Conservatives and faux conservatives will battle this fall

Real Conservatives do not care about drugs at all. That is an individual decision.

Real Conservatives care about fiscal matters first and foremost and social ones last.

But this is why our country is 31 trillion dollars in debt, the only "conservatism" that matters is social. A person could be the most fiscally Conservative person in the country and be pro-choice and they would never win the Repub vote.
Legalized drugs would cost more $ for America than all forms of Cancer Combined
There are basically no real conservatives in this country.

It is not just random chance that we have not had a Conservative president since 1929
You'll have to forgive us if we don't take your advice when it comes to identifying "real conservatives." You believe you're a conservative, for Christ sakes.
You'll have to forgive us if we don't take your advice when it comes to identifying "real conservatives." You believe you're a conservative, for Christ sakes.

Where did I ever make such a claim?
There's a ton of Trump supporters who fit "faux conservative" description as well.
Those that claim to support the COTUS. But only point out the times when Trumps opponents abuse the COTUS.
Before Trump, republicans railed against Obama's spending an his increases in the national debt and deficit.
But never a word about Trump's 33% increase.
That's because most of that 33% was for spending that Dims demanded.

Trump supporters remind me of a single mom with a 35yr old spoiled crackhead mooch for a son. She know her son is a worthless POS. She don't have anything to really be proud of about her son, so she either make up stuff or praises the little things he does like it was awesome.

You remind me of a lying leftwing Dim fascist.
Not in Health care $
There would probably be still be the same number of addicts and overdoses. The savings from the DEA would amount to $2 billion. That doesn't include all the money spent on prisons, lawyers, trials and destroyed lives.
Ike was a fucking liberal, you dumbass.
He Deported every Mexican Illegal that could be rounded up , he paved way for Democracy in Africa , Latin America ,The ME , he worked well with the alphabet Agencies , he hated Castro .
Real Conservatives are aghast of faux conservatives who continue to support trump. Faux conservatives are void of solutions to mitigate on going issues as they orate "ain't it/they awful", using the RED SCARE and nary a single statement on how to put food on the table, and energy that too many families can't afford.

Donald trump is a traitor. He is self serving, corrupt and is attempting to end our nations decades of peaceful transition of power. Those who continue the BIG LIE that the election was stolen are not mistaken, they are traitors to COTUS and they know it.

More examples of faux conservatives writing on social media to call others liars and using misinformation without even a scintilla of truth.

[The campaign to discredit Cassidy Hutchinson has begun.]​

From the link directly above:

In the hours after Cassidy Hutchinson delivered bombshell testimony to the Jan. 6 committee Tuesday, former President Trump and his allies rushed to attack the former White House staffer.
Your house of cards is coming down...not too long ago the white liberals were saying "the right can feel its power slipping away" well that has gone the way of "it's a happy healthy lifestyle"...
... but do not despair, the tradition of blaming everyone else for the self inflected wounds as the death knell sounds for my once great party lives on..."bigly"
That's because most of that 33% was for spending that Dims demanded.

One more reason why we have 31 trillion dollars in debt....each side always gives their side a free pass.

Poor little Trump was forced to ask for a trillion dollars a year more in spending than any POTUS ever.

Poor little Trump was forced to sign all those bills he said he would never sign again, and then did so anyhow
Ike was pretty Conservative ( Not George Wallace ( D) Conservative But Conservative enough )

Well, that's where the nitpicking starts ... Post WWII and the beginning of the Cold War gave birth to the Modern Conservative.
Modern Conservatives are a different beast ... And have different desires, especially in regard to turning towards Government.

I am a Classical Liberal ... But most will tell you that is far more Conservative than most Modern Conservatives.
There are just a lot of things that I don't think are any of the Federal Government's business.

One more reason why we have 31 trillion dollars in debt....each side always gives their side a free pass.

Poor little Trump was forced to ask for a trillion dollars a year more in spending than any POTUS ever.

Poor little Trump was forced to sign all those bills he said he would never sign again, and then did so anyhow
The difference is that the Dims are clearly the guilty party. They demand more spending with every budget. Take the current budget, for example. The want to spend an additional $1.5 trillion. How can any honest person claim the Dims are not responsible for the bulk of the spending?
He Deported every Mexican Illegal that could be rounded up , he paved way for Democracy in Africa , Latin America ,The ME , he worked well with the alphabet Agencies , he hated Castro .
Deporting illegal aliens was about the only conservative thing he did. "paving the way for democracy" is not something a conservative would do. "Working well with government agencies" is not conservative. What did he actually do about Castro? Answer: nothing.
The difference is that the Dims are clearly the guilty party. They demand more spending with every budget. Take the current budget, for example. The want to spend an additional $1.5 trillion. How can any honest person claim the Dims are not responsible for the bulk of the spending?

The difference is the Dems are open and honest about their spending habits while the Repubs pretend they are not just as bad.

An honest person can look at the spending over the last 30 years and see that it is equally shared by the Rs and the Ds.

The only difference that might exist is what they want to spend it on

There is no innocent party in this
That's because most of that 33% was for spending that Dims demanded.

Are you seriously that ignorant as to how things work in DC? The democrats can't demand that a president signs a spending bill into law.
Why TF do you think the president has the power to veto? Congress doesn't own the president.

You remind me of a lying leftwing Dim fascist.

Facts don't care about your feelings.

If you support Trump after signing all those spending bills into law, that included Planned Parenthood funding, if you support Trump after his 33% increase in spending, banning bump stocks, tax cuts that eliminated so many deductions that it was revenue neutral to the governments income and all the other liberal crap he shoved down our throats, you either a moron or a liberal in disguise.

Trump is a north eastern liberal. If I was a liberal, i'd support him, dumbass.

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