Conservative Super-Patriot John Durham Wrongfully Attacked By Communist Dems


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"House Democrats took aim at special counsel John Durham Wednesday in intense exchanges during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on his findings that the FBI should not have investigated potential collusion between Russia and former President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign. Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., questioned Durham's lack of convictions during the yearslong probe, according to The Daily Beast. "You only filed three criminal cases. You only brought two cases to trial, correct?" Nadler asked Durham, to which he responded in the affirmative. "You lost all the cases you brought to trial, correct?" Nadler asked. Durham responded that he was correct before Nadler asked about the length and cost of his investigation. Though Durham tried to defend the case, he ultimately agreed that the probe took four years for him to complete.

Their exchange was one of several between Durham and Democrats, including a contentious interaction he had with Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who challenged the merit of Durham's inquiry for five minutes straight. Though House Republicans considered the hearing to be an illustration of the "two tiers of justice" that several of Trump's allies and supporters allege, Schiff's questioning forced Durham to admit his respect for Robert Mueller and that he didn't find any evidence that discredited Mueller's probe."

The way these Communist Marxist Dems attacked this American patriot was just absolutely outrageous and against God..They basically forced him to call someone as brilliant as Don Jr. stupid and ill-advised for accepting multiple meetings with Russians promising him dirt on his Dad's opponent -- He didn't even get any dirt, they were basically playing him...And even if he did get dirt from the Russians, so what? That isn't collusion...Collusion is when Hunter Biden sold paintings to the Iranians in return for nuclear secrets - or when Hunter's laptop negotiated a deal with the Taliban to withdraw from Afghanistan and leave behind trillions in that is collusion, why didn't the Dems talk about that??

This is why Adam Schiff should have been impeached and placed in prison months ago because of things like he is doing now...completely outrageous..and then to bring up the fact that Durham failed to bring about any convictions, so what? We already know he was up against the Deep State, but he was still able to expose the Russia investigation as sham...he only said he respected Mueller out of courtesy, but his report exposed Mueller as a long-time Deep State operative working in concert with the Russian GRU as well as Soros and Antifa. It is all laid out in the Durham Report, why didn't the Dems talk about that?
Durham also stated that when the FBI hastily started the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, they did it within three days and over a weekend at that after receiving the report on the Steel Dossier. They also never questioned even one of the so called informants before opening the investigation and took everything on faith. All because the FBI leadership had a bias, and simply jumped at the chance to get trump. Then when you figure in how they then leaked information to the news media during this time, purposly to sway public opinion... and to also sway the opinions of low IQ Democrats in Congress, who too lazy to do actual research simply follow the news like everyone else... its pretty damning against these guys liek Schiff. Its obvious they were working and consorting with top FBI leadership to bring down a U.S. president, But also to cover their own tracks by constantly being on the offensive.
Durham was a MAGAt political attempt, nothing more. Millions spent on nothing. He could have wound that up over a weekend but his boss of the time wanted blood.
Durham is being attacked by the left because he officially exposed Hillary's Hoax, Obama's/Biden's failed coup attempt, Pelosi's/Schiff's/Swalwell's criminal Impeachments, and how the DOJ & FBI knowingly participated in the failed coup attempts.

All of this will be recorded in history - this is the Democrats' 'legacy'.
Durham is being attacked by the left because he officially exposed Hillary's Hoax, Obama's/Biden's failed coup attempt, Pelosi's/Schiff's/Swalwell's criminal Impeachments, and how the DOJ & FBI knowingly participated in the failed coup attempts.

All of this will be recorded in history - this is the Democrats' 'legacy'.
When are all of these bad people going to trial ?
"House Democrats took aim at special counsel John Durham Wednesday in intense exchanges during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on his findings that the FBI should not have investigated potential collusion between Russia and former President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign.
I wonder if the tards even know that at least two members of the Trump campaign did, in fact, collude with Russia.

I wonder if they know Don Jr. tried to collude with Russia, but he is such a genetic fuckup, he failed at it.
I wonder if the tards even know that at least two members of the Trump campaign did, in fact, collude with Russia.

I wonder if they know Don Jr. tried to collude with Russia, but he is such a genetic fuckup, he failed at it.
They know...they just don't instead they think they can gaslight their way out of the truth....

Fortunately for them, the media and Dems have helped them with their gaslighting...because if it were me, every time a Republican opens their mouth, I would shove a copy of this email in it.

Durham was a MAGAt political attempt, nothing more. Millions spent on nothing. He could have wound that up over a weekend but his boss of the time wanted blood.
Yeah....That's why his "investigation" only managed to "uncover" what stooges like Hannity already had for years, didn't interview the central figures, and he stopped on the 50-yard line with meaningless indictments against peripheral players.

I really wonder if you moonbats ever spend a single moment mulling over your brain droppings before clicking on "Post reply"
They know...they just don't instead they think they can gaslight their way out of the truth....

Fortunately for them, the media and Dems have helped them with their gaslighting...because if it were me, every time a Republican opens their mouth, I would shove a copy of this email in it.

View attachment 797522
Riiiiight....And the moment that it was obvious such information was a bait-and-switch, the meeting was ended.

All that was necessary for you lunatics to fabricate your narrative was to put Jr in the same room with any given Russian.

John Durham Admits He Knows Little About Russia Scandal

No wonder he thought the FBI was doing a witch hunt.

Eric Swalwell asked Durham about how Trump “tried and concealed from the public a real-estate deal he was seeking in Moscow.” This was a deal, described in the Mueller report, in which the Russian government promised Trump several hundreds of millions of dollars in profit at no risk to himself to license a tower in Moscow. The proposed payoff, and Trump’s public lies at the time about it, gave Russia enormous leverage over his campaign. Durham replied, “I don’t know anything about that.”

When Adam Schiff asked Durham if the Russians released stolen information through cutouts, he replied, “I’m not sure.” Schiff responded, “The answer is yes,” to which Durham reported, “In your mind, it’s yes.”

When Schiff asked Durham if he knew that, hours after Trump publicly asked Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails and release them, Russian hackers made an attempt to hack Clinton emails, Durham replied, “If that happened, I’m not aware of that.”

When asked if Trump referred to those stolen emails more than 100 times on the campaign trail, Durham answered, “I don’t really read the newspapers and listen to the news.”

And when Schiff asked Durham if he was aware that Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, passed on polling data to Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian intelligence agent, at the time Russia was conducting both a social-media campaign and the release of stolen documents to help Trump, Durham replied, “You may be getting beyond the depth of my knowledge.”

David Corn reacted incredulously to the last profession of ignorance. “The Manafort-Kilimnik connection — which the Senate Intelligence Committee report characterized as a ‘grave counterintelligence threat’ — is one of the most serious and still not fully explained components of the Trump-Russia scandal,” he writes. “It is inconceivable that Durham is unaware of this troubling link.”
Riiiiight....And the moment that it was obvious such information was a bait-and-switch, the meeting was ended.

All that was necessary for you lunatics to fabricate your narrative was to put Jr in the same room with any given Russian.

1. Donald Trump, Jr. receives a message the Russians want to help his father win the election, and that they have some dirt on Clinton they'd like to give him.

2. Donald Trump, Jr. enthusiastically agrees to meet with the Russians to receive the dirt. "Seems we have some time and if it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer."

3. The meeting is arranged for that Thursday in Trump Tower.

4. The same day Donald Trump, Jr. agrees to the meeting, Candidate Trump announces to the world he is going to have some interesting things to say about Clinton the following Monday.

5. The meeting takes place. For whatever reason (probably because Trump Senior blabbed to the world like an idiot), the Russians do not provide the dirt.

6. The following Monday, no press conference about Clinton by Trump.

7. The dirt on Clinton begins showing up on Wikileaks instead, late in the summer, in accordance with Donald Trump, Jr.'s wishes.

8. Trump publicly calls on Russia to interfere even more in our election. "Russia, if you're listening..."

9. New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations
It is just crushing to Trump's ego that the world knows he got a leg up by Putin.
Yeah....That's why his "investigation" only managed to "uncover" what stooges like Hannity already had for years, didn't interview the central figures, and he stopped on the 50-yard line with meaningless indictments against peripheral players.

I really wonder if you moonbats ever spend a single moment mulling over your brain droppings before clicking on "Post reply"

Are those tears of shame from you or are you doing the old MAGAt shuffle once again. The investigations were done by others before him. There was almost nothing there. No crimes could be invented. And that is what you MAGAts demand that crimes be invented.
Durham is being attacked by the left because he officially exposed Hillary's Hoax, Obama's/Biden's failed coup attempt, Pelosi's/Schiff's/Swalwell's criminal Impeachments, and how the DOJ & FBI knowingly participated in the failed coup attempts.

All of this will be recorded in history - this is the Democrats' 'legacy'.
How many charges did he recommend for all these crimes you are claiming occurred?
Are those tears of shame from you or are you doing the old MAGAt shuffle once again. The investigations were done by others before him. There was almost nothing there. No crimes could be invented. And that is what you MAGAts demand that crimes be invented.
Not a "MAGAt", shitlib.

There was plenty there, which is why Durham didn't interview the principal thugs involved.

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