Conservatives finally admitting that racism is a problem

If you think that's what I said then that explains some of your dopey posts.
Your whiny assertion is white people haven't suffered constant injustices like black people have. Instead of calling my remarks dopey, why not illuminate me? Or do you want to stay stuck in your prejudice?

It's really self evident. It's a simple sentence.
Black folks have suffered injustice since the inception of this country. It's been constant. It's changed only in degree but never disappeared.
White folks have never had those same hurdles to overcome. That's the privilege.

Get it now?
That's right, Starkey, blacks have been enslaved, taken advantage of, have never had a chance, never will have a chance, are all victims, always will be, and need the govt to care for them cradle-to-grave.

Your brainwashing 'took', and you continue to pass on the indoctrination well.

You can spin it any way you'd like but that doesn't change reality.
Do you believe that black folks in America today face no more hurdles than whites do?
There is no degree of institutionalized bias baked in the system that creates hurdles for black folks?
Uh huh. Here's a hurtle. Affirmative action. Try being the white person who sweated for good grades to get into college but is rejected because of color quotas.

That is reality too.

Affirmative Action benefits WHITE WOMEN more than anyone else in this country.

Studies Show Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others

.. you were saying?
Your whiny assertion is white people haven't suffered constant injustices like black people have. Instead of calling my remarks dopey, why not illuminate me? Or do you want to stay stuck in your prejudice?

It's really self evident. It's a simple sentence.
Black folks have suffered injustice since the inception of this country. It's been constant. It's changed only in degree but never disappeared.
White folks have never had those same hurdles to overcome. That's the privilege.

Get it now?
That's right, Starkey, blacks have been enslaved, taken advantage of, have never had a chance, never will have a chance, are all victims, always will be, and need the govt to care for them cradle-to-grave.

Your brainwashing 'took', and you continue to pass on the indoctrination well.

You can spin it any way you'd like but that doesn't change reality.
Do you believe that black folks in America today face no more hurdles than whites do?
There is no degree of institutionalized bias baked in the system that creates hurdles for black folks?
Uh huh. Here's a hurtle. Affirmative action. Try being the white person who sweated for good grades to get into college but is rejected because of color quotas.

That is reality too.

Affirmative Action benefits WHITE WOMEN more than anyone else in this country.

Studies Show Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others

.. you were saying?
I was asked for an example by HutchStarskey and you inserted a link. You got in a snarky nah nah nah. Good for you. Here's the bottom line, sister. White people owe you no more than you owe them. Deal with it.
It's really self evident. It's a simple sentence.
Black folks have suffered injustice since the inception of this country. It's been constant. It's changed only in degree but never disappeared.
White folks have never had those same hurdles to overcome. That's the privilege.

Get it now?
That's right, Starkey, blacks have been enslaved, taken advantage of, have never had a chance, never will have a chance, are all victims, always will be, and need the govt to care for them cradle-to-grave.

Your brainwashing 'took', and you continue to pass on the indoctrination well.

You can spin it any way you'd like but that doesn't change reality.
Do you believe that black folks in America today face no more hurdles than whites do?
There is no degree of institutionalized bias baked in the system that creates hurdles for black folks?
Uh huh. Here's a hurtle. Affirmative action. Try being the white person who sweated for good grades to get into college but is rejected because of color quotas.

That is reality too.

Affirmative Action benefits WHITE WOMEN more than anyone else in this country.

Studies Show Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others

.. you were saying?
I was asked for an example by HutchStarskey and you inserted a link. You got in a snarky nah nah nah. Good for you. Here's the bottom line, sister. White people owe you no more than you owe them. Deal with it.

I'm not asking shit of white people.

I'm demanding that cops stop shooting innocent black people .. and, thanks to BLM and people of conscience, measures are already being put in place to ensure that better than ever before.

Deal with that.
If you think that's what I said then that explains some of your dopey posts.
Your whiny assertion is white people haven't suffered constant injustices like black people have. Instead of calling my remarks dopey, why not illuminate me? Or do you want to stay stuck in your prejudice?

It's really self evident. It's a simple sentence.
Black folks have suffered injustice since the inception of this country. It's been constant. It's changed only in degree but never disappeared.
White folks have never had those same hurdles to overcome. That's the privilege.

Get it now?
You are still whining. The inception of this country is history. You are one of those lazy thinkers who expects white people who have done nothing whatsoever -ever- to harm or even inconvenience a black person to pay them back somehow because of something that occurred in the past to neither of them .

As for difficulties now, yes, buttercup, life is sometimes hard- for everybody. Claiming that whites have everything easy is childish, absurd and suggests a lack of insight and willingness to take responsibility for your own life choices. It is easy to blame somebody else. It's a bit tougher to act like a grown up.

A little something for you " lazy thinkers".

The Ultimate White Privilege Statistics & Data Post
Why articulate your own views,when you've got a link to express it for you?
Thanks, it's been instructive.

I did articulate it, you just didn't want to respond with anything more than " ya but....affirmative action".

I thought the link might help you avoid "lazy thinking".
You can spin it any way you'd like but that doesn't change reality.

Part of the problem is that liberals want to issue these big-ass blanket statements about how the lives of blacks are so much harder than that of whites when it's not that 'easy' - no pun intended.

My wife works for a community/community (multiple) church-sponsored crisis relief clinic and free medical clinic where they help those in need in the community - everything from helping those in need to pay bills, recover from fires that leave them homeless, running a shelter, running an abuse shelter for battered women, etc.

Yesterday my wife held a woman (a white woman) - who was physically battered from an abusive husband and who had run away from her home to escape the abuse - while she cried. It was late in the evening so the only thing they could do until today was put her up in the shelter for abused women. She was abused, had nothing but the clothes on her back, no friends or family in this state, and had no one to turn to.

You want to make some over-arching racial political statement about how blacks have it worse off than whites? That's BS - tell that to the abused woman who came to the shelter! I could tell you Just as many such stories involving whites and Latinos as blacks. Blacks do not have the 'market cornered' on hard times and 'life's not fair' problems/stories.

Why is it that immigrants with almost nothing can come to this country, work their asses off doing whatever it takes to succeed, and end up owning their own businesses and MAKING it when so many whites and blacks sit on their ass, complain how they are victims, refuse to take jobs 'beneath them', and demand handouts?

There are men and women who have multiple jobs, working day and night to put food on the table, to put their kids through school, and don't spend their time bitching about being 'victims'., so don't give me the generic 'blacks have it tougher than whites' schpeal.

Right now there are blacks shooting and killing other minorities at a record-setting pace in Chicago, a city run by a liberal Mayor, and the violence can be excused / justified by blaming the 'inherent racism' of whites / cops, but that is a 'Cop out'!

As the Dallas Police Chief said to the protestors, 'you want real change? Then 'JOIN US'!' Stop blaming cops, disrespecting cops, ambushing cops, murdering cops, calling for the murder of cops - actually DO SOMETHING to make the situation better rather than escalating the problem. Sitting around whining and bitching about how 'you're' a victim and blaming others while doing nothing to make the situation better WON'T make the situation better! Stop the finger-pointing, stop the pity-party, and get in the 'game'!

The worst part of white pivilege is that it affords the ability to deny it exists.
I'm not asking shit of white people.

Like Michael Brown? Without knowing all the details, professional protestors and 'trouble-makers' were bussed into Baltimore, local people ignorantly and wrongly blamed the police, rioted, engaged in violence against police and others, damaged their own local property, looted and burned to the ground and local stores that were there to support their community, and caused millions of dollars in damage. Many of those businesses 'packed up their tent' and refused to come back, which only hurt those who had caused it.

After it was exposed that Brown had stolen from a store, had assaulted the owner, had ignored the policeman's orders and had disrespected the policeman because he believed he was special and did not have to obey a policeman, had assaulted the policeman, had attempted take the policeman's gun, and had finally been shot in legitimate self-defense...I don't remember celebrities, BLM, the NBPs, other racist groups, celebrities condemning the riots, violence and damage, admitting that they were wrong, apologizing to the police, apologizing to the local businesses they had looted, destroyed, and forced out of business, etc...

EVERY time there is a shooting of a black person, no matter the facts, many blacks and black organizations roll in and automatically declare this to be a racial instance where the cops are / were in the wrong, perpetuating the myth that ALL cops are 'inherently racist'. Some are real, and the police need to be appropriately held accountable, justice done. BALTIMORE, for example, wasn't one of those times / incidents...and no visible effort by blacks / black groups that torched the city and went wild stepped up and declared to the nation, 'My bad....we were wrong'.
The worst part of white pivilege is that it affords the ability to deny it exists. response to facts and a real discussion on the mythical blanket claim of how blacks have it so much worse than whites you respond with the even more mythical, made-up BS about 'white privilege'. Tell you what, why don't you tell that young white woman who showed up at the shelter battered and bruised, nothing but the clothes on her back, how great / how much better she has it due to her 'white privilege'.
The worst part of white pivilege is that it affords the ability to deny it exists. response to facts and a real discussion on the mythical blanket claim of how blacks have it so much worse than whites you respond with the even more mythical, made-up BS about 'white privilege'. Tell you what, why don't you tell that young white woman who showed up at the shelter battered and bruised, nothing but the clothes on her back, how great / how much better she has it due to her 'white privilege'.

Your personal anecdotes don't negate the facts.
I'm not asking shit of white people.

Like Michael Brown? Without knowing all the details, professional protestors and 'trouble-makers' were bussed into Baltimore, local people ignorantly and wrongly blamed the police, rioted, engaged in violence against police and others, damaged their own local property, looted and burned to the ground and local stores that were there to support their community, and caused millions of dollars in damage. Many of those businesses 'packed up their tent' and refused to come back, which only hurt those who had caused it.

After it was exposed that Brown had stolen from a store, had assaulted the owner, had ignored the policeman's orders and had disrespected the policeman because he believed he was special and did not have to obey a policeman, had assaulted the policeman, had attempted take the policeman's gun, and had finally been shot in legitimate self-defense...I don't remember celebrities, BLM, the NBPs, other racist groups, celebrities condemning the riots, violence and damage, admitting that they were wrong, apologizing to the police, apologizing to the local businesses they had looted, destroyed, and forced out of business, etc...

EVERY time there is a shooting of a black person, no matter the facts, many blacks and black organizations roll in and automatically declare this to be a racial instance where the cops are / were in the wrong, perpetuating the myth that ALL cops are 'inherently racist'. Some are real, and the police need to be appropriately held accountable, justice done. BALTIMORE, for example, wasn't one of those times / incidents...and no visible effort by blacks / black groups that torched the city and went wild stepped up and declared to the nation, 'My bad....we were wrong'.

All cops aren't bad .. my son is a cop .. but even he knows, as a great many black officers know, the system must be changed to address rogue cops who murder innocent people.

The good news is that the system is being changed to address this issue, and it will continue to change.
The worst part of white pivilege is that it affords the ability to deny it exists. response to facts and a real discussion on the mythical blanket claim of how blacks have it so much worse than whites you respond with the even more mythical, made-up BS about 'white privilege'. Tell you what, why don't you tell that young white woman who showed up at the shelter battered and bruised, nothing but the clothes on her back, how great / how much better she has it due to her 'white privilege'.

Your personal anecdotes don't negate the facts.
What FACTS? You issued a blanket opinionated statement that blacks have it worse off than whites. I just proved you wrong. 'Generic, blanket statements' are used by those who have no FACTS to back up their OPINION.

(All) Blacks have a worse life / have it worse than whites.....
(All) BLM members are racist terrorists who want all whites and cops to be murdered...
(All) republicans hate blacks...
(All) Conservatives are racists....
(All) Liberals are sexual perverts like bill Clinton...

The ONLY ''All' blanket / general' statement that are true is 'ALL' general blanket statements are FALSE!
BlackAsCoal, I think possibly professors with wayward minds need to quit trying to socially engineer a society that they believe will be perfect in their own minds. 'You will always have the poor', that is you will always have those who are lacking the ability to find the spirit of truth that dwells within them as they do not look for truth many just look for advantage. People willingly subject themselves and it is not up to you or anyone else to try to engineer a way around that. People make choices here in this world and we see the results all around the globe of the poor choices that trying to force people to get along has created. The Democrat and Republican parties have both been on a dead path that led this nation into the state it is in today. Neither considered the consequences of their actions as they continued to buy and sell the American public a line of shit to further their own causes.

I don't own a gun but I have had many in the past for various reasons. I personally will never submit to the wishes of the U.N. to make this country a gun free zone.

You are laying a huge burden of racism at the feet of white people and you are in error in doing so. It takes two to tango and there are more of us out here that are mixed race than you can shake a stick at. My native American heritage was concealed for years due to the fact that my ancestors walked that trail of tears and my grandparents would not admit their heritage. Most people have no clue that Jewish people also walked this land along with the Mayans as that ancient history that was also concealed.

If I can sit on a city bench and share my lunch with a young black man while he and his mom wait for a city bus and I wait for a museum to open and the young man's mom is more prejudice than most white people I know what does that tell you?

I recall clearly still being in a school with a majority of white children in the early seventies while a small group of blacks went through and kicked over people's lunches. I stood up even though there was no one sitting with me or near me when they approached my lunch. Their gang leader towered over me as did his followers but you know what happened? He told them "Leave this one alone". A few weeks later one of his gang decided he and his girlfriend would catch me while no one was around and teach me a lesson. The male approached me from behind while I was getting my books from my locker. The female stood a ways away keeping a look out. I heard his foot steps from behind and was prepared when I turned around to defend my self. The moment his hand went out in a threatening manner my foot went into his groin and when his head went down my knee went into his face. Fortunately by that time someone else had seen what was transpiring and they stood in front of his lookout for I would not have to defend my self from two people much larger than myself. Now you tell me who was the racist?

In as much as people need to get over their own prejudices the so called higher education crowd needs to get over their own blind prejudices before placing all their crap on everyone else.

If young people don't want to be in the line of fire whether they are black, white, brown or yellow they need to learn to listen when they are given instructions by the police. When an officer says let it go and the perp has a gun in his pocket the perp better let go of the gun. When an officer is at the car window and the officer says keep your hands up you better damn well keep your hands up instead of reaching down. Now for instances like the young brain dead young man in Missouri who was tazzed into submission- don't get out of your car telling a police officer 'fuck you' because that officer just might be a nutjob.

I was threaten with arrest after the sheriff helped steal my dozer. Now if I can listen to an officer of the law scream profanities and act as they will become threatening to me physically while in a public courthouse then tell me I am under arrest I think others can do the same. Turn your palms out and quietly tell them it is their prerogative. Don't resist and do not give them a place for them to have an excuse to be abusive.

Quit trying to force more foreigners into the country as the people born here need help first. Those dumb kids BLM is using as a battering ram for their own agenda need help not more incitement to riot. Palestine is not making any end roads here by using this ignorant method of trying to use long term societal problem areas in the U.S. to get their own way it is just creating more division and Palestine will lose more until it eventually looks like Syria or Lebanon.
The worst part of white pivilege is that it affords the ability to deny it exists. response to facts and a real discussion on the mythical blanket claim of how blacks have it so much worse than whites you respond with the even more mythical, made-up BS about 'white privilege'. Tell you what, why don't you tell that young white woman who showed up at the shelter battered and bruised, nothing but the clothes on her back, how great / how much better she has it due to her 'white privilege'.

Your personal anecdotes don't negate the facts.
What FACTS? You issued a blanket opinionated statement that blacks have it worse off than whites. I just proved you wrong. 'Generic, blanket statements' are used by those who have no FACTS to back up their opinion.

I posted a link to a concise, sourced and comprehensive explaination. White privilege doesn't mean bad things don't happen to good people.

Since you missed it.
The Ultimate White Privilege Statistics & Data Post
All cops aren't bad .. my son is a cop .. but even he knows, as a great many black officers know, the system must be changed to address rogue cops who murder innocent people.

The good news is that the system is being changed to address this issue, and it will continue to change.

1. God bless your son and the job he is doing. May he be safe and never come to harm while doing his job.

2. All cops are NOT 'inherently racist' AS CLAIMED. I would like to believe that your son would take offense to being called 'inherently racist' just because he wears a blue uniform. And not every system needs to be changed. Sometimes it is a matter of weeding the racist / 'bad apples'.

3. Many people who complain about how cops treat them do not understand the job or the danger of doing the job. I am sure your son will tell you that when he pulls over a car and starts walking around to the driver's side window he is extremely concerned about having some freak already having a gun out or pulling a gun and is concerned for his life. When he tells the driver to 'show him his hands' or issues an order and the driver fails to comply for whatever reason, he is not going to be laid back, happy-go-lucky, friendly, etc...he is going to be extremely gruff and commanding.

4. I read one article about how 1 community watch group leader extremely vocally negative about how aggressive police are was invited to walk the training range where good and bad guys pop out. (I posted the link a while back). After the training the man apologized to police and declared he had no idea how tough their jobs were. During the exercise he was shot/killed something like 5 times and shot/wounded/killed 4 'citizens'. Having to make split-second decisions that could cost you your life or someone else's is not easy, as I am sure your son will attest to.

SOMETIMES, in fear for their own lives, police can be too aggressive...and when they 'f*-Up' they NEED to be held accountable. Some police forces try to protect their cops, explain how hard their job is, yadda yadda. No argument there, but that is no justification for 'bad' shootings of innocent people and should not prevent them from being punished. Sometimes these 'too aggressive / 'mistake' shootings are classified automatically as 'racist'. Some may be, but some are just cops F*ing up. Not all shootings are carried out due to racism, but it seems these days as if all shootings are immediately being branded as such.

'DISCLAIMER': I will be the 1st to admit that not everything I just said is 'fact'. Some of it is personal opinion. I do not deny that there is racism and a lot of distrust between races right now.

** Again, thank you and your son for his service, for his willingness top serve and protect. God bless him and his family, and may God keep him safe.
BlackAsCoal, I think possibly professors with wayward minds need to quit trying to socially engineer a society that they believe will be perfect in their own minds. 'You will always have the poor', that is you will always have those who are lacking the ability to find the spirit of truth that dwells within them as they do not look for truth many just look for advantage. People willingly subject themselves and it is not up to you or anyone else to try to engineer a way around that. People make choices here in this world and we see the results all around the globe of the poor choices that trying to force people to get along has created. The Democrat and Republican parties have both been on a dead path that led this nation into the state it is in today. Neither considered the consequences of their actions as they continued to buy and sell the American public a line of shit to further their own causes.

I don't own a gun but I have had many in the past for various reasons. I personally will never submit to the wishes of the U.N. to make this country a gun free zone.

You are laying a huge burden of racism at the feet of white people and you are in error in doing so. It takes two to tango and there are more of us out here that are mixed race than you can shake a stick at. My native American heritage was concealed for years due to the fact that my ancestors walked that trail of tears and my grandparents would not admit their heritage. Most people have no clue that Jewish people also walked this land along with the Mayans as that ancient history that was also concealed.

If I can sit on a city bench and share my lunch with a young black man while he and his mom wait for a city us and I wait for a museum to open and the young man's mom is more prejudice than most white people I know what does that tell you?

I recall clearly still being in a school with a majority of white children in the early seventies while a small group of blacks went through and kicked over people's lunches. I stood up even though there was no one sitting with me or near me when they approached my lunch. Their gang leader towered over me as did his followers but you know what happened? He told them "Leave this one alone". A few weeks later one of his gang decided he and his girlfriend would catch me while no one was around and teach me a lesson. The male approached me from behind while I was getting my books from my locker. The female stood a ways away keeping a look out. I heard his foot steps from behind and was prepared when I turned around to defend my self. The moment his hand went out in a threatening manner my foot went into his groin and when his head went down my knee went into his face. Fortunately by that time someone else had seen what was transpiring and they stood in front of his lookout for I would not have to defend my self from two people much larger than myself. Now you tell me who was the racist?

In as much as people need to get over their own prejudices the so called higher education crowd needs to get over their own blind prejudices before placing all their crap on everyone else.

If young people don't want to be in the line of fire whether they are black, white, brown or yellow they need to learn to listen when they are given instructions by the police. When an officer says let it go and the perp has a gun in his pocket the perp better let go of the gun. When an officer is at the car window and the officer says keep your hands up you better damn well keep your hands up instead of reaching down. Now for instances like the young brain dead young man in Missouri who was tazzed into submission- don't get out of your car telling a police officer 'fuck you' because that officer just might be a nutjob.

I was threaten with arrest after the sheriff helped steal my dozer. Now if I can listen to an officer of the law scream profanities and act as they will become threatening to me physically while in a public courthouse then tell me I am under arrest I think others can do the same. Turn your palms out and quietly tell them it is their prerogative. Don't resist and do not give them a place for them to have an excuse to be abusive.

Quit trying to force more foreigners into the country as the people born here need help first. Those dumb kids BLM is using as a battering ram for their own agenda need help not more incitement to riot. Palestine is not making any end roads here by using this ignorant method of trying to use long term societal problem areas in the U.S. to get their own way it is just creating more division and Palestine will lose more until it eventually looks like Syria or Lebanon.

I do appreciate your well-thought out and civilly stated post. However, I do not share your perspectives on this issue.

Innocent people have been murdered by cops after doing everything the cops ask and being completely subdued. Compliance isn't the issue.

The reality is that far too many cops are murdering innocent people.You seem to place the blame on the victims Bad cops don't need an excuse toi be abusive.

Your personal experiences tell me nothing. That's just your side of the story.

As for foreigners, I don't have the same fears about them as you and the Right does. The Right says the same thing about foreigners as they once said about black people .. 'they're taking our jobs.'

Additionally, I see them as far less aggressive and hateful as I do most republicans, and I welcome their political .camaraderie. There is no common ground to be found with most republicans, and I've given up looking for it.

Bottom line, nothing changes in the country without demand .. it never has .. and things are changing now BECAUSE of demand.

You may not agree with the tactics, but then again what are you doing to change the dynamics of this issue?

WE can't wait for republicans to figure it out .. which of course would never happen.
All cops aren't bad .. my son is a cop .. but even he knows, as a great many black officers know, the system must be changed to address rogue cops who murder innocent people.

The good news is that the system is being changed to address this issue, and it will continue to change.

1. God bless your son and the job he is doing. May he be safe and never come to harm while doing his job.

Thank you brother .. I appreciate that

2. All cops are NOT 'inherently racist' AS CLAIMED. I would like to believe that your son would take offense to being called 'inherently racist' just because he wears a blue uniform. And not every system needs to be changed. Sometimes it is a matter of weeding the racist / 'bad apples'.

My son goes through what most, if not all black cops go through. He understands why cops are called racist, he agrees that far too may are racist and give him and all cops a bad name. He agrees the rogue cops should be prosecuted and jailed.

3. Many people who complain about how cops treat them do not understand the job or the danger of doing the job. I am sure your son will tell you that when he pulls over a car and starts walking around to the driver's side window he is extremely concerned about having some freak already having a gun out or pulling a gun and is concerned for his life. When he tells the driver to 'show him his hands' or issues an order and the driver fails to comply for whatever reason, he is not going to be laid back, happy-go-lucky, friendly, etc...he is going to be extremely gruff and commanding.

WE all understand how tough a job it is .. I wouldn't want to do it, and I was more than a bit angry when my son told me he was joining the police force. Although admittedly, I was also angry when one of my daughters told me that she was joining the Army. Both times, fear for their lives was at the core of my anger. My son has excelled at being a cop, though he may soon quit the police force .. and my daughter, at 5'4" 140 lbs, and my daughter has excelled at being a soldier .. now E7, drill Sergeant., and on the list for E8.

4. I read one article about how 1 community watch group leader extremely vocally negative about how aggressive police are was invited to walk the training range where good and bad guys pop out. (I posted the link a while back). After the training the man apologized to police and declared he had no idea how tough their jobs were. During the exercise he was shot/killed something like 5 times and shot/wounded/killed 4 'citizens'. Having to make split-second decisions that could cost you your life or someone else's is not easy, as I am sure your son will attest to.

I've done the ride-along twice. It makes me appreciative of the good work that good cops do, and even more angry at what bad cops do.

If they cannot handle the rigors of the job, they shouldn't be on the job. Stop stinking up the department for the good cops who try hard to do the right things.

SOMETIMES, in fear for their own lives, police can be too aggressive...and when they 'f*-Up' they NEED to be held accountable. Some police forces try to protect their cops, explain how hard their job is, yadda yadda. No argument there, but that is no justification for 'bad' shootings of innocent people and should not prevent them from being punished. Sometimes these 'too aggressive / 'mistake' shootings are classified automatically as 'racist'. Some may be, but some are just cops F*ing up. Not all shootings are carried out due to racism, but it seems these days as if all shootings are immediately being branded as such.

That's my point .. if they prosecuted bad cops, we wouldn't be in the position we are in now nd the community would have more trust in the system.

'DISCLAIMER': I will be the 1st to admit that not everything I just said is 'fact'. Some of it is personal opinion. I do not deny that there is racism and a lot of distrust between races right now.

** Again, thank you and your son for his service, for his willingness top serve and protect. God bless him and his family, and may God keep him safe.

I do appreciate your thoughtfulness and civility good brother.

If the bad cops are pushed out, civility can and will be restored.
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Hutch is driving Compost like a wheeping racist bitch before him.

Yes, racism is a problem for all Americans.
BlackAsCoal, I think possibly professors with wayward minds need to quit trying to socially engineer a society that they believe will be perfect in their own minds. 'You will always have the poor', that is you will always have those who are lacking the ability to find the spirit of truth that dwells within them as they do not look for truth many just look for advantage. People willingly subject themselves and it is not up to you or anyone else to try to engineer a way around that. People make choices here in this world and we see the results all around the globe of the poor choices that trying to force people to get along has created. The Democrat and Republican parties have both been on a dead path that led this nation into the state it is in today. Neither considered the consequences of their actions as they continued to buy and sell the American public a line of shit to further their own causes.

I don't own a gun but I have had many in the past for various reasons. I personally will never submit to the wishes of the U.N. to make this country a gun free zone.

You are laying a huge burden of racism at the feet of white people and you are in error in doing so. It takes two to tango and there are more of us out here that are mixed race than you can shake a stick at. My native American heritage was concealed for years due to the fact that my ancestors walked that trail of tears and my grandparents would not admit their heritage. Most people have no clue that Jewish people also walked this land along with the Mayans as that ancient history that was also concealed.

If I can sit on a city bench and share my lunch with a young black man while he and his mom wait for a city us and I wait for a museum to open and the young man's mom is more prejudice than most white people I know what does that tell you?

I recall clearly still being in a school with a majority of white children in the early seventies while a small group of blacks went through and kicked over people's lunches. I stood up even though there was no one sitting with me or near me when they approached my lunch. Their gang leader towered over me as did his followers but you know what happened? He told them "Leave this one alone". A few weeks later one of his gang decided he and his girlfriend would catch me while no one was around and teach me a lesson. The male approached me from behind while I was getting my books from my locker. The female stood a ways away keeping a look out. I heard his foot steps from behind and was prepared when I turned around to defend my self. The moment his hand went out in a threatening manner my foot went into his groin and when his head went down my knee went into his face. Fortunately by that time someone else had seen what was transpiring and they stood in front of his lookout for I would not have to defend my self from two people much larger than myself. Now you tell me who was the racist?

In as much as people need to get over their own prejudices the so called higher education crowd needs to get over their own blind prejudices before placing all their crap on everyone else.

If young people don't want to be in the line of fire whether they are black, white, brown or yellow they need to learn to listen when they are given instructions by the police. When an officer says let it go and the perp has a gun in his pocket the perp better let go of the gun. When an officer is at the car window and the officer says keep your hands up you better damn well keep your hands up instead of reaching down. Now for instances like the young brain dead young man in Missouri who was tazzed into submission- don't get out of your car telling a police officer 'fuck you' because that officer just might be a nutjob.

I was threaten with arrest after the sheriff helped steal my dozer. Now if I can listen to an officer of the law scream profanities and act as they will become threatening to me physically while in a public courthouse then tell me I am under arrest I think others can do the same. Turn your palms out and quietly tell them it is their prerogative. Don't resist and do not give them a place for them to have an excuse to be abusive.

Quit trying to force more foreigners into the country as the people born here need help first. Those dumb kids BLM is using as a battering ram for their own agenda need help not more incitement to riot. Palestine is not making any end roads here by using this ignorant method of trying to use long term societal problem areas in the U.S. to get their own way it is just creating more division and Palestine will lose more until it eventually looks like Syria or Lebanon.

I do appreciate your well-thought out and civilly stated post. However, I do not share your perspectives on this issue.

Innocent people have been murdered by cops after doing everything the cops ask and being completely subdued. Compliance isn't the issue.

The reality is that far too many cops are murdering innocent people.You seem to place the blame on the victims Bad cops don't need an excuse toi be abusive.

Your personal experiences tell me nothing. That's just your side of the story.

As for foreigners, I don't have the same fears about them as you and the Right does. The Right says the same thing about foreigners as they once said about black people .. 'they're taking our jobs.'

Additionally, I see them as far less aggressive and hateful as I do most republicans, and I welcome their political .camaraderie. There is no common ground to be found with most republicans, and I've given up looking for it.

Bottom line, nothing changes in the country without demand .. it never has .. and things are changing now BECAUSE of demand.

You may not agree with the tactics, but then again what are you doing to change the dynamics of this issue?

WE can't wait for republicans to figure it out .. which of course would never happen.
That is not just my side of the story. Those riots in Watts went on in during that same time frame. The Blank Panthers were pushing their agenda with bombs and working feverishly to try to Muslimise the most blacks that they could in the prisons to be used by them for a war they planned in the future. Hell the only ones making money on this so called war on racism are the Black preachers teaching and inciting their minions to kill whitey by going in from other areas and and infiltrate them by promoting the destruction of neighborhoods where there a lot of decent people black and white lived and worked. I don't see "WE" in the ghettos trying to help lift "their people" out of poverty instead a few hangers on are still building their own castles. Your "demand" is moot.

Anyone Republican or Democrat that stands promoting a violent "demand" supporting a violent agenda of "WE" can expect to be thrown out of office along with all illegal immigrants they purport to uphold. If you truly believe you can take over America by co-opting your cause then step out from under Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic robe and give it your best shot. You think WE can change the world well good luck with that. Keep up your incessant ranting. You may change the world in your own minds but you will never change the foundation America was built upon. Instead WE will become as all the others before them yet another example of how dismally those who tried failed miserably. That will be on your head(s) not mine.

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