Conservatives finally admitting that racism is a problem

Conservatives don't run the government, liberals do. What has the "hope and change" administration done except to encourage violence toward Police Officers? Is the radical left trying to make a case that the assassination (lynching) of White Police Officers is a legitimate way to redress grievances?
Ever heard anything like this from Newt before?

Newt Gingrich: 'If you are a normal white American ... you don’t understand being black in America'

Most white Americans "don't understand being black in America" and the discrimination African Americans face, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, said Friday.


"It took me a long time, and a number of people talking to me through the years to get a sense of this," said Gingrich, who served as speaker from 1990 until 1995 and who represented an Atlanta-area congressional district for two decades.

"If you are a normal white American, the truth is you don’t understand being black in America," he said.

White Americans "instinctively underestimate the level of discrimination and the level of additional risk," he said.
Newt Gingrich: 'If you are a normal white American ... you don’t understand being black in America'

Republicans are smelling the coffee.
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What has the "hope and change" administration done except to encourage violence toward Police Officers. Is the radical left trying to make a case that the assassination (lynching) of White Police Officers is a legitimate way to redress grievances?

It isn't President Obama's fault that all you ignorant racists went apeshit. Just want until ole whitey is the minority...
The OP is an idiot to suggest anyone, especially a conservative, did not believe racism was / is a problem. Liberals have used it to divide this nation for decades, and Obama has successfully split this nation apart the widest it's been since the 60s.

It has been a billion dollar a year industry for race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton, groups like the NAACP, and for politics / parties like the DNC. Obama has used it to destroy the US from the inside out, manipulating groups and people against each other.

Again, only a blind idiot could possibly think racism has not been or is not a problem.

Post the policies that reflect that awareness of racism.

Is that too hard?

I'll wait.

BLM is a running joke in republican circles and republicans have never shown any support for the agenda.


The OP is an idiot to suggest anyone, especially a conservative, did not believe racism was / is a problem. Liberals have used it to divide this nation for decades, and Obama has successfully split this nation apart the widest it's been since the 60s.

It has been a billion dollar a year industry for race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton, groups like the NAACP, and for politics / parties like the DNC. Obama has used it to destroy the US from the inside out, manipulating groups and people against each other.

Again, only a blind idiot could possibly think racism has not been or is not a problem.

Post the policies that reflect that awareness of racism.

Is that too hard?

I'll wait.

BLM is a running joke in republican circles and republicans have never shown any support for the agenda.


BLM is a joke to those of us that are awake because Nazis George Soros is funding it and paying people to behave badly like they did at Ferguson and Baltimore. The global elites want racial division to distract us while they move ever closer to putting in their totalitarian system after martial law is declared. That is the end game of this and the Barrypuppet is playing his part. The picture is crystal clear to me. I and many others believe that the Dallas shooting was a false flag event and they are spinning this as a lone gunman when nothing could be further from the truth.

Here is something else, I don't believe that every cop shooting like the one on Alton Sterling actually happened. The elites want a race war and they want us distracted. Both political parties are owned by the same group of thieves that are doing this to us.

I have ZERO problem with what you find funny. :0) None. In fact, I'm glad you find it funny. Every hero needs a villain.

In spite of your laughter, it's obvious that the message of BLM is getting through to democrats AND republicans. Legislation is on the way that you won't like, but are powerless to do anything about.
We bitch about democrat racism every's no fucking secret....

The democrat party of the kkk is pure fucking evil....

Bullshit, you racist bastard. The old racists switched from Democrat to Republican. Why do you think blacks and minorities overwhelmingly vote Democrat today? Today's Republican Party of the KKK is pure fucking evil. Learn some factual history and stop the racist lies.

I've seen that bogus claim made many times but no Democrat has been able to show "all" the Democrats who switched to Republican. Al Gore, Sr. remained a Democrat and we all know Robert Byrd who passed away in office.

Of course she did - which is why she has the experience and heart to help reverse institutionalized racism in America.

Hmm, "institutionalized racism." I don't think that means what you think it means.

Really? I think I have a pretty good idea what it is...

Institutional racism (also known as institutionalised racism) is a form of racism expressed in the practice of social and political institutions, as distinct from racism by individuals or informal social groups. It is reflected in disparities regarding criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power and education, among other things. Whether implicitly or explicitly expressed, institutional racism occurs when a certain group is targeted and discriminated against based upon race. Institutional racism can go unnoticed as it is not always explicit and can be overlooked.

More: Institutional racism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, so that's what affirmative action is.
Of course she did - which is why she has the experience and heart to help reverse institutionalized racism in America.

Hmm, "institutionalized racism." I don't think that means what you think it means.

Really? I think I have a pretty good idea what it is...

Institutional racism (also known as institutionalised racism) is a form of racism expressed in the practice of social and political institutions, as distinct from racism by individuals or informal social groups. It is reflected in disparities regarding criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power and education, among other things. Whether implicitly or explicitly expressed, institutional racism occurs when a certain group is targeted and discriminated against based upon race. Institutional racism can go unnoticed as it is not always explicit and can be overlooked.

More: Institutional racism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, so that's what affirmative action is.

It benefits YOUR women, white women, more than anyone else in the country. It benefits them because their wages and opportunities were also limited.

... that's what it is.
The OP is an idiot to suggest anyone, especially a conservative, did not believe racism was / is a problem. Liberals have used it to divide this nation for decades, and Obama has successfully split this nation apart the widest it's been since the 60s.

It has been a billion dollar a year industry for race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton, groups like the NAACP, and for politics / parties like the DNC. Obama has used it to destroy the US from the inside out, manipulating groups and people against each other.

Again, only a blind idiot could possibly think racism has not been or is not a problem.

Post the policies that reflect that awareness of racism.

Is that too hard?

I'll wait.

BLM is a running joke in republican circles and republicans have never shown any support for the agenda.


The OP is an idiot to suggest anyone, especially a conservative, did not believe racism was / is a problem. Liberals have used it to divide this nation for decades, and Obama has successfully split this nation apart the widest it's been since the 60s.

It has been a billion dollar a year industry for race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton, groups like the NAACP, and for politics / parties like the DNC. Obama has used it to destroy the US from the inside out, manipulating groups and people against each other.

Again, only a blind idiot could possibly think racism has not been or is not a problem.

Post the policies that reflect that awareness of racism.

Is that too hard?

I'll wait.

BLM is a running joke in republican circles and republicans have never shown any support for the agenda.


BLM is a joke to those of us that are awake because Nazis George Soros is funding it and paying people to behave badly like they did at Ferguson and Baltimore. The global elites want racial division to distract us while they move ever closer to putting in their totalitarian system after martial law is declared. That is the end game of this and the Barrypuppet is playing his part. The picture is crystal clear to me. I and many others believe that the Dallas shooting was a false flag event and they are spinning this as a lone gunman when nothing could be further from the truth.

Here is something else, I don't believe that every cop shooting like the one on Alton Sterling actually happened. The elites want a race war and they want us distracted. Both political parties are owned by the same group of thieves that are doing this to us.

I have ZERO problem with what you find funny. :0) None. In fact, I'm glad you find it funny. Every hero needs a villain.

In spite of your laughter, it's obvious that the message of BLM is getting through to democrats AND republicans. Legislation is on the way that you won't like, but are powerless to do anything about.

Nothing heroic about BLM or the person funding it. There is a larger agenda here at work that you are not aware of at all. What acts, statutes and/or codes passed by this corporate entity would bother me in the slightest? I keep my contact with cops to a minimum. I know all the remedies as it relates to admiralty law. BTW, it does appear to me that the Alton Sterling shooting that led to the Dallas cop shooting was fake.
We bitch about democrat racism every's no fucking secret....

The democrat party of the kkk is pure fucking evil....

Bullshit, you racist bastard. The old racists switched from Democrat to Republican. Why do you think blacks and minorities overwhelmingly vote Democrat today? Today's Republican Party of the KKK is pure fucking evil. Learn some factual history and stop the racist lies.

I've seen that bogus claim made many times but no Democrat has been able to show "all" the Democrats who switched to Republican. Al Gore, Sr. remained a Democrat and we all know Robert Byrd who passed away in office.


Funny. They're all dead.
What has the "hope and change" administration done except to encourage violence toward Police Officers. Is the radical left trying to make a case that the assassination (lynching) of White Police Officers is a legitimate way to redress grievances?

It isn't President Obama's fault that all you ignorant racists went apeshit. Just want until ole whitey is the minority...
Thank y
What has the "hope and change" administration done except to encourage violence toward Police Officers. Is the radical left trying to make a case that the assassination (lynching) of White Police Officers is a legitimate way to redress grievances?

It isn't President Obama's fault that all you ignorant racists went apeshit. Just want until ole whitey is the minority...
Thank you for the example of liberal racism at its best...

Most of you racist assholes remind me of Dylann Roof who murdered nine blacks in church.

Dylann Roof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

.. :0) but that picture with him and the confederate flag doomed that ratshit flag to the garbage heap and off government poles.

Hey, got a question for ya.....since you hate the confederate flag so much? How come you haven't protested about the prominently displayed statute of Albert Pike in Washington D.C, former Confederate general that helped to start the Ku Klux Klan? He used freemasonry as a foundation for it and his book "Morals and Dogma" are considered the bible of freemasonry. Why hasn't Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton ever protested this? Could it be because Sharpton and Jackson are 33rd degree freemasons? Where is the NAACP on this? The Southern Poverty Law Center???? Hmmmmmmm?????
The scales should come off the eyes of white people and they see black violence in all of its naked purification. Expose that pus. Pop that cyst.

See those black people in the streets blocking traffic, see black lives matter invading restaurants to interfere with paying customers. See them. This is what they do. They need to be mowed down with a howitzer.

Most of you racist assholes remind me of Dylann Roof who murdered nine blacks in church.

Dylann Roof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You liberals who seek to USE Dylan Roof remind me of him - mentally insane.

The guy said he liked the people he met and almost didn't go through with it. Libs ignore insanity because it doesn't help push their agenda.

So, let me see if I understand you correctly. Whites who kill blacks are insane? Blacks who kill whites are sane?

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