Stop posting niglet.
"Niglet?" What on Earth does that mean?

And "stop posting?" Are you truly that mentally retarded that you think I take orders from you??

Eat shit niglet.
Oh, good. Looks like I iritate you. :mm:
You bring out his inner racists, which is actually just below the surface.
Did that make you feel better after your gay Jewish professor did those horrible things to you?
Stop posting niglet.
"Niglet?" What on Earth does that mean?

And "stop posting?" Are you truly that mentally retarded that you think I take orders from you??

Eat shit niglet.
Oh, good. Looks like I iritate you. :mm:
You bring out his inner racists, which is actually just below the surface.
I don't know who he is, he's just not that memorable; nor do I recall what I ever said to him -- but whatever it was, I clearly left a scar, 'cause he sure hasn't gotten over it. :eek:
Did that make you feel better after your gay Jewish professor did those horrible things to you?
Stop posting niglet.
"Niglet?" What on Earth does that mean?

And "stop posting?" Are you truly that mentally retarded that you think I take orders from you??

Eat shit niglet.
Oh, good. Looks like I iritate you. :mm:
You bring out his inner racists, which is actually just below the surface.
multiple racists in one body...

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