Conservatives believe in No Lunch, nothing, unless your rich!!

I've noticed that there is not a single link to back up anything said in this entire thread, starting with the OP which was just an angry rant, like a homeless man shouting at people in the street.
Conservatives believe in personal responsibility and carrying your own weight. I didn't father your child. It is not my responsibility to feed it. While I am willing and wanting to insure your child doesn't starve, I sure as hell don't want to reward your irresponsibility.

Conservatives believe in personal responsibility and carrying your own weight. I didn't father your child. It is not my responsibility to feed it. While I am willing and wanting to insure your child doesn't starve, I sure as hell don't want to reward your irresponsibility.

Conservatives vote against their own self-interest. How smart is that?
In some cases yes, Conservatives vote against their own self interests but in the interest of our nation. You seem to think life is about seeing what you can get for free. I suppose for Progressives, it is. I pity you.

In some cases yes, Conservatives vote against their own self interests but in the interest of our nation. You seem to think life is about seeing what you can get for free. I suppose for Progressives, it is. I pity you.

Your best interest as a middle class American IS the interest of our nation. When the middle class prospers, the nation prospers. HELLO!!!!
There's a thread talking about Liberals want free shit, well guess who else wants and get free shit......

We pay a congress and senate, a 6 figure salary, plus perks and these mf's do nothing but sit on their ass year after year doing nothing for anybody because they're safely tucked away in a gerrymandered district with supporters who lack brain tax money there
Corporations..we have so many tax loop holes, so many LLC titles, that the federal gov. actually ends up given them money through huge tax incentives, so much in fact that tax payers actually pay them to ship good paying jobs overseas....more free money
The oil industry, who generate billions each quarter, is also given tax incentives and tax breaks....more free money

while the rest of america pays
Farmers, huge corporational forms, are given grants and money from tax payers
White people, but especially conservative whites, those tea party bastards....a study was done on who dominates the Disability free money train in this country, mostly southern white people...billions upon billions of tax payer money, given to trashy whites cause they can not longer work for a living...because Tom hurt his nuts and Becky breast won't stop leaking!! Fact and if you have issues with those facts, google the shit!!
Finally the US defense department.....

Writing a Blank Check on War for the President.

Free hard earned tax money going to a fuckin war we will never ever ever ever win, thanks to the war mongering conservatives......
Now you add up all the fuckin free shit some sorry mf in this country gets and add all the free money these entities that mentioned get and its no contest!!

Now put that in your conservative pipe and choke on it, all you liberal haters!!

Gawd you're a stupid troll. Oil companies do not get special tax breaks, they get the same tax rates as any other business. They don't receive any significant tax money at all.

You seem to favor welfare programs, yet rant like a dumb c_nt that many of the recipients are white. Are you for poor people getting welfare of some kind, or just non-whites getting welfare? You see, unlike you, we conservatives are consistent in our opinion on the matter, welfare should be cut for everyone.

As for free hard earned tax money going to a war "we will never win"'s your beloved Hussein that has been President for 7 years now, yet you only blame "warmongering conservatives". Although I do agree we will never defeat Islamist fascists so long as a progressive turd like the Hussein is President. His foreign policy has been an utter disaster. He called for a regime change in Libya, Egypt, and Syria. All those goals happened to be the same as ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood, and they were successful. Obama has been more of a President for ISIS than the US.

So fuckin odd that you addressed all the shit, but congress......interesting.....all that other shit you one ear, out the ass ho...but thanks
There's a thread talking about Liberals want free shit, well guess who else wants and get free shit......

We pay a congress and senate, a 6 figure salary, plus perks and these mf's do nothing but sit on their ass year after year doing nothing for anybody because they're safely tucked away in a gerrymandered district with supporters who lack brain tax money there
Corporations..we have so many tax loop holes, so many LLC titles, that the federal gov. actually ends up given them money through huge tax incentives, so much in fact that tax payers actually pay them to ship good paying jobs overseas....more free money
The oil industry, who generate billions each quarter, is also given tax incentives and tax breaks....more free money

while the rest of america pays
Farmers, huge corporational forms, are given grants and money from tax payers
White people, but especially conservative whites, those tea party bastards....a study was done on who dominates the Disability free money train in this country, mostly southern white people...billions upon billions of tax payer money, given to trashy whites cause they can not longer work for a living...because Tom hurt his nuts and Becky breast won't stop leaking!! Fact and if you have issues with those facts, google the shit!!
Finally the US defense department.....

Writing a Blank Check on War for the President.

Free hard earned tax money going to a fuckin war we will never ever ever ever win, thanks to the war mongering conservatives......
Now you add up all the fuckin free shit some sorry mf in this country gets and add all the free money these entities that mentioned get and its no contest!!

Now put that in your conservative pipe and choke on it, all you liberal haters!!

I am a semi-retired farmer and take offense about farmer subsidies that nobody in my neck of the woods ever took. The Land Bank was a good program way back in the day. The farmer did not plant crops on the field and kept it mowed for less money than received from the Land Bank had he grown crops and over fertilized and over pesticide and herbicide..This gave the ground a rest. Then GM seeds became common that Europe and Japan refuses to eat.
My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

Cafeteria food generally is awful. The school food I remember was awful, and that was during the Nixon then Ford administrations.

Spending cuts brought on by Republicans and voted on by sociopath's haven't helped.

Then came Carter and school lunches were gourmet dinners.

Then came Reagan and school lunches were glorified garbage.

Then Bush 1 made school lunches inedible.

Then Clinton provided lunches suitable for millionaires.

Then Bush 2 brought them down to his daddy's level.

Finally, glory be, Obama and his First Lady made school lunches delectable, once more.

The question is what irresponsible parent would rely on the government to feed his/her child rather than providing lunch for their kids themselves?
I've noticed that there is not a single link to back up anything said in this entire thread, starting with the OP which was just an angry rant, like a homeless man shouting at people in the street.

99.99% of the crap all you conservative nuts spew here is unsubstantuated bullshit, so I'm in good
Conservatives believe in personal responsibility and carrying your own weight. I didn't father your child. It is not my responsibility to feed it. While I am willing and wanting to insure your child doesn't starve, I sure as hell don't want to reward your irresponsibility.

Conservatives believe in personal responsibility and carrying your own weight. I didn't father your child. It is not my responsibility to feed it. While I am willing and wanting to insure your child doesn't starve, I sure as hell don't want to reward your irresponsibility.

Conservatives vote against their own self-interest. How smart is that?
In some cases yes, Conservatives vote against their own self interests but in the interest of our nation. You seem to think life is about seeing what you can get for free. I suppose for Progressives, it is. I pity you.

In some cases yes, Conservatives vote against their own self interests but in the interest of our nation. You seem to think life is about seeing what you can get for free. I suppose for Progressives, it is. I pity you.

Your best interest as a middle class American IS the interest of our nation. When the middle class prospers, the nation prospers. HELLO!!!!

You can not substain a middle class with stagnant wages, corporate greed and their thirst for profit via globalization. Yesterdays middle class is today's working class poor. And as long as white ignorant people keep focusing on "conservative fuckin useless values, that renders them NADA...nada gotdamn thing, the middle class will continue to dwindle to zero. And please miss me on this free bullshit you fuck heads keep harping and education regardless of the value placed on it, creates a better citizen for all, not just nigga's, latino's and poor useless white trash, but everybody benefits, you fuck head moron!!
My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

Cafeteria food generally is awful. The school food I remember was awful, and that was during the Nixon then Ford administrations.

Spending cuts brought on by Republicans and voted on by sociopath's haven't helped.

Then came Carter and school lunches were gourmet dinners.

Then came Reagan and school lunches were glorified garbage.

Then Bush 1 made school lunches inedible.

Then Clinton provided lunches suitable for millionaires.

Then Bush 2 brought them down to his daddy's level.

Finally, glory be, Obama and his First Lady made school lunches delectable, once more.

The question is what irresponsible parent would rely on the government to feed his/her child rather than providing lunch for their kids themselves?
I don't know where you get the nonsense of school meals being awesome at any time.

but leftist made it a punishable rule that if a single thing is missing from a home lunch they will steal it from the child, seperate them in the lunch room and give them a peanut butter sandwich with milk.

leftist hate freedom so much, they will bully a child themselves and not get the living shit kicked out of them.
My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

Cafeteria food generally is awful. The school food I remember was awful, and that was during the Nixon then Ford administrations.

Spending cuts brought on by Republicans and voted on by sociopath's haven't helped.

Then came Carter and school lunches were gourmet dinners.

Then came Reagan and school lunches were glorified garbage.

Then Bush 1 made school lunches inedible.

Then Clinton provided lunches suitable for millionaires.

Then Bush 2 brought them down to his daddy's level.

Finally, glory be, Obama and his First Lady made school lunches delectable, once more.

The question is what irresponsible parent would rely on the government to feed his/her child rather than providing lunch for their kids themselves?

You know what makes my skin boil? Just about everybody here is of a certain age where school lunches were provided, summer jobs were plentiful, after school programs were accessible, regardless of income levels and all this was sponsored in part by private business and local and state governments. Nobody complained, nobody bitched, our families just took this idea for granted...why now, its a fuckin big deal? Stop and remember, you too had advantage as a child to eat a lunch based on income,
My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

Cafeteria food generally is awful. The school food I remember was awful, and that was during the Nixon then Ford administrations.

Spending cuts brought on by Republicans and voted on by sociopath's haven't helped.

Then came Carter and school lunches were gourmet dinners.

Then came Reagan and school lunches were glorified garbage.

Then Bush 1 made school lunches inedible.

Then Clinton provided lunches suitable for millionaires.

Then Bush 2 brought them down to his daddy's level.

Finally, glory be, Obama and his First Lady made school lunches delectable, once more.

The question is what irresponsible parent would rely on the government to feed his/her child rather than providing lunch for their kids themselves?
I don't know where you get the nonsense of school meals being awesome at any time.

but leftist made it a punishable rule that if a single thing is missing from a home lunch they will steal it from the child, seperate them in the lunch room and give them a peanut butter sandwich with milk.

leftist hate freedom so much, they will bully a child themselves and not get the living shit kicked out of them.

Get a life, walmart has them on sale, son
My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

Cafeteria food generally is awful. The school food I remember was awful, and that was during the Nixon then Ford administrations.

Spending cuts brought on by Republicans and voted on by sociopath's haven't helped.

Then came Carter and school lunches were gourmet dinners.

Then came Reagan and school lunches were glorified garbage.

Then Bush 1 made school lunches inedible.

Then Clinton provided lunches suitable for millionaires.

Then Bush 2 brought them down to his daddy's level.

Finally, glory be, Obama and his First Lady made school lunches delectable, once more.

The question is what irresponsible parent would rely on the government to feed his/her child rather than providing lunch for their kids themselves?

The question is what irresponsible parent would rely on the government to feed his/her child rather than providing lunch for their kids themselves?

Not all parents can afford it. The largest problem facing the middle class and poor is disproportionate wage/cost.
My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

Cafeteria food generally is awful. The school food I remember was awful, and that was during the Nixon then Ford administrations.

Spending cuts brought on by Republicans and voted on by sociopath's haven't helped.
Ketchup is a vegetable.
My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

Cafeteria food generally is awful. The school food I remember was awful, and that was during the Nixon then Ford administrations.

Spending cuts brought on by Republicans and voted on by sociopath's haven't helped.

Then came Carter and school lunches were gourmet dinners.

Then came Reagan and school lunches were glorified garbage.

Then Bush 1 made school lunches inedible.

Then Clinton provided lunches suitable for millionaires.

Then Bush 2 brought them down to his daddy's level.

Finally, glory be, Obama and his First Lady made school lunches delectable, once more.

The question is what irresponsible parent would rely on the government to feed his/her child rather than providing lunch for their kids themselves?

You know what makes my skin boil? Just about everybody here is of a certain age where school lunches were provided, summer jobs were plentiful, after school programs were accessible, regardless of income levels and all this was sponsored in part by private business and local and state governments. Nobody complained, nobody bitched, our families just took this idea for granted...why now, its a fuckin big deal? Stop and remember, you too had advantage as a child to eat a lunch based on income,

You know what makes my skin boil? Just about everybody here is of a certain age where school lunches were provided, summer jobs were plentiful, after school programs were accessible, regardless of income levels and all this was sponsored in part by private business and local and state governments. Nobody complained, nobody bitched, our families just took this idea for granted...why now, its a fuckin big deal? Stop and remember, you too had advantage as a child to eat a lunch based on income,

The problem with the sociopath right is they believe that it was OK for them to enjoy, but not OK for others.
My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

Cafeteria food generally is awful. The school food I remember was awful, and that was during the Nixon then Ford administrations.

Spending cuts brought on by Republicans and voted on by sociopath's haven't helped.
Ketchup is a vegetable.

Ketchup is a vegetable.

Reagan said so.
My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

Cafeteria food generally is awful. The school food I remember was awful, and that was during the Nixon then Ford administrations.

Spending cuts brought on by Republicans and voted on by sociopath's haven't helped.

Then came Carter and school lunches were gourmet dinners.

Then came Reagan and school lunches were glorified garbage.

Then Bush 1 made school lunches inedible.

Then Clinton provided lunches suitable for millionaires.

Then Bush 2 brought them down to his daddy's level.

Finally, glory be, Obama and his First Lady made school lunches delectable, once more.

The question is what irresponsible parent would rely on the government to feed his/her child rather than providing lunch for their kids themselves?

The question is what irresponsible parent would rely on the government to feed his/her child rather than providing lunch for their kids themselves?

Not all parents can afford it. The largest problem facing the middle class and poor is disproportionate wage/cost.
Hint: If you can't afford to be a parent, keep your dick in your pants. The middle class' biggest problem is the tax burden caused by people who expect the government to feed their kid, put a roof over their heads and provide phone, internet and a 60" flat screen.
My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

Cafeteria food generally is awful. The school food I remember was awful, and that was during the Nixon then Ford administrations.

Spending cuts brought on by Republicans and voted on by sociopath's haven't helped.

Then came Carter and school lunches were gourmet dinners.

Then came Reagan and school lunches were glorified garbage.

Then Bush 1 made school lunches inedible.

Then Clinton provided lunches suitable for millionaires.

Then Bush 2 brought them down to his daddy's level.

Finally, glory be, Obama and his First Lady made school lunches delectable, once more.

The question is what irresponsible parent would rely on the government to feed his/her child rather than providing lunch for their kids themselves?

The question is what irresponsible parent would rely on the government to feed his/her child rather than providing lunch for their kids themselves?

Not all parents can afford it. The largest problem facing the middle class and poor is disproportionate wage/cost.
Hint: If you can't afford to be a parent, keep your dick in your pants. The middle class' biggest problem is the tax burden caused by people who expect the government to feed their kid, put a roof over their heads and provide phone, internet and a 60" flat screen.

Hint: If you can't afford to be a parent, keep your dick in your pants. The middle class' biggest problem is the tax burden caused by people who expect the government to feed their kid, put a roof over their heads and provide phone, internet and a 60" flat screen.

The biggest problem for the middle class is disproportionate wages/cost caused by your failed voting record.
My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

Cafeteria food generally is awful. The school food I remember was awful, and that was during the Nixon then Ford administrations.

Spending cuts brought on by Republicans and voted on by sociopath's haven't helped.

Then came Carter and school lunches were gourmet dinners.

Then came Reagan and school lunches were glorified garbage.

Then Bush 1 made school lunches inedible.

Then Clinton provided lunches suitable for millionaires.

Then Bush 2 brought them down to his daddy's level.

Finally, glory be, Obama and his First Lady made school lunches delectable, once more.

The question is what irresponsible parent would rely on the government to feed his/her child rather than providing lunch for their kids themselves?

You know what makes my skin boil? Just about everybody here is of a certain age where school lunches were provided, summer jobs were plentiful, after school programs were accessible, regardless of income levels and all this was sponsored in part by private business and local and state governments. Nobody complained, nobody bitched, our families just took this idea for granted...why now, its a fuckin big deal? Stop and remember, you too had advantage as a child to eat a lunch based on income,

You know what makes my skin boil? Just about everybody here is of a certain age where school lunches were provided, summer jobs were plentiful, after school programs were accessible, regardless of income levels and all this was sponsored in part by private business and local and state governments. Nobody complained, nobody bitched, our families just took this idea for granted...why now, its a fuckin big deal? Stop and remember, you too had advantage as a child to eat a lunch based on income,

The problem with the sociopath right is they believe that it was OK for them to enjoy, but not OK for others.
My parents PAID for my school lunches and I PAID for my childrens' lunches. If I had any advantage as a child it was that my father went to work every day and earned the money it took to live up to his own personal responsibilities. Try it yourself. You might even have as satisfying a life as my dad did. Hell, you might even learn to respect yourself.
You almost gotta laugh that the only time low information lefties complain about the salaries of elected officials is when republicans are in the majority. Barry Hussein spent more money on his first term international apology tour than the combined salaries of all the senators. Corporations take advantage of loopholes because they can with tax attorneys and in case the hypocrites on the left didn't notice, there is a gigantic industry geared the common people to take advantage of IRS loopholes. Meanwhile the vicious vindictive crooked administration uses the IRS to punish political enemies.
My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

My Mom took one look at my sisters school lunch and made sure both of us took lunch to school.

public school food is terrible, it's a scam and the flotus just made it worse

Cafeteria food generally is awful. The school food I remember was awful, and that was during the Nixon then Ford administrations.

Spending cuts brought on by Republicans and voted on by sociopath's haven't helped.

Then came Carter and school lunches were gourmet dinners.

Then came Reagan and school lunches were glorified garbage.

Then Bush 1 made school lunches inedible.

Then Clinton provided lunches suitable for millionaires.

Then Bush 2 brought them down to his daddy's level.

Finally, glory be, Obama and his First Lady made school lunches delectable, once more.

The question is what irresponsible parent would rely on the government to feed his/her child rather than providing lunch for their kids themselves?

You know what makes my skin boil? Just about everybody here is of a certain age where school lunches were provided, summer jobs were plentiful, after school programs were accessible, regardless of income levels and all this was sponsored in part by private business and local and state governments. Nobody complained, nobody bitched, our families just took this idea for granted...why now, its a fuckin big deal? Stop and remember, you too had advantage as a child to eat a lunch based on income,

You know what makes my skin boil? Just about everybody here is of a certain age where school lunches were provided, summer jobs were plentiful, after school programs were accessible, regardless of income levels and all this was sponsored in part by private business and local and state governments. Nobody complained, nobody bitched, our families just took this idea for granted...why now, its a fuckin big deal? Stop and remember, you too had advantage as a child to eat a lunch based on income,

The problem with the sociopath right is they believe that it was OK for them to enjoy, but not OK for others.
My parents PAID for my school lunches and I PAID for my childrens' lunches. If I had any advantage as a child it was that my father went to work every day and earned the money it took to live up to his own personal responsibilities. Try it yourself. You might even have as satisfying a life as my dad did. Hell, you might even learn to respect yourself.

My parents PAID for my school lunches and I PAID for my childrens' lunches. If I had any advantage as a child it was that my father went to work every day and earned the money it took to live up to his own personal responsibilities. Try it yourself. You might even have as satisfying a life as my dad did. Hell, you might even learn to respect yourself.

The fact remains that ALL school lunches are subsidized, so both you and your parents paid the subsidized price.

The fact also remains that there are people that are less fortunate than you or your parents.
You almost gotta laugh that the only time low information lefties complain about the salaries of elected officials is when republicans are in the majority. Barry Hussein spent more money on his first term international apology tour than the combined salaries of all the senators. Corporations take advantage of loopholes because they can with tax attorneys and in case the hypocrites on the left didn't notice, there is a gigantic industry geared the common people to take advantage of IRS loopholes. Meanwhile the vicious vindictive crooked administration uses the IRS to punish political enemies.

Which political enemies?

Martha Stewart?
Bernie Made-off?

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