Conservatives forget history in discrediting Trump protesters

Talk about ironic as we all are here discussing the breakdown of our failed government, I'm sitting here on the phone with the USPS for a hold time of 16 to 23 minutes. :lmao:
Peach is not a very happy camper right now!
It boggles my mind how many people want more of inept government.

I think we need to be very very careful of throwing the baby out with the bathwater in this.
I agree, but we have some very dirty bath water.

I think that...this is like Brexit. I don't think the average American knows what he is really getting into, when he voted "change" for no reason then change "get rid of establishment" and that worries me a great deal. Regardless of what you say about The Establishment - they know governance. We have a new crew with almost zero experience coming in and "draining the swamp". You know who the last "outsider" was who did this? Carter. I was listening to Marketplace talking about Trump's grandiose infrastructure plan and it has me worried. Do these guys know what they are doing and if they don't - do they have the ability to listen to advice, even unpalatable advice? I get the feeling they view the presidency as a Grand Experiment, a Giant Game Show and freaks me out. I can deal with ideological differences, but this is a bit more.
Brexit, what is happening in the EU and here are a return to conservative values and were entirely predictable. In fact, Howe and Strauss did predict this in their book "The 4th Turning." Great book by the way.
Talk about ironic as we all are here discussing the breakdown of our failed government, I'm sitting here on the phone with the USPS for a hold time of 16 to 23 minutes. :lmao:
Peach is not a very happy camper right now!
It boggles my mind how many people want more of inept government.

I think we need to be very very careful of throwing the baby out with the bathwater in this.

I agree with you but I think Trump knows that too.
I think people are going to find out he is more like President Kennedy's ideology.

I am doubtful, but will see. I'm pretty pessemistic right now.
What? What freaking "violent attacks and property destruction directed against minorities in 2008"? I can't recall any protests after Obama was elected?
How did we treat tell.........and do you remember how he treated us.....why just like hilly did......ya wonder why ya keep telling main street America how you hate them.....let me know how that works out
Talk about ironic as we all are here discussing the breakdown of our failed government, I'm sitting here on the phone with the USPS for a hold time of 16 to 23 minutes. :lmao:
Peach is not a very happy camper right now!
It boggles my mind how many people want more of inept government.

I think we need to be very very careful of throwing the baby out with the bathwater in this.

I agree with you but I think Trump knows that too.
I think people are going to find out he is more like President Kennedy's ideology.

I am doubtful, but will see. I'm pretty pessemistic right now.

I think that you are not alone in that sentiment.
The dishonest left wing media invented the scenario that Christie's "bridgegate" might have inconvenienced emergency services (never happened) and people could have died because of an hour of traffic delay. The professional "anti-Trump" protesters have disrupted traffic in New York City for a freaking week and the liberal media is silent.
Obama’s election in 2008 was preceded and followed by violent attacks and property destruction targeted against minorities.
And months before the election, and years before it, there were thousands of such violent attacks, fights, property destruction against blacks, and even hundreds of murders. Usually committed against minorities by other minorities.

And since Obama's election, there have been hundreds and thousands more. The trend seems to have gradually increased for eight years.

And now the same people are rioting on college campuses and city streets, smashing windows, overturning cars, throwing firebombs at police, and all the rest.

The few dozen committed by Republican supporters pales by comparison.

Poor little liberals. Crying and squalling after receiving the biggest electoral defeat in living memory.

Why should anyone pay attention to you? Normal people know you'll just keep complaining and whining no matter what we say. Since you're no longer in a position to do harm to the country, there's no point in paying attention to you. You're just not worth the trouble.
the biggest electoral defeat in living memory.
Are you 3? Obama won by more in 2008 and 2012. Just for starters.

In 2010 you lost the House.
In 2012 you lost the Senate.
In 2016 you lost the Presidency.

Wow you guys are truly on the right path.
(rolling eyes)
I'm not a Dem, so although I did not support Trump, don't lump me in with "you guys," please.
What I was objecting to was the hyperbolic rhetoric "the biggest electoral defeat in living memory," which is complete and utter horseshit.

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