Conservatives finally admitting that racism is a problem


This is how I picture the ignorant racists on USMB.

This is how I picture the ignorant racists on USMB.
He's a Democrat, so that's how I picture them as well.

I kicked Lakhota's he's a bit butthurt right now and does not wish to debate or discuss......much easier to swing his cyber purse in indignant anger. LOL!

That's Lakhota's modus operandi. She has nothing to debate with, so she always ends up taking cheap shots.

She certainly has no debating skills so that's all she has left.....very sad. I gave her every opportunity to make a counter-argument but she avoids it with insults.
White privilege is a racist assertion. It accuses people of being racists based on their skin color.
It is a term that reflects the racial superiority white enjoyed for centuries.

To deny it is a clear indication of racism.

That is a moronic statement on your part.

Why are you so terrified of discussing the issues seriously and honestly?
Because Jake is really an immature hack, without a life,not nearly as intelligent as he hopes he is,really should feel sorry for the shit head,......

This is how I picture the ignorant racists on USMB.

This is how I picture the ignorant racists on USMB.
He's a Democrat, so that's how I picture them as well.

I kicked Lakhota's he's a bit butthurt right now and does not wish to debate or discuss......much easier to swing his cyber purse in indignant anger. LOL!

Yeah, another self-declared racist winner. Funny...


This is how I picture the ignorant racists on USMB.

This is how I picture the ignorant racists on USMB.
He's a Democrat, so that's how I picture them as well.

I kicked Lakhota's he's a bit butthurt right now and does not wish to debate or discuss......much easier to swing his cyber purse in indignant anger. LOL!

Yeah, another self-declared racist winner. Funny...


Making fun of the retarded? That's HATE!!!!

This is how I picture the ignorant racists on USMB.

This is how I picture the ignorant racists on USMB.
He's a Democrat, so that's how I picture them as well.

I kicked Lakhota's he's a bit butthurt right now and does not wish to debate or discuss......much easier to swing his cyber purse in indignant anger. LOL!

Yeah, another self-declared racist winner. Funny...


Making fun of the retarded? That's HATE!!!!

You mean inbred, homeskooled NaziCons?

This is how I picture the ignorant racists on USMB.

This is how I picture the ignorant racists on USMB.
He's a Democrat, so that's how I picture them as well.

I kicked Lakhota's he's a bit butthurt right now and does not wish to debate or discuss......much easier to swing his cyber purse in indignant anger. LOL!

Yeah, another self-declared racist winner. Funny...


Making fun of the retarded? That's HATE!!!!

You mean inbred, homeskooled NaziCons?

No, I mean you, moron.

This is how I picture the ignorant racists on USMB.

This is how I picture the ignorant racists on USMB.
He's a Democrat, so that's how I picture them as well.

I kicked Lakhota's he's a bit butthurt right now and does not wish to debate or discuss......much easier to swing his cyber purse in indignant anger. LOL!

Yeah, another self-declared racist winner. Funny...


It's not my problem or fault that you cannot defend your positions or debate those that disagree...that's on you.

This is how I picture the ignorant racists on USMB.
He's a Democrat, so that's how I picture them as well.

I kicked Lakhota's he's a bit butthurt right now and does not wish to debate or discuss......much easier to swing his cyber purse in indignant anger. LOL!

Yeah, another self-declared racist winner. Funny...


Making fun of the retarded? That's HATE!!!!

You mean inbred, homeskooled NaziCons?

No, I mean you, moron.

See? She has nothing........if you aren't a leftard like her? You are a racist and a do you debate with an idiot like that?
As a conservative my eyes have been opened. I sincerely did not realize just how much black people hate white people.
Going forward, I will be more wary of black people.

I care for everyone regardless of race. You have no clue as to what is really going on and I doubt you could wrap your little pea-brain around the enormity of it all until it all collapses because that is exactly where we are heading.
As for racism, there has been tons of it, especially in the last 50 years. From liberals who join, staff, and run the Ku Klux Klan, to Democrat governors who signed Jim Crow laws and used fire hoses on peacefully protesting black people, to Democrats who write legislation based on the idea that black people can't handle normal life without great help from the government (while writing no such legislation for whites), to leftist media who scream endlessly that whites are acting like racists toward blacks, without ever mention the far greater rate at which blacks exercise racist behavior toward whites....

It's enough racism to fill the streets of Dallas ten times over. Which, come to think of it, it recently did.

But conservatives have been noticing it, and fighting it, for decades. Too bad liberals have been supporting that racism for even longer.

I care for everyone regardless of race. You have no clue as to what is really going on and I doubt you could wrap your little pea-brain around the enormity of it all until it all collapses because that is exactly where we are heading.

Seriously, do you wear a tinfoil hat? As for collapsing - that's just a matter of time.

I care for everyone regardless of race. You have no clue as to what is really going on and I doubt you could wrap your little pea-brain around the enormity of it all until it all collapses because that is exactly where we are heading.

Seriously, do you wear a tinfoil hat? As for collapsing - that's just a matter of time.

Tinfoil hat? LOL! That is the lame comeback leftards use when someone has the unmitigated gall to refute their puny arguments. Did you even BOTHER to look up the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948? I debate from the position of knowledge that has been hard earned by investing THOUSANDS of hours of reading, researching and listening to lectures from those that did the heavy lifting that have no agenda other than to wake people up as to their plight. These are people that know a helluva lot more than you so their facts trump your uneducated opinions. I KNOW why the system is going to collapse and I have laid it out in great detail but you run on emotion sans knowledge which is why you cannot have a civil discussion. You flail away at those that don't fall in lockstep with you and it's pathetic...but hey, it's your cyber-dime. I know more than you because I have made it my mission and quest to understand these things after I was suckered in by the neocons. The anger I felt and the hatred of what has been done to ALL of us is what motivates me. As long as people are willing to listen, I will post here. What is happening goes so much deeper than you could even imagine. The people that you look to...these elitists...they don't look at things the way me and you do. We are decent people with empathy and compassion for our fellow man. They see us as human chattel because that was what we legally became after the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933. Your labor was pledged as collateral on a debt that you don't even owe. When the people turned their gold in under penalty of an act signed by FDR in exchange for script notes, we became indentured servants....debt slaves and that have to work three to four months a year for free. That is a fact.
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem
One conservative columnist says “police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations.”

As the nation reeled following the killings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and five police officers in Dallas, Texas, two prominent conservative media outlets published thoughtful essays examining how police interact with communities of color.

In The Daily Caller, senior contributor Matt K. Lewis wrote about how the advent of smart phones and instant live streaming has made it impossible to deny that black people are disproportionately subjected to police violence.

“In the era of Facebook Live and smart phones, it’s hard to come to any conclusion other than the fact that police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations,” Lewis wrote. “Seriously, absent video proof, how many innocent African-Americans have been beaten or killed over the last hundred years by the police—with little or no media coverage or scrutiny?”

In his piece, Lewis recognizes that growing up with the white privilege of unquestionably trusting the cops blinds people to the reality of police discrimination and brutality.

“If there’s any good to come from this horrible trend, it may be that the scales are coming off the eyes of a lot of well meaning, if naive, white Americans,” he wrote. “My hope is that this will change public opinion to the point that we can change public policy.”

much more
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem

The far right has too large a hand in the republican agenda. If the Republican Party is to survive in an evolved America, it needs to kick RW racists to the side, or craft an agenda that speaks to all Americans .. which will make the racists run away. You don't need them. They drain your party, not expand it.

As republicans begin to face the true reality of their circumstances, there will be many more concessions and epiphany's to come... and they should hurry because all they'll have left is the House .. maybe.
Don't believe it. It's election year pretend-time for Republicans, acting like "they care", and "they relate".

Don't fucking believe it for a second!
Democrats care about blacks?

Yeah, the party that created the KKK finally elects a black President, and to help 'his people' he does exactly 'shit' - ZERO - for them in 8 years.

Unemployment for blacks is almost double than programs, nonothing...race relations are about as bad as they were in the 60s if not worse. Obama has helped Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, illegals, 'refugees', and even terrorists while he has ignored the plight of blacks.

It has been almost 50 years since Civil Rights was passed and the status and plight of blacks while remaining loyal to Democrats have remained the same this whole time.

LBJ said, "I'll have these ni@@ers voting Democrat the next 200 years"...and he's been true to hi word so far.

Libs have demonized Conservatives while keeping blacks enslaved with handouts - as LBJ said, giving them 'Something, but not enough to make a difference."

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over - like blacks remaining loyal to Democrats for 50 years - and expecting a different outcome every time.

Hasn't happened...won't happen.

Free yo mind, & yo ass will follow...or keep voting Democrat for another 150 years while things deteriorate faster around you.

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