Conservatives finally admitting that racism is a problem


Most of you racist assholes remind me of Dylann Roof who murdered nine blacks in church.

Dylann Roof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You liberals who seek to USE Dylan Roof remind me of him - mentally insane.

The guy said he liked the people he met and almost didn't go through with it. Libs ignore insanity because it doesn't help push their agenda.

:lol: I'm real sure you'd show the same compassion if Roof was black. :lol:

Insane is doing the same thing over and over .. expecting different results.

White men only didn't work in 2008 and 2012 .. and it won't work in 2016. :0) I think the truly insane have been identified. :0)

Most of you racist assholes remind me of Dylann Roof who murdered nine blacks in church.

Dylann Roof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You liberals who seek to USE Dylan Roof remind me of him - mentally insane.

The guy said he liked the people he met and almost didn't go through with it. Libs ignore insanity because it doesn't help push their agenda.

Dude, the Charleston church shooting was another false flag. It happened when the TPP was being debated. It was a distraction. Even prominent black activist Dick Gregory says it was faked. Hell, just watch the arrest video....then after they took him into custody, they stopped at Burger just can't make this shit up.

The insinuation that there was someone who did not know racism is a problem is political attempt to swipe at conservatives but only makes the OP look stupid.
What has the "hope and change" administration done except to encourage violence toward Police Officers. Is the radical left trying to make a case that the assassination (lynching) of White Police Officers is a legitimate way to redress grievances?

It isn't President Obama's fault that all you ignorant racists went apeshit. Just want until ole whitey is the minority...

Here are some quotes from the books of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama, the most divisive President in modern history.

"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.”
This is an accurate quote from the introduction to Dreams from My Father. The book chronicles Obama's experience as the son of an African father and an American mother.

"There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white."
This is a quote from Dreams from My Father. It is in a section in which Obama describes a job interview with a man in Chicago. Race had been a part of their discussion and the full quote is, "There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white---he'd said himself that was a problem."

It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names."
This one is also from Dreams from My Father. It is from a section when Obama was a college student and wrestling with his identity including as an African-American. The quote describes his observation of what was required among his fellow students.

"I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, Dubois and Mandela."
This is from Dreams from my Father. The more complete quote is, ""Yes, I’d seen weakness in other men— Gramps and his disappointments, Lolo and his compromise. But these men had become object lessons for me, men I might love but never emulate, white men and brown men whose fates didn’t speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela."


Quotes from “Dreams of My Father”

"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.”

"There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white."

It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names."

"I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, Dubois and Mandela."

Yeah, none of these sound racist in the least…. Really…?

In addition to Barack and Michelle having been a member of a radical, racist church for twenty years. A church with a racist pastor whom President Obama said was like a member of his family.

Most of you racist assholes remind me of Dylann Roof who murdered nine blacks in church.

Dylann Roof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You liberals who seek to USE Dylan Roof remind me of him - mentally insane.

The guy said he liked the people he met and almost didn't go through with it. Libs ignore insanity because it doesn't help push their agenda.

Dude, the Charleston church shooting was another false flag. It happened when the TPP was being debated. It was a distraction. Even prominent black activist Dick Gregory says it was faked. Hell, just watch the arrest video....then after they took him into custody, they stopped at Burger just can't make this shit up.

That's fucking hilarious! You're not only an ignorant racist - you're a fucking INSANE ignorant racist.

Most of you racist assholes remind me of Dylann Roof who murdered nine blacks in church.

Dylann Roof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You liberals who seek to USE Dylan Roof remind me of him - mentally insane.

The guy said he liked the people he met and almost didn't go through with it. Libs ignore insanity because it doesn't help push their agenda.

Dude, the Charleston church shooting was another false flag. It happened when the TPP was being debated. It was a distraction. Even prominent black activist Dick Gregory says it was faked. Hell, just watch the arrest video....then after they took him into custody, they stopped at Burger just can't make this shit up.

That's fucking hilarious! You're not only an ignorant racist - you're a fucking INSANE ignorant racist.

Check out the last part of this three minute video.....notice the kid on the right that is allegedly a cop....looks like he is 16......soooo friggin' fake. BTW, are you saying Dick Gregory (a black man and prominent entertainer) is insane as well? You are an idiot that falls for anything your beloved gubermint feeds you...that makes you very stupid.


Most of you racist assholes remind me of Dylann Roof who murdered nine blacks in church.

Dylann Roof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You liberals who seek to USE Dylan Roof remind me of him - mentally insane.

The guy said he liked the people he met and almost didn't go through with it. Libs ignore insanity because it doesn't help push their agenda.

Dude, the Charleston church shooting was another false flag. It happened when the TPP was being debated. It was a distraction. Even prominent black activist Dick Gregory says it was faked. Hell, just watch the arrest video....then after they took him into custody, they stopped at Burger just can't make this shit up.

That's fucking hilarious! You're not only an ignorant racist - you're a fucking INSANE ignorant racist.

Check out the last part of this three minute video.....notice the kid on the right that is allegedly a cop....looks like he is 16......soooo friggin' fake. BTW, are you saying Dick Gregory (a black man and prominent entertainer) is insane as well? You are an idiot that falls for anything your beloved gubermint feeds you...that makes you very stupid.

Funny. You probably actually believe that. Seek help...

Most of you racist assholes remind me of Dylann Roof who murdered nine blacks in church.

Dylann Roof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

.. :0) but that picture with him and the confederate flag doomed that ratshit flag to the garbage heap and off government poles.
No garbage heap. But, it did add just that much more to the bucket of shit you will be forced to drink.

Yeah stupid motherfucker .. the garbage dump. :lol:

House Votes to Ban Confederate Flag at National Cemeteries
House Votes to Ban Confederate Flag at National Cemeteries - Breitbart

NASCAR Chief Wants Confederate Flag Banned at All Races
NASCAR Chief Wants Confederate Flag Banned at all Races

South Carolina takes down Confederate flag

Most of you racist assholes remind me of Dylann Roof who murdered nine blacks in church.

Dylann Roof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You liberals who seek to USE Dylan Roof remind me of him - mentally insane.

The guy said he liked the people he met and almost didn't go through with it. Libs ignore insanity because it doesn't help push their agenda.

Dude, the Charleston church shooting was another false flag. It happened when the TPP was being debated. It was a distraction. Even prominent black activist Dick Gregory says it was faked. Hell, just watch the arrest video....then after they took him into custody, they stopped at Burger just can't make this shit up.

That's fucking hilarious! You're not only an ignorant racist - you're a fucking INSANE ignorant racist.

Check out the last part of this three minute video.....notice the kid on the right that is allegedly a cop....looks like he is 16......soooo friggin' fake. BTW, are you saying Dick Gregory (a black man and prominent entertainer) is insane as well? You are an idiot that falls for anything your beloved gubermint feeds you...that makes you very stupid.

Funny. You probably actually believe that. Seek help...

Seek help so I can be a brainwashed, bleeding heart leftard commie like you? No thanks...I will stick with reality. Only a real stupid POS would believe that a church would be re-opened for services just a few days later after 9 people were allegedly murdered or that some poor white trash kid had a grand to blow on body armor . It is perfectly legal now for your corporate "gubermint" to lie to you like this and stage events with impunity because the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 prohibiting this was vaporized with the NDAA in 2013. How does it feel to know that one of the provisions that were put in place to protect you from "gubermint" sponsored propaganda no longer exists? Your beloved "gubermint" can now legally lie to you with no repercussions. (snicker)




White racists are really ignorant and dangerous.




White racists are really ignorant and dangerous.

Dylan Roof killed no one and his black friends said that he never treated them any differently.

Adam Lanza killed no one because no one died at Sandy Hook as the school had been closed since the end of the 2008 school year but as I recall....all the alleged victims were white kids.

James Holmes was found drooling by his car and incoherent after allegedly shooting all those people in Aurora. Most opf the "cops" that showed up on the scene turned out to be DHS agents. What is very odd about it all is that they found two gas masks that were left behind at the scene and people said there were others let in at the fire escape exit. One witness that tried to come forward to testify that the D.A had used extortion to get her to testify it was Holmes that did the shooting had an attorney to file a "Motion To Intervene" that was struck down by the judge that remanded her into custody for a a psychological evaluation and has not been heard from since. The information concerning this motion has been redacted from the case of Holmes much like so much information was redacted after Sandy Hook. Holmes doesn't appear to be a racist either and he certainly isn't guilty of murdering anyone.

James Loughner shot a white leftard woman in the head which is the least lethal spot one can aim at if they wish to take out a leftard....he doesn't seem to be a racist either but sure seems to be a victim of the CIA MK-Ultra program that still exists. Let me know if I can kick your ass any's what I do. (snicker)
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We bitch about democrat racism every's no fucking secret....

The democrat party of the kkk is pure fucking evil....

Bullshit, you racist bastard. The old racists switched from Democrat to Republican. Why do you think blacks and minorities overwhelmingly vote Democrat today? Today's Republican Party of the KKK is pure fucking evil. Learn some factual history and stop the racist lies.
This is a fucking problem you racist fucktard...

Fucking deal with it, it's who you democrats are......

Okay, give us some "credible" proof that today's Democratic Party is racist. Then, tell us why blacks and minorities overwhelmingly vote Democrat.
Affirmative Action.
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem
One conservative columnist says “police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations.”

As the nation reeled following the killings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and five police officers in Dallas, Texas, two prominent conservative media outlets published thoughtful essays examining how police interact with communities of color.

In The Daily Caller, senior contributor Matt K. Lewis wrote about how the advent of smart phones and instant live streaming has made it impossible to deny that black people are disproportionately subjected to police violence.

“In the era of Facebook Live and smart phones, it’s hard to come to any conclusion other than the fact that police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations,” Lewis wrote. “Seriously, absent video proof, how many innocent African-Americans have been beaten or killed over the last hundred years by the police—with little or no media coverage or scrutiny?”

In his piece, Lewis recognizes that growing up with the white privilege of unquestionably trusting the cops blinds people to the reality of police discrimination and brutality.

“If there’s any good to come from this horrible trend, it may be that the scales are coming off the eyes of a lot of well meaning, if naive, white Americans,” he wrote. “My hope is that this will change public opinion to the point that we can change public policy.”

much more
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem

The far right has too large a hand in the republican agenda. If the Republican Party is to survive in an evolved America, it needs to kick RW racists to the side, or craft an agenda that speaks to all Americans .. which will make the racists run away. You don't need them. They drain your party, not expand it.

As republicans begin to face the true reality of their circumstances, there will be many more concessions and epiphany's to come... and they should hurry because all they'll have left is the House .. maybe.

We conservatives have been railing against the increasing racism for the past 7 1/2 years. As you well know, we have had the most divisive president in modern history. It's sad. Now the Progressives are even inventing new words, White Privilege. Something they do frequently.

Just imagine if all these race baiters, President Barack Hussein Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Eric Holder, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Rev. Al Sharpton, Minister Louis Farrakhan, Father Pflager, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr., Rev. Jesse Jackson, Jr., King Samir Shabazz, Van Jones, Charlie Rangel, Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Andre Carson, Shirley Sherrod…quit preaching that blacks are victims and started to tell them to get over the racism card and move forward.

Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem
One conservative columnist says “police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations.”

As the nation reeled following the killings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and five police officers in Dallas, Texas, two prominent conservative media outlets published thoughtful essays examining how police interact with communities of color.

In The Daily Caller, senior contributor Matt K. Lewis wrote about how the advent of smart phones and instant live streaming has made it impossible to deny that black people are disproportionately subjected to police violence.

“In the era of Facebook Live and smart phones, it’s hard to come to any conclusion other than the fact that police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations,” Lewis wrote. “Seriously, absent video proof, how many innocent African-Americans have been beaten or killed over the last hundred years by the police—with little or no media coverage or scrutiny?”

In his piece, Lewis recognizes that growing up with the white privilege of unquestionably trusting the cops blinds people to the reality of police discrimination and brutality.

“If there’s any good to come from this horrible trend, it may be that the scales are coming off the eyes of a lot of well meaning, if naive, white Americans,” he wrote. “My hope is that this will change public opinion to the point that we can change public policy.”

much more
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem

The far right has too large a hand in the republican agenda. If the Republican Party is to survive in an evolved America, it needs to kick RW racists to the side, or craft an agenda that speaks to all Americans .. which will make the racists run away. You don't need them. They drain your party, not expand it.

As republicans begin to face the true reality of their circumstances, there will be many more concessions and epiphany's to come... and they should hurry because all they'll have left is the House .. maybe.

Anybody who thinks that just white folks are racist, obviously haven't been around too many black folk. If they are black and think like this, then their own hatred and racism keeps them from seeing reality.

This is how I picture the ignorant racists on USMB.

This is how I picture the ignorant racists on USMB.
He's a Democrat, so that's how I picture them as well.

I kicked Lakhota's he's a bit butthurt right now and does not wish to debate or discuss......much easier to swing his cyber purse in indignant anger. LOL!

That's Lakhota's modus operandi. She has nothing to debate with, so she always ends up taking cheap shots.

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