Conservatives-im creating a stronger proposal against terrorism

Ed Spacer

Jan 16, 2012
I am creating another proposal.
Under my plan,regardless if the individual-
*is native born US citizen.
*naturalized US citizen
*or visa status..

If,with FULL INVESTIGATION,EVIDENCE,AND CONVICTION,any of the above are found to be in alliegence,support,associated,connected,or directly involved with any terrorist organization within the United States,with activities,inside or outside the borders,in support of these activities-

Upon conviction-
will be STRIPPED of US citizenship,and the protections of the constitution.
if found,by evidence,and investigation,to be supporting and engaging in activities to harm americans,then not only will conviction strip citizenship,but they will be handled ad enemy combatants.
I would edge criminal gang elements to be handled in similar methods.
Oh dang - I missed where you posted all those high up positions you said you hold in the Repub party in JOE-JUH.

Could you please list them again?

Thanks ever so much.
Islamic terrorism and associated groups.any group that threatens the life and wellbeing of american citizens.
Oh dang - I missed where you posted all those high up positions you said you hold in the Repub party in JOE-JUH.

Could you please list them again?

Thanks ever so much.

Hey commie,if you read right,i stated my proposals are going through levels of government here,i never stated i am in an office,but i am an aspiring candidate. Get your facts straight,allahfucker.
Sound like one of those dopesmokers i routinely bust on my shift at night.
Oh dang - I missed where you posted all those high up positions you said you hold in the Repub party in JOE-JUH.

Could you please list them again?

Thanks ever so much.

Hey commie,if you read right,i stated my proposals are going through levels of government here,i never stated i am in an office,but i am an aspiring candidate. Get your facts straight,allahfucker.

Actually, you listed three positions in Georgia politics. You did not say you hold an elected office.

And, vampire, if you really aspire to anything more than a wannabe on an interwebs forum, learn to communicate in English and without the name calling and vile cursing. Learn it now - Only those who have no valid argument will get down in the gutter with your kind of nastiness.

Judging by your posts, you're a middle school drop out and maybe 17 years old. You adore Limbaugh and Beck and can parrot their hate but can't be bothered thinking for yourself.

In a word, you're a loser using your mommy's computer.
Watchman?im a third shift county deputy 43,college educated,i aspire to run for office,but never stated i held three. Liar. I am a GOP constituent,plus charter founder of the FNRP,foundation national reform party,also,i held a city council position in middletown,de,before i moved to MA when i met my fiancee.then moved to GA,got law enforcement certified,and also,struggling with a slow architect business. I am,unlike you,very proactive. I want to make a change,not just enforce the law,but empower citizens away from this communist entitlement government.
Trust me,its time to get rid of those threatening our freedom,our christianity,our life.power to the people,for the people,by the people.
Watchman?im a third shift county deputy 43,college educated,i aspire to run for office,but never stated i held three. Liar. I am a GOP constituent,plus charter founder of the FNRP,foundation national reform party,also,i held a city council position in middletown,de,before i moved to MA when i met my fiancee.then moved to GA,got law enforcement certified,and also,struggling with a slow architect business. I am,unlike you,very proactive. I want to make a change,not just enforce the law,but empower citizens away from this communist entitlement government.

You are also bordering on being illiterate...
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