Conservatives and faux conservatives will battle this fall

The difference is that the Dims are clearly the guilty party. They demand more spending with every budget. Take the current budget, for example. The want to spend an additional $1.5 trillion. How can any honest person claim the Dims are not responsible for the bulk of the spending?

What an uneducated moron you are. Do you know how to use google? How to look up appropriations/spending per president? How to do anything except bash anyone and anything on the left?
Sure the left sucks. They spend too much. But when Trump does the same darn things, and you Trump supporters don't say a word about it, it makes you look like the ones you supposedly oppose. And for the same stupid reasons.

Increases in debt per president
Obama (in 8 years) $8.6 trillion
Trump in just 4 years $6.7 trillion

Imagine another 4 years of Trumps spending spree's.

How TF do you think we got to $30+ trillion in debt? Just from democrats spending?
Your house of cards is coming down...not too long ago the white liberals were saying "the right can feel its power slipping away" well that has gone the way of "it's a happy healthy lifestyle"...
... but do not despair, the tradition of blaming everyone else for the self inflected wounds as the death knell sounds for my once great party lives on..."bigly"
Don't be so sure of faux conservatives and the far right wing that may take over The Congress come 2023.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

They've already showed their intent, first they called them RINOS, and then we watched trump who turned on those who didn't kiss his fat ass. That was Trumpism, and now we see the Governors of Texas and Florida seeking to put women in prison for leaving their State for medical treatment. Grow up Franky, it can happen here, it has already here.
Anyone notice how 6 of the 10 Candidates for new British PM are people of color with a Jew in the other 4 ?
Anyone notice how 6 of the 10 Candidates for new British PM are people of color with a Jew in the other 4 ?
Wow, so what? Are you hoping to win the racist and xenophobic member of the day? If so, you have made a strong case.
Right because the Democrats in office are such a well adjusted stable united group. (SARCASM)
Don't be so sure of faux conservatives and the far right wing that may take over The Congress come 2023.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
aaahhh, the liberal equivalent of the lords prayer
They've already showed their intent, first they called them RINOS, and then we watched trump who turned on those who didn't kiss his fat ass. That was Trumpism, and now we see the Governors of Texas and Florida seeking to put women in prison for leaving their State for medical treatment. Grow up Franky, it can happen here, it has already here.
All I see are the communists rounding up their political opponents and trying to put them in jail...the one thing you're right about is that its already here, [been here since the sixties]
The fact is there’s little difference between ‘real’ conservatives and faux conservatives – if any.

Indeed, the only difference is one faction opposes Trump and the other faction does not.

And both factions are equally wrong on the issues, enemies of our democratic institutions, illiberal and authoritarian, and incapable of sound, responsible governance.

That a conservative might oppose Trump doesn’t make him a ‘real’ conservative; there haven’t been real conservatives in more than 50 years.
Stupid DNC troll. ^^^

Real Conservatives are aghast of faux conservatives who continue to support trump. Faux conservatives are void of solutions to mitigate on going issues as they orate "ain't it/they awful", using the RED SCARE and nary a single statement on how to put food on the table, and energy that too many families can't afford.

Donald trump is a traitor. He is self serving, corrupt and is attempting to end our nations decades of peaceful transition of power. Those who continue the BIG LIE that the election was stolen are not mistaken, they are traitors to COTUS and they know it.

More examples of faux conservatives writing on social media to call others liars and using misinformation without even a scintilla of truth.

[The campaign to discredit Cassidy Hutchinson has begun.]​

From the link directly above:

In the hours after Cassidy Hutchinson delivered bombshell testimony to the Jan. 6 committee Tuesday, former President Trump and his allies rushed to attack the former White House staffer.

If you take a really conservative republican who is not pro Trump and put them against a pro Trump Republican who's record is not very conservative and you ask them who's more conservative, most Republicans will say the pro Trump republican is the more conservative when they are not.

Which tells me Republicans don't know what conservative means.

As 2024 approaches, Sykes thinks that what people think of as conservatism may at this point be more about style than substance.

"It's whoever can play most effectively to the media wing of the Republican Party, who can anger the left, who promises to fight and inflict damage on the left more more aggressively."

From that point of view, what it now means to be conservative might be described as: simply opposing liberals.

If you take a really conservative republican who is not pro Trump and put them against a pro Trump Republican who's record is not very conservative and you ask them who's more conservative, most Republicans will say the pro Trump republican is the more conservative when they are not.

Which tells me Republicans don't know what conservative means.

As 2024 approaches, Sykes thinks that what people think of as conservatism may at this point be more about style than substance.

"It's whoever can play most effectively to the media wing of the Republican Party, who can anger the left, who promises to fight and inflict damage on the left more more aggressively."

From that point of view, what it now means to be conservative might be described as: simply opposing liberals.

Faux conservatives are mostly single issues voters. Abortion, Gun Control, Race, et all wedge issues and ignorance are how they vote; they vote for Republicans who use the wedge issues without thought (it's clear, that their posts are usually Idiot-Grams - see my signature line).
Faux conservatives are mostly single issues voters. Abortion, Gun Control, Race, et all wedge issues and ignorance are how they vote; they vote for Republicans who use the wedge issues without thought (it's clear, that their posts are usually Idiot-Grams - see my signature line).

It turns out today's Republicans aren't conservative. Unless conservative means opposing Democrats and our policies. So whoever opposes us the most is the most conservative, even if their policies are the least conservative.

That's what they said. Today's conservatives aren't very conservative when it comes to policies. In fact very rarely do you hear Republicans talk about fiscal policies. Maybe they are socially conservative about gays and guns.

It is conservative to be a white racist? Are Proud Boys and Oath Keepers considered "conservatives"?

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