Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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"Survivors" are the wounded.....some kid on another floor hiding behind a desk and a locked door didn't "survive" anything...they were bystanders.
How compassionate
Conservative playbook

Blame the victim

Liberal playbook, use victims as spokesmen and then whine went anyone challenges what they say.
Pretty fucking rightarded, as usual.

So what’s your moronic point this time? That victims shouldn’t speak out? Or that the media shouldn’t cover them when they do?

Anyone who believes the so-called "victims" all have the same point of view is a certiable moron.
Umm... they all experienced the same traumatic event at the same place and at the same time and together ; why wouldn’t they share the same point of view?
"Survivors" are the wounded.....some kid on another floor hiding behind a desk and a locked door didn't "survive" anything...they were bystanders.
How compassionate
Conservative playbook

Blame the victim

Liberal playbook, use victims as spokesmen and then whine went anyone challenges what they say.
Pretty fucking rightarded, as usual.

So what’s your moronic point this time? That victims shouldn’t speak out? Or that the media shouldn’t cover them when they do?

Anyone who believes the so-called "victims" all have the same point of view is a certiable moron.
Umm... they all experienced the same traumatic event at the same place and at the same time and together ; why wouldn’t they share the same point of view?

Uh yeah, because it's normal for people to all have the same opinion. Just look at the percentage that voted for Saddam!
wowee LOOK at bripat "using dead victims to promote his agenda".

another dumbo talking point straight from the anti-American troll farm ^
I knew this was coming sooner or later. Then again, weren't you just using dead kids in an effort to push your gun control agenda? Gee, I wonder what could be worse than that?

I don’t see countries with strong gun control constantly burying their children.

Massacre in Nice, France, as truck plows through Bastille Day crowd



That was 2016. How many massacres have we had since then? How many has France had? They will now block roads and use barriers. We do nothing.
wowee LOOK at bripat "using dead victims to promote his agenda".

another dumbo talking point straight from the anti-American troll farm ^

Don't you think you're in no position to be attacking anyone for that?

You're using live victims. The dead can feel no pain.
I knew this was coming sooner or later. Then again, weren't you just using dead kids in an effort to push your gun control agenda? Gee, I wonder what could be worse than that?

I don’t see countries with strong gun control constantly burying their children.

Massacre in Nice, France, as truck plows through Bastille Day crowd



That was 2016. How many massacres have we had since then? How many has France had? They will now block roads and use barriers. We do nothing.

France had several massacres last year, and the body count for the Nice massacre was over 200.

What we need to do is allow teachers to carry concealed weapons, but douchebags like you won't allow that.
What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings
Making fun of killing children? Sick.
We have this thing called the Constitution. It's enlightening to see you make it plain that you aren't bothered by the prospect of the government wiping its ass on the Constitution.

face it kid, all your talking points come straight from the trumptard troll farm. :itsok:
I knew this was coming sooner or later. Then again, weren't you just using dead kids in an effort to push your gun control agenda? Gee, I wonder what could be worse than that?

I don’t see countries with strong gun control constantly burying their children.

Massacre in Nice, France, as truck plows through Bastille Day crowd



That was 2016. How many massacres have we had since then? How many has France had? They will now block roads and use barriers. We do nothing.

France had several massacres last year, and the body count for the Nice massacre was over 200.

What we need to do is allow teachers to carry concealed weapons, but douchebags like you won't allow that.
Tell me about these massacres. Links?

So arm teachers so they do the job of law enforcement too? Why not force law enforcement to be teachers?

Even if an armed teacher is there many will die. An armed cop was working security at the Orlando night club. Over 50 died. In tx a group of police were slaughtered. We need to get rid of mass killing guns.

Countries with strong gun control don’t have these problems.
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I knew this was coming sooner or later. Then again, weren't you just using dead kids in an effort to push your gun control agenda? Gee, I wonder what could be worse than that?

Are all liberals brain dead and filled with hate like the ones who post on this board? I really do hope not.
Remember something progressives.

Simply because you are outraged does not automatical qualify you as being right.

So now the 97% of Americans who want universal background checks are wrong?

lol, you people give desperation a bad name.

97% WTF who did that poll The Kremlin, nothing gets 97% support unless the poll is rigged.

Personally I don't give a fat fuck whether or not you believe the poll, because you've never made sense in all the time you've been here.

Normal people never make sense to Leftist Maniacs, I repeat nothing gets 97% support ever unless the poll is rigged.

Repeating something nonsensical gives you just as much credibility as the 'Leftist Maniacs'.
ROFL! I knew some lying leftwing douche bag would get around to this. It's their stock in trade. The whole reason the leftwing scum put the kids up to demanding gun control is so they could attack anyone who disagreed as "attacking" the victims. That is how fucking sleazy thse vermin are. There is no bar so low that a snowflake won't slither under it.


maybe they didn't teach this at the trumptard troll farm for anti-American emos, but...........

politics is supposed to be ALL ABOUT petitioning your government regarding public policies.

now you know! :itsok:

these protest are just a buncha punk kids being herded about by lefty taxpayer paid public school teachers Valerie .
We have this thing called the Constitution. It's enlightening to see you make it plain that you aren't bothered by the prospect of the government wiping its ass on the Constitution.

face it kid, all your talking points come straight from the trumptard troll farm. :itsok:

Tell us genius, how the hell did all these children get to Tallahassee and why are they staging walkouts over the actions of one complete loon? Too young and stupid to know they are being used by the militant left to further their agenda. Pathetic.

Florida survivors march to state Capitol: Live updates - CNN
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