Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

I figured that would be the deal breaker for some conservatives.

You think any conservative wants Putin to invade? Really??

Conservatives will block the unemployment insurance extension, immigration reform, raising the minimum wage and other bills that a majority of Americans wants passed. Do I thing conservatives want Putin to invade? Really? Yes. I really do. Oh yeah, and cripple the ACA in any way they can regardless of any personal suffering they might cause. Do I want to revoke their American citizenship? Yes. I really do.
I don't doubt it. If you had any kind of intellect, you might even be a bit scary.
We're broke....................

Until it's time to be World Police again.

But then after that, we'll be broke again.

Got it.
I was with you until I got to what I put in red. Then I was WTF?

I figured that would be the deal breaker for some conservatives.

You think any conservative wants Putin to invade? Really??

I never said that.

It's one thing when it's about domestic policy.

It's just that conservatives can't even bring themselves to support Obama when it comes to International relations. Either you take the side of a leader of a foreign country (like Israel's Netanyahu) over your own president who's primary concern is AMERICAN interests, not Israeli interests, or you use an international crisis like what's happening in the Ukraine to beat up on President Obama.

And you guys call yourselves patriots? What a joke!!!
It's just that conservatives can't even bring themselves to support Obama when it comes to International relations. Either you take the side of a leader of a foreign country (like Israel's Netanyahu) over your own president who's primary concern is AMERICAN interests, not Israeli interests, or you use an international crisis like what's happening in the Ukraine to beat up on President Obama.

And you guys call yourselves patriots? What a joke!!!
You sorta forgot about the years years I see. Except when it's time to play the blame game. I'm still waiting for Obama to do something I can support.
Gee, Candy...ANOTHER "faux crisis"? What's that count up to now? Fast and Furious is faux...the IRS targeting conservative groups is faux...Benghazi is faux...the ObamaCare website debacle is faux...a non existent Middle East policy in faux...million more on Food Stamps is faux...delaying the Keystone pipeline yet again for more "studies" is faux...the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history is faux...using Executive Orders to bypass the Congress is faux...

Is there anything this President has done that's NOT faux? :eusa_boohoo::lol::eusa_boohoo::lol:

The IRS thing wasn't faux in my book. That was a real act of malfeasance.

Fast and Furious was a stupid idea but it was never the crisis it was made out to be.

The website debacle was a debacle but it's intellectual dishonesty that it was indicative of the ACA since the only ones in the exchanges would be the uninsured. And it's been fixed...

Using EOs is something every President has done--funny you guys didn't have a problem when others did it.


The Ukraine falling under Russian control means zilch to anyone in the US. Your future has no tie to what happens over there; neither does that of your kids, or their kid's kids. Your investments, your job outlook, your career...none of it is likely tied to the Ukraine.

Yet somehow it's the greatest crisis of our times. Jeering Obama has become the common reflex among republicans. Ten years ago jeering the President would have been considered treason....

On whose part?!?

As I understand it, groups of all political leanings were singled out for closer scrutiny because their names indicated that they were not qualified for tax free status. Those who did the singling out, those who authorized it are guilty of malfeasance. How Obama politically allowed the head of the IRS to keep her job is really remarkable.
Mocking the President of the United States for making a fool out of himself does not mean that one is cheering on anyone.

well if we wanted to pull a card from the 04 deck, we could say you people are being anti-patriotic by undermining the POTUS.

But why stoop to that sort of level you know?

'Dissent is the highest form of patriotism'

(best selling bumper sticker in San Francisco)


only when your party is out of power, then its treason
Number 1 big mistake is to come out and threaten Putin publicly. And then let your Secretary of State come out and thump his chest and run off at the mouth.

That is not diplomacy.

this is why you are on a message board and not governing.
I figured that would be the deal breaker for some conservatives.

You think any conservative wants Putin to invade? Really??

Conservatives will block the unemployment insurance extension, immigration reform, raising the minimum wage and other bills that a majority of Americans wants passed. Do I thing conservatives want Putin to invade? Really? Yes. I really do. Oh yeah, and cripple the ACA in any way they can regardless of any personal suffering they might cause. Do I want to revoke their American citizenship? Yes. I really do.

The kool-aid is heavy in that sentence. I'm actually libertarian, but I'll have a go at these.

- unemployment insurance extension: further taxing struggling employers who are the ones who provide the jobs in the endless economy Obama owns now is to the point of retarded.

- immigration reform: we want legal, not illegal immigration, Skippy.

- raising the minimum wage: what does denying work to people not worth an arbitrary wage do for anyone exactly? And why do you want more people to fall under your job cutting knife?

- and other bills that a majority of Americans wants passed: A bit vague there, I assume you're referring to your failed marxist proposals.

- Do I thing conservatives want Putin to invade? Really? Yes. I really do: Because you're an idiot.

- Oh yeah, and cripple the ACA in any way they can regardless of any personal suffering they might cause: Yeah, people paying higher rates for worse insurance while reducing jobs and harming the economy. Stopping that is to "cause" personal suffering. Put down the kool-aid.

- Do I want to revoke their American citizenship? Yes. I really do: The feeling is mutual, but it's not happening either way.
I figured that would be the deal breaker for some conservatives.

You think any conservative wants Putin to invade? Really??

I never said that.

It's one thing when it's about domestic policy.

It's just that conservatives can't even bring themselves to support Obama when it comes to International relations. Either you take the side of a leader of a foreign country (like Israel's Netanyahu) over your own president who's primary concern is AMERICAN interests, not Israeli interests, or you use an international crisis like what's happening in the Ukraine to beat up on President Obama.

And you guys call yourselves patriots? What a joke!!!

I would support Obama if it were in Americas interest to do so, but we should just stay out of the Ukraine. It sucks, but it's not our fight.

As for supporting him overseas when America doesn't have a national interest involved. He's done nothing but attack and spit on us through his presidency. Hell no I'm not going to support him just because of where he works. He's been a belligerent thug of a President. Until he starts showing those of us who disagree with his agenda some respect, he isn't going to get any coming back.

Before you say vice versa, he was elected President of the United States. Yeah, he had a chance to mend fences, and he did nothing but continue to torch them.
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"To work against the interests of the United States, and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort."

First, when Obama kills Anwar Al-Awlaki without giving him his due process rights under the law, who was committing treason? Him or our president? When Obama sends money, weapons, and tanks to Syrian Rebels and Al-Qaeda terrorists; who was it committing treason? Who is it working against American interests?

And when Obama kills children with drone strikes, is he working in the best interests of the civilized world? When he works to weaken us militarily, is he working in our interests?

Keep your trap shut. You can't prove one way or another that conservatives are cheering for another country to slaughter another.

1) killing him wasnt treason dipshit.
2) children die in war, sadly this is a reality. It was no better when Bush invaded Iraq or when any other president went to war. ts a piss poor excuse to use regardless of party.

You arent cheering another country to slaughter another country. You are cheering anything that makes Obama look bad. Enemy of my enemy is my friend.
You partsian hacks are nothing but jokes. Truly unamerican.
You think any conservative wants Putin to invade? Really??

Conservatives will block the unemployment insurance extension, immigration reform, raising the minimum wage and other bills that a majority of Americans wants passed. Do I thing conservatives want Putin to invade? Really? Yes. I really do. Oh yeah, and cripple the ACA in any way they can regardless of any personal suffering they might cause. Do I want to revoke their American citizenship? Yes. I really do.

The kool-aid is heavy in that sentence. I'm actually libertarian, but I'll have a go at these.

- unemployment insurance extension: further taxing struggling employers who are the ones who provide the jobs in the endless economy Obama owns now is to the point of retarded.

- immigration reform: we want legal, not illegal immigration, Skippy.

- raising the minimum wage: what does denying work to people not worth an arbitrary wage do for anyone exactly? And why do you want more people to fall under your job cutting knife?

- and other bills that a majority of Americans wants passed: A bit vague there, I assume you're referring to your failed marxist proposals.

- Do I thing conservatives want Putin to invade? Really? Yes. I really do: Because you're an idiot.

- Oh yeah, and cripple the ACA in any way they can regardless of any personal suffering they might cause: Yeah, people paying higher rates for worse insurance while reducing jobs and harming the economy. Stopping that is to "cause" personal suffering. Put down the kool-aid.

- Do I want to revoke their American citizenship? Yes. I really do: The feeling is mutual, but it's not happening either way.

So there is something wrong with every one of my points. There are two reasons you thinks so: 1) You get all your information for a single source, whether or not it has multiple URLs and 2) you hate Obama (see #1 for a better explanation of that) While I am sure you believe yourself to have a well rounded education being a fundamentalist learning from a single book does not actually count.
Democrats are driven to overuse the word theocrat. President Putin is a Christian and that's why they hate him.

Putin is a Christian?

“It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.”

– Russian President Vladimir Putin, writing in The New York Times.
You think any conservative wants Putin to invade? Really??

I never said that.

It's one thing when it's about domestic policy.

It's just that conservatives can't even bring themselves to support Obama when it comes to International relations. Either you take the side of a leader of a foreign country (like Israel's Netanyahu) over your own president who's primary concern is AMERICAN interests, not Israeli interests, or you use an international crisis like what's happening in the Ukraine to beat up on President Obama.

And you guys call yourselves patriots? What a joke!!!

I would support Obama if it were in Americas interest to do so, but we should just stay out of the Ukraine. It sucks, but it's not our fight.

As for supporting him overseas when America doesn't have a national interest involved. He's done nothing but attack and spit on us through his presidency. Hell no I'm not going to support him just because of where he works. He's been a belligerent thug of a President. Until he starts showing those of us who disagree with his agenda some respect, he isn't going to get any coming back.

Before you say vice versa, he was elected President of the United States. Yeah, he had a chance to mend fences, and he did nothing but continue to torch them.

Showing respect for something and being held hostage by it are two different things and you are trying for the second.
When lefties call me a traitor, it just makes me laugh.

BTW, I don't support Russia's move, but I also don't think the Hussein-in-chief will do much about it.
It wasn't a war? You mean those scenes of soldiers, tanks, bombers, snipers etc were all made up? Darn, the things you learn here.

It was an invasion of a sovereign country that posed absolutely no threat to the US it's people or its liberties.

And if it was indeed a war how about posting the official declaration of war that was passed by congress and signed by the president?

Same as Vietnam, Korea, OIF and every other war post WW2, and several before that too.

The only one of those that was for any good reason was WWII.

An undeclared war is not a war it is an invasion.

And we just love to invade other countries don't we?

And don't try to couch our aggression in some moral position. it is not moral to kill people that do not pose a physical threat to you.
Democrats are driven to overuse the word theocrat. President Putin is a Christian and that's why they hate him.

um Putin is KGB. He's a leftest.

"Putin has long been a supporter of Christianity and Christian values within Russia. He has called for the Church to play a larger role in citizens' social lives, better religion classes in schools, and television programs emphasizing religious values." LINK:
Putin vows to defend Christianity

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