Conservative identification question

They were all republicans until that name became an embarrassment, and then they were tea party.....same thing happened. Now they use a wide range of names to identify themselves. The fact is, if you put them all in a sack and shook them up, it would be impossible to separate them into their chosen groups. They are all the same, no matter what they want you to call them.
If be embarrassed to be you. You support baby killing.

"Kill them all and let God sort it out" was a battle cry of right wing haters. I would be ashamed to be a Republican and support killing entire nations.
No one said they weren't either. I identify with them but don't have a card or such and never attended a rally. As mentioned, it's a movement, not an organization you officially join. You seem to be bypassing that particular detail.
No, I addressed that in the OP.
Then you realize the question was based on a false premise and not answerable for the most part. What answer were you fishing for?
I don't think it's an unreasonable question. People identify with groups.

As far as what I'm fishing for, I think the question has been answered more than once, above: Many conservatives identify with the Tea Party, but avoid saying so because they feel the movement has been negatively/inaccurately portrayed. And those were conservatives here who said that.
Who said that? I don't really give a fuck how the left defines anything. They are dishonest to the core. So I tend to gravitate to whatever they are foaming over at. If they are screaming about the TEA party, for example, I know something good has happened.
Look at posts 13, 25, 29.

And YOU even said in Post 30, "I identify with them but don't have a card or such and never attended a rally." Well, there it is.
Well no there it isn't. I'm not member because there's no membership unless I go to a rally and sign up for something if even that exists. It has nothing to do with how someone else thinks about the TEA party. You don't get it, and it isn't complicated. Don't blame it on me.
Part of the problem is the media and the left has made the Tea Party out to be something it isn't.
I'm glad to see you say that. I think that's what's happening: More people would say they're Tea Partiers but don't want to be identified as such because of the way they have been portrayed. No one on this thread so far has said that they are.

The irony of the "Tea Partiers" complaining about how they've been portrayed in the media is hysterical.

For years all they'd show on the news of the gay pride parades were the small handful of the most eccentric attendees. They'd never show the marching veterans, firemen or policemen just so the RW nutters could scream about those decadent, perverted gays (that caused Katrina, remember?).

And if the "media" portrayal of TPers is so far off the mark, how come so many that espouse their values here at USMB are stereotypical as portrayed in the "media"?

Gays caused Katrina? You're on drugs or something, go away please
They were all republicans until that name became an embarrassment, and then they were tea party.....same thing happened. Now they use a wide range of names to identify themselves. The fact is, if you put them all in a sack and shook them up, it would be impossible to separate them into their chosen groups. They are all the same, no matter what they want you to call them.
If be embarrassed to be you. You support baby killing.

"Kill them all and let God sort it out" was a battle cry of right wing haters. I would be ashamed to be a Republican and support killing entire nations.
It was a democrat that nuked Japan.
They were all republicans until that name became an embarrassment, and then they were tea party.....same thing happened. Now they use a wide range of names to identify themselves. The fact is, if you put them all in a sack and shook them up, it would be impossible to separate them into their chosen groups. They are all the same, no matter what they want you to call them.
If be embarrassed to be you. You support baby killing.

"Kill them all and let God sort it out" was a battle cry of right wing haters. I would be ashamed to be a Republican and support killing entire nations.
It was a democrat that nuked Japan.

The Dems started Vietnam also.
No, I addressed that in the OP.
Then you realize the question was based on a false premise and not answerable for the most part. What answer were you fishing for?
I don't think it's an unreasonable question. People identify with groups.

As far as what I'm fishing for, I think the question has been answered more than once, above: Many conservatives identify with the Tea Party, but avoid saying so because they feel the movement has been negatively/inaccurately portrayed. And those were conservatives here who said that.
Who said that? I don't really give a fuck how the left defines anything. They are dishonest to the core. So I tend to gravitate to whatever they are foaming over at. If they are screaming about the TEA party, for example, I know something good has happened.
Look at posts 13, 25, 29.

And YOU even said in Post 30, "I identify with them but don't have a card or such and never attended a rally." Well, there it is.
Well no there it isn't. I'm not member because there's no membership unless I go to a rally and sign up for something if even that exists. It has nothing to do with how someone else thinks about the TEA party. You don't get it, and it isn't complicated. Don't blame it on me.
You answered my question, you said you identify with them, so I'm not sure what the problem is here.

I'm not blaming anything on you, although I do wonder why you're being defensive over pretty much nothing.
I am a Jeffersonian....term limits, balanced budget, limited federal government, self-reliance, acceptance of personal responsibility, profit incentive, peace through strength....all the things Democrats of today just Hate...all being things I understood the Tea Party to stand for.

The media has so completely villianized the Tea Party...fraudulently deprecated them as merely a step above the Klan...that they have effectively defeated the name...but the Spirit is alive and well, as Socialists cocksuckers will learn at the 2016 election, just as they did in the 2014 election.

I see three parties in America today:

Socialists.....who call themselves Democrats;

Pussies.......who call themselves Republicans (they'll need to grow some stones or be weeded out); and

Jeffersonians...Traditional Americans..the kind who made this the greatest society in history whose votes the Socialist are trying to overwhelm by encouraging and abetting the Mexican Invasion in violation of the Laws of the Land.
The irony of the "Tea Partiers" complaining about how they've been portrayed in the media is hysterical.

For years all they'd show on the news of the gay pride parades were the small handful of the most eccentric attendees. They'd never show the marching veterans, firemen or policemen just so the RW nutters could scream about those decadent, perverted gays (that caused Katrina, remember?).

And if the "media" portrayal of TPers is so far off the mark, how come so many that espouse their values here at USMB are stereotypical as portrayed in the "media"?
LOL. This retard thinks gays got negative press and TEA party rallies got positive press.

That's what you have to do to be a liberal, stuff your head WAY up your ass and tell everyone how good it smells.
Then you realize the question was based on a false premise and not answerable for the most part. What answer were you fishing for?
I don't think it's an unreasonable question. People identify with groups.

As far as what I'm fishing for, I think the question has been answered more than once, above: Many conservatives identify with the Tea Party, but avoid saying so because they feel the movement has been negatively/inaccurately portrayed. And those were conservatives here who said that.
Who said that? I don't really give a fuck how the left defines anything. They are dishonest to the core. So I tend to gravitate to whatever they are foaming over at. If they are screaming about the TEA party, for example, I know something good has happened.
Look at posts 13, 25, 29.

And YOU even said in Post 30, "I identify with them but don't have a card or such and never attended a rally." Well, there it is.
Well no there it isn't. I'm not member because there's no membership unless I go to a rally and sign up for something if even that exists. It has nothing to do with how someone else thinks about the TEA party. You don't get it, and it isn't complicated. Don't blame it on me.
You answered my question, you said you identify with them, so I'm not sure what the problem is here.

I'm not blaming anything on you, although I do wonder why you're being defensive over pretty much nothing.
The nothing was your OP as I pointed out. The defense is all yours. You fooled no one.
Part of the problem is the media and the left has made the Tea Party out to be something it isn't. I've been to a couple of the Tea Party rallies and I never saw any racism or terrorist type thing. They were people that just want this nation back on track.

No, the tea party made themselves out to be exactly what they are...

Right from the start...

Just curious. Of the conservatives here:

Who considers themselves a Republican, and who considers themselves a Tea Partier?

The Tea Party is Synonymous with "Republican".

The Progs who remain in the GOP who are NOT Tea Partiers.... are being kicked to the GOP Curb.

The thing to remember here is that one can NOT be a Progressive and BE an American... and the GOP is a Political Party which EXCLUSIVELY serves Americans. Which is to say, the Tea Party represents the assembly of those who recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the Principles that define: America.
I don't think it's an unreasonable question. People identify with groups.

As far as what I'm fishing for, I think the question has been answered more than once, above: Many conservatives identify with the Tea Party, but avoid saying so because they feel the movement has been negatively/inaccurately portrayed. And those were conservatives here who said that.
Who said that? I don't really give a fuck how the left defines anything. They are dishonest to the core. So I tend to gravitate to whatever they are foaming over at. If they are screaming about the TEA party, for example, I know something good has happened.
Look at posts 13, 25, 29.

And YOU even said in Post 30, "I identify with them but don't have a card or such and never attended a rally." Well, there it is.
Well no there it isn't. I'm not member because there's no membership unless I go to a rally and sign up for something if even that exists. It has nothing to do with how someone else thinks about the TEA party. You don't get it, and it isn't complicated. Don't blame it on me.
You answered my question, you said you identify with them, so I'm not sure what the problem is here.

I'm not blaming anything on you, although I do wonder why you're being defensive over pretty much nothing.
The nothing was your OP as I pointed out. The defense is all yours. You fooled no one.
Okie dokie.

Part of the problem is the media and the left has made the Tea Party out to be something it isn't.
I'm glad to see you say that. I think that's what's happening: More people would say they're Tea Partiers but don't want to be identified as such because of the way they have been portrayed. No one on this thread so far has said that they are.

The irony of the "Tea Partiers" complaining about how they've been portrayed in the media is hysterical.

For years all they'd show on the news of the gay pride parades were the small handful of the most eccentric attendees. They'd never show the marching veterans, firemen or policemen just so the RW nutters could scream about those decadent, perverted gays (that caused Katrina, remember?).

And if the "media" portrayal of TPers is so far off the mark, how come so many that espouse their values here at USMB are stereotypical as portrayed in the "media"?

Gays caused Katrina? You're on drugs or something, go away please

Oh, look who decided to stop "ignoring" me...or did you forget you had me "on ignore"?

Yes, according the VERY Reverend, Pastor John Haggee of San Antonio, Texas ~ “God caused Hurricane Katrina to wipe out New Orleans because it had a gay pride parade the week before and was filled with sexual sin.”
Just curious. Of the conservatives here:

Who considers themselves a Republican, and who considers themselves a Tea Partier?

The Tea Party is Synonymous with "Republican".

The Progs who remain in the GOP who are NOT Tea Partiers.... are being kicked to the GOP Curb.

The thing to remember here is that one can NOT be a Progressive and BE an American... and the GOP is a Political Party which EXCLUSIVELY serves Americans. Which is to say, the Tea Party represents the assembly of those who recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the Principles that define: America.
Okay, which of the current Republicans running for the nomination would you call Progs?
Somethings never change...they just get worse...

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman - October 13, 1948

"Conservatism, though a necessary element in any stable society, is not a social program; in its paternalistic, nationalistic and power adoring tendencies it is often closer to socialism than true liberalism; and with its traditionalistic, anti-intellectual, and often mystical propensities it will never, except in short periods of disillusionment, appeal to the young and all those others who believe that some changes are desirable if this world is to become a better place."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom

"In general, it can probably be said that the conservative does not object to coercion or arbitrary power so long as it is used for what he regards as the right purposes. He believes that if government is in the hands of decent men, it ought not to be too much restricted by rigid rules. Since he is essentially opportunist and lacks principles..."
Friedrich August von Hayek-Why I am Not a Conservative
The irony of the "Tea Partiers" complaining about how they've been portrayed in the media is hysterical.

For years all they'd show on the news of the gay pride parades were the small handful of the most eccentric attendees. They'd never show the marching veterans, firemen or policemen just so the RW nutters could scream about those decadent, perverted gays (that caused Katrina, remember?).

And if the "media" portrayal of TPers is so far off the mark, how come so many that espouse their values here at USMB are stereotypical as portrayed in the "media"?
LOL. This retard thinks gays got negative press and TEA party rallies got positive press.

That's what you have to do to be a liberal, stuff your head WAY up your ass and tell everyone how good it smells.

Actually that wasn't what I was saying at all....

But you proved my point exactly about being stereotypically "Tea Party".
Just curious. Of the conservatives here:

Who considers themselves a Republican, and who considers themselves a Tea Partier?

The Tea Party is Synonymous with "Republican".

The Progs who remain in the GOP who are NOT Tea Partiers.... are being kicked to the GOP Curb.

The thing to remember here is that one can NOT be a Progressive and BE an American... and the GOP is a Political Party which EXCLUSIVELY serves Americans. Which is to say, the Tea Party represents the assembly of those who recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the Principles that define: America.
Okay, which of the current Republicans running for the nomination would you call Progs?

Off the top of my head: Bush, Huckabee, Christie... .

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