Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

If conservatives thought that aiding Putin could somehow lead to the toppling of President Obama (and Biden) from the Presidency, thereby installing Speaker Boehner, what do you think they would do?

I was with you until I got to what I put in red. Then I was WTF?
Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

If conservatives thought that aiding Putin could somehow lead to the toppling of President Obama (and Biden) from the Presidency, thereby installing Speaker Boehner, what do you think they would do?

I was with you until I got to what I put in red. Then I was WTF?

I figured that would be the deal breaker for some conservatives.
Godwin's law. Can't argue against that, lol. You are a brilliant one, clearly.

Do you have any idea what you're talking about? No, of course not.

Everyone equals Hitler that gets in the way of American Government interests don't they buddy? First it's Saddam, then Ahmedenijad, then Qadaffi, then Assad, now Putin. How convenient, lol.

You very clearly do not what Godwin's Law is.
You very clearly cannot distinguish between rhetoric and truth.
You very clearly aren't worth responding to.
bye bye.
If conservatives thought that aiding Putin could somehow lead to the toppling of President Obama (and Biden) from the Presidency, thereby installing Speaker Boehner, what do you think they would do?

I was with you until I got to what I put in red. Then I was WTF?

I figured that would be the deal breaker for some conservatives.

You think any conservative wants Putin to invade? Really??
Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

We are not cheering for the Russians. We are just doubtful that there is another Ronald Reagan to put Russia back in its place like he did following Jimmy Carter. There will be a lot on the plate of the next president following the mess created by Obama. We pray someone will rise up to the task. It is the late 1970's all over again.
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Listening to the Russian ambassador to the UN the dissidents are attacking churches and synagogues. Either they are radical leftists or Muslim infiltrators
Do you have any idea what you're talking about? No, of course not.

Everyone equals Hitler that gets in the way of American Government interests don't they buddy? First it's Saddam, then Ahmedenijad, then Qadaffi, then Assad, now Putin. How convenient, lol.

You very clearly do not what Godwin's Law is.
You very clearly cannot distinguish between rhetoric and truth.
You very clearly aren't worth responding to.
bye bye.

No, the parallel you are drawing is very clear, Hitler wanted to bring back ethnic germans outside germany's borders under the Reich, which those Germans wanted. And Putin wants to bring back Russian majority areas back to Russia, which these Russians in Ukraine want. Therefore Putin is like Hitler, is a Nazi, and thus should be opposed. How you will oppose him I don't know, but everyone that opposes the agenda of you neo-cons ends up being a nazi, how convenient.

How about this "rabbi", why don't you send your money, send your family, and send yourself, if you want to get it on in a war with Putin so bad.

You neo-con chicken hawks disgust me.
let's not mention W's impotence in Georgia, either.

It's not a partisan issue. Both "sides" have shown a failure to marshal the EU.

Marshal EU? That group would not lift a empty box off if they can avoid it. America has to do all the heavy lifting if anything is going to get done apparently. Why do you think Nuland dropped the F-bomb on them?
Ray.....not sure where you are getting this my friend? I do think conservatives are concerned that this whole "reset" concept has been disasterous. It just doesn't work that way and now America is suffering the consequences for it. Its always how it they say, "Reality is 95% perception". When you talk about "red lines" and don't back it up, there will necessarily be consequences. On the world stage for centuries and centuries, talk is cheap. Action is respected. There are hundreds of books written on "deterrence theory"......the Chamberlains of the world always end up getting popped in the mouth......some more, some less. World leaders don't take Obama seriously........and there are going to be consequences. Its understandable that some people are frustrated. Putin has planned for this inevitability for years.......he has picked this time because he has nothing to fear.
let's not mention W's impotence in Georgia, either.

It's not a partisan issue. Both "sides" have shown a failure to marshal the EU.

Marshal EU? That group would not lift a empty box off if they can avoid it. America has to do all the heavy lifting if anything is going to get done apparently. Why do you think Nuland dropped the F-bomb on them?

yeah, the EU finally got motivated on Serbia, and then had to get the US to take out their air defenses and bomb their economy to shreds. But, that doesn't alter the fact that W was as impotent in Georgia and Obama will likely be with the Ukraine. Only if the EU is clearly faced with a pattern of Russian behavior, and a way to say nyet to the natl gas, is there really much likelihood of change. Of course Poland and the Czech's could raise a hand.
No, the parallel you are drawing is very clear, Hitler wanted to bring back ethnic germans outside germany's borders under the Reich, which those Germans wanted. And Putin wants to bring back Russian majority areas back to Russia, which these Russians in Ukraine want. Therefore Putin is like Hitler, is a Nazi, and thus should be opposed. How you will oppose him I don't know, but everyone that opposes the agenda of you neo-cons ends up being a nazi, how convenient.

How about this "rabbi", why don't you send your money, send your family, and send yourself, if you want to get it on in a war with Putin so bad.

You neo-con chicken hawks disgust me.
Interesting. I heard the left call conservatives Nazi a lot, seldom have I heard it the other way. Also, the concept of peace through strength seems to alude you. We have telegraphed weakness about every way possible. But be disgusted, I like liberals that way. A satisfied liberal means something went horribly wrong.
it wasn't war asshole.

It was the supposed enforcement of UN sanctions.

it was unfettered aggression in response to no threat to the United States.

Funny I thought we went to war to protect Americans and their rights. The fucking reality is that nothing Iraq did threatened Americans our country or our rights.

Take off your fucking patriotic blinders and look at the shit we do objectively for once in your fucking sheep life.
It wasn't a war? You mean those scenes of soldiers, tanks, bombers, snipers etc were all made up? Darn, the things you learn here.

It was an invasion of a sovereign country that posed absolutely no threat to the US it's people or its liberties.

And if it was indeed a war how about posting the official declaration of war that was passed by congress and signed by the president?

Same as Vietnam, Korea, OIF and every other war post WW2, and several before that too.
No, the parallel you are drawing is very clear, Hitler wanted to bring back ethnic germans outside germany's borders under the Reich, which those Germans wanted. And Putin wants to bring back Russian majority areas back to Russia, which these Russians in Ukraine want. Therefore Putin is like Hitler, is a Nazi, and thus should be opposed. How you will oppose him I don't know, but everyone that opposes the agenda of you neo-cons ends up being a nazi, how convenient.

How about this "rabbi", why don't you send your money, send your family, and send yourself, if you want to get it on in a war with Putin so bad.

You neo-con chicken hawks disgust me.
Interesting. I heard the left call conservatives Nazi a lot, seldom have I heard it the other way. Also, the concept of peace through strength seems to alude you. We have telegraphed weakness about every way possible. But be disgusted, I like liberals that way. A satisfied liberal means something went horribly wrong.
Nation building through organizing coups of elected governments like Ukraine is not conservative. Sorry to burst your bubble but America has had a liberal/neo-conservative policy since Wilson and World War I.

You ain't a conservative.
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Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

nope!!!! :eek: Don't bring that up, its ancient history :doubt:

Remember when Giuliani forgot about 9/11?

That was hilarious. :lol:

Remember when you told the truth?

No one else does either.

Oh I guess you need the links.

Then Giuliani proclaimed, in words he would soon regret, "We had no domestic attacks under Bush. We've had one under Obama," referring to November's shootings at Fort Hood by a radical Army psychiatrist.

Read more: Rudy Giuliani forgets 9/11 when suggesting President Obama take cues from Bush on fighting terror - NY Daily News

Oh..that not enough?

How about the video of him saying it.

[ame=]Rudy Giuliani's False Claim: "We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush" - YouTube[/ame]

Ooooh..there ya go fuckface.

I was with you until I got to what I put in red. Then I was WTF?

I figured that would be the deal breaker for some conservatives.

You think any conservative wants Putin to invade? Really??

Conservatives will block the unemployment insurance extension, immigration reform, raising the minimum wage and other bills that a majority of Americans wants passed. Do I thing conservatives want Putin to invade? Really? Yes. I really do. Oh yeah, and cripple the ACA in any way they can regardless of any personal suffering they might cause. Do I want to revoke their American citizenship? Yes. I really do.
No, the parallel you are drawing is very clear, Hitler wanted to bring back ethnic germans outside germany's borders under the Reich, which those Germans wanted. And Putin wants to bring back Russian majority areas back to Russia, which these Russians in Ukraine want. Therefore Putin is like Hitler, is a Nazi, and thus should be opposed. How you will oppose him I don't know, but everyone that opposes the agenda of you neo-cons ends up being a nazi, how convenient.

How about this "rabbi", why don't you send your money, send your family, and send yourself, if you want to get it on in a war with Putin so bad.

You neo-con chicken hawks disgust me.
Interesting. I heard the left call conservatives Nazi a lot, seldom have I heard it the other way. Also, the concept of peace through strength seems to alude you. We have telegraphed weakness about every way possible. But be disgusted, I like liberals that way. A satisfied liberal means something went horribly wrong.
Nation building through organizing coups of elected governments like Ukraine is not a conservative. Sorry to burst your bubble but America has had a liberal/neo-conservative policy since Wilson and World War I.

You ain't a conservative.

uuuummmm. Reagan. I see your point though, assuming its that the US itself has done regime change. Generally, however, despite things like raping Maryknolls and torturing priests and even killing tens of thousands in operation phoenix, our forays since 1945 have been at least aimed at removing totalitarianism.

We could argue about mistakes. We could argue that doing nothing is preferable to unintended consequences, or even moral failure like Negroponte. but asserting there is no difference between Russia and the Ukranine and US policy is bs.

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