Conservatives,Can We Guess What "Leftist Polls" Will Say Now? No Change Since Ryan ?

Mar 16, 2012

This is an easy one for future CBS,NBC,ABC and those other liberal leaning polls. "No Change Since Romneys Choice of Ryan As VP", our polls still have Nobama in the lead by 9 Points. Then at the same time, Gallup and Rasmussem show Romney/Ryan ahead of Obama/Bin Bozo by 9 points !!!
Who cares what the polls say. There is only one poll that matters.

This will, however, give the conservatives the opportunity to get away from the deliberate distractions of character assassination that the left have perpetrated for the past 6 months and get back to hammering Obama on his dismal record.

Perhaps we should focus on that, and not the polls?

Just a suggestion.
Who cares what the polls say. There is only one poll that matters.

This will, however, give the conservatives the opportunity to get away from the deliberate distractions of character assassination that the left have perpetrated for the past 6 months and get back to hammering Obama on his dismal record.

Perhaps we should focus on that, and not the polls?

Just a suggestion.

Ryan should be a big hit with women and the oldsters. His voucher plans would kill off most of them.
Paul Ryan has reminded me of John Kennedy for quite some time now, lets hope the catch phrase "Kennedy Like" will soon be used for Ryan. Just like when they used the term,,Reaganess on Palin.
Paul Ryan has reminded me of John Kennedy for quite some time now, lets hope the catch phrase "Kennedy Like" will soon be used for Ryan. Just like when they used the term,,Reaganess on Palin.

I guess you've forgotten that Medicare and Medicaid came about in 1965, as Johnson carried out the late president Kennedy's agenda.
Well, at least Romney made his choice known early. This way when the polls show Obama with a 15 to 20 point lead by convention time, Ryan can step down and Romney can try again.

This is an easy one for future CBS,NBC,ABC and those other liberal leaning polls. "No Change Since Romneys Choice of Ryan As VP", our polls still have Nobama in the lead by 9 Points. Then at the same time, Gallup and Rasmussem show Romney/Ryan ahead of Obama/Bin Bozo by 9 points !!!

If Romney wins and during the run up they will say that Paul cost him the election. Or someother lie.

This is an easy one for future CBS,NBC,ABC and those other liberal leaning polls. "No Change Since Romneys Choice of Ryan As VP", our polls still have Nobama in the lead by 9 Points. Then at the same time, Gallup and Rasmussem show Romney/Ryan ahead of Obama/Bin Bozo by 9 points !!!

ROFLMAO it has not even been 24 hours. Grow the fuck up.
I don't know if this is that new in politics, I mean picking a figure-head president, but the real power is the vice president. Bush and Cheney come to mind but no others off-hand, so maybe this is a new trend?
Usually the VP slot is a dead zone, it's where the Republicans put Teddy Roosevelt to shut him up and bingo McKinley gets himself shot.
Polling samples will now be reaching for the D+20. Polling is now more a psy ops operation between the two parties rather than predictive. Fox deliberately loaded their poll with a plus nine D sampling to keep the 'Pubbies from getting too complacent about defeating 'Bam. The folks at Fox definitely believe the forksucker's gotta go.
Polling samples will now be reaching for the D+20. Polling is now more a psy ops operation between the two parties rather than predictive. Fox deliberately loaded their poll with a plus nine D sampling to keep the 'Pubbies from getting too complacent about defeating 'Bam. The folks at Fox definitely believe the forksucker's gotta go.

What do you believe the sample mix should be for Fox's poll?
Romney will get a convention bump and the rightwingers will piss themselves with misplaced glee.

Fear not. McCain got a convention bump and a Palin bump.
you can just the NYT/CBS poll later this week,,,,Obumma 49/Romney 42,,,,,No Change.

The last CBS/NYTimes poll had Romney +1.

No change would be Romney +1.

You need to seriously contemplate the relative merits of thinking and not thinking before you post.

I think it would serve you well.
The pick will get Romney a momentary bump in the polls. Look at Palin

But can Ryan stand up to the long term attention?
Paul Ryan has reminded me of John Kennedy for quite some time now, lets hope the catch phrase "Kennedy Like" will soon be used for Ryan. Just like when they used the term,,Reaganess on Palin.

Ummm, actually he kind of looks like Rod Serling to me...

And in a very creepy way...

The fact Romney is still struggling a way to gin up enthusiasm for his ticket now spells "Loser".

It's Walter Mondale taking Gerry Ferraro to please the feminists.

It's Bob Dole grabbing Jack Kemp to making the Supply-Siders happy.

It's John McCain boosting Sarah Palin to make the Fundi-Tards happy.

This is Romney trying to get the Tea Baggers excited about his candidacy, when he should be moving towards the folks in the middle who don't have a side.
The pick will get Romney a momentary bump in the polls. Look at Palin

But can Ryan stand up to the long term attention?

I don't even think it will do that...

The people who would be excited about Ryan should already be on the Magic Underpants Express.

Palin excited people because she was telegenic, she was a woman, she was a Hockey Mom, she went out and shot defenseless animals... and she was kind of hot in a MILFy sort of way.

Who is going to get excited about this guy?

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