Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

Well, it is quite obvious no matter what our President does, you assholes will object to it. If he were to have a way to interject our military into the situation, he is a warmonger. If he and the EU resort to sanctions and economic measures, he is weak.

However, the situation remains. Do we let Putin start the re-establishment of the old Soviet empire? Apperantly, you people think this is a good idea, and are cheering Putin as one of your own.

Pretty much.

It turns out Saddam didn't have WMDs to turn over. But by not just coming out and stating this, he was basically forcing Bush's hand to go to war with Iraq. His hope was that the Middle East (or at least the OPEC nations) would band together and hurt the US as a result once we invaded Iraq and save his bacon. Didn't happen since dollars are more important than decrees.

But if you were to have pointed this out 10 years ago, you would have been called ever name in the book by the right wing loons.

Nothing in Syria or Ukraine is worth a drop of American blood. Nothing. This is merely another faux "crisis" that the right wing orgasms over. You'll note a thread from a week or so ago pointed out some crisis or another in Venezuela. Obama hasn't commented much on this and was called out for not doing so in the thread.

It's hilarious how the right wing thinks that if there isn't a body count, there isn't action being taken.

He did come out and state this. Multiple times. As did Tariq Aziz, as did the Saudi minister, as did many other Middle East leaders and ministers in various governments. They got very little TV airtime in the U.S.

Sort of my point...putting the word out so meekly was a way to feel out your opponent to see if he was serious. Surely someone in the "liberal media" would have given him air time to express his views if not invite him on one of the morning shows to cook brunch...right? LOL.
Reposted for those who whine that a couple or three USMB members don't = you all. And MAYBE the squawking heads also doesn't = you ALL, but I see precious few of you taking them to task for the misperception.
someone want links?

Is Putin one of us?

And it's been going on for some time:

Rachel Maddow Deflates GOP 'Man Crush' on Vladimir Putin | Mediaite

September 14th, 2013

After playing a montage of conservatives praising Putin this week, she compared it to the “NC-17″-style love they used to feel for Sarah Palin. But unlike Palin, or President Ronald Reagan, Maddow told the right that Putin is “not that into you.”

“Seriously, I know you guys hate President Obama, so it feels good to have a man crush on somebody else,” Maddow concluded, “but this guy is a president of Russia. Zip it up, you guys, seriously. Have some respect.”

Obama should go to Russia

5 Right-Wing Media Stars On Team Putin - The National Memo

In their never-ending quest to discredit President Barack Obama, many prominent members of the right-wing media have found a surprising new champion: Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Although Russia has long been the subject of the right’s paranoia and scorn, ever since Putin and Obama found themsleves on opposite sides of the debate over what to do in Syria, Putin has suddenly become an object of affection for Fox News and the rest of the Republican media. The longer the crisis drags on, the more glowing the reviews of Putin are becoming — at this pace, the Russian president will probably be the odds-on favorite in the next CPAC straw poll.

Here are five right-wing media stars who can’t seem to get enough of Vladimir Putin:

With a Vid!
Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter

During a September 9 appearance on Fox News’ Hannity, the host gushed over Putin’s ability to “embarrass” President Obama and referred to him as “the great peacemaker out there.” Meanwhile, Coulter repeatedly gloated that Putin has made Obama his “monkey.”

also with a vid:

Ralph Peters

Last week, the Fox News military analyst made the laughable claim that Russia’s economy is stronger than America’s, and praised Putin as a “tough” “He-Man”:

and there's more from McFarland and Limpballs
Well, it is quite obvious no matter what our President does, you assholes will object to it. If he were to have a way to interject our military into the situation, he is a warmonger. If he and the EU resort to sanctions and economic measures, he is weak.

However, the situation remains. Do we let Putin start the re-establishment of the old Soviet empire? Apperantly, you people think this is a good idea, and are cheering Putin as one of your own.

Pretty much.

It turns out Saddam didn't have WMDs to turn over. But by not just coming out and stating this, he was basically forcing Bush's hand to go to war with Iraq. His hope was that the Middle East (or at least the OPEC nations) would band together and hurt the US as a result once we invaded Iraq and save his bacon. Didn't happen since dollars are more important than decrees.

But if you were to have pointed this out 10 years ago, you would have been called ever name in the book by the right wing loons.

Nothing in Syria or Ukraine is worth a drop of American blood. Nothing. This is merely another faux "crisis" that the right wing orgasms over. You'll note a thread from a week or so ago pointed out some crisis or another in Venezuela. Obama hasn't commented much on this and was called out for not doing so in the thread.

It's hilarious how the right wing thinks that if there isn't a body count, there isn't action being taken.

List all the things that the far left supported the previous president on. Please be specific.
Is it less than what the Right-Wing has supported Obama on?
Maybe you limp wrister liberal sissies should have voted for a community organizer as president? He's woefully incompetent.
Maybe you limp wrister liberal sissies should have voted for a community organizer as president? He's woefully incompetent.

They just CAN'T handle the same majority of people can't stand him.... the same they couldn't stand Bush

it's just pathetic to watch the whine
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Adolph Hitler used the same logic to take over the Sudetenland.
Russia has deteriorated into a fascist state where reporters and dissenters are regularly killed. Putin is replaying the Cold War, sending troops to Ukraine just as the SOviets did to Afghanistan in 1979.

Godwin's law. Can't argue against that, lol. You are a brilliant one, clearly.

Do you have any idea what you're talking about? No, of course not.

Everyone equals Hitler that gets in the way of American Government interests don't they buddy? First it's Saddam, then Ahmedenijad, then Qadaffi, then Assad, now Putin. How convenient, lol.
Well, it is quite obvious no matter what our President does, you assholes will object to it. If he were to have a way to interject our military into the situation, he is a warmonger. If he and the EU resort to sanctions and economic measures, he is weak.

However, the situation remains. Do we let Putin start the re-establishment of the old Soviet empire? Apperantly, you people think this is a good idea, and are cheering Putin as one of your own.

Pretty much.

It turns out Saddam didn't have WMDs to turn over. But by not just coming out and stating this, he was basically forcing Bush's hand to go to war with Iraq. His hope was that the Middle East (or at least the OPEC nations) would band together and hurt the US as a result once we invaded Iraq and save his bacon. Didn't happen since dollars are more important than decrees.

But if you were to have pointed this out 10 years ago, you would have been called ever name in the book by the right wing loons.

Nothing in Syria or Ukraine is worth a drop of American blood. Nothing. This is merely another faux "crisis" that the right wing orgasms over. You'll note a thread from a week or so ago pointed out some crisis or another in Venezuela. Obama hasn't commented much on this and was called out for not doing so in the thread.

It's hilarious how the right wing thinks that if there isn't a body count, there isn't action being taken.

Gee, Candy...ANOTHER "faux crisis"? What's that count up to now? Fast and Furious is faux...the IRS targeting conservative groups is faux...Benghazi is faux...the ObamaCare website debacle is faux...a non existent Middle East policy in faux...million more on Food Stamps is faux...delaying the Keystone pipeline yet again for more "studies" is faux...the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history is faux...using Executive Orders to bypass the Congress is faux...

Is there anything this President has done that's NOT faux? :eusa_boohoo::lol::eusa_boohoo::lol:

The IRS thing wasn't faux in my book. That was a real act of malfeasance.

Fast and Furious was a stupid idea but it was never the crisis it was made out to be.

The website debacle was a debacle but it's intellectual dishonesty that it was indicative of the ACA since the only ones in the exchanges would be the uninsured. And it's been fixed...

Using EOs is something every President has done--funny you guys didn't have a problem when others did it.


The Ukraine falling under Russian control means zilch to anyone in the US. Your future has no tie to what happens over there; neither does that of your kids, or their kid's kids. Your investments, your job outlook, your career...none of it is likely tied to the Ukraine.

Yet somehow it's the greatest crisis of our times. Jeering Obama has become the common reflex among republicans. Ten years ago jeering the President would have been considered treason....
Well, it is quite obvious no matter what our President does, you assholes will object to it. If he were to have a way to interject our military into the situation, he is a warmonger. If he and the EU resort to sanctions and economic measures, he is weak.

However, the situation remains. Do we let Putin start the re-establishment of the old Soviet empire? Apperantly, you people think this is a good idea, and are cheering Putin as one of your own.

Pretty much.

It turns out Saddam didn't have WMDs to turn over. But by not just coming out and stating this, he was basically forcing Bush's hand to go to war with Iraq. His hope was that the Middle East (or at least the OPEC nations) would band together and hurt the US as a result once we invaded Iraq and save his bacon. Didn't happen since dollars are more important than decrees.

But if you were to have pointed this out 10 years ago, you would have been called ever name in the book by the right wing loons.

Nothing in Syria or Ukraine is worth a drop of American blood. Nothing. This is merely another faux "crisis" that the right wing orgasms over. You'll note a thread from a week or so ago pointed out some crisis or another in Venezuela. Obama hasn't commented much on this and was called out for not doing so in the thread.

It's hilarious how the right wing thinks that if there isn't a body count, there isn't action being taken.

Actually, I don't think Saddam really had a way of knowing what he did, and didn't, have.

W shot the wad on Iraq, so we had no military disincentive for the Russians in Georgia or now. As, for American interests, I think we so have interests in having market economies not run by totalitarian regiemes in the Ukraine, Georgia and Baltic states. Poland and the Czech Rep represent the fruits of winning the cold war. We need Bulgaria and Hungary to go that way again.

If anyone thinks that in the 21st century, Russia would not use military might to expand it's interests, they need to rethink.

But, the US can't do anything w/o the EU, and we squandered out legitimacy there. And neither party is blameless.
Well, it is quite obvious no matter what our President does, you assholes will object to it. If he were to have a way to interject our military into the situation, he is a warmonger. If he and the EU resort to sanctions and economic measures, he is weak.

However, the situation remains. Do we let Putin start the re-establishment of the old Soviet empire? Apperantly, you people think this is a good idea, and are cheering Putin as one of your own.

Pretty much.

It turns out Saddam didn't have WMDs to turn over. But by not just coming out and stating this, he was basically forcing Bush's hand to go to war with Iraq. His hope was that the Middle East (or at least the OPEC nations) would band together and hurt the US as a result once we invaded Iraq and save his bacon. Didn't happen since dollars are more important than decrees.

But if you were to have pointed this out 10 years ago, you would have been called ever name in the book by the right wing loons.

Nothing in Syria or Ukraine is worth a drop of American blood. Nothing. This is merely another faux "crisis" that the right wing orgasms over. You'll note a thread from a week or so ago pointed out some crisis or another in Venezuela. Obama hasn't commented much on this and was called out for not doing so in the thread.

It's hilarious how the right wing thinks that if there isn't a body count, there isn't action being taken.

List all the things that the far left supported the previous president on. Please be specific.

Good point. Of course under Obama, we're not losing thousands of soldiers to prop up Islamic democracies....
Well, it is quite obvious no matter what our President does, you assholes will object to it. If he were to have a way to interject our military into the situation, he is a warmonger. If he and the EU resort to sanctions and economic measures, he is weak.

However, the situation remains. Do we let Putin start the re-establishment of the old Soviet empire? Apperantly, you people think this is a good idea, and are cheering Putin as one of your own.

Pretty much.

It turns out Saddam didn't have WMDs to turn over. But by not just coming out and stating this, he was basically forcing Bush's hand to go to war with Iraq. His hope was that the Middle East (or at least the OPEC nations) would band together and hurt the US as a result once we invaded Iraq and save his bacon. Didn't happen since dollars are more important than decrees.

But if you were to have pointed this out 10 years ago, you would have been called ever name in the book by the right wing loons.

Nothing in Syria or Ukraine is worth a drop of American blood. Nothing. This is merely another faux "crisis" that the right wing orgasms over. You'll note a thread from a week or so ago pointed out some crisis or another in Venezuela. Obama hasn't commented much on this and was called out for not doing so in the thread.

It's hilarious how the right wing thinks that if there isn't a body count, there isn't action being taken.

Actually, I don't think Saddam really had a way of knowing what he did, and didn't, have.

W shot the wad on Iraq, so we had no military disincentive for the Russians in Georgia or now. As, for American interests, I think we so have interests in having market economies not run by totalitarian regiemes in the Ukraine, Georgia and Baltic states. Poland and the Czech Rep represent the fruits of winning the cold war. We need Bulgaria and Hungary to go that way again.

If anyone thinks that in the 21st century, Russia would not use military might to expand it's interests, they need to rethink.

But, the US can't do anything w/o the EU, and we squandered out legitimacy there. And neither party is blameless.

Interesting and balanced assessment.
Pretty much.

It turns out Saddam didn't have WMDs to turn over. But by not just coming out and stating this, he was basically forcing Bush's hand to go to war with Iraq. His hope was that the Middle East (or at least the OPEC nations) would band together and hurt the US as a result once we invaded Iraq and save his bacon. Didn't happen since dollars are more important than decrees.

But if you were to have pointed this out 10 years ago, you would have been called ever name in the book by the right wing loons.

Nothing in Syria or Ukraine is worth a drop of American blood. Nothing. This is merely another faux "crisis" that the right wing orgasms over. You'll note a thread from a week or so ago pointed out some crisis or another in Venezuela. Obama hasn't commented much on this and was called out for not doing so in the thread.

It's hilarious how the right wing thinks that if there isn't a body count, there isn't action being taken.

Gee, Candy...ANOTHER "faux crisis"? What's that count up to now? Fast and Furious is faux...the IRS targeting conservative groups is faux...Benghazi is faux...the ObamaCare website debacle is faux...a non existent Middle East policy in faux...million more on Food Stamps is faux...delaying the Keystone pipeline yet again for more "studies" is faux...the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history is faux...using Executive Orders to bypass the Congress is faux...

Is there anything this President has done that's NOT faux? :eusa_boohoo::lol::eusa_boohoo::lol:

The IRS thing wasn't faux in my book. That was a real act of malfeasance.

Fast and Furious was a stupid idea but it was never the crisis it was made out to be.

The website debacle was a debacle but it's intellectual dishonesty that it was indicative of the ACA since the only ones in the exchanges would be the uninsured. And it's been fixed...

Using EOs is something every President has done--funny you guys didn't have a problem when others did it.


The Ukraine falling under Russian control means zilch to anyone in the US. Your future has no tie to what happens over there; neither does that of your kids, or their kid's kids. Your investments, your job outlook, your career...none of it is likely tied to the Ukraine.

Yet somehow it's the greatest crisis of our times. Jeering Obama has become the common reflex among republicans. Ten years ago jeering the President would have been considered treason....

On whose part?!?
I didn't cross the line at all.

You are a traitor. And anti-American theocratic scum. Like Putin. Or the fucks in Saudi Arabia that run that fucked up place.

You're basically useless.
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. I oppose my country being destroyed, looted, and used for the agenda of globalists and the megarich(Wall Street, Military Industrial Complex etc).

And it is a laugh, you calling me anti-American, my family has been here since before America even existed, and fought for it's independence, they didn't die to see it become a police state, sucked dry by super-billionaires, and a tool of an imperialist agenda. They fought against these things in fighting Great Britain, they would have opposed such things. You are the anti-American scum.

And don't get me started on the theocrat nonsense. Since I don't support desecrating churches and the feminist extremism of pussy riot(which is financed by Soros to undermine the family and traditional values, see Femen which is in Russia and Europe as an example), I am a theocrat, get real, I am no such thing. I am not going to let you create a false frame. Pussy Riot and Femen are the radicals, the haters, the degenerates, not regular decent people(christian or non-christian) who oppose them.

You are just an idiot pawn. Certainly no patriot of any kind.

That's the thing about theocrats.

They never admit to it.

But they sure enough advocate for it.

As to the rest of your nonsense? It's just that.


What a brilliant retort you mindless drone. Now go suck your thumb in the corner and go listen to Fox News or MSNBC or whatever garbage you watch.

I show the the video of Nuland, from the state department, saying they financed the coup in Ukraine, but yea, it is Putin who is being aggressive, protecting the interests of citizens who oppose the coup of an elected president. Get your head out of your ass.

Calling me a theocrat because I oppose Pussy Riot because they desecrate churches is like calling you a satanist because you support their right to do so. It's absurd. Pussy Riot is just another Soros funded group. Soros funds them to undermine Russia like he funded revolution in Ukraine to undermine Ukraine.
Pussy Riot connections to George Soros?
Who or What is Russia's "Pussy Riot?" | The Daily Sheeple
International Renaissance Foundation | Open Society Foundations (OSF)

All you are doing here is supporting the agenda of rich globalists like Soros, you are a pawn, no patriot. You support enemies of the United States, you are the traitor.
Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

Another lie, just like everything else you post, nothing to see here....... :thup:
Humping Putan's leg is our new national pastime.

Here's a picture of him without his shirt to give you wood.


Please wash hands and flush when finished.

If only America had an Alpha male leader like Putin. We have a pencil necked beta boy.

There's ALWAYS internet porn....
Look, if dudes are your thing, that is cool, that is a common theme among Obama "supporters".
No one is cheering Russia's naked aggression. We're cheering President Putin's making a fool out of Chicken Kiev obama. The ordinary person under obama's tyranny can't do it. Thankfully someone is.
Hey Dumbo, I'll try to make this as simple as possible: If you are cheering Putin for making a fool out of President Obama, YOU ARE CHEERING FOR PUTIN.
I may not have agreed with some of bush's policies but I and 90% of America stood behind him after 9/11. We didn't cheer for al Qaida as a way to attack bush. Only a traitor would do so.
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. I oppose my country being destroyed, looted, and used for the agenda of globalists and the megarich(Wall Street, Military Industrial Complex etc).

And it is a laugh, you calling me anti-American, my family has been here since before America even existed, and fought for it's independence, they didn't die to see it become a police state, sucked dry by super-billionaires, and a tool of an imperialist agenda. They fought against these things in fighting Great Britain, they would have opposed such things. You are the anti-American scum.

And don't get me started on the theocrat nonsense. Since I don't support desecrating churches and the feminist extremism of pussy riot(which is financed by Soros to undermine the family and traditional values, see Femen which is in Russia and Europe as an example), I am a theocrat, get real, I am no such thing. I am not going to let you create a false frame. Pussy Riot and Femen are the radicals, the haters, the degenerates, not regular decent people(christian or non-christian) who oppose them.

You are just an idiot pawn. Certainly no patriot of any kind.

That's the thing about theocrats.

They never admit to it.

But they sure enough advocate for it.

As to the rest of your nonsense? It's just that.


What a brilliant retort you mindless drone. Now go suck your thumb in the corner and go listen to Fox News or MSNBC or whatever garbage you watch.

I show the the video of Nuland, from the state department, saying they financed the coup in Ukraine, but yea, it is Putin who is being aggressive, protecting the interests of citizens who oppose the coup of an elected president. Get your head out of your ass.

Calling me a theocrat because I oppose Pussy Riot because they desecrate churches is like calling you a satanist because you support their right to do so. It's absurd. Pussy Riot is just another Soros funded group. Soros funds them to undermine Russia like he funded revolution in Ukraine to undermine Ukraine.
Pussy Riot connections to George Soros?
Who or What is Russia's "Pussy Riot?" | The Daily Sheeple
International Renaissance Foundation | Open Society Foundations (OSF)

All you are doing here is supporting the agenda of rich globalists like Soros, you are a pawn, no patriot. You support enemies of the United States, you are the traitor.

You theocrats are hilarious.

Additionally, when you think you can make me do anything..feel free.

Till then?

Think I will continue to do as I please.
No one is cheering Russia's naked aggression. We're cheering President Putin's making a fool out of Chicken Kiev obama. The ordinary person under obama's tyranny can't do it. Thankfully someone is.
Hey Dumbo, I'll try to make this as simple as possible: If you are cheering Putin for making a fool out of President Obama, YOU ARE CHEERING FOR PUTIN.
I may not have agreed with some of bush's policies but I and 90% of America stood behind him after 9/11. We didn't cheer for al Qaida as a way to attack bush. Only a traitor would do so.

Queue Jerry Falwell please..

[ame=]Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]
That's the thing about theocrats.

They never admit to it.

But they sure enough advocate for it.

As to the rest of your nonsense? It's just that.


What a brilliant retort you mindless drone. Now go suck your thumb in the corner and go listen to Fox News or MSNBC or whatever garbage you watch.

I show the the video of Nuland, from the state department, saying they financed the coup in Ukraine, but yea, it is Putin who is being aggressive, protecting the interests of citizens who oppose the coup of an elected president. Get your head out of your ass.

Calling me a theocrat because I oppose Pussy Riot because they desecrate churches is like calling you a satanist because you support their right to do so. It's absurd. Pussy Riot is just another Soros funded group. Soros funds them to undermine Russia like he funded revolution in Ukraine to undermine Ukraine.
Pussy Riot connections to George Soros?
Who or What is Russia's "Pussy Riot?" | The Daily Sheeple
International Renaissance Foundation | Open Society Foundations (OSF)

All you are doing here is supporting the agenda of rich globalists like Soros, you are a pawn, no patriot. You support enemies of the United States, you are the traitor.

You theocrats are hilarious.

Additionally, when you think you can make me do anything..feel free.

Till then?

Think I will continue to do as I please.

Make you do anything? How delusional are you? Who cares what you do? You are some mindless drone on an internet forum with delusions of grandeur. No one cares what you do. You supporting the agenda of globalist mega-billionaires like George Soros to topple nation and after is irrelevant in the long run, you are just a brainwashed idiot with no power.

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