Conservatives care what the Catholic Church has to NOW what?


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2009
A faith-based lesson for Paul Ryan

There is something un-Christian about the Gospel According to Paul Ryan. So, at least, says Ryan’s Catholic Church.

In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody this month, Ryan, the author of the House Republican budget endorsed by Mitt Romney, said his program was crafted “using my Catholic faith” as inspiration. But the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops was not about to bless that claim.

A week after Ryan’s boast, the bishops sent letters to Congress saying that the Ryan budget, passed by the House, “fails to meet” the moral criteria of the Church, namely its view that any budget should help “the least of these” as the Christian Bible requires: the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the jobless. “A just spending bill cannot rely on disproportionate cuts in essential services to poor and vulnerable persons,” the bishops wrote.

In fact, Ryan would cut spending on the least of these by about $5 trillion over 10 years — from Medicaid, food stamps, welfare and the like — and then turn around and award some $4 trillion in tax cuts to the most of these. To their credit, Catholic leaders were not about to let Ryan claim to be serving God when in fact he was serving mammon.

“Your budget,” a group of Jesuit scholars and other Georgetown University faculty members wrote to Ryan last week, “appears to reflect the values of your favorite philosopher, Ayn Rand, rather than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Her call to selfishness and her antagonism toward religion are antithetical to the Gospel values of compassion and love.”

Paul Ryan's faith-based lesson - The Washington Post

"Republicans care more about property, Democrats care more about people"
Ted Sorensen - President Kennedy's Special Counsel & Adviser, and primary speechwriter
When did you appoint a church the head of the USA, Bfgrn?

It was convenient for conservatives to post the opinions of the Catholic Church when it supported their agenda, i.e. (Obama's Birth Control Mandate "Compromise" Rejected By Catholics Again).

So ask yourself that question.
A week after Ryan’s boast, the bishops sent letters to Congress saying that the Ryan budget, passed by the House, “fails to meet” the moral criteria of the Church, namely its view that any budget should help “the least of these” as the Christian Bible requires: the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the jobless. “A just spending bill cannot rely on disproportionate cuts in essential services to poor and vulnerable persons,” the bishops wrote.

I doubt an atheist worshipping at the altar of Ayn Rand cares very much which of the world's "collectivist" religions' moral criteria his budgets fail to meet.
There's nothing to ask. I'm not a Roman Catholic. I respect many of their wonderful ways, though, and support many of them online on issues in which they have arrived at the same conclusion I have. Not surprising, considering many of their biblical texts are verbatim what my bible says.

Their bishops simply sent a letter to Congress, telling their views, as other groups do. It's always good to take morality into account, but you also have to let people know you are limited by something called a budget, which is fiscally imperative to accounting expenditures to the American public that pays them.

Did you know the Obama administration been rough on America's middle class and their income has dropped significantly? His war on the upper class has not benefited anybody except Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, who peeled off 100% taxpayer-backed loans for a brother-in-law, a nephew, and a son to the tune of several billion dollars. The cost of their stimulus stimulated the national debt by $278,000 per job they created. You add up the little things, like the middle class taking it on the chin at the pay window on top of higher gas prices and commodities packaged in smaller ounce bottles for the purpose of Obama concealing inflation at the grocery market, and pal, you gotta world o' hurt.

Here's the deal:


Wall Street Journal
Middle Class Incomes: Negative (-)$4,019.00, 8/24/2012

The Catholics really pay attention to this stuff, and hopefully the non-denominations do as well.
A week after Ryan’s boast, the bishops sent letters to Congress saying that the Ryan budget, passed by the House, “fails to meet” the moral criteria of the Church, namely its view that any budget should help “the least of these” as the Christian Bible requires: the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the jobless. “A just spending bill cannot rely on disproportionate cuts in essential services to poor and vulnerable persons,” the bishops wrote.

I doubt an atheist worshipping at the altar of Ayn Rand cares very much which of the world's "collectivist" religions' moral criteria his budgets fail to meet.

And when you find out the truth about the one issue conservatives hang their 'party of Christian beliefs' makes it even more clear they are not 'Christians'...


The Religious can people that have no regard for the crawling or the walking have such a passion for the unborn?

Easy...they DON'T...they're a bunch of racists that USED Roe v. Wade as a political wedge issue...

The Abortion Myth

Book Excerpt: 'Thy Kingdom Come'
by Randall Balmer

In the 1980s, in order to solidify their shift from divorce to abortion, the Religious Right constructed an abortion myth, one accepted by most Americans as true. Simply put, the abortion myth is this: Leaders of the Religious Right would have us believe that their movement began in direct response to the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.
In the course of one of the sessions, Weyrich tried to make a point to his Religious Right brethren (no women attended the conference, as I recall). Let's remember, he said animatedly, that the Religious Right did not come together in response to the Roe decision. No, Weyrich insisted, what got us going as a political movement was the attempt on the part of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to rescind the tax-exempt status of Bob Jones University because of its racially discriminatory policies.

Evangelical: Religious Right Has Distorted the Faith : NPR

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Bfgrn and Greenbeard make an excellent point -

Ryan is a Cafeteria Catholic. He's religious when it suits him but he worships a pro-choice atheist with Nazi sympathies. How much lower will the Rs go?

As for the church's
...many ... wonderful ways...
, it is a foul and stinking hole that cheerfully hides pedophiles in their midst. I just wish the Catholic church and Republicans cared as much about children as they SAY they do about fetuses.

What a disgusting bunch of hypocrites. No wonder the rw's love LyingRyan. He doesn't care a whit about children, doesn't care if they're hungry or homeless.
A week after Ryan’s boast, the bishops sent letters to Congress saying that the Ryan budget, passed by the House, “fails to meet” the moral criteria of the Church, namely its view that any budget should help “the least of these” as the Christian Bible requires: the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the jobless. “A just spending bill cannot rely on disproportionate cuts in essential services to poor and vulnerable persons,” the bishops wrote.

I doubt an atheist worshipping at the altar of Ayn Rand cares very much which of the world's "collectivist" religions' moral criteria his budgets fail to meet.

And when you find out the truth about the one issue conservatives hang their 'party of Christian beliefs' makes it even more clear they are not 'Christians'...


The Religious can people that have no regard for the crawling or the walking have such a passion for the unborn?

Easy...they DON'T...they're a bunch of racists that USED Roe v. Wade as a political wedge issue...

The Abortion Myth

Book Excerpt: 'Thy Kingdom Come'
by Randall Balmer

In the 1980s, in order to solidify their shift from divorce to abortion, the Religious Right constructed an abortion myth, one accepted by most Americans as true. Simply put, the abortion myth is this: Leaders of the Religious Right would have us believe that their movement began in direct response to the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.
In the course of one of the sessions, Weyrich tried to make a point to his Religious Right brethren (no women attended the conference, as I recall). Let's remember, he said animatedly, that the Religious Right did not come together in response to the Roe decision. No, Weyrich insisted, what got us going as a political movement was the attempt on the part of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to rescind the tax-exempt status of Bob Jones University because of its racially discriminatory policies.

Evangelical: Religious Right Has Distorted the Faith : NPR

The "faith" was around before Roe v. Wade, in case you didn't know it. It calls for reconciliation of people to their life, not murder of their unborn children.

Could it be that the unreligious group has induced religious people to be taken out of the loop of their childrens' very morality by providing abortions without parental knowledge or consent through a very aggressive school sex education program that prophesies evil against church people who disallow their children from taking part in the satanic rites of taking a red-blooded small human being right out of its mother's womb for promoting genocide of the American people?

I think you have a fairly screwed-up version of who did what, sir or madam.
Bfgrn and Greenbeard make an excellent point -

Ryan is a Cafeteria Catholic. He's religious when it suits him but he worships a pro-choice atheist with Nazi sympathies. How much lower will the Rs go?

As for the church's
...many ... wonderful ways...
, it is a foul and stinking hole that cheerfully hides pedophiles in their midst. I just wish the Catholic church and Republicans cared as much about children as they SAY they do about fetuses.

What a disgusting bunch of hypocrites. No wonder the rw's love LyingRyan. He doesn't care a whit about children, doesn't care if they're hungry or homeless.
Only god would know about the state of Mr. Ryan's soul. When did you take over Heaven, Luddly, and now decides who is bound for hell.?
There's nothing to ask. I'm not a Roman Catholic. I respect many of their wonderful ways, though, and support many of them online on issues in which they have arrived at the same conclusion I have. Not surprising, considering many of their biblical texts are verbatim what my bible says.

Their bishops simply sent a letter to Congress, telling their views, as other groups do. It's always good to take morality into account, but you also have to let people know you are limited by something called a budget, which is fiscally imperative to accounting expenditures to the American public that pays them.

Did you know the Obama administration been rough on America's middle class and their income has dropped significantly? His war on the upper class has not benefited anybody except Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, who peeled off 100% taxpayer-backed loans for a brother-in-law, a nephew, and a son to the tune of several billion dollars. The cost of their stimulus stimulated the national debt by $278,000 per job they created. You add up the little things, like the middle class taking it on the chin at the pay window on top of higher gas prices and commodities packaged in smaller ounce bottles for the purpose of Obama concealing inflation at the grocery market, and pal, you gotta world o' hurt.

How much of private sector wages does President Obama have control over freedombecki? A deep recession coupled with the hemorrhaging of 3/4 million jobs per month creates a buyers market. So why don't you question your beloved 'job creators'?

Obama can be blamed for THIS:

Obama extends federal pay freeze
The Associated Press

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama told congressional leaders Tuesday that he is extending a two-year pay freeze for federal employees until at least next spring.

Read more here: Obama extends federal pay freeze -

And Obama and the Democrat can take full credit for THIS:

Turning Around the Worst Recession Since 1938


Bfgrn and Greenbeard make an excellent point -

Ryan is a Cafeteria Catholic. He's religious when it suits him but he worships a pro-choice atheist with Nazi sympathies. How much lower will the Rs go?

As for the church's
...many ... wonderful ways...
, it is a foul and stinking hole that cheerfully hides pedophiles in their midst. I just wish the Catholic church and Republicans cared as much about children as they SAY they do about fetuses.

What a disgusting bunch of hypocrites. No wonder the rw's love LyingRyan. He doesn't care a whit about children, doesn't care if they're hungry or homeless.
Only god would know about the state of Mr. Ryan's soul. When did you take over Heaven, Luddly, and now decides who is bound for hell.?

I judge him by his own behavior and his own words.

I judge the Catholic church by the same standards.

And, since I don't believe in a god, I most certainly don't believe in a hell. Search though you might, you will never ever find any reference that would lead to any other conclusion in any word I have written.

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