Conservatives finally admitting that racism is a problem

NOBODY is buying this CONSERVATIVES are RACIST shit anymore... it's pure garbage, and the vast majority of people KNOW IT... what will be a fucking miracle is when the BLACKS finally wake the fuck up...

EVERY fucking time some MORON starts with this CONSERVATIVES or REPUBLICANS are RAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYCCIIIIIISSSSSTT.. it gets totally BLOWN OUT PROVEN WRONG... how can people be so STUPID as to repeat the same BULL SHIT time and time and time again... only a complete IDIOT would...

White privilege is a racist assertion. It accuses people of being racists based on their skin color.

.. as if that isn't true.

Are you serious? :0)
Yes. I am serious. I'm also a white conservative. You very obviously have never bothered to get to know someone like me. You are too busy calling me a racist. It apparently never occurred to you that I am typical- I don't judge or act any differently toward non white people based on some made up white privilege. You are flinging racist accusations at ordinary people like me because there is racism in the world. Grow up.

You plunk people into categories then b*tch and moan because you stuck yourself in a category too. You can't have it both ways.

Your argument that there is no such thing as white privilege is so incredibly silly that its just braindead. Seriously. It's so braindead that it does not require argument nor debate. If you believe that :0) good for you.

In the meantime your party is virtually all-white in 2016.

The only demographic that votes republican in the majority are white men.

I know lots of people like you .. white conservatives. Our interactions are professional, not personal. Politics and work don't mix, but in the oft times that we do talk politics, they seem as oblivious to the thoughts and concerns of non-white people as you do. Not calling you racist .. oblivious.

You attempt to craft your perfect world in your head .. but remain oblivious to GLARING and OBVIOUS realities.

It's your head and you can do whatever you want with it. I suggest sticking it in the sand so you won't have to be bothered with the world.
Nice try. Where did I say it was a perfect world? Where did I deny the reality of racism? You wag your finger in my face with this childish crap about my white privilege. Stop judging me by the color of my skin, then maybe we can have a conversation.
White privilege is a racist assertion. It accuses people of being racists based on their skin color.
It is a term that reflects the racial superiority white enjoyed for centuries.

To deny it is a clear indication of racism.
Wrong. This is not a difficult concept. Declaring an entire group of people are doing something wrong through their " racial superiority" only because they were born white, is racism.


White privilege is documented fact .. a fact that does not require you to accept it.
A documented fact?! Oh yes! Some folks wrote down that they believe white people are bad because they are white and they got privilege. Yes indeed, that's that. It's just a fact that all white people have it so good or something, that they lash out at non white people.

:0) Don't get it twisted dude. I don't give a damn whether you recognize white privilege or not. I absolutely could not care less.

I'd much rather watch the Republican Party and its aging and racist base continue to shrink and dwindle. :0)

I'd rather watch you clowns reaching out to a loud-mouth reality show host as the Great White Hope for president .. who has absolutely zero chance of ever being president. That's a lot of fun.

So, don't mind the growing chorus of republicans who recognize the dire shape the party is in. They don't know what they're talking about .. only you do. :0)
Nice racist rant. You are the twisted one. Great White Hope are your words. You make sweeping assumptions about republicans because there are white people in the party. You call me names based on your prejudice about white people. Your hate has clouded your reason.

That's all on you.
The OP is an idiot to suggest anyone, especially a conservative, did not believe racism was / is a problem. Liberals have used it to divide this nation for decades, and Obama has successfully split this nation apart the widest it's been since the 60s.

It has been a billion dollar a year industry for race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton, groups like the NAACP, and for politics / parties like the DNC. Obama has used it to destroy the US from the inside out, manipulating groups and people against each other.

Again, only a blind idiot could possibly think racism has not been or is not a problem.

Post the policies that reflect that awareness of racism.

Is that too hard?

I'll wait.

BLM is a running joke in republican circles and republicans have never shown any support for the agenda.


The OP is an idiot to suggest anyone, especially a conservative, did not believe racism was / is a problem. Liberals have used it to divide this nation for decades, and Obama has successfully split this nation apart the widest it's been since the 60s.

It has been a billion dollar a year industry for race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton, groups like the NAACP, and for politics / parties like the DNC. Obama has used it to destroy the US from the inside out, manipulating groups and people against each other.

Again, only a blind idiot could possibly think racism has not been or is not a problem.

Post the policies that reflect that awareness of racism.

Is that too hard?

I'll wait.

BLM is a running joke in republican circles and republicans have never shown any support for the agenda.


BLM is a joke to those of us that are awake because Nazis George Soros is funding it and paying people to behave badly like they did at Ferguson and Baltimore. The global elites want racial division to distract us while they move ever closer to putting in their totalitarian system after martial law is declared. That is the end game of this and the Barrypuppet is playing his part. The picture is crystal clear to me. I and many others believe that the Dallas shooting was a false flag event and they are spinning this as a lone gunman when nothing could be further from the truth.

Here is something else, I don't believe that every cop shooting like the one on Alton Sterling actually happened. The elites want a race war and they want us distracted. Both political parties are owned by the same group of thieves that are doing this to us.

I have ZERO problem with what you find funny. :0) None. In fact, I'm glad you find it funny. Every hero needs a villain.

In spite of your laughter, it's obvious that the message of BLM is getting through to democrats AND republicans. Legislation is on the way that you won't like, but are powerless to do anything about.

Legislation like what? CCW? Ending sanctuary cities? Workfare?
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem
One conservative columnist says “police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations.”

As the nation reeled following the killings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and five police officers in Dallas, Texas, two prominent conservative media outlets published thoughtful essays examining how police interact with communities of color.

In The Daily Caller, senior contributor Matt K. Lewis wrote about how the advent of smart phones and instant live streaming has made it impossible to deny that black people are disproportionately subjected to police violence.

“In the era of Facebook Live and smart phones, it’s hard to come to any conclusion other than the fact that police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations,” Lewis wrote. “Seriously, absent video proof, how many innocent African-Americans have been beaten or killed over the last hundred years by the police—with little or no media coverage or scrutiny?”

In his piece, Lewis recognizes that growing up with the white privilege of unquestionably trusting the cops blinds people to the reality of police discrimination and brutality.

“If there’s any good to come from this horrible trend, it may be that the scales are coming off the eyes of a lot of well meaning, if naive, white Americans,” he wrote. “My hope is that this will change public opinion to the point that we can change public policy.”

much more
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem

The far right has too large a hand in the republican agenda. If the Republican Party is to survive in an evolved America, it needs to kick RW racists to the side, or craft an agenda that speaks to all Americans .. which will make the racists run away. You don't need them. They drain your party, not expand it.

As republicans begin to face the true reality of their circumstances, there will be many more concessions and epiphany's to come... and they should hurry because all they'll have left is the House .. maybe.

Yes, dems are the party of slavery and segregation and have been racist for centuries.
White privilege is a racist assertion. It accuses people of being racists based on their skin color.
It is a term that reflects the racial superiority white enjoyed for centuries.

To deny it is a clear indication of racism.
Wrong. This is not a difficult concept. Declaring an entire group of people are doing something wrong through their " racial superiority" only because they were born white, is racism.

Jakey understands it.

But for some reason(s) he pretends he does not.
I find it sadly funny that many NaziCons say that race relations are worse than ever before under President Obama. No shit. There are several reasons - but a few are strikingly obvious. Think about it...

First black president

Racists more emboldened

Scared white people

Pissed off and emboldened black people

Better organized black people

More bad cops exposed by cell phones with cameras

More and better media coverage in general

More public awareness of institutionalized racism



It's because you lefties told blacks that the normal partisan opposition to Obama was racism.

You are tearing this country apart for political gain.
White privilege is a racist assertion. It accuses people of being racists based on their skin color.

.. as if that isn't true.

Are you serious? :0)
Yes. I am serious. I'm also a white conservative. You very obviously have never bothered to get to know someone like me. You are too busy calling me a racist. It apparently never occurred to you that I am typical- I don't judge or act any differently toward non white people based on some made up white privilege. You are flinging racist accusations at ordinary people like me because there is racism in the world. Grow up.

You plunk people into categories then b*tch and moan because you stuck yourself in a category too. You can't have it both ways.

I've been asking lefties if they ever consider the cost of falsely accusing some one of racism.

So far the answer seems to be that they don't understand the question.
Conservatives finally admitting that racism is a problem
Oh, I get it. The liberal is trying to pretend they didn't see the racism all around them, so he can denigrate them without saying so directly. It's sort of a cowardly version of insulting someone.
As for racism, there has been tons of it, especially in the last 50 years. From liberals who join, staff, and run the Ku Klux Clan, to Democrats who write legislation based on the idea that black people can't handle normal life without great help from the government (while writing no such legislation for whites), to leftist media who scream endlessly that whites are acting like racists toward blacks, without ever mention the far greater rate where blacks exercise racist behavior toward whites....It's enough racism to fill the streets of Dallas ten times over. Which, come to think of it, it recently did.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything Acorn wrote, but I hate it anyway. So I'll ignore it, and post silly pictures instead, in the hope that someone will believe there's something wrong with it anyway, even though I can't point anything out.
Translation: Jake punked me out, and my ass is hurting. AaronLeLand is pissed off Jake got their first to punk my ass.

Jake: "white privilege" is a fact, which you cuckservatives cannot deny with any evidence.

White privilege is a racist assertion. It accuses people of being racists based on their skin color.

.. as if that isn't true.

Are you serious? :0)
Yes. I am serious. I'm also a white conservative. You very obviously have never bothered to get to know someone like me. You are too busy calling me a racist. It apparently never occurred to you that I am typical- I don't judge or act any differently toward non white people based on some made up white privilege. You are flinging racist accusations at ordinary people like me because there is racism in the world. Grow up.

You plunk people into categories then b*tch and moan because you stuck yourself in a category too. You can't have it both ways.

I've been asking lefties if they ever consider the cost of falsely accusing some one of racism.

So far the answer seems to be that they don't understand the question.
Well, democrats are the question is meaningless to them....
White privilege is a racist assertion. It accuses people of being racists based on their skin color.

.. as if that isn't true.

Are you serious? :0)
Yes. I am serious. I'm also a white conservative. You very obviously have never bothered to get to know someone like me. You are too busy calling me a racist. It apparently never occurred to you that I am typical- I don't judge or act any differently toward non white people based on some made up white privilege. You are flinging racist accusations at ordinary people like me because there is racism in the world. Grow up.

You plunk people into categories then b*tch and moan because you stuck yourself in a category too. You can't have it both ways.

Your argument that there is no such thing as white privilege is so incredibly silly that its just braindead. Seriously. It's so braindead that it does not require argument nor debate. ...

An unsupported assertions and a personal insult. And you have the nerve to call the people that disagree with you stupid.

It is especially funny when you are telling him about what it is like being WHITE!

In the meantime your party is virtually all-white in 2016.

Which does nothing to support your claim. That you think it does, just shows how ignorant you are.

The only demographic that votes republican in the majority are white men.

Nope. Republican win the largest single ethnic group as a whole, all the time.

I know lots of people like you .. white conservatives. Our interactions are professional, not personal. Politics and work don't mix, but in the oft times that we do talk politics, they seem as oblivious to the thoughts and concerns of non-white people as you do. Not calling you racist .. oblivious.

You pretend to know the thoughts on white people, and you call them names if they tell you you are wrong about what they are thinking.

AND it's unlikely that they are obvious to your thoughts and concerns. They just disagree with you.

You attempt to craft your perfect world in your head .. but remain oblivious to GLARING and OBVIOUS realities.

It's your head and you can do whatever you want with it. I suggest sticking it in the sand so you won't have to be bothered with the world.

And you finish up with some partisan blather.
As for racism, there has been tons of it, especially in the last 50 years. From liberals who join, staff, and run the Ku Klux Klan, to Democrat governors who signed Jim Crow laws and used fire hoses on peacefully protesting black people, to Democrats who write legislation based on the idea that black people can't handle normal life without great help from the government (while writing no such legislation for whites), to leftist media who scream endlessly that whites are acting like racists toward blacks, without ever mention the far greater rate at which blacks exercise racist behavior toward whites....

It's enough racism to fill the streets of Dallas ten times over. Which, come to think of it, it recently did.

But conservatives have been noticing it, and fighting it, for decades. Too bad liberals have been supporting that racism for even longer.

:lol: Astoundingly ignorant and typical of republican blindness.


Here's the good news .. it doesn't matter what you think. :0) This nation is evolving without you and your ilk has SHRUNKEN into a political minority that has been reduced to running a reality show host for president. :lol: A clown, a fucking Bozo who has never been elected to anything, has no legislative experience, and doesn't even have the support of major portions of his own party.

Here's more good news moron .. the ignorance of you and your ilk has even opened the eyes of republicans in office, and new gun control and policing laws WILL be enacted.

In the end, the RW will be neutered like sick dogs, republicans will continue to lose every single social issue they champion, all symbols of the confederacy will be trashed, and the Republican Party will evolve or die as a major party in this country.

All your fucking whining doesn't mean shit. :0)

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