You dont want honesty and neither do I. I want the facts. Screw your honesty.
Her are the facts...listen up...
Fact 1: Americans wont work for the fraction of the wages employers want to pay or the absence of bennys or the increased hours or the falling safety concerns.
Fact 2: illegals have worked they're way in to all areas of blue collar work.
Fact 3: We had all the skilled workers here already.[/QUOTE]
I agree with all but your last bullet point. We have blue collar unemployment but companies can't find engineers. Those blue collar won't be engineers ever. I think it's called a skills gap.
If we stopped letting in poor unskilled immigrants that will help poor Americans because companies won't be able to find illegal painters anymore. Instead of $300 to paint a room it'll be $400. So what?[/QUOTE]
Where do you get your info...link plz?
I DO pay more...gladly, you see...I CARE about the health of my Home. Yes, Ill pay the extra hundred, gladly. The only reason the prices are lower is because of illegals and the only reason our wages have FALLEN FOR 45 YEARS NOW...is because of the illegals but you do not understand...now,,,,the link please...[/QUOTE]
I agree with you psyco relax. And I can't believe you can't see the forest behind the tree. But you are righter than most but still got a way to go grasshopper. Miagi would never just give Danielson a link. Wax on wax off.
The ONLY reason?