Conservative identification question

They were all republicans until that name became an embarrassment, and then they were tea party.....same thing happened. Now they use a wide range of names to identify themselves. The fact is, if you put them all in a sack and shook them up, it would be impossible to separate them into their chosen groups. They are all the same, no matter what they want you to call them.
...and this is why I could never be a liberal. Stupid, hateful, intolerant and thinks his opinion really matters. With all the garbage from the Democrats this one thinks Republicans are an embarrassment? There are how many Republicans running for president alone and this retard can't tell one from the other.

OK. Perhaps you can tell me how to tell a conservative from a republican from a tea person, and why they each chose one name over the others. I have asked that many times. All I get is people claiming to be one, but still supporting the other two.
They were all republicans until that name became an embarrassment, and then they were tea party.....same thing happened. Now they use a wide range of names to identify themselves. The fact is, if you put them all in a sack and shook them up, it would be impossible to separate them into their chosen groups. They are all the same, no matter what they want you to call them.
...and this is why I could never be a liberal. Stupid, hateful, intolerant and thinks his opinion really matters. With all the garbage from the Democrats this one thinks Republicans are an embarrassment? There are how many Republicans running for president alone and this retard can't tell one from the other.

OK. Perhaps you can tell me how to tell a conservative from a republican from a tea person, and why they each chose one name over the others. I have asked that many times. All I get is people claiming to be one, but still supporting the other two.
How about you tell us all how to tell a liberal from a progressive from a socialist from a democrat?
They were all republicans until that name became an embarrassment, and then they were tea party.....same thing happened. Now they use a wide range of names to identify themselves. The fact is, if you put them all in a sack and shook them up, it would be impossible to separate them into their chosen groups. They are all the same, no matter what they want you to call them.
If be embarrassed to be you. You support baby killing.

I'm sure you really believe that. Bush was right. It's terrible to lose ones mind.
I am registered to vote as an unaffiliated voter.

The only problem I might have with the Tea Party is that I am tired of groups telling me what I think. This also goes for the democrat and republican party. It grates on me when someone says the 'majority of Americans." As if anyone knows, without a vote, and that statement alone turns out to be their only argument.

So after a life time of being a registered republican I quit to send a message. The only problem is it is like peeing in the wind, not many other seem to think the same. And we certainly know that democrats are never going to change their stripe.
They were all republicans until that name became an embarrassment, and then they were tea party.....same thing happened. Now they use a wide range of names to identify themselves. The fact is, if you put them all in a sack and shook them up, it would be impossible to separate them into their chosen groups. They are all the same, no matter what they want you to call them.
...and this is why I could never be a liberal. Stupid, hateful, intolerant and thinks his opinion really matters. With all the garbage from the Democrats this one thinks Republicans are an embarrassment? There are how many Republicans running for president alone and this retard can't tell one from the other.

OK. Perhaps you can tell me how to tell a conservative from a republican from a tea person, and why they each chose one name over the others. I have asked that many times. All I get is people claiming to be one, but still supporting the other two.
The Republicans are a political party. Political parties are who you align yourself with generally. Some Republicans are more conservative than others on various issues. The TEA party is a conservative movement, not all are even Republicans, some are Libertarian, some are even Democrats. Some belong to no party at all. They are different words to describe different things.
"Conservative" is a philosophy. "Republican" is a party affiliation.

The Republican party, at the national level, is not very conservative - in fact it is more aligned with the "Political Class" than any real philosophy of governance.

The "Tea Party" to most conservatives and Republicans is an organization that tries to force Republicans to be as conservative in practice as they pretend to be at election time.

The only thing keeping conservatives in the Republican party is the totally disgusting initiatives and totally disgusting people who characterize the other side of the political aisle. To illustrate, I may not like the person who ends up being the Republican nominee for President, but I can say for an absolute certainty that I would never vote for whoever the Democrat candidate is.

I am a registered Republican, but philosophically I am between conservative and libertarian.
Part of the problem is the media and the left has made the Tea Party out to be something it isn't.
I'm glad to see you say that. I think that's what's happening: More people would say they're Tea Partiers but don't want to be identified as such because of the way they have been portrayed. No one on this thread so far has said that they are.
Part of the problem is the media and the left has made the Tea Party out to be something it isn't.
I'm glad to see you say that. I think that's what's happening: More people would say they're Tea Partiers but don't want to be identified as such because of the way they have been portrayed. No one on this thread so far has said that they are.

Ridicule is a powerful force, no matter how many people deny that it effects them.

Me? I am a contrarian. I am MORE likely to identify as a Tea Partier in order to piss people off, but I try to resist this inclination.

I do not feel like calling myself a Tea Party person because A. I have never attended a Tea Party event, and B. because I disagree with "them" on some basic issues.
Part of the problem is the media and the left has made the Tea Party out to be something it isn't.
I'm glad to see you say that. I think that's what's happening: More people would say they're Tea Partiers but don't want to be identified as such because of the way they have been portrayed. No one on this thread so far has said that they are.
No one said they weren't either. I identify with them but don't have a card or such and never attended a rally. As mentioned, it's a movement, not an organization you officially join. You seem to be bypassing that particular detail.
Part of the problem is the media and the left has made the Tea Party out to be something it isn't.
I'm glad to see you say that. I think that's what's happening: More people would say they're Tea Partiers but don't want to be identified as such because of the way they have been portrayed. No one on this thread so far has said that they are.
No one said they weren't either. I identify with them but don't have a card or such and never attended a rally. As mentioned, it's a movement, not an organization you officially join. You seem to be bypassing that particular detail.
No, I addressed that in the OP.
Part of the problem is the media and the left has made the Tea Party out to be something it isn't.
I'm glad to see you say that. I think that's what's happening: More people would say they're Tea Partiers but don't want to be identified as such because of the way they have been portrayed. No one on this thread so far has said that they are.
No one said they weren't either. I identify with them but don't have a card or such and never attended a rally. As mentioned, it's a movement, not an organization you officially join. You seem to be bypassing that particular detail.
No, I addressed that in the OP.
Then you realize the question was based on a false premise and not answerable for the most part. What answer were you fishing for?
Part of the problem is the media and the left has made the Tea Party out to be something it isn't.
I'm glad to see you say that. I think that's what's happening: More people would say they're Tea Partiers but don't want to be identified as such because of the way they have been portrayed. No one on this thread so far has said that they are.
No one said they weren't either. I identify with them but don't have a card or such and never attended a rally. As mentioned, it's a movement, not an organization you officially join. You seem to be bypassing that particular detail.
No, I addressed that in the OP.
Then you realize the question was based on a false premise and not answerable for the most part. What answer were you fishing for?
I don't think it's an unreasonable question. People identify with groups.

As far as what I'm fishing for, I think the question has been answered more than once, above: Many conservatives identify with the Tea Party, but avoid saying so because they feel the movement has been negatively/inaccurately portrayed. And those were conservatives here who said that.
Part of the problem is the media and the left has made the Tea Party out to be something it isn't.
I'm glad to see you say that. I think that's what's happening: More people would say they're Tea Partiers but don't want to be identified as such because of the way they have been portrayed. No one on this thread so far has said that they are.
No one said they weren't either. I identify with them but don't have a card or such and never attended a rally. As mentioned, it's a movement, not an organization you officially join. You seem to be bypassing that particular detail.
No, I addressed that in the OP.
Then you realize the question was based on a false premise and not answerable for the most part. What answer were you fishing for?
Come to think of it, a fairly decent comparison from other other side of the political spectrum would be the liberals who identify with the democratic socialists of Sweden, Finland and Germany, but who are hesitant to use the term. But for a long time they would defend and promote many of the tenets of democratic socialism but would stop short of public identification.

That, however, is obviously changing now, especially with the rise of Bernie Sanders. American liberals are now less concerned with avoiding the phrase and more up front about it.
Part of the problem is the media and the left has made the Tea Party out to be something it isn't.
I'm glad to see you say that. I think that's what's happening: More people would say they're Tea Partiers but don't want to be identified as such because of the way they have been portrayed. No one on this thread so far has said that they are.
No one said they weren't either. I identify with them but don't have a card or such and never attended a rally. As mentioned, it's a movement, not an organization you officially join. You seem to be bypassing that particular detail.
No, I addressed that in the OP.
Then you realize the question was based on a false premise and not answerable for the most part. What answer were you fishing for?
I don't think it's an unreasonable question. People identify with groups.

As far as what I'm fishing for, I think the question has been answered more than once, above: Many conservatives identify with the Tea Party, but avoid saying so because they feel the movement has been negatively/inaccurately portrayed. And those were conservatives here who said that.
Who said that? I don't really give a fuck how the left defines anything. They are dishonest to the core. So I tend to gravitate to whatever they are foaming over at. If they are screaming about the TEA party, for example, I know something good has happened.
Just curious. Of the conservatives here:

Who considers themselves a Republican, and who considers themselves a Tea Partier?

Thinking back, I see a lot of posts defending the Tea Party but I don't remember seeing anyone actually say they are Tea Partiers.

Yes, I realize that the Tea Party is not an actual party. But do you think of yourself as one?

The Tea Party is a grass roots movement, unlike OWS or any of those types of movements. Yes, I identify with them, I have donated money to them... but I am GOP. And a greatly disheartened GOP at that. They suck. They've been infested with the likes of Rove and Graham... hopefully Trump can invigorate the GOP base to jettison the likes of those fucks.
Part of the problem is the media and the left has made the Tea Party out to be something it isn't.
I'm glad to see you say that. I think that's what's happening: More people would say they're Tea Partiers but don't want to be identified as such because of the way they have been portrayed. No one on this thread so far has said that they are.
No one said they weren't either. I identify with them but don't have a card or such and never attended a rally. As mentioned, it's a movement, not an organization you officially join. You seem to be bypassing that particular detail.
No, I addressed that in the OP.
Then you realize the question was based on a false premise and not answerable for the most part. What answer were you fishing for?
Come to think of it, a fairly decent comparison from other other side of the political spectrum would be the liberals who identify with the democratic socialists of Sweden, Finland and Germany, but who are hesitant to use the term. But for a long time they would defend and promote many of the tenets of democratic socialism but would stop short of public identification.

That, however, is obviously changing now, especially with the rise of Bernie Sanders. American liberals are now less concerned with avoiding the phrase and more up front about it.
I disagree. I think most leftist are idiots, couldn't tell you what a socialist is and it's no more complicated than that. They operate by Braille, feeling their way through life, oblivious to consequences and driven by hate for any opposing view.
I'm glad to see you say that. I think that's what's happening: More people would say they're Tea Partiers but don't want to be identified as such because of the way they have been portrayed. No one on this thread so far has said that they are.
No one said they weren't either. I identify with them but don't have a card or such and never attended a rally. As mentioned, it's a movement, not an organization you officially join. You seem to be bypassing that particular detail.
No, I addressed that in the OP.
Then you realize the question was based on a false premise and not answerable for the most part. What answer were you fishing for?
I don't think it's an unreasonable question. People identify with groups.

As far as what I'm fishing for, I think the question has been answered more than once, above: Many conservatives identify with the Tea Party, but avoid saying so because they feel the movement has been negatively/inaccurately portrayed. And those were conservatives here who said that.
Who said that? I don't really give a fuck how the left defines anything. They are dishonest to the core. So I tend to gravitate to whatever they are foaming over at. If they are screaming about the TEA party, for example, I know something good has happened.
Look at posts 13, 25, 29.

And YOU even said in Post 30, "I identify with them but don't have a card or such and never attended a rally." Well, there it is.
Part of the problem is the media and the left has made the Tea Party out to be something it isn't.
I'm glad to see you say that. I think that's what's happening: More people would say they're Tea Partiers but don't want to be identified as such because of the way they have been portrayed. No one on this thread so far has said that they are.

The irony of the "Tea Partiers" complaining about how they've been portrayed in the media is hysterical.

For years all they'd show on the news of the gay pride parades were the small handful of the most eccentric attendees. They'd never show the marching veterans, firemen or policemen just so the RW nutters could scream about those decadent, perverted gays (that caused Katrina, remember?).

And if the "media" portrayal of TPers is so far off the mark, how come so many that espouse their values here at USMB are stereotypical as portrayed in the "media"?
Part of the problem is the media and the left has made the Tea Party out to be something it isn't.
I'm glad to see you say that. I think that's what's happening: More people would say they're Tea Partiers but don't want to be identified as such because of the way they have been portrayed. No one on this thread so far has said that they are.

The irony of the "Tea Partiers" complaining about how they've been portrayed in the media is hysterical.

For years all they'd show on the news of the gay pride parades were the small handful of the most eccentric attendees. They'd never show the marching veterans, firemen or policemen just so the RW nutters could scream about those decadent, perverted gays (that caused Katrina, remember?).

And if the "media" portrayal of TPers is so far off the mark, how come so many that espouse their values here at USMB are stereotypical as portrayed in the "media"?

Uhm, I don't recall anyone blaming Katrina on gays... WTF? Are you drinking already? What the hell do gays have to do with hurricanes?

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