Conservatives and Threats Against President Obama!

Please don't make us have to once again drag out the pictures of protesters with disgusting signs about Bush, and the ones showing Bush hanging.
Don't make us have to remind you about what your side did.
Disgusting, but the sources are biased.
And of course all of these stories would have been thoroughly investigated and then placed on Conservative News Media for all to become apprised of, huh? I Don't Think So. That's why America has alternative news sources to bring out the things a political party doesn't want brought out about them that would obviously cast them in bad light.
Oh yeah, the left wing also tried to shoot Ford. Kind of ironic when you hear the crying from the same liberal left.
Oh yeah, the left wing also tried to shoot Ford. Kind of ironic when you hear the crying from the same liberal left.
Whatever the circumstances and whatever the political party of the person who tries to commit such a heinous crime against a U.S. President, they should be thoroughly investigated and the full extent of the law applied thereafter. It doesn't matter one iota who makes the threat or their party, they should all have to pay for it under our system of justice! Nothing less than that is acceptable.
Oh yeah, the left wing also tried to shoot Ford. Kind of ironic when you hear the crying from the same liberal left.
Whatever the circumstances and whatever the political party of the person who tries to commit such a heinous crime against a U.S. President, they should be thoroughly investigated and the full extent of the law applied thereafter. It doesn't matter one iota who makes the threat or their party, they should all have to pay for it under our system of justice! Nothing less than that is acceptable.

It's about time that you posted an opinion that doesn't sound like a regurgitated head-up-your-ass senseless and hypocritical liberal talking point.

How does it feel to BREATHE again? :cuckoo:
Look at your sources nimrod, blah blah left wing nut stupidity blah blah blah.


Not hardly. Look at all the post by 'Conservatives' like you stating how much you would like to shoot a few liberals. Look at all the gleeful statements concerning the coming civil war. All the brags concerning how much ammo you have and how happy you would be to use it.

'Conservatives' routinely cast themselves as victims, then act like assholes to everybody they do not agree with. Prime example are those 'rolling coal'. So hyuk, hyuk proud to agress someone they think they might disagree with.
I've heard leftists state that every member of the military that voted for Bush's reelection should die in Iraq. I won't lump you in that group if you don't lump me in with people calling for political assasination. There are idiots in both parties.
As horrifying as the subject matter is, thank you for these stories that will be added to the existing ones and that should only help the country find out what the Republican Party is really like and what they think of the President. I bet there are many more such stories just waiting to be revealed.


Conan O’Brien's Show on NBC actor Alec Baldwin jumped from his chair to scream "We would stone Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and we’d kill their wives and their children!"









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Look- It's a murder party.


Liberals Call For Murder Of NRA President, Members & Repeal Of Second Amendment

When I wrote yesterday about the liberals coming out against guns, I had no idea just how some people would react. What once would have been unthinkable to blast out into public seems to be becoming more normal via things like Twitter and Facebook. Below are a selection of Tweets that are clearly anti-Second Amendment and even calls for the murder of the National Rifle Association President David Keene, along with NRA members.

Read more at Liberals Call For Murder Of NRA President, Members & Repeal Of Second Amendment : Freedom Outpost
Anti-Gun Liberal Wants to Murder NRA Board Members
Read more at Anti-Gun Liberal Wants to Murder NRA Board Members | Conservative Byte

These hypocrites don’t understand that they are they problem.
Check it out:

An anti-gun liberal talk-show host apparently wants to shoot NRA board members. But, before we talk about the precarious possibility of some imbalanced leftist abusing Second Amendment rights (that he fights against) we should get some background information. Georgia has recently passed some legislation (awaiting approval from the Governor) that would expand the state’s Concealed Carry law.

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