Conservatives finally admitting that racism is a problem

Conservatives finally admitting that racism is a problem
Oh, I get it. The liberal is trying to pretend they didn't see the racism all around them, so he can denigrate them without saying so directly. It's sort of a cowardly version of insulting someone.
As for racism, there has been tons of it, especially in the last 50 years. From liberals who join, staff, and run the Ku Klux Clan, to Democrats who write legislation based on the idea that black people can't handle normal life without great help from the government (while writing no such legislation for whites), to leftist media who scream endlessly that whites are acting like racists toward blacks, without ever mention the far greater rate where blacks exercise racist behavior toward whites....It's enough racism to fill the streets of Dallas ten times over. Which, come to think of it, it recently did.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything Acorn wrote, but I hate it anyway. So I'll ignore it, and post silly pictures instead, in the hope that someone will believe there's something wrong with it anyway, even though I can't point anything out.
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem
One conservative columnist says “police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations.”

As the nation reeled following the killings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and five police officers in Dallas, Texas, two prominent conservative media outlets published thoughtful essays examining how police interact with communities of color.

In The Daily Caller, senior contributor Matt K. Lewis wrote about how the advent of smart phones and instant live streaming has made it impossible to deny that black people are disproportionately subjected to police violence.

“In the era of Facebook Live and smart phones, it’s hard to come to any conclusion other than the fact that police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations,” Lewis wrote. “Seriously, absent video proof, how many innocent African-Americans have been beaten or killed over the last hundred years by the police—with little or no media coverage or scrutiny?”

In his piece, Lewis recognizes that growing up with the white privilege of unquestionably trusting the cops blinds people to the reality of police discrimination and brutality.

“If there’s any good to come from this horrible trend, it may be that the scales are coming off the eyes of a lot of well meaning, if naive, white Americans,” he wrote. “My hope is that this will change public opinion to the point that we can change public policy.”

much more
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem

The far right has too large a hand in the republican agenda. If the Republican Party is to survive in an evolved America, it needs to kick RW racists to the side, or craft an agenda that speaks to all Americans .. which will make the racists run away. You don't need them. They drain your party, not expand it.

As republicans begin to face the true reality of their circumstances, there will be many more concessions and epiphany's to come... and they should hurry because all they'll have left is the House .. maybe.

Anyone who uses the term "White privilege" is a moron.

ANyone who doesn't think that blacks are constantly bombarded with racial propaganda and that many end up walking around primed to go off on the slightest excuse are the fools who are "naive".

That ignorance is exactly why the Republican Party is in the shape it's in. Republicans like you have handed the White House to Hillary Clinton. :0) All that screaming about Clinton .. and you just hand her the White House and the Supreme Court.

How that happens appears beyond your capacity to discern .. but obviously, more and more within the party are starting to recognize the truth .. even if you don't.

And as is normal is a lefty post, nothing but unsupported assertions.

ANd personal attacks.
We bitch about democrat racism every's no fucking secret....

The democrat party of the kkk is pure fucking evil....

Bullshit, you racist bastard. The old racists switched from Democrat to Republican. Why do you think blacks and minorities overwhelmingly vote Democrat today? Today's Republican Party of the KKK is pure fucking evil. Learn some factual history and stop the racist lies.

That idiot couldn't recognize that truth if his life depended on it.

I agree. He's just a racist flamer. He should be on Stormfront.
We bitch about democrat racism every's no fucking secret....

The democrat party of the kkk is pure fucking evil....

Bullshit, you racist bastard. The old racists switched from Democrat to Republican. Why do you think blacks and minorities overwhelmingly vote Democrat today? Today's Republican Party of the KKK is pure fucking evil. Learn some factual history and stop the racist lies.

That idiot couldn't recognize that truth if his life depended on it.
Truth is, I don't give a flying fuck about you....but I do care about your racism....and i will fight to stop that all day long....
We bitch about democrat racism every's no fucking secret....

The democrat party of the kkk is pure fucking evil....

Bullshit, you racist bastard. The old racists switched from Democrat to Republican. Why do you think blacks and minorities overwhelmingly vote Democrat today? Today's Republican Party of the KKK is pure fucking evil. Learn some factual history and stop the racist lies.

That idiot couldn't recognize that truth if his life depended on it.

I agree. He's just a racist flamer. He should be on Stormfront.
Says the democrat klansboy......
We bitch about democrat racism every's no fucking secret....

The democrat party of the kkk is pure fucking evil....

Bullshit, you racist bastard. The old racists switched from Democrat to Republican.

And the cow jumped over the moon.

Why do you think blacks and minorities overwhelmingly vote Democrat today?

Because the Communists within the Democratic Party in the early 60s convinced the party to co-opt the Civil Rights movement after the Republicans passed the Act of 1964.
Any idiot could see it was a winning issue.

Learn some factual history and stop the racist lies.

I lived it. Even met Everett Dirksen once.
We bitch about democrat racism every's no fucking secret....

The democrat party of the kkk is pure fucking evil....

Bullshit, you racist bastard. The old racists switched from Democrat to Republican. Why do you think blacks and minorities overwhelmingly vote Democrat today? Today's Republican Party of the KKK is pure fucking evil. Learn some factual history and stop the racist lies.

That idiot couldn't recognize that truth if his life depended on it.

I agree. He's just a racist flamer. He should be on Stormfront.
Says the democrat klansboy......

Typical deflection from a racist - accusing others of what you're guilty of. Trump likes to use that tactic. Sadly funny...
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem
One conservative columnist says “police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations.”

As the nation reeled following the killings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and five police officers in Dallas, Texas, two prominent conservative media outlets published thoughtful essays examining how police interact with communities of color.

In The Daily Caller, senior contributor Matt K. Lewis wrote about how the advent of smart phones and instant live streaming has made it impossible to deny that black people are disproportionately subjected to police violence.

“In the era of Facebook Live and smart phones, it’s hard to come to any conclusion other than the fact that police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations,” Lewis wrote. “Seriously, absent video proof, how many innocent African-Americans have been beaten or killed over the last hundred years by the police—with little or no media coverage or scrutiny?”

In his piece, Lewis recognizes that growing up with the white privilege of unquestionably trusting the cops blinds people to the reality of police discrimination and brutality.

“If there’s any good to come from this horrible trend, it may be that the scales are coming off the eyes of a lot of well meaning, if naive, white Americans,” he wrote. “My hope is that this will change public opinion to the point that we can change public policy.”

much more
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem

The far right has too large a hand in the republican agenda. If the Republican Party is to survive in an evolved America, it needs to kick RW racists to the side, or craft an agenda that speaks to all Americans .. which will make the racists run away. You don't need them. They drain your party, not expand it.

As republicans begin to face the true reality of their circumstances, there will be many more concessions and epiphany's to come... and they should hurry because all they'll have left is the House .. maybe.
And what motivated the American who shot the cops?
Racists are a dying breed. They are slowing becoming a minority. However, it will take a few more decades to breed out all their ignorance and hate. Better education and parenting will play a big part.
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem
One conservative columnist says “police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations.”

As the nation reeled following the killings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and five police officers in Dallas, Texas, two prominent conservative media outlets published thoughtful essays examining how police interact with communities of color.

In The Daily Caller, senior contributor Matt K. Lewis wrote about how the advent of smart phones and instant live streaming has made it impossible to deny that black people are disproportionately subjected to police violence.

“In the era of Facebook Live and smart phones, it’s hard to come to any conclusion other than the fact that police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations,” Lewis wrote. “Seriously, absent video proof, how many innocent African-Americans have been beaten or killed over the last hundred years by the police—with little or no media coverage or scrutiny?”

In his piece, Lewis recognizes that growing up with the white privilege of unquestionably trusting the cops blinds people to the reality of police discrimination and brutality.

“If there’s any good to come from this horrible trend, it may be that the scales are coming off the eyes of a lot of well meaning, if naive, white Americans,” he wrote. “My hope is that this will change public opinion to the point that we can change public policy.”

much more
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem

The far right has too large a hand in the republican agenda. If the Republican Party is to survive in an evolved America, it needs to kick RW racists to the side, or craft an agenda that speaks to all Americans .. which will make the racists run away. You don't need them. They drain your party, not expand it.

As republicans begin to face the true reality of their circumstances, there will be many more concessions and epiphany's to come... and they should hurry because all they'll have left is the House .. maybe.

I am guessing this coincides with the realization that cop hating is dangerous,
incites more violence, and doesn't help but makes the problem worse. BlackAsCoal
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem
One conservative columnist says “police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations.”

As the nation reeled following the killings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and five police officers in Dallas, Texas, two prominent conservative media outlets published thoughtful essays examining how police interact with communities of color.

In The Daily Caller, senior contributor Matt K. Lewis wrote about how the advent of smart phones and instant live streaming has made it impossible to deny that black people are disproportionately subjected to police violence.

“In the era of Facebook Live and smart phones, it’s hard to come to any conclusion other than the fact that police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations,” Lewis wrote. “Seriously, absent video proof, how many innocent African-Americans have been beaten or killed over the last hundred years by the police—with little or no media coverage or scrutiny?”

In his piece, Lewis recognizes that growing up with the white privilege of unquestionably trusting the cops blinds people to the reality of police discrimination and brutality.

“If there’s any good to come from this horrible trend, it may be that the scales are coming off the eyes of a lot of well meaning, if naive, white Americans,” he wrote. “My hope is that this will change public opinion to the point that we can change public policy.”

much more
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem

The far right has too large a hand in the republican agenda. If the Republican Party is to survive in an evolved America, it needs to kick RW racists to the side, or craft an agenda that speaks to all Americans .. which will make the racists run away. You don't need them. They drain your party, not expand it.

As republicans begin to face the true reality of their circumstances, there will be many more concessions and epiphany's to come... and they should hurry because all they'll have left is the House .. maybe.

Anyone who uses the term "White privilege" is a moron.

ANyone who doesn't think that blacks are constantly bombarded with racial propaganda and that many end up walking around primed to go off on the slightest excuse are the fools who are "naive".

That ignorance is exactly why the Republican Party is in the shape it's in. Republicans like you have handed the White House to Hillary Clinton. :0) All that screaming about Clinton .. and you just hand her the White House and the Supreme Court.

How that happens appears beyond your capacity to discern .. but obviously, more and more within the party are starting to recognize the truth .. even if you don't.
I can't wait to laugh my assignment off all the racist USMBers that have INFESTED this site in the last few years.

I'm gonna be laughing so much they are going to say "Marc, you're laughing too much. Stop laughing." And I'm gonna say "No...! I like laughing, and im just gonna keep laughing, and laughing and laughing."

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
White privilege is a racist assertion. It accuses people of being racists based on their skin color.
It is a term that reflects the racial superiority white enjoyed for centuries.

To deny it is a clear indication of racism.
Wrong. This is not a difficult concept. Declaring an entire group of people are doing something wrong through their " racial superiority" only because they were born white, is racism.
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem
One conservative columnist says “police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations.”

As the nation reeled following the killings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and five police officers in Dallas, Texas, two prominent conservative media outlets published thoughtful essays examining how police interact with communities of color.

In The Daily Caller, senior contributor Matt K. Lewis wrote about how the advent of smart phones and instant live streaming has made it impossible to deny that black people are disproportionately subjected to police violence.

“In the era of Facebook Live and smart phones, it’s hard to come to any conclusion other than the fact that police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations,” Lewis wrote. “Seriously, absent video proof, how many innocent African-Americans have been beaten or killed over the last hundred years by the police—with little or no media coverage or scrutiny?”

In his piece, Lewis recognizes that growing up with the white privilege of unquestionably trusting the cops blinds people to the reality of police discrimination and brutality.

“If there’s any good to come from this horrible trend, it may be that the scales are coming off the eyes of a lot of well meaning, if naive, white Americans,” he wrote. “My hope is that this will change public opinion to the point that we can change public policy.”

much more
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem

The far right has too large a hand in the republican agenda. If the Republican Party is to survive in an evolved America, it needs to kick RW racists to the side, or craft an agenda that speaks to all Americans .. which will make the racists run away. You don't need them. They drain your party, not expand it.

As republicans begin to face the true reality of their circumstances, there will be many more concessions and epiphany's to come... and they should hurry because all they'll have left is the House .. maybe.
And what motivated the American who shot the cops?

Blacks are fucking fed up with racial injustice. Who could blame them? NRA says blacks should arm themselves - then look what happens. Whitey gets all nervous and scared when meeting a black man with a gun - even a legal gun with right to carry. Things are really fucked up.
Conservatives finally admitting that racism is a problem


Oh, I get it. The liberal is trying to pretend they didn't see the racism all around them, so he can denigrate them without saying so directly. It's sort of a cowardly version of insulting someone.

As for racism, there has been tons of it, especially in the last 50 years. From liberals who join, staff, and run the Ku Klux Klan, to Democrat governors who signed Jom Crow laws and used fire hoses on peacefully protesting black people, to Democrats who write legislation based on the idea that black people can't handle normal life without great help from the government (while writing no such legislation for whites), to leftist media who scream endlessly that whites are acting like racists toward blacks, without ever mention the far greater rate at which blacks exercise racist behavior toward whites....

It's enough racism to fill the streets of Dallas ten times over. Which, come to think of it, it recently did.

But conservatives have been noticing it, and fighting it, for decades. Too bad liberals have been supporting that racism for even longer.

So EVERYBODY ELSE is the problem?

That's stupid.

You post on a board that is a reflection of what republicans think about non-white people. Then your dicklesss dumb ass has the nerve to talk about 'cowardly' .. while you pretend that you and your ilk aren't racist .. on a board full of RW racism.

The good news is the coming marginalization of the RW.

Welcome to the world of being a political minority. :lol:

Keep spouting that ignorance .. you'll help speed up the process.
We bitch about democrat racism every's no fucking secret....

The democrat party of the kkk is pure fucking evil....

Bullshit, you racist bastard. The old racists switched from Democrat to Republican. Why do you think blacks and minorities overwhelmingly vote Democrat today? Today's Republican Party of the KKK is pure fucking evil. Learn some factual history and stop the racist lies.

That idiot couldn't recognize that truth if his life depended on it.

I agree. He's just a racist flamer. He should be on Stormfront.
Says the democrat klansboy......

Typical deflection from a racist - accusing others of what you're guilty of. Trump likes to use that tactic. Sadly funny...
White privilege is a racist assertion. It accuses people of being racists based on their skin color.
It is a term that reflects the racial superiority white enjoyed for centuries.

To deny it is a clear indication of racism.
Wrong. This is not a difficult concept. Declaring an entire group of people are doing something wrong through their " racial superiority" only because they were born white, is racism.


White privilege is documented fact .. a fact that does not require you to accept it.
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem
One conservative columnist says “police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations.”

As the nation reeled following the killings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and five police officers in Dallas, Texas, two prominent conservative media outlets published thoughtful essays examining how police interact with communities of color.

In The Daily Caller, senior contributor Matt K. Lewis wrote about how the advent of smart phones and instant live streaming has made it impossible to deny that black people are disproportionately subjected to police violence.

“In the era of Facebook Live and smart phones, it’s hard to come to any conclusion other than the fact that police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations,” Lewis wrote. “Seriously, absent video proof, how many innocent African-Americans have been beaten or killed over the last hundred years by the police—with little or no media coverage or scrutiny?”

In his piece, Lewis recognizes that growing up with the white privilege of unquestionably trusting the cops blinds people to the reality of police discrimination and brutality.

“If there’s any good to come from this horrible trend, it may be that the scales are coming off the eyes of a lot of well meaning, if naive, white Americans,” he wrote. “My hope is that this will change public opinion to the point that we can change public policy.”

much more
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem

The far right has too large a hand in the republican agenda. If the Republican Party is to survive in an evolved America, it needs to kick RW racists to the side, or craft an agenda that speaks to all Americans .. which will make the racists run away. You don't need them. They drain your party, not expand it.

As republicans begin to face the true reality of their circumstances, there will be many more concessions and epiphany's to come... and they should hurry because all they'll have left is the House .. maybe.
And what motivated the American who shot the cops?

Blacks are fucking fed up with racial injustice. Who could blame them? NRA says blacks should arm themselves - then look what happens. Whitey gets all nervous and scared when meeting a black man with a gun - even a legal gun with right to carry. Things are really fucked up.
I believe the officer was Hispanic...but you fucking democrat racists hate them too, so carry on....
White privilege is a racist assertion. It accuses people of being racists based on their skin color.
It is a term that reflects the racial superiority white enjoyed for centuries.

To deny it is a clear indication of racism.
Wrong. This is not a difficult concept. Declaring an entire group of people are doing something wrong through their " racial superiority" only because they were born white, is racism.


White privilege is documented fact .. a fact that does not require you to accept it.
Invented by you racists....

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