Conservatives finally admitting that racism is a problem

The OP is an idiot to suggest anyone, especially a conservative, did not believe racism was / is a problem. Liberals have used it to divide this nation for decades, and Obama has successfully split this nation apart the widest it's been since the 60s.

It has been a billion dollar a year industry for race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton, groups like the NAACP, and for politics / parties like the DNC. Obama has used it to destroy the US from the inside out, manipulating groups and people against each other.

Again, only a blind idiot could possibly think racism has not been or is not a problem.
We bitch about democrat racism every's no fucking secret....
The democrat party of the kkk is pure fucking evil....
Bullshit, you racist bastard.
It's always a hoot to watch the liberal fanatics jump on the panic button with both feet, and start cursing, swearing, and calling Republicans names in lieu of anything substantive. It happens a lot when it's pointed out to them (again) that Democrats have historically been far more racist than Republicans have. A trend that continues to the present, and shows no signs of abating.
The old racists switched from Democrat to Republican.
Funniest part is where they scream, "But... but... but... those weren't REALLY Democrats!!! Just wait for a moment while I reassign them to being Republicans!"

These hysterical people are more fun to watch than a barrel of monkeys.

Shit, watching you cowards dance and run from your own shadows is worth the price of admission alone .. but then throw in how incredibly stupid you assholes truly are .. its message board heaven. :0)
We bitch about democrat racism every's no fucking secret....
The democrat party of the kkk is pure fucking evil....
Bullshit, you racist bastard.
It's always a hoot to watch the liberal fanatics jump on the panic button with both feet, and start cursing, swearing, and calling Republicans names in lieu of anything substantive. It happens a lot when it's pointed out to them (again) that Democrats have historically been far more racist than Republicans have. A trend that continues to the present, and shows no signs of abating.
The old racists switched from Democrat to Republican.
Funniest part is where they scream, "But... but... but... those weren't REALLY Democrats!!! Just wait for a moment while I reassign them to being Republicans!"

These desperate people are more fun to watch than a barrel of monkeys.
The OP is an idiot to suggest anyone, especially a conservative, did not believe racism was / is a problem. Liberals have used it to divide this nation for decades, and Obama has successfully split this nation apart the widest it's been since the 60s.

It has been a billion dollar a year industry for race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton, groups like the NAACP, and for politics / parties like the DNC. Obama has used it to destroy the US from the inside out, manipulating groups and people against each other.

Again, only a blind idiot could possibly think racism has not been or is not a problem.

Post the policies that reflect that awareness of racism.

Is that too hard?

I'll wait.
I find it sadly funny that many NaziCons say that race relations are worse than ever before under President Obama. No shit. There are several reasons - but a few are strikingly obvious. Think about it...

First black president

Racists more emboldened

Scared white people

Pissed off and emboldened black people

Better organized black people

More bad cops exposed by cell phones with cameras

More and better media coverage in general

More public awareness of institutionalized racism

White privilege is a racist assertion. It accuses people of being racists based on their skin color.

.. as if that isn't true.

Are you serious? :0)
Yes. I am serious. I'm also a white conservative. You very obviously have never bothered to get to know someone like me. You are too busy calling me a racist. It apparently never occurred to you that I am typical- I don't judge or act any differently toward non white people based on some made up white privilege. You are flinging racist accusations at ordinary people like me because there is racism in the world. Grow up.

You plunk people into categories then b*tch and moan because you stuck yourself in a category too. You can't have it both ways.
The OP is an idiot to suggest anyone, especially a conservative, did not believe racism was / is a problem. Liberals have used it to divide this nation for decades, and Obama has successfully split this nation apart the widest it's been since the 60s.

It has been a billion dollar a year industry for race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton, groups like the NAACP, and for politics / parties like the DNC. Obama has used it to destroy the US from the inside out, manipulating groups and people against each other.

Again, only a blind idiot could possibly think racism has not been or is not a problem.

Post the policies that reflect that awareness of racism.

Is that too hard?

I'll wait.
Policies? 12 cops just got shot, 5 assassinated, by a racist NBP member...and you think there is anyone in this country who DOESN'T think racism is a problem...and you think some policy is proof while there are 5 dead cops?

Pffft. He was told not to move. He moved. No cop is obligated to take the chance of being killed.
The OP is an idiot to suggest anyone, especially a conservative, did not believe racism was / is a problem. Liberals have used it to divide this nation for decades, and Obama has successfully split this nation apart the widest it's been since the 60s.

It has been a billion dollar a year industry for race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton, groups like the NAACP, and for politics / parties like the DNC. Obama has used it to destroy the US from the inside out, manipulating groups and people against each other.

Again, only a blind idiot could possibly think racism has not been or is not a problem.

Post the policies that reflect that awareness of racism.

Is that too hard?

I'll wait.

BLM is a running joke in republican circles and republicans have never shown any support for the agenda.

The OP is an idiot to suggest anyone, especially a conservative, did not believe racism was / is a problem. Liberals have used it to divide this nation for decades, and Obama has successfully split this nation apart the widest it's been since the 60s.

It has been a billion dollar a year industry for race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton, groups like the NAACP, and for politics / parties like the DNC. Obama has used it to destroy the US from the inside out, manipulating groups and people against each other.

Again, only a blind idiot could possibly think racism has not been or is not a problem.

Post the policies that reflect that awareness of racism.

Is that too hard?

I'll wait.
5 dead cops isn't proof enough for you?
The OP is an idiot to suggest anyone, especially a conservative, did not believe racism was / is a problem. Liberals have used it to divide this nation for decades, and Obama has successfully split this nation apart the widest it's been since the 60s.

It has been a billion dollar a year industry for race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton, groups like the NAACP, and for politics / parties like the DNC. Obama has used it to destroy the US from the inside out, manipulating groups and people against each other.

Again, only a blind idiot could possibly think racism has not been or is not a problem.

Post the policies that reflect that awareness of racism.

Is that too hard?

I'll wait.
Policies? 12 cops just got shot, 5 assassinated, by a racist NBP member...and you think there is anyone in this country who DOESN'T think racism is a problem...and you think some policy is proof while there are 5 dead cops?


:0) You stupid fuck .. I knew goddamn well you couldn't demonstrate the bullshit you were drooling.
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Conservatives finally admitting that racism is a problem
Oh, I get it. The liberal is trying to pretend they didn't see the racism all around them, so he can denigrate them without saying so directly. It's sort of a cowardly version of insulting someone.
As for racism, there has been tons of it, especially in the last 50 years. From liberals who join, staff, and run the Ku Klux Clan, to Democrats who write legislation based on the idea that black people can't handle normal life without great help from the government (while writing no such legislation for whites), to leftist media who scream endlessly that whites are acting like racists toward blacks, without ever mention the far greater rate where blacks exercise racist behavior toward whites....It's enough racism to fill the streets of Dallas ten times over. Which, come to think of it, it recently did.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything Acorn wrote, but I hate it anyway. So I'll ignore it, and post silly pictures instead, in the hope that someone will believe there's something wrong with it anyway, even though I can't point anything out.
Translation: Jake punked me out, and my ass is hurting. AaronLeLand is pissed off Jake got their first to punk my ass.

Jake: "white privilege" is a fact, which you cuckservatives cannot deny with any evidence.
The OP is an idiot to suggest anyone, especially a conservative, did not believe racism was / is a problem. Liberals have used it to divide this nation for decades, and Obama has successfully split this nation apart the widest it's been since the 60s.

It has been a billion dollar a year industry for race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton, groups like the NAACP, and for politics / parties like the DNC. Obama has used it to destroy the US from the inside out, manipulating groups and people against each other.

Again, only a blind idiot could possibly think racism has not been or is not a problem.

Post the policies that reflect that awareness of racism.

Is that too hard?

I'll wait.
Policies? 12 cops just got shot, 5 assassinated, by a racist NBP member...and you think there is anyone in this country who DOESN'T think racism is a problem...and you think some policy is proof while there are 5 dead cops?


Like with the American Revolutionary War - people get tired of being fucked over. Blacks are tired of being fucked over.
Again, your initial statement is BS. There isn't 1 person in this country that doesn't know racism is a problem, dumbass.

12 cops were shot, 5 assassinated, and you ask for policies.

...again, dumbass.
The OP is an idiot to suggest anyone, especially a conservative, did not believe racism was / is a problem. Liberals have used it to divide this nation for decades, and Obama has successfully split this nation apart the widest it's been since the 60s.

It has been a billion dollar a year industry for race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton, groups like the NAACP, and for politics / parties like the DNC. Obama has used it to destroy the US from the inside out, manipulating groups and people against each other.

Again, only a blind idiot could possibly think racism has not been or is not a problem.

Post the policies that reflect that awareness of racism.

Is that too hard?

I'll wait.
Policies? 12 cops just got shot, 5 assassinated, by a racist NBP member...and you think there is anyone in this country who DOESN'T think racism is a problem...and you think some policy is proof while there are 5 dead cops?


Like with the American Revolutionary War - people get tired of being fucked over. Blacks are tired of being fucked over.
And democrats will never tire of fucking blacks over....
Again, your initial statement is BS. There isn't 1 person in this country that doesn't know racism is a problem, dumbass.

12 cops were shot, 5 assassinated, and you ask for policies.

...again, dumbass.

Why were 12 cops shot, 5 killed?

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