Conservative men: Would you tell Madonna you voted Hilary just to get her free blowjob offer?

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Senior Member
Jan 23, 2017
Walworth, WI
Not even Uncle Ferd would go fer dat one...

... he'd be `fraid o' some nasty STD...

... the skank might have.
I don't know any self respecting man who would be that desperate for a BJ.
maybe, but I might not

I wouldn't wanna get herpeghonasyphalaids...
The sounds too scary to even google it to find out what it is.

Urban Dictionary: herpagonasyphilaids

Guy - "Hey Suzy, do you know that hot chelsea chick that sits behind us in biology?"

Girl - "Yeah, she has Herpagonasyphilaids."

Guy- "No shit? So I should wear protection when I bang her?"

Girl - "gahhh.."

to be really truthful here, I am amazed that I spelled it almost exactly like it shows up on google - just missed one letter

if anyone has it, Madonna the cum dumpster does...
Best call it HGSA...

... it'll make it shrivel up...

... an' blow away...

... don't go around her...

... unless ya got a locking...

... steel-reinforced jock strap.
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