Conservatives: do you believe that there are unfair criticisms made about Obama...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Colorado other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him. other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

I couldn't care less if any criticism of him is unfair. I support whatever it takes to defeat him.
I think sometimes he's blamed unfairly but I do think the people he surrounds himself with makes most of the problems in government fall into his lap. That sort of goes with the job.

Obama is the first president I've seen that never gets blame for anything from the media even when it's obvious.

His greatest flaw is a failure to lead. He causes problems then acts like he's as indignant about them as the rest of us.
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In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

Obama is not from Kenya. Yeah, he is from Hawaii. This birther crap is beyond irrational, any Republican who succumbs to that crap is well, a loon to put it mildly.
Have you seen his cabinet? It's full of rich white folks...something republicans are attacked on.....

and then in his czar positions he appoints commies like Van other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

This brings up an important point.

Had republicans and conservatives maintained an actual policy of that of the loyal opposition, rather than the failed strategy of “Obama: always wrong, all the time,” criticism of the president would have some validity. Instead, conservative criticism of Obama falls on deaf ears, as the right suffers from the boy who cried wolf syndrome.

Moreover, the unwarranted and hyper-critical nature of the right’s animosity toward the president has made liberals and democrats loathe to criticize Obama, and understandably so, resulting in virtually no political dialogue continued gridlock. other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

I have actually defended some of Obama's positions, feel free to look them up.

Do you think there are fair criticisms of him? If you cannot answer this with solid examples you not only have an unfair and unreasonable about his presidency, you are a complete idiot. other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

Obama is not from Kenya. Yeah, he is from Hawaii. This birther crap is beyond irrational, any Republican who succumbs to that crap is well, a loon to put it mildly.

I think he had his BC changed but I do believe he was born in Hawaii. other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

I have actually defended some of Obama's positions, feel free to look them up.

Do you think there are fair criticisms of him? If you cannot answer this with solid examples you not only have an unfair and unreasonable about his presidency, you are a complete idiot.

For Christ's sakes of course there are fair criticisms about Obama. I never said there weren't.

1) Flip flopping on his position of Citizens United was a big one (however I do get why he did it even though for the sake of integrity he shouldn't have).

2) Failing to close Guantonamo Bay.

3) Extending the Bush tax cuts.
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I think sometimes he's blamed unfairly but I do think the people he surrounds himself with makes most of the problems in government fall into his lap. That sort of goes with the job.

Obama is the first president I've seen that never gets blame for anything from the media even when it's obvious.

His greatest flaw is a failure to lead. He causes problems then acts like he's as indignant about them as the rest of us.

Never gets any blame for anything from the media? You have got to be kidding me. That is so far off it isn't even funny. Apparently you have never watched more than 10 minutes of Fox News. Every news network have criticized Obama. Even pundits on MSNBC on rare occasions has criticized him.

I have absolutely no respect for Fox News. They, probably even more so than Republicans in office, have severely skewed his reputation. Fox News is a powerful propaganda machine. I think they are ruining politics in this country.
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I think sometimes he's blamed unfairly but I do think the people he surrounds himself with makes most of the problems in government fall into his lap. That sort of goes with the job.

Obama is the first president I've seen that never gets blame for anything from the media even when it's obvious.

His greatest flaw is a failure to lead. He causes problems then acts like he's as indignant about them as the rest of us.

Never gets any blame for anything from the media? You have got to be kidding me. That is so far off it isn't even funny. Apparently you have never watched more than 10 minutes of Fox News. Every news network have criticized Obama. Even pundits on MSNBC on rare occasions has criticized him.

I have absolutely no respect for Fox News. They, probably even more so than Republicans in office, have severely skewed his reputation. Fox News is a powerful propaganda machine. I think they are ruining politics in this country.

Oh come on the only thing MSNBC criticized him for was gay marriage and now he's onboard......

Show me the criticism from academia? from the three networks? from the NY Times or Washington Post? other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

I have actually defended some of Obama's positions, feel free to look them up.

Do you think there are fair criticisms of him? If you cannot answer this with solid examples you not only have an unfair and unreasonable about his presidency, you are a complete idiot.

For Christ's sakes of course there are fair criticisms about Obama. I never said there weren't.

1) Flip flopping on his position of Citizens United was a big one (however I do get why he did it even though for the sake of integrity he shouldn't have).

2) Failing to close Guantonamo Bay.

3) Extending the Bush tax cuts.

He did sign an executive order to close Guantonamo bay I dont know why this rumour still is floating around on the internet that he didnt. look it up....... With the op of course what the right says is unfair sometimes. I still think he is relying on dumb ass's like Reid, Frank and Pelosi. and I can not figure out why? he seems smarter then that.
I think sometimes he's blamed unfairly but I do think the people he surrounds himself with makes most of the problems in government fall into his lap. That sort of goes with the job.

Obama is the first president I've seen that never gets blame for anything from the media even when it's obvious.

His greatest flaw is a failure to lead. He causes problems then acts like he's as indignant about them as the rest of us.

Never gets any blame for anything from the media? You have got to be kidding me. That is so far off it isn't even funny. Apparently you have never watched more than 10 minutes of Fox News. Every news network have criticized Obama. Even pundits on MSNBC on rare occasions has criticized him.

I have absolutely no respect for Fox News. They, probably even more so than Republicans in office, have severely skewed his reputation. Fox News is a powerful propaganda machine. I think they are ruining politics in this country.

Oh come on the only thing MSNBC criticized him for was gay marriage and now he's onboard......

Show me the criticism from academia? from the three networks? from the NY Times or Washington Post?

You have obviously haven't watched enough of MSNBC. You are completely wrong on that.

Academia has a responsibility to be objective. They shouldn't be obligated to praise or criticize the nature of politics. They do studies of course, but the data speaks for itself.

I don't know whether or not the NY times or the Washington post have criticized him, but I don't think it really matters either way considering they are only two examples out of many. other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

I'm sure you will say I have a skewed perspective, but he deserves all of the criticism other than the racial slurs.
Legitimate criticisms of Obama include but are not limited to:
1. Obama hired Geithner and Holder, scum committed to hiding the past rather than exposing it and prosecuting it
2. Obama agreed to bailing out AIG/Goldman et al at 100c on the dollar instead of negotiating prices at or below market price, and worse
3. Obama failed absolutely to reign in speculative abuses in commodities trading and in off-radar derivatives markets
4. Obama's stimulus, supply-side in principle, put money into state and local governments, then expected "trickle down" to hoi polloi. It didn't.
5. Obama didn't end the Bush tax cuts in 2010. That is a lot bigger failure than generally acknowledged.
6. Obama got suckered by the insurance industry. Healthcare is likely Obama's Iraq/Afghanistan in the sense that war won't be over in 2016.
Ultimately Obama is, as Reagan, Junebug Bush and Clinton were not either, simply not up to the job. All these presidents depended on "experts" more than, say, IKE, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Pap Bush needed to. And ultimately every one of them fucked America continuing wild-eyed spending and promoting group rights (yes, corporations are, like Blacks, Latinos, etc., a class or a group) over individual rights.

The best president since 1980 was old man Bush, and he was a step down from Nixon, but the white trash scum of the earth drove him from office in 1992 for dialing back ReagaNUT voodoo econ by cutting defense after winning a war. Nothing that competent is even on the horizon.
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Legitimate criticisms of Obama include but are not limited to:
1. Obama hired Geithner and Holder, scum committed to hiding the past rather than exposing it and prosecuting it
2. Obama agreed to bailing out AIG/Goldman at 100c on the dollar instead of negotiating prices at or below market price, and worse
3. Obama failed absolutely to reign in speculative abuses in commodities trading and in off-radar derivatives markets
4. Obama's stimulus was supply-side in principle because it put money in at the top, state and local governments, then expected it to "trickle down" to hoi polloi. It didn't.
5. He didn't end the Bush tax cuts in 2010. That is a lot bigger failure than generally acknowledged.
6. Obama got suckered by the insurance industry in re healthcare. Healthcare is likely Obama's Iraq/Afghanistan in the sense that war won't be over in 2016.
Ultimately Obama is, like Reagan, Junebug Bush and Clinton were, simply not up to the job. All these presidents depended on "experts" more than, say, IKE, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Pap Bush needed to. And ultimately every one of them fucked America continuing wild-eyed spending and promoting group rights (yes, corporations are groups) over individual rights.

The best president since 1980 was old man Bush, and he was a step down from Nixon, but the white trash scum of the earth drove him from office in 1992 for cutting defense after winning a war. Nothing as good is even on the horizon.

I'm interested. What did HW do for you?
Let's see:
He's a liar................................true.
His foreign policy is a failure......true
His domestic policy is a failure....true
His economic policy is a failure...true
Obamacare is a failure..............true
His administration is corrupt......true

I can't think of a criticism of him that isn't true.
Legitimate criticisms of Obama include but are not limited to:
1. Obama hired Geithner and Holder, scum committed to hiding the past rather than exposing it and prosecuting it
2. Obama agreed to bailing out AIG/Goldman at 100c on the dollar instead of negotiating prices at or below market price, and worse
3. Obama failed absolutely to reign in speculative abuses in commodities trading and in off-radar derivatives markets
4. Obama's stimulus was supply-side in principle because it put money in at the top, state and local governments, then expected it to "trickle down" to hoi polloi. It didn't.
5. He didn't end the Bush tax cuts in 2010. That is a lot bigger failure than generally acknowledged.
6. Obama got suckered by the insurance industry in re healthcare. Healthcare is likely Obama's Iraq/Afghanistan in the sense that war won't be over in 2016.
Ultimately Obama is, like Reagan, Junebug Bush and Clinton were, simply not up to the job. All these presidents depended on "experts" more than, say, IKE, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Pap Bush needed to. And ultimately every one of them fucked America continuing wild-eyed spending and promoting group rights (yes, corporations are groups) over individual rights.

The best president since 1980 was old man Bush, and he was a step down from Nixon, but the white trash scum of the earth drove him from office in 1992 for cutting defense after winning a war. Nothing as good is even on the horizon.

I'm interested. What did HW do for you?

HW always understood Reagan's economy was canned heat burning over dynamite. Basically Reagan tripled the debt pumping money into the economy and called it "new economy" growth. For reasons historians may or may not discover, budget hawks like Goldwater and Buckley - privately horrified - stayed mum. Good examples of how evil prospers in the silence of the aware.

Bottom line: HW started dialing back growth of spending as quick as he took office. Most - not all - of that was defeated in congress and the military lobby took him to task early. When Iraq invaded Kuwait many of the same people who stampeded his halfwit boy into going to Baghdad failed to sell the old man. HW understood that Hussein was a Reagan/Rumsfelt creation who remained an accidental US ally, so he preserved the balance of power in the region and in so doing almost completely eliminated collateral issues.

In the end HW's debt curve is only slightly lower than Reagan's, mainly due to raising taxes to pay for the war, but the man was honest. There was a bright and shining moment where Nixon made it look like honesty was important. Honesty doesn't matter was the ultimate message of the Reagan revolution - as proved by Clinton and re-proved by the Bush boy.
Let's see:
He's a liar................................true.
His foreign policy is a failure......true
His domestic policy is a failure....true
His economic policy is a failure...true
Obamacare is a failure..............true
His administration is corrupt......true

I can't think of a criticism of him that isn't true.

Nailed it!!!!!:clap2::clap2:

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