Conservatives finally admitting that racism is a problem

Hutch is driving Compost like a wheeping racist bitch before him.

Yes, racism is a problem for all Americans.
Thanks for the depth, Jake. Nothing like a dash of vulgarity for closure.
You can't hang when you get what you dish. You are limpwrist and wussy. Accept it. Embrace it. You are loserperson. Why is so hard to accept that racism is a problem?
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Hutch is driving Compost like a wheeping racist bitch before him.

Yes, racism is a problem for all Americans.
Thanks for the depth, Jake. Nothing like a dash of vulgarity for closure.
You can't hang when you get what you dish. You are limpwrist and wussy. Accept it. Embrace it. You are loserperson.
Says the little boy who sits on the sidelines yelling slogans as though he is part of the show. Keep calling me names. Who knows? Maybe it'll make you feel better about yourself somehow.
Racism is a growing problem in America, it is growing because we have racists like Obama, Lynch, Jackson, Sharpton, and the BLM movement getting a free pass. It's called Black Privilege.
BlackAsCoal, I think possibly professors with wayward minds need to quit trying to socially engineer a society that they believe will be perfect in their own minds. 'You will always have the poor', that is you will always have those who are lacking the ability to find the spirit of truth that dwells within them as they do not look for truth many just look for advantage. People willingly subject themselves and it is not up to you or anyone else to try to engineer a way around that. People make choices here in this world and we see the results all around the globe of the poor choices that trying to force people to get along has created. The Democrat and Republican parties have both been on a dead path that led this nation into the state it is in today. Neither considered the consequences of their actions as they continued to buy and sell the American public a line of shit to further their own causes.

I don't own a gun but I have had many in the past for various reasons. I personally will never submit to the wishes of the U.N. to make this country a gun free zone.

You are laying a huge burden of racism at the feet of white people and you are in error in doing so. It takes two to tango and there are more of us out here that are mixed race than you can shake a stick at. My native American heritage was concealed for years due to the fact that my ancestors walked that trail of tears and my grandparents would not admit their heritage. Most people have no clue that Jewish people also walked this land along with the Mayans as that ancient history that was also concealed.

If I can sit on a city bench and share my lunch with a young black man while he and his mom wait for a city us and I wait for a museum to open and the young man's mom is more prejudice than most white people I know what does that tell you?

I recall clearly still being in a school with a majority of white children in the early seventies while a small group of blacks went through and kicked over people's lunches. I stood up even though there was no one sitting with me or near me when they approached my lunch. Their gang leader towered over me as did his followers but you know what happened? He told them "Leave this one alone". A few weeks later one of his gang decided he and his girlfriend would catch me while no one was around and teach me a lesson. The male approached me from behind while I was getting my books from my locker. The female stood a ways away keeping a look out. I heard his foot steps from behind and was prepared when I turned around to defend my self. The moment his hand went out in a threatening manner my foot went into his groin and when his head went down my knee went into his face. Fortunately by that time someone else had seen what was transpiring and they stood in front of his lookout for I would not have to defend my self from two people much larger than myself. Now you tell me who was the racist?

In as much as people need to get over their own prejudices the so called higher education crowd needs to get over their own blind prejudices before placing all their crap on everyone else.

If young people don't want to be in the line of fire whether they are black, white, brown or yellow they need to learn to listen when they are given instructions by the police. When an officer says let it go and the perp has a gun in his pocket the perp better let go of the gun. When an officer is at the car window and the officer says keep your hands up you better damn well keep your hands up instead of reaching down. Now for instances like the young brain dead young man in Missouri who was tazzed into submission- don't get out of your car telling a police officer 'fuck you' because that officer just might be a nutjob.

I was threaten with arrest after the sheriff helped steal my dozer. Now if I can listen to an officer of the law scream profanities and act as they will become threatening to me physically while in a public courthouse then tell me I am under arrest I think others can do the same. Turn your palms out and quietly tell them it is their prerogative. Don't resist and do not give them a place for them to have an excuse to be abusive.

Quit trying to force more foreigners into the country as the people born here need help first. Those dumb kids BLM is using as a battering ram for their own agenda need help not more incitement to riot. Palestine is not making any end roads here by using this ignorant method of trying to use long term societal problem areas in the U.S. to get their own way it is just creating more division and Palestine will lose more until it eventually looks like Syria or Lebanon.

I do appreciate your well-thought out and civilly stated post. However, I do not share your perspectives on this issue.

Innocent people have been murdered by cops after doing everything the cops ask and being completely subdued. Compliance isn't the issue.

The reality is that far too many cops are murdering innocent people.You seem to place the blame on the victims Bad cops don't need an excuse toi be abusive.

Your personal experiences tell me nothing. That's just your side of the story.

As for foreigners, I don't have the same fears about them as you and the Right does. The Right says the same thing about foreigners as they once said about black people .. 'they're taking our jobs.'

Additionally, I see them as far less aggressive and hateful as I do most republicans, and I welcome their political .camaraderie. There is no common ground to be found with most republicans, and I've given up looking for it.

Bottom line, nothing changes in the country without demand .. it never has .. and things are changing now BECAUSE of demand.

You may not agree with the tactics, but then again what are you doing to change the dynamics of this issue?

WE can't wait for republicans to figure it out .. which of course would never happen.
That is not just my side of the story. Those riots in Watts went on in during that same time frame. The Blank Panthers were pushing their agenda with bombs and working feverishly to try to Muslimise the most blacks that they could in the prisons to be used by them for a war they planned in the future. Hell the only ones making money on this so called war on racism are the Black preachers teaching and inciting their minions to kill whitey by going in from other areas and and infiltrate them by promoting the destruction of neighborhoods where there a lot of decent people black and white lived and worked. I don't see "WE" in the ghettos trying to help lift "their people" out of poverty instead a few hangers on are still building their own castles. Your "demand" is moot.

Anyone Republican or Democrat that stands promoting a violent "demand" supporting a violent agenda of "WE" can expect to be thrown out of office along with all illegal immigrants they purport to uphold. If you truly believe you can take over America by co-opting your cause then step out from under Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic robe and give it your best shot. You think WE can change the world well good luck with that. Keep up your incessant ranting. You may change the world in your own minds but you will never change the foundation America was built upon. Instead WE will become as all the others before them yet another example of how dismally those who tried failed miserably. That will be on your head(s) not mine.

I repeat, that's just your side of the story. I lived those years and I have a completely different perspective .. and I completely agree with the outrage and rebellion that happened.

DEMAND is the ONLY mechanism for change in this country .. NOTHING changes without it.

African-Americans have been in this country for over 400 years .. only been relatively free for 51 years .. and you believe we should have done what? Beg for civil rights?

As I've said, we have completely different perspectives of this society.
BlackAsCoal, I think possibly professors with wayward minds need to quit trying to socially engineer a society that they believe will be perfect in their own minds. 'You will always have the poor', that is you will always have those who are lacking the ability to find the spirit of truth that dwells within them as they do not look for truth many just look for advantage. People willingly subject themselves and it is not up to you or anyone else to try to engineer a way around that. People make choices here in this world and we see the results all around the globe of the poor choices that trying to force people to get along has created. The Democrat and Republican parties have both been on a dead path that led this nation into the state it is in today. Neither considered the consequences of their actions as they continued to buy and sell the American public a line of shit to further their own causes.

I don't own a gun but I have had many in the past for various reasons. I personally will never submit to the wishes of the U.N. to make this country a gun free zone.

You are laying a huge burden of racism at the feet of white people and you are in error in doing so. It takes two to tango and there are more of us out here that are mixed race than you can shake a stick at. My native American heritage was concealed for years due to the fact that my ancestors walked that trail of tears and my grandparents would not admit their heritage. Most people have no clue that Jewish people also walked this land along with the Mayans as that ancient history that was also concealed.

If I can sit on a city bench and share my lunch with a young black man while he and his mom wait for a city us and I wait for a museum to open and the young man's mom is more prejudice than most white people I know what does that tell you?

I recall clearly still being in a school with a majority of white children in the early seventies while a small group of blacks went through and kicked over people's lunches. I stood up even though there was no one sitting with me or near me when they approached my lunch. Their gang leader towered over me as did his followers but you know what happened? He told them "Leave this one alone". A few weeks later one of his gang decided he and his girlfriend would catch me while no one was around and teach me a lesson. The male approached me from behind while I was getting my books from my locker. The female stood a ways away keeping a look out. I heard his foot steps from behind and was prepared when I turned around to defend my self. The moment his hand went out in a threatening manner my foot went into his groin and when his head went down my knee went into his face. Fortunately by that time someone else had seen what was transpiring and they stood in front of his lookout for I would not have to defend my self from two people much larger than myself. Now you tell me who was the racist?

In as much as people need to get over their own prejudices the so called higher education crowd needs to get over their own blind prejudices before placing all their crap on everyone else.

If young people don't want to be in the line of fire whether they are black, white, brown or yellow they need to learn to listen when they are given instructions by the police. When an officer says let it go and the perp has a gun in his pocket the perp better let go of the gun. When an officer is at the car window and the officer says keep your hands up you better damn well keep your hands up instead of reaching down. Now for instances like the young brain dead young man in Missouri who was tazzed into submission- don't get out of your car telling a police officer 'fuck you' because that officer just might be a nutjob.

I was threaten with arrest after the sheriff helped steal my dozer. Now if I can listen to an officer of the law scream profanities and act as they will become threatening to me physically while in a public courthouse then tell me I am under arrest I think others can do the same. Turn your palms out and quietly tell them it is their prerogative. Don't resist and do not give them a place for them to have an excuse to be abusive.

Quit trying to force more foreigners into the country as the people born here need help first. Those dumb kids BLM is using as a battering ram for their own agenda need help not more incitement to riot. Palestine is not making any end roads here by using this ignorant method of trying to use long term societal problem areas in the U.S. to get their own way it is just creating more division and Palestine will lose more until it eventually looks like Syria or Lebanon.

I do appreciate your well-thought out and civilly stated post. However, I do not share your perspectives on this issue.

Innocent people have been murdered by cops after doing everything the cops ask and being completely subdued. Compliance isn't the issue.

The reality is that far too many cops are murdering innocent people.You seem to place the blame on the victims Bad cops don't need an excuse toi be abusive.

Your personal experiences tell me nothing. That's just your side of the story.

As for foreigners, I don't have the same fears about them as you and the Right does. The Right says the same thing about foreigners as they once said about black people .. 'they're taking our jobs.'

Additionally, I see them as far less aggressive and hateful as I do most republicans, and I welcome their political .camaraderie. There is no common ground to be found with most republicans, and I've given up looking for it.

Bottom line, nothing changes in the country without demand .. it never has .. and things are changing now BECAUSE of demand.

You may not agree with the tactics, but then again what are you doing to change the dynamics of this issue?

WE can't wait for republicans to figure it out .. which of course would never happen.
That is not just my side of the story. Those riots in Watts went on in during that same time frame. The Blank Panthers were pushing their agenda with bombs and working feverishly to try to Muslimise the most blacks that they could in the prisons to be used by them for a war they planned in the future. Hell the only ones making money on this so called war on racism are the Black preachers teaching and inciting their minions to kill whitey by going in from other areas and and infiltrate them by promoting the destruction of neighborhoods where there a lot of decent people black and white lived and worked. I don't see "WE" in the ghettos trying to help lift "their people" out of poverty instead a few hangers on are still building their own castles. Your "demand" is moot.

Anyone Republican or Democrat that stands promoting a violent "demand" supporting a violent agenda of "WE" can expect to be thrown out of office along with all illegal immigrants they purport to uphold. If you truly believe you can take over America by co-opting your cause then step out from under Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic robe and give it your best shot. You think WE can change the world well good luck with that. Keep up your incessant ranting. You may change the world in your own minds but you will never change the foundation America was built upon. Instead WE will become as all the others before them yet another example of how dismally those who tried failed miserably. That will be on your head(s) not mine.

I repeat, that's just your side of the story. I lived those years and I have a completely different perspective .. and I completely agree with the outrage and rebellion that happened.

DEMAND is the ONLY mechanism for change in this country .. NOTHING changes without it.

African-Americans have been in this country for over 400 years .. only been relatively free for 51 years .. and you believe we should have done what? Beg for civil rights?

As I've said, we have completely different perspectives of this society.
The problem is the BLM types are counter productive to what they want. Cops are jumpier than ever. You would be serving the community (since you obviously support separating yourself by race) by teaching them that they should not fight and wrestle with the police. Incidents will go WAY down, lives will be saved and we can move forward as a nation.
BlackAsCoal, I think possibly professors with wayward minds need to quit trying to socially engineer a society that they believe will be perfect in their own minds. 'You will always have the poor', that is you will always have those who are lacking the ability to find the spirit of truth that dwells within them as they do not look for truth many just look for advantage. People willingly subject themselves and it is not up to you or anyone else to try to engineer a way around that. People make choices here in this world and we see the results all around the globe of the poor choices that trying to force people to get along has created. The Democrat and Republican parties have both been on a dead path that led this nation into the state it is in today. Neither considered the consequences of their actions as they continued to buy and sell the American public a line of shit to further their own causes.

I don't own a gun but I have had many in the past for various reasons. I personally will never submit to the wishes of the U.N. to make this country a gun free zone.

You are laying a huge burden of racism at the feet of white people and you are in error in doing so. It takes two to tango and there are more of us out here that are mixed race than you can shake a stick at. My native American heritage was concealed for years due to the fact that my ancestors walked that trail of tears and my grandparents would not admit their heritage. Most people have no clue that Jewish people also walked this land along with the Mayans as that ancient history that was also concealed.

If I can sit on a city bench and share my lunch with a young black man while he and his mom wait for a city us and I wait for a museum to open and the young man's mom is more prejudice than most white people I know what does that tell you?

I recall clearly still being in a school with a majority of white children in the early seventies while a small group of blacks went through and kicked over people's lunches. I stood up even though there was no one sitting with me or near me when they approached my lunch. Their gang leader towered over me as did his followers but you know what happened? He told them "Leave this one alone". A few weeks later one of his gang decided he and his girlfriend would catch me while no one was around and teach me a lesson. The male approached me from behind while I was getting my books from my locker. The female stood a ways away keeping a look out. I heard his foot steps from behind and was prepared when I turned around to defend my self. The moment his hand went out in a threatening manner my foot went into his groin and when his head went down my knee went into his face. Fortunately by that time someone else had seen what was transpiring and they stood in front of his lookout for I would not have to defend my self from two people much larger than myself. Now you tell me who was the racist?

In as much as people need to get over their own prejudices the so called higher education crowd needs to get over their own blind prejudices before placing all their crap on everyone else.

If young people don't want to be in the line of fire whether they are black, white, brown or yellow they need to learn to listen when they are given instructions by the police. When an officer says let it go and the perp has a gun in his pocket the perp better let go of the gun. When an officer is at the car window and the officer says keep your hands up you better damn well keep your hands up instead of reaching down. Now for instances like the young brain dead young man in Missouri who was tazzed into submission- don't get out of your car telling a police officer 'fuck you' because that officer just might be a nutjob.

I was threaten with arrest after the sheriff helped steal my dozer. Now if I can listen to an officer of the law scream profanities and act as they will become threatening to me physically while in a public courthouse then tell me I am under arrest I think others can do the same. Turn your palms out and quietly tell them it is their prerogative. Don't resist and do not give them a place for them to have an excuse to be abusive.

Quit trying to force more foreigners into the country as the people born here need help first. Those dumb kids BLM is using as a battering ram for their own agenda need help not more incitement to riot. Palestine is not making any end roads here by using this ignorant method of trying to use long term societal problem areas in the U.S. to get their own way it is just creating more division and Palestine will lose more until it eventually looks like Syria or Lebanon.

I do appreciate your well-thought out and civilly stated post. However, I do not share your perspectives on this issue.

Innocent people have been murdered by cops after doing everything the cops ask and being completely subdued. Compliance isn't the issue.

The reality is that far too many cops are murdering innocent people.You seem to place the blame on the victims Bad cops don't need an excuse toi be abusive.

Your personal experiences tell me nothing. That's just your side of the story.

As for foreigners, I don't have the same fears about them as you and the Right does. The Right says the same thing about foreigners as they once said about black people .. 'they're taking our jobs.'

Additionally, I see them as far less aggressive and hateful as I do most republicans, and I welcome their political .camaraderie. There is no common ground to be found with most republicans, and I've given up looking for it.

Bottom line, nothing changes in the country without demand .. it never has .. and things are changing now BECAUSE of demand.

You may not agree with the tactics, but then again what are you doing to change the dynamics of this issue?

WE can't wait for republicans to figure it out .. which of course would never happen.
That is not just my side of the story. Those riots in Watts went on in during that same time frame. The Blank Panthers were pushing their agenda with bombs and working feverishly to try to Muslimise the most blacks that they could in the prisons to be used by them for a war they planned in the future. Hell the only ones making money on this so called war on racism are the Black preachers teaching and inciting their minions to kill whitey by going in from other areas and and infiltrate them by promoting the destruction of neighborhoods where there a lot of decent people black and white lived and worked. I don't see "WE" in the ghettos trying to help lift "their people" out of poverty instead a few hangers on are still building their own castles. Your "demand" is moot.

Anyone Republican or Democrat that stands promoting a violent "demand" supporting a violent agenda of "WE" can expect to be thrown out of office along with all illegal immigrants they purport to uphold. If you truly believe you can take over America by co-opting your cause then step out from under Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic robe and give it your best shot. You think WE can change the world well good luck with that. Keep up your incessant ranting. You may change the world in your own minds but you will never change the foundation America was built upon. Instead WE will become as all the others before them yet another example of how dismally those who tried failed miserably. That will be on your head(s) not mine.

I repeat, that's just your side of the story. I lived those years and I have a completely different perspective .. and I completely agree with the outrage and rebellion that happened.

DEMAND is the ONLY mechanism for change in this country .. NOTHING changes without it.

African-Americans have been in this country for over 400 years .. only been relatively fre for 51 years .. and you believe we should have done what? Beg for civil rights?

As I've said, we have completely different perspectives of this society.
Your perspective gives you no rights to "demand" that anyone burn down another persons houses or businesses and that is what they did in Watts. (I lived very close to that area in those years and fifteen years later it still was not rebuilt as many that were burnt out could not afford to rebuild).

How is that violent "demand" working out in Africa, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Oman, Jordan, parts of Indonesia, China, the Russian Confederation and the Arabian countries in general? And lets not forget Israel, France, Sweden, Germany and Great Britain? Or any other place where people believe that they have the right to force their violent minority beliefs on others?
Conservatives would do well to at least try and join the rest of the nation in the 21st century. Trump really needs to temper his rhetoric as well.

Poll: Most Americans believe racism is a serious problem

"An NBC News/SurveyMonkey pollconducted last week and published Tuesday found 52% of Americans believe racism against black people is an "extremely" or "very" serious problem. An additional 25% said the issue is "somewhat" of a problem."

"The differences among party and racial lines in these types of polls have been stark. In the latest poll, 77% of Democrats and 51% of Independents said racism against black people is an "extremely" or "very" serious problem, compared to only 23% of Republicans. In a similar Pew poll published late last month, 88% of black people said the U.S. needs to make changes for black people to have equal rights, compared to 53% of white people."

Poll: Most young people dislike GOP's Trump, say he's racist

"NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump is wildly unpopular among young adults, in particular young people of color, and nearly two-thirds of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 believe the presumptive Republican nominee is racist."

BlackAsCoal, I think possibly professors with wayward minds need to quit trying to socially engineer a society that they believe will be perfect in their own minds. 'You will always have the poor', that is you will always have those who are lacking the ability to find the spirit of truth that dwells within them as they do not look for truth many just look for advantage. People willingly subject themselves and it is not up to you or anyone else to try to engineer a way around that. People make choices here in this world and we see the results all around the globe of the poor choices that trying to force people to get along has created. The Democrat and Republican parties have both been on a dead path that led this nation into the state it is in today. Neither considered the consequences of their actions as they continued to buy and sell the American public a line of shit to further their own causes.

I don't own a gun but I have had many in the past for various reasons. I personally will never submit to the wishes of the U.N. to make this country a gun free zone.

You are laying a huge burden of racism at the feet of white people and you are in error in doing so. It takes two to tango and there are more of us out here that are mixed race than you can shake a stick at. My native American heritage was concealed for years due to the fact that my ancestors walked that trail of tears and my grandparents would not admit their heritage. Most people have no clue that Jewish people also walked this land along with the Mayans as that ancient history that was also concealed.

If I can sit on a city bench and share my lunch with a young black man while he and his mom wait for a city us and I wait for a museum to open and the young man's mom is more prejudice than most white people I know what does that tell you?

I recall clearly still being in a school with a majority of white children in the early seventies while a small group of blacks went through and kicked over people's lunches. I stood up even though there was no one sitting with me or near me when they approached my lunch. Their gang leader towered over me as did his followers but you know what happened? He told them "Leave this one alone". A few weeks later one of his gang decided he and his girlfriend would catch me while no one was around and teach me a lesson. The male approached me from behind while I was getting my books from my locker. The female stood a ways away keeping a look out. I heard his foot steps from behind and was prepared when I turned around to defend my self. The moment his hand went out in a threatening manner my foot went into his groin and when his head went down my knee went into his face. Fortunately by that time someone else had seen what was transpiring and they stood in front of his lookout for I would not have to defend my self from two people much larger than myself. Now you tell me who was the racist?

In as much as people need to get over their own prejudices the so called higher education crowd needs to get over their own blind prejudices before placing all their crap on everyone else.

If young people don't want to be in the line of fire whether they are black, white, brown or yellow they need to learn to listen when they are given instructions by the police. When an officer says let it go and the perp has a gun in his pocket the perp better let go of the gun. When an officer is at the car window and the officer says keep your hands up you better damn well keep your hands up instead of reaching down. Now for instances like the young brain dead young man in Missouri who was tazzed into submission- don't get out of your car telling a police officer 'fuck you' because that officer just might be a nutjob.

I was threaten with arrest after the sheriff helped steal my dozer. Now if I can listen to an officer of the law scream profanities and act as they will become threatening to me physically while in a public courthouse then tell me I am under arrest I think others can do the same. Turn your palms out and quietly tell them it is their prerogative. Don't resist and do not give them a place for them to have an excuse to be abusive.

Quit trying to force more foreigners into the country as the people born here need help first. Those dumb kids BLM is using as a battering ram for their own agenda need help not more incitement to riot. Palestine is not making any end roads here by using this ignorant method of trying to use long term societal problem areas in the U.S. to get their own way it is just creating more division and Palestine will lose more until it eventually looks like Syria or Lebanon.

I do appreciate your well-thought out and civilly stated post. However, I do not share your perspectives on this issue.

Innocent people have been murdered by cops after doing everything the cops ask and being completely subdued. Compliance isn't the issue.

The reality is that far too many cops are murdering innocent people.You seem to place the blame on the victims Bad cops don't need an excuse toi be abusive.

Your personal experiences tell me nothing. That's just your side of the story.

As for foreigners, I don't have the same fears about them as you and the Right does. The Right says the same thing about foreigners as they once said about black people .. 'they're taking our jobs.'

Additionally, I see them as far less aggressive and hateful as I do most republicans, and I welcome their political .camaraderie. There is no common ground to be found with most republicans, and I've given up looking for it.

Bottom line, nothing changes in the country without demand .. it never has .. and things are changing now BECAUSE of demand.

You may not agree with the tactics, but then again what are you doing to change the dynamics of this issue?

WE can't wait for republicans to figure it out .. which of course would never happen.
That is not just my side of the story. Those riots in Watts went on in during that same time frame. The Blank Panthers were pushing their agenda with bombs and working feverishly to try to Muslimise the most blacks that they could in the prisons to be used by them for a war they planned in the future. Hell the only ones making money on this so called war on racism are the Black preachers teaching and inciting their minions to kill whitey by going in from other areas and and infiltrate them by promoting the destruction of neighborhoods where there a lot of decent people black and white lived and worked. I don't see "WE" in the ghettos trying to help lift "their people" out of poverty instead a few hangers on are still building their own castles. Your "demand" is moot.

Anyone Republican or Democrat that stands promoting a violent "demand" supporting a violent agenda of "WE" can expect to be thrown out of office along with all illegal immigrants they purport to uphold. If you truly believe you can take over America by co-opting your cause then step out from under Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic robe and give it your best shot. You think WE can change the world well good luck with that. Keep up your incessant ranting. You may change the world in your own minds but you will never change the foundation America was built upon. Instead WE will become as all the others before them yet another example of how dismally those who tried failed miserably. That will be on your head(s) not mine.

I repeat, that's just your side of the story. I lived those years and I have a completely different perspective .. and I completely agree with the outrage and rebellion that happened.

DEMAND is the ONLY mechanism for change in this country .. NOTHING changes without it.

African-Americans have been in this country for over 400 years .. only been relatively free for 51 years .. and you believe we should have done what? Beg for civil rights?

As I've said, we have completely different perspectives of this society.
The problem is the BLM types are counter productive to what they want. Cops are jumpier than ever. You would be serving the community (since you obviously support separating yourself by race) by teaching them that they should not fight and wrestle with the police. Incidents will go WAY down, lives will be saved and we can move forward as a nation.

The police have murdered countless people who have completely complied with police demands and even been subdued .. and they still get killed.

Unbeknownst to you .. BLM is WINNING.
BlackAsCoal, I think possibly professors with wayward minds need to quit trying to socially engineer a society that they believe will be perfect in their own minds. 'You will always have the poor', that is you will always have those who are lacking the ability to find the spirit of truth that dwells within them as they do not look for truth many just look for advantage. People willingly subject themselves and it is not up to you or anyone else to try to engineer a way around that. People make choices here in this world and we see the results all around the globe of the poor choices that trying to force people to get along has created. The Democrat and Republican parties have both been on a dead path that led this nation into the state it is in today. Neither considered the consequences of their actions as they continued to buy and sell the American public a line of shit to further their own causes.

I don't own a gun but I have had many in the past for various reasons. I personally will never submit to the wishes of the U.N. to make this country a gun free zone.

You are laying a huge burden of racism at the feet of white people and you are in error in doing so. It takes two to tango and there are more of us out here that are mixed race than you can shake a stick at. My native American heritage was concealed for years due to the fact that my ancestors walked that trail of tears and my grandparents would not admit their heritage. Most people have no clue that Jewish people also walked this land along with the Mayans as that ancient history that was also concealed.

If I can sit on a city bench and share my lunch with a young black man while he and his mom wait for a city us and I wait for a museum to open and the young man's mom is more prejudice than most white people I know what does that tell you?

I recall clearly still being in a school with a majority of white children in the early seventies while a small group of blacks went through and kicked over people's lunches. I stood up even though there was no one sitting with me or near me when they approached my lunch. Their gang leader towered over me as did his followers but you know what happened? He told them "Leave this one alone". A few weeks later one of his gang decided he and his girlfriend would catch me while no one was around and teach me a lesson. The male approached me from behind while I was getting my books from my locker. The female stood a ways away keeping a look out. I heard his foot steps from behind and was prepared when I turned around to defend my self. The moment his hand went out in a threatening manner my foot went into his groin and when his head went down my knee went into his face. Fortunately by that time someone else had seen what was transpiring and they stood in front of his lookout for I would not have to defend my self from two people much larger than myself. Now you tell me who was the racist?

In as much as people need to get over their own prejudices the so called higher education crowd needs to get over their own blind prejudices before placing all their crap on everyone else.

If young people don't want to be in the line of fire whether they are black, white, brown or yellow they need to learn to listen when they are given instructions by the police. When an officer says let it go and the perp has a gun in his pocket the perp better let go of the gun. When an officer is at the car window and the officer says keep your hands up you better damn well keep your hands up instead of reaching down. Now for instances like the young brain dead young man in Missouri who was tazzed into submission- don't get out of your car telling a police officer 'fuck you' because that officer just might be a nutjob.

I was threaten with arrest after the sheriff helped steal my dozer. Now if I can listen to an officer of the law scream profanities and act as they will become threatening to me physically while in a public courthouse then tell me I am under arrest I think others can do the same. Turn your palms out and quietly tell them it is their prerogative. Don't resist and do not give them a place for them to have an excuse to be abusive.

Quit trying to force more foreigners into the country as the people born here need help first. Those dumb kids BLM is using as a battering ram for their own agenda need help not more incitement to riot. Palestine is not making any end roads here by using this ignorant method of trying to use long term societal problem areas in the U.S. to get their own way it is just creating more division and Palestine will lose more until it eventually looks like Syria or Lebanon.

I do appreciate your well-thought out and civilly stated post. However, I do not share your perspectives on this issue.

Innocent people have been murdered by cops after doing everything the cops ask and being completely subdued. Compliance isn't the issue.

The reality is that far too many cops are murdering innocent people.You seem to place the blame on the victims Bad cops don't need an excuse toi be abusive.

Your personal experiences tell me nothing. That's just your side of the story.

As for foreigners, I don't have the same fears about them as you and the Right does. The Right says the same thing about foreigners as they once said about black people .. 'they're taking our jobs.'

Additionally, I see them as far less aggressive and hateful as I do most republicans, and I welcome their political .camaraderie. There is no common ground to be found with most republicans, and I've given up looking for it.

Bottom line, nothing changes in the country without demand .. it never has .. and things are changing now BECAUSE of demand.

You may not agree with the tactics, but then again what are you doing to change the dynamics of this issue?

WE can't wait for republicans to figure it out .. which of course would never happen.
That is not just my side of the story. Those riots in Watts went on in during that same time frame. The Blank Panthers were pushing their agenda with bombs and working feverishly to try to Muslimise the most blacks that they could in the prisons to be used by them for a war they planned in the future. Hell the only ones making money on this so called war on racism are the Black preachers teaching and inciting their minions to kill whitey by going in from other areas and and infiltrate them by promoting the destruction of neighborhoods where there a lot of decent people black and white lived and worked. I don't see "WE" in the ghettos trying to help lift "their people" out of poverty instead a few hangers on are still building their own castles. Your "demand" is moot.

Anyone Republican or Democrat that stands promoting a violent "demand" supporting a violent agenda of "WE" can expect to be thrown out of office along with all illegal immigrants they purport to uphold. If you truly believe you can take over America by co-opting your cause then step out from under Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic robe and give it your best shot. You think WE can change the world well good luck with that. Keep up your incessant ranting. You may change the world in your own minds but you will never change the foundation America was built upon. Instead WE will become as all the others before them yet another example of how dismally those who tried failed miserably. That will be on your head(s) not mine.

I repeat, that's just your side of the story. I lived those years and I have a completely different perspective .. and I completely agree with the outrage and rebellion that happened.

DEMAND is the ONLY mechanism for change in this country .. NOTHING changes without it.

African-Americans have been in this country for over 400 years .. only been relatively fre for 51 years .. and you believe we should have done what? Beg for civil rights?

As I've said, we have completely different perspectives of this society.
Your perspective gives you no rights to "demand" that anyone burn down another persons houses or businesses and that is what they did in Watts. (I lived very close to that area in those years and fifteen years later it still was not rebuilt as many that were burnt out could not afford to rebuild).

How is that violent "demand" working out in Africa, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Oman, Jordan, parts of Indonesia, China, the Russian Confederation and the Arabian countries in general? And lets not forget Israel, France, Sweden, Germany and Great Britain? Or any other place where people believe that they have the right to force their violent minority beliefs on others?

Force Civil rights? :0) This nation had to be FORCED to protect the lives of its black citizens .. and you think that's unfair?

Yes, we had the right and DUTY to DEMAND civil rights . just as we have the right and duty to demand more effective police oversight,

You don't have to agree with any of this .. but just as then, demand, protest, and outrage are working.
BlackAsCoal, I think possibly professors with wayward minds need to quit trying to socially engineer a society that they believe will be perfect in their own minds. 'You will always have the poor', that is you will always have those who are lacking the ability to find the spirit of truth that dwells within them as they do not look for truth many just look for advantage. People willingly subject themselves and it is not up to you or anyone else to try to engineer a way around that. People make choices here in this world and we see the results all around the globe of the poor choices that trying to force people to get along has created. The Democrat and Republican parties have both been on a dead path that led this nation into the state it is in today. Neither considered the consequences of their actions as they continued to buy and sell the American public a line of shit to further their own causes.

I don't own a gun but I have had many in the past for various reasons. I personally will never submit to the wishes of the U.N. to make this country a gun free zone.

You are laying a huge burden of racism at the feet of white people and you are in error in doing so. It takes two to tango and there are more of us out here that are mixed race than you can shake a stick at. My native American heritage was concealed for years due to the fact that my ancestors walked that trail of tears and my grandparents would not admit their heritage. Most people have no clue that Jewish people also walked this land along with the Mayans as that ancient history that was also concealed.

If I can sit on a city bench and share my lunch with a young black man while he and his mom wait for a city us and I wait for a museum to open and the young man's mom is more prejudice than most white people I know what does that tell you?

I recall clearly still being in a school with a majority of white children in the early seventies while a small group of blacks went through and kicked over people's lunches. I stood up even though there was no one sitting with me or near me when they approached my lunch. Their gang leader towered over me as did his followers but you know what happened? He told them "Leave this one alone". A few weeks later one of his gang decided he and his girlfriend would catch me while no one was around and teach me a lesson. The male approached me from behind while I was getting my books from my locker. The female stood a ways away keeping a look out. I heard his foot steps from behind and was prepared when I turned around to defend my self. The moment his hand went out in a threatening manner my foot went into his groin and when his head went down my knee went into his face. Fortunately by that time someone else had seen what was transpiring and they stood in front of his lookout for I would not have to defend my self from two people much larger than myself. Now you tell me who was the racist?

In as much as people need to get over their own prejudices the so called higher education crowd needs to get over their own blind prejudices before placing all their crap on everyone else.

If young people don't want to be in the line of fire whether they are black, white, brown or yellow they need to learn to listen when they are given instructions by the police. When an officer says let it go and the perp has a gun in his pocket the perp better let go of the gun. When an officer is at the car window and the officer says keep your hands up you better damn well keep your hands up instead of reaching down. Now for instances like the young brain dead young man in Missouri who was tazzed into submission- don't get out of your car telling a police officer 'fuck you' because that officer just might be a nutjob.

I was threaten with arrest after the sheriff helped steal my dozer. Now if I can listen to an officer of the law scream profanities and act as they will become threatening to me physically while in a public courthouse then tell me I am under arrest I think others can do the same. Turn your palms out and quietly tell them it is their prerogative. Don't resist and do not give them a place for them to have an excuse to be abusive.

Quit trying to force more foreigners into the country as the people born here need help first. Those dumb kids BLM is using as a battering ram for their own agenda need help not more incitement to riot. Palestine is not making any end roads here by using this ignorant method of trying to use long term societal problem areas in the U.S. to get their own way it is just creating more division and Palestine will lose more until it eventually looks like Syria or Lebanon.

I do appreciate your well-thought out and civilly stated post. However, I do not share your perspectives on this issue.

Innocent people have been murdered by cops after doing everything the cops ask and being completely subdued. Compliance isn't the issue.

The reality is that far too many cops are murdering innocent people.You seem to place the blame on the victims Bad cops don't need an excuse toi be abusive.

Your personal experiences tell me nothing. That's just your side of the story.

As for foreigners, I don't have the same fears about them as you and the Right does. The Right says the same thing about foreigners as they once said about black people .. 'they're taking our jobs.'

Additionally, I see them as far less aggressive and hateful as I do most republicans, and I welcome their political .camaraderie. There is no common ground to be found with most republicans, and I've given up looking for it.

Bottom line, nothing changes in the country without demand .. it never has .. and things are changing now BECAUSE of demand.

You may not agree with the tactics, but then again what are you doing to change the dynamics of this issue?

WE can't wait for republicans to figure it out .. which of course would never happen.
That is not just my side of the story. Those riots in Watts went on in during that same time frame. The Blank Panthers were pushing their agenda with bombs and working feverishly to try to Muslimise the most blacks that they could in the prisons to be used by them for a war they planned in the future. Hell the only ones making money on this so called war on racism are the Black preachers teaching and inciting their minions to kill whitey by going in from other areas and and infiltrate them by promoting the destruction of neighborhoods where there a lot of decent people black and white lived and worked. I don't see "WE" in the ghettos trying to help lift "their people" out of poverty instead a few hangers on are still building their own castles. Your "demand" is moot.

Anyone Republican or Democrat that stands promoting a violent "demand" supporting a violent agenda of "WE" can expect to be thrown out of office along with all illegal immigrants they purport to uphold. If you truly believe you can take over America by co-opting your cause then step out from under Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic robe and give it your best shot. You think WE can change the world well good luck with that. Keep up your incessant ranting. You may change the world in your own minds but you will never change the foundation America was built upon. Instead WE will become as all the others before them yet another example of how dismally those who tried failed miserably. That will be on your head(s) not mine.

I repeat, that's just your side of the story. I lived those years and I have a completely different perspective .. and I completely agree with the outrage and rebellion that happened.

DEMAND is the ONLY mechanism for change in this country .. NOTHING changes without it.

African-Americans have been in this country for over 400 years .. only been relatively fre for 51 years .. and you believe we should have done what? Beg for civil rights?

As I've said, we have completely different perspectives of this society.
Your perspective gives you no rights to "demand" that anyone burn down another persons houses or businesses and that is what they did in Watts. (I lived very close to that area in those years and fifteen years later it still was not rebuilt as many that were burnt out could not afford to rebuild).

How is that violent "demand" working out in Africa, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Oman, Jordan, parts of Indonesia, China, the Russian Confederation and the Arabian countries in general? And lets not forget Israel, France, Sweden, Germany and Great Britain? Or any other place where people believe that they have the right to force their violent minority beliefs on others?

Force Civil rights? :0) This nation had to be FORCED to protect the lives of its black citizens .. and you think that's unfair?

Yes, we had the right and DUTY to DEMAND civil rights . just as we have the right and duty to demand more effective police oversight,

You don't have to agree with any of this .. but just as then, demand, protest, and outrage are working.
No like I said your demand is moot when violence is involved and you try to excuse violence or use criminals to justify your cause you are complicit. Again, violence in action or promoting it makes your argument moot.
I do appreciate your well-thought out and civilly stated post. However, I do not share your perspectives on this issue.

Innocent people have been murdered by cops after doing everything the cops ask and being completely subdued. Compliance isn't the issue.

The reality is that far too many cops are murdering innocent people.You seem to place the blame on the victims Bad cops don't need an excuse toi be abusive.

Your personal experiences tell me nothing. That's just your side of the story.

As for foreigners, I don't have the same fears about them as you and the Right does. The Right says the same thing about foreigners as they once said about black people .. 'they're taking our jobs.'

Additionally, I see them as far less aggressive and hateful as I do most republicans, and I welcome their political .camaraderie. There is no common ground to be found with most republicans, and I've given up looking for it.

Bottom line, nothing changes in the country without demand .. it never has .. and things are changing now BECAUSE of demand.

You may not agree with the tactics, but then again what are you doing to change the dynamics of this issue?

WE can't wait for republicans to figure it out .. which of course would never happen.
That is not just my side of the story. Those riots in Watts went on in during that same time frame. The Blank Panthers were pushing their agenda with bombs and working feverishly to try to Muslimise the most blacks that they could in the prisons to be used by them for a war they planned in the future. Hell the only ones making money on this so called war on racism are the Black preachers teaching and inciting their minions to kill whitey by going in from other areas and and infiltrate them by promoting the destruction of neighborhoods where there a lot of decent people black and white lived and worked. I don't see "WE" in the ghettos trying to help lift "their people" out of poverty instead a few hangers on are still building their own castles. Your "demand" is moot.

Anyone Republican or Democrat that stands promoting a violent "demand" supporting a violent agenda of "WE" can expect to be thrown out of office along with all illegal immigrants they purport to uphold. If you truly believe you can take over America by co-opting your cause then step out from under Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic robe and give it your best shot. You think WE can change the world well good luck with that. Keep up your incessant ranting. You may change the world in your own minds but you will never change the foundation America was built upon. Instead WE will become as all the others before them yet another example of how dismally those who tried failed miserably. That will be on your head(s) not mine.

I repeat, that's just your side of the story. I lived those years and I have a completely different perspective .. and I completely agree with the outrage and rebellion that happened.

DEMAND is the ONLY mechanism for change in this country .. NOTHING changes without it.

African-Americans have been in this country for over 400 years .. only been relatively fre for 51 years .. and you believe we should have done what? Beg for civil rights?

As I've said, we have completely different perspectives of this society.
Your perspective gives you no rights to "demand" that anyone burn down another persons houses or businesses and that is what they did in Watts. (I lived very close to that area in those years and fifteen years later it still was not rebuilt as many that were burnt out could not afford to rebuild).

How is that violent "demand" working out in Africa, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Oman, Jordan, parts of Indonesia, China, the Russian Confederation and the Arabian countries in general? And lets not forget Israel, France, Sweden, Germany and Great Britain? Or any other place where people believe that they have the right to force their violent minority beliefs on others?

Force Civil rights? :0) This nation had to be FORCED to protect the lives of its black citizens .. and you think that's unfair?

Yes, we had the right and DUTY to DEMAND civil rights . just as we have the right and duty to demand more effective police oversight,

You don't have to agree with any of this .. but just as then, demand, protest, and outrage are working.
No like I said your demand is moot when violence is involved and you try to excuse violence or use criminals to justify your cause you are complicit. Again, violence in action or promoting it makes your argument moot.

In other words, we should just take the violence that comes our way .. and pray it will stop.

That's what slaves did .. and it didn't work for them either.

You've said nothing about the violence that blacks have endured for HUNDREDS OF YEARS IN THIS COUNTRY .. and you have no solutions on how to we could have made it stop without violence in return.

Needless to say, we will seek our own solutions .. and they are working.
That is not just my side of the story. Those riots in Watts went on in during that same time frame. The Blank Panthers were pushing their agenda with bombs and working feverishly to try to Muslimise the most blacks that they could in the prisons to be used by them for a war they planned in the future. Hell the only ones making money on this so called war on racism are the Black preachers teaching and inciting their minions to kill whitey by going in from other areas and and infiltrate them by promoting the destruction of neighborhoods where there a lot of decent people black and white lived and worked. I don't see "WE" in the ghettos trying to help lift "their people" out of poverty instead a few hangers on are still building their own castles. Your "demand" is moot.

Anyone Republican or Democrat that stands promoting a violent "demand" supporting a violent agenda of "WE" can expect to be thrown out of office along with all illegal immigrants they purport to uphold. If you truly believe you can take over America by co-opting your cause then step out from under Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic robe and give it your best shot. You think WE can change the world well good luck with that. Keep up your incessant ranting. You may change the world in your own minds but you will never change the foundation America was built upon. Instead WE will become as all the others before them yet another example of how dismally those who tried failed miserably. That will be on your head(s) not mine.

I repeat, that's just your side of the story. I lived those years and I have a completely different perspective .. and I completely agree with the outrage and rebellion that happened.

DEMAND is the ONLY mechanism for change in this country .. NOTHING changes without it.

African-Americans have been in this country for over 400 years .. only been relatively fre for 51 years .. and you believe we should have done what? Beg for civil rights?

As I've said, we have completely different perspectives of this society.
Your perspective gives you no rights to "demand" that anyone burn down another persons houses or businesses and that is what they did in Watts. (I lived very close to that area in those years and fifteen years later it still was not rebuilt as many that were burnt out could not afford to rebuild).

How is that violent "demand" working out in Africa, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Oman, Jordan, parts of Indonesia, China, the Russian Confederation and the Arabian countries in general? And lets not forget Israel, France, Sweden, Germany and Great Britain? Or any other place where people believe that they have the right to force their violent minority beliefs on others?

Force Civil rights? :0) This nation had to be FORCED to protect the lives of its black citizens .. and you think that's unfair?

Yes, we had the right and DUTY to DEMAND civil rights . just as we have the right and duty to demand more effective police oversight,

You don't have to agree with any of this .. but just as then, demand, protest, and outrage are working.
No like I said your demand is moot when violence is involved and you try to excuse violence or use criminals to justify your cause you are complicit. Again, violence in action or promoting it makes your argument moot.

In other words, we should just take the violence that comes our way .. and pray it will stop.

That's what slaves did .. and it didn't work for them either.

You've said nothing about the violence that blacks have endured for HUNDREDS OF YEARS IN THIS COUNTRY .. and you have no solutions on how to we could have made it stop without violence in return.

Needless to say, we will seek our own solutions .. and they are working.
You need to face reality. Violence begets violence. Your desire to support and justify violence is what defeats you.
Conservatives finally admitting that racism is a problem


Oh, I get it. The liberal is trying to pretend they didn't see the racism all around them, so he can denigrate them without saying so directly. It's sort of a cowardly version of insulting someone.

As for racism, there has been tons of it, especially in the last 50 years. From liberals who join, staff, and run the Ku Klux Klan, to Democrat governors who signed Jom Crow laws and used fire hoses on peacefully protesting black people, to Democrats who write legislation based on the idea that black people can't handle normal life without great help from the government (while writing no such legislation for whites), to leftist media who scream endlessly that whites are acting like racists toward blacks, without ever mention the far greater rate at which blacks exercise racist behavior toward whites....

It's enough racism to fill the streets of Dallas ten times over. Which, come to think of it, it recently did.

But conservatives have been noticing it, and fighting it, for decades. Too bad liberals have been supporting that racism for even longer.
Conservatives weren't fighting the KKK since the KKK is, and always has been, made of right wing extremist Christian terrorists. You aren't fooling anyone but yourself and the other piss drinking revisionist retards.

Conservatives defended the KKK and racism with every fiber of their being. Their all time champion in the Senate was Robert Russell, and he would rise out of his grave and smite you if you ever tried to pin the "liberal" label on him, as would every other Southern Democrat of the period.

Seriously. Just how many pounds of brain damage to you have to have to claim the KKK is, or ever was, liberals? Goddam, that's some hilarious showing off of your idiocy right there. :lol:

They should hand out fines for that kind of stupidity in public.

You type that from you democrat klan meeting?
I repeat, that's just your side of the story. I lived those years and I have a completely different perspective .. and I completely agree with the outrage and rebellion that happened.

DEMAND is the ONLY mechanism for change in this country .. NOTHING changes without it.

African-Americans have been in this country for over 400 years .. only been relatively fre for 51 years .. and you believe we should have done what? Beg for civil rights?

As I've said, we have completely different perspectives of this society.
Your perspective gives you no rights to "demand" that anyone burn down another persons houses or businesses and that is what they did in Watts. (I lived very close to that area in those years and fifteen years later it still was not rebuilt as many that were burnt out could not afford to rebuild).

How is that violent "demand" working out in Africa, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Oman, Jordan, parts of Indonesia, China, the Russian Confederation and the Arabian countries in general? And lets not forget Israel, France, Sweden, Germany and Great Britain? Or any other place where people believe that they have the right to force their violent minority beliefs on others?

Force Civil rights? :0) This nation had to be FORCED to protect the lives of its black citizens .. and you think that's unfair?

Yes, we had the right and DUTY to DEMAND civil rights . just as we have the right and duty to demand more effective police oversight,

You don't have to agree with any of this .. but just as then, demand, protest, and outrage are working.
No like I said your demand is moot when violence is involved and you try to excuse violence or use criminals to justify your cause you are complicit. Again, violence in action or promoting it makes your argument moot.

In other words, we should just take the violence that comes our way .. and pray it will stop.

That's what slaves did .. and it didn't work for them either.

You've said nothing about the violence that blacks have endured for HUNDREDS OF YEARS IN THIS COUNTRY .. and you have no solutions on how to we could have made it stop without violence in return.

Needless to say, we will seek our own solutions .. and they are working.
You need to face reality. Violence begets violence. Your desire to support and justify violence is what defeats you.

Violence has been visited upon African-Americans for hundreds of years in this nation .. you just don't like the solutions to that violence .. even though you have no solutions of your own.

Violence begets violence .. I'm cool with that.
Your perspective gives you no rights to "demand" that anyone burn down another persons houses or businesses and that is what they did in Watts. (I lived very close to that area in those years and fifteen years later it still was not rebuilt as many that were burnt out could not afford to rebuild).

How is that violent "demand" working out in Africa, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Oman, Jordan, parts of Indonesia, China, the Russian Confederation and the Arabian countries in general? And lets not forget Israel, France, Sweden, Germany and Great Britain? Or any other place where people believe that they have the right to force their violent minority beliefs on others?

Force Civil rights? :0) This nation had to be FORCED to protect the lives of its black citizens .. and you think that's unfair?

Yes, we had the right and DUTY to DEMAND civil rights . just as we have the right and duty to demand more effective police oversight,

You don't have to agree with any of this .. but just as then, demand, protest, and outrage are working.
No like I said your demand is moot when violence is involved and you try to excuse violence or use criminals to justify your cause you are complicit. Again, violence in action or promoting it makes your argument moot.

In other words, we should just take the violence that comes our way .. and pray it will stop.

That's what slaves did .. and it didn't work for them either.

You've said nothing about the violence that blacks have endured for HUNDREDS OF YEARS IN THIS COUNTRY .. and you have no solutions on how to we could have made it stop without violence in return.

Needless to say, we will seek our own solutions .. and they are working.
You need to face reality. Violence begets violence. Your desire to support and justify violence is what defeats you.

Violence has been visited upon African-Americans for hundreds of years in this nation .. you just don't like the solutions to that violence .. even though you have no solutions of your own.

Violence begets violence .. I'm cool with that.
We've been fighting the democrats who've been attacking you for decades....
Your perspective gives you no rights to "demand" that anyone burn down another persons houses or businesses and that is what they did in Watts. (I lived very close to that area in those years and fifteen years later it still was not rebuilt as many that were burnt out could not afford to rebuild).

How is that violent "demand" working out in Africa, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Oman, Jordan, parts of Indonesia, China, the Russian Confederation and the Arabian countries in general? And lets not forget Israel, France, Sweden, Germany and Great Britain? Or any other place where people believe that they have the right to force their violent minority beliefs on others?

Force Civil rights? :0) This nation had to be FORCED to protect the lives of its black citizens .. and you think that's unfair?

Yes, we had the right and DUTY to DEMAND civil rights . just as we have the right and duty to demand more effective police oversight,

You don't have to agree with any of this .. but just as then, demand, protest, and outrage are working.
No like I said your demand is moot when violence is involved and you try to excuse violence or use criminals to justify your cause you are complicit. Again, violence in action or promoting it makes your argument moot.

In other words, we should just take the violence that comes our way .. and pray it will stop.

That's what slaves did .. and it didn't work for them either.

You've said nothing about the violence that blacks have endured for HUNDREDS OF YEARS IN THIS COUNTRY .. and you have no solutions on how to we could have made it stop without violence in return.

Needless to say, we will seek our own solutions .. and they are working.
You need to face reality. Violence begets violence. Your desire to support and justify violence is what defeats you.

Violence has been visited upon African-Americans for hundreds of years in this nation .. you just don't like the solutions to that violence .. even though you have no solutions of your own.

Violence begets violence .. I'm cool with that.
I don't need your type of violent solutions. I will let the law enforcers take care of that. The spiritual Palis living on my land can remain for awhile but the law will catch up with them also in time. I am patient enough to see it all come around as justice plays out.
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem
One conservative columnist says “police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations.”

As the nation reeled following the killings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and five police officers in Dallas, Texas, two prominent conservative media outlets published thoughtful essays examining how police interact with communities of color.

In The Daily Caller, senior contributor Matt K. Lewis wrote about how the advent of smart phones and instant live streaming has made it impossible to deny that black people are disproportionately subjected to police violence.

“In the era of Facebook Live and smart phones, it’s hard to come to any conclusion other than the fact that police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations,” Lewis wrote. “Seriously, absent video proof, how many innocent African-Americans have been beaten or killed over the last hundred years by the police—with little or no media coverage or scrutiny?”

In his piece, Lewis recognizes that growing up with the white privilege of unquestionably trusting the cops blinds people to the reality of police discrimination and brutality.

“If there’s any good to come from this horrible trend, it may be that the scales are coming off the eyes of a lot of well meaning, if naive, white Americans,” he wrote. “My hope is that this will change public opinion to the point that we can change public policy.”

much more
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem

The far right has too large a hand in the republican agenda. If the Republican Party is to survive in an evolved America, it needs to kick RW racists to the side, or craft an agenda that speaks to all Americans .. which will make the racists run away. You don't need them. They drain your party, not expand it.

As republicans begin to face the true reality of their circumstances, there will be many more concessions and epiphany's to come... and they should hurry because all they'll have left is the House .. maybe.

Well, perhaps the liberal media will face up to the inherent anti white bigotry in poor black communities, as well. And perhaps the black lives matter folks will address the overriding nature of high black on black homicide rates instead fixating on the relatively small white cop/black suspect shootings. That would be a HUGE leap forwards in human relations and civil rights in this country.
Force Civil rights? :0) This nation had to be FORCED to protect the lives of its black citizens .. and you think that's unfair?

Yes, we had the right and DUTY to DEMAND civil rights . just as we have the right and duty to demand more effective police oversight,

You don't have to agree with any of this .. but just as then, demand, protest, and outrage are working.
No like I said your demand is moot when violence is involved and you try to excuse violence or use criminals to justify your cause you are complicit. Again, violence in action or promoting it makes your argument moot.

In other words, we should just take the violence that comes our way .. and pray it will stop.

That's what slaves did .. and it didn't work for them either.

You've said nothing about the violence that blacks have endured for HUNDREDS OF YEARS IN THIS COUNTRY .. and you have no solutions on how to we could have made it stop without violence in return.

Needless to say, we will seek our own solutions .. and they are working.
You need to face reality. Violence begets violence. Your desire to support and justify violence is what defeats you.

Violence has been visited upon African-Americans for hundreds of years in this nation .. you just don't like the solutions to that violence .. even though you have no solutions of your own.

Violence begets violence .. I'm cool with that.
I don't need your type of violent solutions. I will let the law enforcers take care of that. The spiritual Palis living on my land can remain for awhile but the law will catch up with them also in time. I am patient enough to see it all come around as justice plays out.

You're forgetting that neither I nor anyone else is asking you to do a goddamn thing. :0) I don't give a rats ass about what you don't need .. this is not about you.

Things are changing without your permission or approval. :0) .. including the demographics of this nation.
No like I said your demand is moot when violence is involved and you try to excuse violence or use criminals to justify your cause you are complicit. Again, violence in action or promoting it makes your argument moot.

In other words, we should just take the violence that comes our way .. and pray it will stop.

That's what slaves did .. and it didn't work for them either.

You've said nothing about the violence that blacks have endured for HUNDREDS OF YEARS IN THIS COUNTRY .. and you have no solutions on how to we could have made it stop without violence in return.

Needless to say, we will seek our own solutions .. and they are working.
You need to face reality. Violence begets violence. Your desire to support and justify violence is what defeats you.

Violence has been visited upon African-Americans for hundreds of years in this nation .. you just don't like the solutions to that violence .. even though you have no solutions of your own.

Violence begets violence .. I'm cool with that.
I don't need your type of violent solutions. I will let the law enforcers take care of that. The spiritual Palis living on my land can remain for awhile but the law will catch up with them also in time. I am patient enough to see it all come around as justice plays out.

You're forgetting that neither I nor anyone else is asking you to do a goddamn thing. :0) I don't give a rats ass about what you don't need .. this is not about you.

Things are changing without your permission or approval. :0) .. including the demographics of this nation.
There are definately more of you racists here..,

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