Conservative identification question

The purge in the GOP continues. Radical Conservatives are taking the Republican Party. These radicals regard anyone who has identified themselves as Republicans but do not favor their radical Conservatism as RINOS and promptly primary them out of office. I'm looking at you, Richard Lugar.

There was a time when Republicans favored common sense solutions, limited government, lower taxes and a need to work with their fellow elected officials to reach a workable solution. Those days are gone now.

Rather, today in order to be considered a true Republican, one must be a homophobe, resent working class families, ignore the plight of minorities and fear and hate immigrants.

The purge continues. Unfortunately, as in any political purge, only the pure and zealous can remain. The sensible and thoughtful must go. That leaves a very narrow band in the political spectrum and that narrow band by definition cannot be electable by the majority of Americans.
If that's what you believe then you truly are not listening to the other side. Just pure hypocrisy...they're nothing but homophobes and xenophobes because they disagree with what I think
"Kill them all and let God sort it out" was a battle cry of right wing haters. I would be ashamed to be a Republican and support killing entire nations.
Who said that? Oh, it was on a cartoon I bet. The liberal's primary news source.

Actually it is centuries old but was resurrected during the Iraq War. More recently, it was cartoonish buffoons like this one who kept it going.

Rush never said anything like that except in a parody. But like cartoons, it's too "nuanced" for libs. So the battle cry was centuries ago but you can attribute it to conservatives because it fits your opinion? Thanks Scooter.
The purge in the GOP continues. Radical Conservatives are taking the Republican Party. These radicals regard anyone who has identified themselves as Republicans but do not favor their radical Conservatism as RINOS and promptly primary them out of office. I'm looking at you, Richard Lugar.

There was a time when Republicans favored common sense solutions, limited government, lower taxes and a need to work with their fellow elected officials to reach a workable solution. Those days are gone now.

Rather, today in order to be considered a true Republican, one must be a homophobe, resent working class families, ignore the plight of minorities and fear and hate immigrants.

The purge continues. Unfortunately, as in any political purge, only the pure and zealous can remain. The sensible and thoughtful must go. That leaves a very narrow band in the political spectrum and that narrow band by definition cannot be electable by the majority of Americans.
If that's what you believe then you truly are not listening to the other side. Just pure hypocrisy...they're nothing but homophobes and xenophobes because they disagree with what I think
No. They're homophobes and xenophobia because of their avowed policies.

They resent extending equal rights to the LGBT community. Ergo, homophobes.

They view all undocumented workers as threats to national security. Ergo xenophobes.
I am a member of my own created party called the "Principle Party".
If a politician believes in most of my fundamental principles and he was a "Marxist" (which would be extremely hard to be i.e. Marxist believing in the principles I believe in)
I would support that "Marxist".
Fundamental principles such as these:
"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you"...i.e. Golden Rule is principle one.
"Teach a person to fish and the person is fed for a life time"... is another principle.
"Do the simple things first and do them right the first time" ... is another principle. NO stupid ass 3,000 page health bills that force what a collection of elitists think
that 310 million americans should do when these elitists have NO idea of what my regional expenses, income etc. is compared to other regions!
"Cookie cutter" approaches in the government don't work! Is another principle.
"The economic pie gets bigger and in doing so we all benefit"... is another principle. This animalistic pack mentality of "hey the 1% have the money let's get 'em"! doesn't work!
"The laws of physics supersede "man's'" laws" principle. Works every time. The reason I don't go 50mph in a school zone is not because it's against man's laws but physics... I can't stop a 4,000 lb car fast enough to miss a little kid darting out from behind a car!

These are a few of the "principle party" principles that I abide by and I'm sure there are more!
Sounds like conservativism to me. I believe in all those.
No. They're homophobes and xenophobia because of their avowed policies.

They resent extending equal rights to the LGBT community. Ergo, homophobes.

They view all undocumented workers as threats to national security. Ergo xenophobes.
There you go. Disagree with anything leftist and you are phobic.

My dogs are smarter.
... Rather, today in order to be considered a true Republican, one must be a homophobe ... .

A classic demonstration of "THE PROBLEM".

Understand... THERE IS NO SUCH THING as a "Homophobe". The word is a fiction, created from whole cloth to represent a boogy-man. It says: "You are against US and we're innocent and good". It's the same thing as old Robespierre's "Reactionary". Which ironically, was created IN REACTION to the contest of Robespierre's desire to kill off the productive engine of his nation, in the name of 'fairness', which in another ironic twist was entirely UNFAIR!

Two things: First you're not innocent.

Second: You're not good.

What you are is a deceiver; you're a degenerate that seeks to dismiss the degenerative traits that make you what you are. And there's no place in a viable culture for such people to have a place in public policy.

And it is truly no more complex, than that.
"Kill them all and let God sort it out" was a battle cry of right wing haters. I would be ashamed to be a Republican and support killing entire nations.
Who said that? Oh, it was on a cartoon I bet. The liberal's primary news source.

Actually it is centuries old but was resurrected during the Iraq War. More recently, it was cartoonish buffoons like this one who kept it going.

Rush never said anything like that except in a parody. But like cartoons, it's too "nuanced" for libs. So the battle cry was centuries ago but you can attribute it to conservatives because it fits your opinion? Thanks Scooter.

That's damned ironically hilarious! Limbaugh "nuanced"? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Limbaugh is to nuance as Sister Theresa is to bombast!!!!
... Rather, today in order to be considered a true Republican, one must be a homophobe ... .

A classic demonstration of "THE PROBLEM".

Understand... THERE IS NO SUCH THING as a "Homophobe". The word is a fiction, created from whole cloth to represent a boogy-man. It says: "You are against US and we're innocent and good". It's the same thing as old Robespierre's "Reactionary". Which ironically, was created IN REACTION to the contest of Robespierre's desire to kill off the productive engine of his nation, in the name of 'fairness', which in another ironic twist was entirely UNFAIR!

Two things: First you're not innocent.

Second: You're not good.

What you are is a deceiver; you're a degenerate that seeks to dismiss the degenerative traits that make you what you are. And there's no place in a viable culture for such people to have a place in public policy.

And it is truly no more complex, than that.
First understand this: I am a happy straight man. I am not Gay. I am an American citizen who recognizes blatant hatred and fear and discrimination when I see it.

I further recognize that homosexuals are, by in large, responsible, sober, tax paying American citizens. They are business owners, home owners, active in community organizations, active in churches and schools and our military. They are, by in large, no more lewd, lascivious or outrageous in their civic comportment than heterosexuals.

The LGBT community poses no threat, physically or culturally to our society than their counterparts in the heterosexual community.

Because their lifestyle is different from yours and mine is no reason to discriminate against them.

To discriminate against any American citizen without just cause is shameful and wholly unAmerican.
"Kill them all and let God sort it out" was a battle cry of right wing haters. I would be ashamed to be a Republican and support killing entire nations.
Who said that? Oh, it was on a cartoon I bet. The liberal's primary news source.

Actually it is centuries old but was resurrected during the Iraq War. More recently, it was cartoonish buffoons like this one who kept it going.

Rush never said anything like that except in a parody. But like cartoons, it's too "nuanced" for libs. So the battle cry was centuries ago but you can attribute it to conservatives because it fits your opinion? Thanks Scooter.

Rush was not in parody when he went on that rant and you never heard a single Liberal profess anything close to that, That doesn't leave too may authoritarian types unless you want to blame Libertarians and there aren't enough of them to even threaten Girl Scouts.
"Kill them all and let God sort it out" was a battle cry of right wing haters. I would be ashamed to be a Republican and support killing entire nations.
Who said that? Oh, it was on a cartoon I bet. The liberal's primary news source.

Actually it is centuries old but was resurrected during the Iraq War. More recently, it was cartoonish buffoons like this one who kept it going.

Rush never said anything like that except in a parody. But like cartoons, it's too "nuanced" for libs. So the battle cry was centuries ago but you can attribute it to conservatives because it fits your opinion? Thanks Scooter.

That's damned ironically hilarious! Limbaugh "nuanced"? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Limbaugh is to nuance as Sister Theresa is to bombast!!!!
Hey genius. I put it in quotes for a reason. I didn't say Limbaugh was nuanced, I said the fact that it was a parody was too nuanced for the left, and used the term to poke fun at them.

Do you understand now or you want a webcam coloring book lesson?
"Kill them all and let God sort it out" was a battle cry of right wing haters. I would be ashamed to be a Republican and support killing entire nations.
Who said that? Oh, it was on a cartoon I bet. The liberal's primary news source.

Actually it is centuries old but was resurrected during the Iraq War. More recently, it was cartoonish buffoons like this one who kept it going.

Rush never said anything like that except in a parody. But like cartoons, it's too "nuanced" for libs. So the battle cry was centuries ago but you can attribute it to conservatives because it fits your opinion? Thanks Scooter.

Rush was not in parody when he went on that rant and you never heard a single Liberal profess anything close to that, That doesn't leave too may authoritarian types unless you want to blame Libertarians and there aren't enough of them to even threaten Girl Scouts.
Rush is a talk show host. He has no authority except with his employees. You don't listen to the show and only know sound bites taken out of context. And you enjoy them because it feeds your hate.
No. They're homophobes and xenophobia because of their avowed policies.

They resent extending equal rights to the LGBT community. Ergo, homophobes.

They view all undocumented workers as threats to national security. Ergo xenophobes.
There you go. Disagree with anything leftist and you are phobic.

My dogs are smarter.
Demonstrate for us the support Conservatives have for equal rights for the LGBT community. I have yet to see it.

Show us the Conservative policy toward undocumented workers that prevent those workers from fearing deportation. I have yet to see it.

Explain how Conservative policies are not draped in homophobia and xenophobia. I have yet to see it.

By their policies they are defined.
The purge in the GOP continues. Radical Conservatives are taking the Republican Party. These radicals regard anyone who has identified themselves as Republicans but do not favor their radical Conservatism as RINOS and promptly primary them out of office. I'm looking at you, Richard Lugar.

There was a time when Republicans favored common sense solutions, limited government, lower taxes and a need to work with their fellow elected officials to reach a workable solution. Those days are gone now.

Rather, today in order to be considered a true Republican, one must be a homophobe, resent working class families, ignore the plight of minorities and fear and hate immigrants.

The purge continues. Unfortunately, as in any political purge, only the pure and zealous can remain. The sensible and thoughtful must go. That leaves a very narrow band in the political spectrum and that narrow band by definition cannot be electable by the majority of Americans.
If that's what you believe then you truly are not listening to the other side. Just pure hypocrisy...they're nothing but homophobes and xenophobes because they disagree with what I think
No. They're homophobes and xenophobia because of their avowed policies.

They resent extending equal rights to the LGBT community. Ergo, homophobes.

They view all undocumented workers as threats to national security. Ergo xenophobes.
They are not against illegal immigration because it's brown people. And I guess almost every other country in the world is xenophobic for having secure boarders and citizenship requirements that are not based in "if you cross, you're golden" in welfare states?

And I'm all for gay or whatever marriage, I know plenty of self identifying republican who are as well. I'm also for polygamy, what I am against is government with the ability to tell you who you can and can't love amid consenting adults. I am also for right of conscious, I'm for the gay baker saying no to the west-boro baptist church for whatever reason, just as much as I am for the Christian or Muslim baker who says no to a gay wedding cake.
I'm just a conservative, not a republican or Tea Party but I do agree with a lot of what the Tea Party stands for. Lately I associate republican with RINO and that bothers me
I am a Republican and a conservative. The problem with identifying as a Tea Party member is that there is no definition of TP, no membership committee. SO you are tied to the most radical whacked out elements of the TP if you say you are part of them.
I am certainly sympathetic with many TP aims, like lower taxes and less regulation.
.[/QUOTE]Rush is a talk show host. He has no authority except with his employees. You don't listen to the show and only know sound bites taken out of context. And you enjoy them because it feeds your hate.[/QUOTE]

Bullshit. Limbaugh's latest contract was for $400 million dollars, anyone who says he is without influence will find there are literally millions of his minions who will tell you that you are full of shit.
No. They're homophobes and xenophobia because of their avowed policies.

They resent extending equal rights to the LGBT community. Ergo, homophobes.

They view all undocumented workers as threats to national security. Ergo xenophobes.
There you go. Disagree with anything leftist and you are phobic.

My dogs are smarter.
Demonstrate for us the support Conservatives have for equal rights for the LGBT community. I have yet to see it.

Show us the Conservative policy toward undocumented workers that prevent those workers from fearing deportation. I have yet to see it.

Explain how Conservative policies are not draped in homophobia and xenophobia. I have yet to see it.

By their policies they are defined.
Conservatives don't agree with your myopic retarded world view. It isn't and never was a equal rights issue. Marriage is a union of opposite genders, the rest are cheap imitators. Bringing the two differences together as a legal union. Two brothers can use your same definition of "equal".

But the fact that you need to misrepresent their view to try to make yours more palatable shows that the hate is on you, not us.

And the correct term is illegal alien, not undocumented worker. They don't all work and the documents aren't the problem. You don't get to redefine reality for the rest of us.
No. They're homophobes and xenophobia because of their avowed policies.

They resent extending equal rights to the LGBT community. Ergo, homophobes.

They view all undocumented workers as threats to national security. Ergo xenophobes.
There you go. Disagree with anything leftist and you are phobic.

My dogs are smarter.
Demonstrate for us the support Conservatives have for equal rights for the LGBT community. I have yet to see it.

Show us the Conservative policy toward undocumented workers that prevent those workers from fearing deportation. I have yet to see it.

Explain how Conservative policies are not draped in homophobia and xenophobia. I have yet to see it.

By their policies they are defined.
And you'll never see it.

With regard to the rights of gay Americans, the clerk in Kentucky is actually a veiled effort by conservatives to continue the fight against the right of same-sex couples to marry.
Bullshit. Limbaugh's latest contract was for $400 million dollars, anyone who says he is without influence will find there are literally millions of his minions who will tell you that you are full of shit.
I said authority, since that was your claim. Now you shifted to influence because I caught you. So the shit stain was all yours.
Marriage is a union of opposite genders in the bible, not the Constitution and since we are a secular nation, it is all the people that have the same right to dignity and respect.

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