Conservative ideas VS Liberal ideas,,, which one do you think is better.

Socialism gave us the atomic bomb and took us to the Moon and back, last millennium.
Please explain as to what drove you to that conclusion?
Facts. The private sector has yet to go to the Moon.
Without the PRIVATE SECTOR, and the TAXES they pay, there never would of been a moon landing, you stupid liberal moron(I know redundant statement)..
We were trying to beat the former, Soviet Union. Only the right wing likes to, "proclaim their gospel Truth", with nothing but fallacy.
we had one for fission; the private sector could not, "save us" then.

The liberal cant get the scummy deadly communist cancer out of his system?? One soviet bureaucracy, with one idea, wasting other people's money wont do 1/10000th as well as 30 capitalist companies with 30 ideas carefully spending their own money. A child could grasp it just not a liberal
dear, it was just, lousy social management.

and a govt monopoly bureaucracy is where to turn for great management
since they have more incentive than the private sector to do well! See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
Let's disband our military; it is pure socialism and we don't need the expense during times of peace. We have a Second Amendment for "national security".
Lets disband welfare, since we have a 2nd amendment, when the liberal schlobs revolt for not being paid to not do anything, We working class can defend ourselves. And the Weapons and Ammo manufacturers will watch their profits soar again.
just right wing fantasy? we Only need, Ten simple Commandments from a god, not laws.
Socialism gave us the atomic bomb and took us to the Moon and back, last millennium.
Please explain as to what drove you to that conclusion?
Facts. The private sector has yet to go to the Moon.
Without the corporations the parts needed to built the Apollo capsule and the Saturn 5 rocket would never have been made.
State Capitalism, a form of socialism, is about command economics. The right wing is simply clueless and Causeless, like usual.
Let's disband our military; it is pure socialism and we don't need the expense during times of peace. .
good idea we can wait till after the next 9/11 to get a military force together. See how perfectly stupid a liberal is?
thank you for admitting, socialism, not capitalism, matters.
???? Everyone has always admitted a military matters. Having a military or post office does not make a country socialist. See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
Let's disband our military; it is pure socialism and we don't need the expense during times of peace. .
good idea we can wait till after the next 9/11 to get a military force together. See how perfectly stupid a liberal is?
thank you for admitting, socialism, not capitalism, matters.
???? Everyone has always admitted a military matters. Having a military or post office does not make a country socialist. See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

For the100th isn't liberalism.

It's the far left....big difference.

Liberalism thinks outside the box.

It does not try to put everyone in the same box like the left does.
For the100th isn't liberalism.

It's the far left....big difference.

Liberalism thinks outside the box.

It does not try to put everyone in the same box like the left does.

Hillary is liberal Bernie is socialist they endorse each other. Do you understand? 1+1=2
The liberal cant get the scummy deadly communist cancer out of his system?? One soviet bureaucracy, with one idea, wasting other people's money wont do 1/10000th as well as 30 capitalist companies with 30 ideas carefully spending their own money. A child could grasp it just not a liberal
dear, it was just, lousy social management.

and a govt monopoly bureaucracy is where to turn for great management
since they have more incentive than the private sector to do well! See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
Let's disband our military; it is pure socialism and we don't need the expense during times of peace. We have a Second Amendment for "national security".
Lets disband welfare, since we have a 2nd amendment, when the liberal schlobs revolt for not being paid to not do anything, We working class can defend ourselves. And the Weapons and Ammo manufacturers will watch their profits soar again.
just right wing fantasy? we Only need, Ten simple Commandments from a god, not laws.

You finally said something right, Congress, state and local had to fuck up those 10 simple things by writing 28 trillion laws that say the same thing.

For the100th isn't liberalism.

It's the far left....big difference.

Liberalism thinks outside the box.

It does not try to put everyone in the same box like the left does.

Hillary is liberal Bernie is socialist they endorse each other. Do you understand? 1+1=2

I am not sure what your point is here.

I like Bernie because he cares about people. I have already stated (on many occasions) that I could not support his big government solutions.

That being said......

Liberalism <> Left Wing

There are very very very very different.
Liberalism thinks outside the box.

how stupid!!! totally made up nonsense with no evidence whatsoever.
And conservatism thinks inside the box????

Conservatism tends to like to make small changes relying heavily on past experience. I happen to think this is the best approach.

Conservative isn't a term they apply to a move by a coach to go for it on 4th and 2.

Liberalism is not government run programs...that is the left wing (we know what's best for you and we'll shove it down your throat because we know we are right).

Liberalism thinks about things different.....but most true liberals strongly value liberty and know that taxing your fanny is taking away that liberty.

Most of the so-called liberals on this board are anything but.
Let's disband our military; it is pure socialism and we don't need the expense during times of peace. .
good idea we can wait till after the next 9/11 to get a military force together. See how perfectly stupid a liberal is?
thank you for admitting, socialism, not capitalism, matters.
???? Everyone has always admitted a military matters. Having a military or post office does not make a country socialist. See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
Relying on a socialized military and postal service; means capitalism cannot be trusted for those tasks.
Socialism gave us the atomic bomb and took us to the Moon and back, last millennium.


That was funny.

Thanks for the laugh.
SpaceX needs a profit motive to do what a social motive already did, last millennium.

And nobody who worked on any of those programs made any money......

You bet.
Where was SpaceX during the Space Race?

Most likely forbidden to exist.

That's what overt government control does to you.

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