Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

It was an invasion of a sovereign country that posed absolutely no threat to the US it's people or its liberties.

And if it was indeed a war how about posting the official declaration of war that was passed by congress and signed by the president?

Same as Vietnam, Korea, OIF and every other war post WW2, and several before that too.

The only one of those that was for any good reason was WWII.

An undeclared war is not a war it is an invasion.

And we just love to invade other countries don't we?

And don't try to couch our aggression in some moral position. it is not moral to kill people that do not pose a physical threat to you.

American foreign policy is like the a city's police department. Year after year they keep the city safe, being on patrol and maybe knocking heads once and a while as need be. Every once and a while some corrupt officers goes off and shoot someone in a vigilante manner. When someone talks about that city's police department they say, "Yeah, that department where they shot that guy in cold blood."
Democrats are driven to overuse the word theocrat. President Putin is a Christian and that's why they hate him.

um Putin is KGB. He's a leftest.

"Putin has long been a supporter of Christianity and Christian values within Russia. He has called for the Church to play a larger role in citizens' social lives, better religion classes in schools, and television programs emphasizing religious values." LINK:
Putin vows to defend Christianity

Do you crave leadership so desperately that you'll follow anyone???

That explains your support and adoration of Putin.


Of Smedly Butler.
When lefties call me a traitor, it just makes me laugh.

BTW, I don't support Russia's move, but I also don't think the Hussein-in-chief will do much about it.

what would you do?

They don't have the faintest idea what to do, and if truth be known they don't give a shit about the fate of Ukraine sovereignity. But hey, can't resist an opportunity to Obama bash
can they?
let's not mention W's impotence in Georgia, either.

It's not a partisan issue. Both "sides" have shown a failure to marshal the EU.
Whoa. When did marshalling the EU become an issue? As far as Bush, he was wrong when he stepped in and wrong when he didn't. Who can take the left seriously? You're doubletalkers.

Germany?s Merkel Walks Fine Line in Russian Standoff - Wall Street Journal -
Ms. Merkel operates in a much different political context from Mr. Obama. The Pew Research Global Survey showed 40% of German and Russian respondents had an unfavorable view of the U.S. last year against 24% of Poles. The U.S. invasion of Iraq, which some Germans compare to Russia’s occupation of Crimea, sent anti-U.S. sentiment spiking here in 2003.
The IRS thing wasn't faux in my book. That was a real act of malfeasance.

Fast and Furious was a stupid idea but it was never the crisis it was made out to be.

The website debacle was a debacle but it's intellectual dishonesty that it was indicative of the ACA since the only ones in the exchanges would be the uninsured. And it's been fixed...

Using EOs is something every President has done--funny you guys didn't have a problem when others did it.


The Ukraine falling under Russian control means zilch to anyone in the US. Your future has no tie to what happens over there; neither does that of your kids, or their kid's kids. Your investments, your job outlook, your career...none of it is likely tied to the Ukraine.

Yet somehow it's the greatest crisis of our times. Jeering Obama has become the common reflex among republicans. Ten years ago jeering the President would have been considered treason....

On whose part?!?

As I understand it, groups of all political leanings were singled out for closer scrutiny because their names indicated that they were not qualified for tax free status. Those who did the singling out, those who authorized it are guilty of malfeasance. How Obama politically allowed the head of the IRS to keep her job is really remarkable.

Under the rewriting of campaign finance law, it was changed from "exclusive" to "primary":


501(c)(4) organizations may inform the public on controversial subjects and attempt to influence legislation relevant to its program[43] and, unlike 501(c)(3) organizations, they may also participate in political campaigns and elections, as long as their primary activity is the promotion of social welfare.[44]

They have abused "primary", while also putting the IRS in the position of having to make a political determination: is this group legit? Which means they had to investigate. Which takes time.

Tell me - anyone:

Do you think the NE Tarrant Tea Party is primarily political?
It was an invasion of a sovereign country that posed absolutely no threat to the US it's people or its liberties.

And if it was indeed a war how about posting the official declaration of war that was passed by congress and signed by the president?

Same as Vietnam, Korea, OIF and every other war post WW2, and several before that too.

The only one of those that was for any good reason was WWII.

An undeclared war is not a war it is an invasion.

And we just love to invade other countries don't we?

And don't try to couch our aggression in some moral position. it is not moral to kill people that do not pose a physical threat to you.

Study history before you make a fool of yourself.

Unless you like being debased in public.

U.S. Cites 1991 U.N. Cease-Fire Resolution as the Legal Basis for Its Invasion
March 21, 2003

From Reuters

UNITED NATIONS — The United States gave its official reasons for invading Iraq to the U.N. Security Council late Thursday, saying Baghdad had broken a cease-fire resolution adopted after the 1991 Persian Gulf War.

Britain and Australia, two other nations in the U.S.-led coalition, wrote similar, shorter, letters to the 15-member council. None of the letters mentioned "regime change," an aim of the invasion but never authorized in any council resolution.

U.S. Cites 1991 U.N. Cease-Fire Resolution as the Legal Basis for Its Invasion - Los Angeles Times
um Putin is KGB. He's a leftest.

"Putin has long been a supporter of Christianity and Christian values within Russia. He has called for the Church to play a larger role in citizens' social lives, better religion classes in schools, and television programs emphasizing religious values." LINK:
Putin vows to defend Christianity

Do you crave leadership so desperately that you'll follow anyone???

That explains your support and adoration of Putin.


Of Smedly Butler.

Run along now little fella. Must be past your nap time. Your making even less sense than normal.
Remember when Giuliani forgot about 9/11?

That was hilarious. :lol:

Remember when you told the truth?

No one else does either.

Oh I guess you need the links.

Then Giuliani proclaimed, in words he would soon regret, "We had no domestic attacks under Bush. We've had one under Obama," referring to November's shootings at Fort Hood by a radical Army psychiatrist.

Read more: Rudy Giuliani forgets 9/11 when suggesting President Obama take cues from Bush on fighting terror - NY Daily News

Oh..that not enough?

How about the video of him saying it.

[ame=]Rudy Giuliani's False Claim: "We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush" - YouTube[/ame]

Ooooh..there ya go fuckface.


Wow..what happened to @Avatar4321

That POS calls someone a liar and runs off.

You think any conservative wants Putin to invade? Really??

Conservatives will block the unemployment insurance extension, immigration reform, raising the minimum wage and other bills that a majority of Americans wants passed. Do I thing conservatives want Putin to invade? Really? Yes. I really do. Oh yeah, and cripple the ACA in any way they can regardless of any personal suffering they might cause. Do I want to revoke their American citizenship? Yes. I really do.

The kool-aid is heavy in that sentence. I'm actually libertarian, but I'll have a go at these.

Translation: he's an embarrassed Republican.
On whose part?!?

As I understand it, groups of all political leanings were singled out for closer scrutiny because their names indicated that they were not qualified for tax free status. Those who did the singling out, those who authorized it are guilty of malfeasance. How Obama politically allowed the head of the IRS to keep her job is really remarkable.

Under the rewriting of campaign finance law, it was changed from "exclusive" to "primary":


501(c)(4) organizations may inform the public on controversial subjects and attempt to influence legislation relevant to its program[43] and, unlike 501(c)(3) organizations, they may also participate in political campaigns and elections, as long as their primary activity is the promotion of social welfare.[44]

They have abused "primary", while also putting the IRS in the position of having to make a political determination: is this group legit? Which means they had to investigate. Which takes time.

Tell me - anyone:

Do you think the NE Tarrant Tea Party is primarily political?

Then why aren't they investigating
You are just the type of asshole that the OP is about. The President is objecting to the naked aggression on the part of Russia. If he and the other leaders of the civilized nations of the world formulate a plan that backs the Russians up, you would oppose that because you want the US to lose as long as President Obama is President. That is damnably treasonous. No other word for it.
Where is the cheering for the naked aggression of Putin?

Put up or shut up.

I know I'm not cheering for Putin, but I can bloody well see why he went in to protect his naval base which in Crimea from the whack jobs who now have seized power in Kiev.

And to protect all the Russian citizens that are at the base and pro Russian citizens of Crimea.

You bet he went in to keep his fleet from falling into these fascists hands.


Careful, TD! You are making a lot of sense and nobody seems to be listening.
Conservatives will block the unemployment insurance extension, immigration reform, raising the minimum wage and other bills that a majority of Americans wants passed. Do I thing conservatives want Putin to invade? Really? Yes. I really do. Oh yeah, and cripple the ACA in any way they can regardless of any personal suffering they might cause. Do I want to revoke their American citizenship? Yes. I really do.

The kool-aid is heavy in that sentence. I'm actually libertarian, but I'll have a go at these.

- unemployment insurance extension: further taxing struggling employers who are the ones who provide the jobs in the endless economy Obama owns now is to the point of retarded.

- immigration reform: we want legal, not illegal immigration, Skippy.

- raising the minimum wage: what does denying work to people not worth an arbitrary wage do for anyone exactly? And why do you want more people to fall under your job cutting knife?

- and other bills that a majority of Americans wants passed: A bit vague there, I assume you're referring to your failed marxist proposals.

- Do I thing conservatives want Putin to invade? Really? Yes. I really do: Because you're an idiot.

- Oh yeah, and cripple the ACA in any way they can regardless of any personal suffering they might cause: Yeah, people paying higher rates for worse insurance while reducing jobs and harming the economy. Stopping that is to "cause" personal suffering. Put down the kool-aid.

- Do I want to revoke their American citizenship? Yes. I really do: The feeling is mutual, but it's not happening either way.

So there is something wrong with every one of my points. There are two reasons you thinks so: 1) You get all your information for a single source, whether or not it has multiple URLs and 2) you hate Obama (see #1 for a better explanation of that) While I am sure you believe yourself to have a well rounded education being a fundamentalist learning from a single book does not actually count.

My information comes from my career in business and management.

Your information comes from what liberal lawyers tell you to think that is totally self serving to them.

The quality of the advice you're receiving is pretty much what you would expect it to be.
I never said that.

It's one thing when it's about domestic policy.

It's just that conservatives can't even bring themselves to support Obama when it comes to International relations. Either you take the side of a leader of a foreign country (like Israel's Netanyahu) over your own president who's primary concern is AMERICAN interests, not Israeli interests, or you use an international crisis like what's happening in the Ukraine to beat up on President Obama.

And you guys call yourselves patriots? What a joke!!!

I would support Obama if it were in Americas interest to do so, but we should just stay out of the Ukraine. It sucks, but it's not our fight.

As for supporting him overseas when America doesn't have a national interest involved. He's done nothing but attack and spit on us through his presidency. Hell no I'm not going to support him just because of where he works. He's been a belligerent thug of a President. Until he starts showing those of us who disagree with his agenda some respect, he isn't going to get any coming back.

Before you say vice versa, he was elected President of the United States. Yeah, he had a chance to mend fences, and he did nothing but continue to torch them.

Showing respect for something and being held hostage by it are two different things and you are trying for the second.

Obama has no respect for anyone. I'm his enemy, you're his bitch, neither of us mean a damned thing to him.
Conservatives will block the unemployment insurance extension, immigration reform, raising the minimum wage and other bills that a majority of Americans wants passed. Do I thing conservatives want Putin to invade? Really? Yes. I really do. Oh yeah, and cripple the ACA in any way they can regardless of any personal suffering they might cause. Do I want to revoke their American citizenship? Yes. I really do.

The kool-aid is heavy in that sentence. I'm actually libertarian, but I'll have a go at these.

Translation: he's an embarrassed Republican.

I'm a "republican" who's against the war on drugs, opposes the wars in the middle east, opposes our military presence in the middle east, opposes other morality laws including gambling and prostitution and is pro choice. Unlike the Republicans, I'm also actually a fiscal conservative.

You're an idiot.

And that's the playbill for this evening's performance...
The kool-aid is heavy in that sentence. I'm actually libertarian, but I'll have a go at these.

Translation: he's an embarrassed Republican.

I'm a "republican" who's against the war on drugs, opposes the wars in the middle east, opposes our military presence in the middle east, opposes other morality laws including gambling and prostitution and is pro choice. Unlike the Republicans, I'm also actually a fiscal conservative.

You're an idiot.

And that's the playbill for this evening's performance...
You did not support President Bush's decision to invade Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein?

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