Conservatives-im creating a stronger proposal against terrorism

I would edge criminal gang elements to be handled in similar methods.

Thats domestic terrorism

First it is not terrorism. Do you know what the word terrorism means? Try looking it up.
So let me get this straight. Lets call something its not, so that we can put a harsher penalty on it then is allowed by law, and violate the bill of rights all at once. Good job, I guess thats how they do it in Georgia.
Better than being in a cozy prison here,there is an unclaimed portion of land in antarctica MARIE BYRD LAND.down there,we create CAMP ICEBERG. why should they be cozy and warm like GITMO?letem pray to ALLAH in -80
Watchman?im a third shift county deputy 43,college educated,i aspire to run for office,but never stated i held three. Liar. I am a GOP constituent,plus charter founder of the FNRP,foundation national reform party,also,i held a city council position in middletown,de,before i moved to MA when i met my fiancee.then moved to GA,got law enforcement certified,and also,struggling with a slow architect business. I am,unlike you,very proactive. I want to make a change,not just enforce the law,but empower citizens away from this communist entitlement government.

You also are bordering on being illiterate...


Heck, this dude is smack dab right in the middle of it.

I was thinking we could hold remedial classes in Where The Hell is My Shift Key.

Seriously, I've read that several times ...Law enforcement, city council, architect ... That's a lot of college for someone who can't write a simple declarative sentence. I do see one fact - He's a "constituent". But, aren't' we all?

Even allowing for having spelled architect correctly, this guy lives someplace off in LaLa Land.

But, that's okay. He's good for a laugh.

(WTF is the "foundation national reform party". Sounds very commie to me.)
I am creating another proposal.
Under my plan,regardless if the individual-
*is native born US citizen.
*naturalized US citizen
*or visa status..

If,with FULL INVESTIGATION,EVIDENCE,AND CONVICTION,any of the above are found to be in alliegence,support,associated,connected,or directly involved with any terrorist organization within the United States,with activities,inside or outside the borders,in support of these activities-

Upon conviction-
will be STRIPPED of US citizenship,and the protections of the constitution.
if found,by evidence,and investigation,to be supporting and engaging in activities to harm americans,then not only will conviction strip citizenship,but they will be handled ad enemy combatants.

How do you strip someone of U.S. Citizenship?
I would edge criminal gang elements to be handled in similar methods.

Thats domestic terrorism

First it is not terrorism. Do you know what the word terrorism means? Try looking it up.
So let me get this straight. Lets call something its not, so that we can put a harsher penalty on it then is allowed by law, and violate the bill of rights all at once. Good job, I guess thats how they do it in Georgia.

It is TERRORISM,AND WE DONT SUCK ALLAH OR CRIMINAL DICK DOWN HERE LIKE THE LIBERAL NORTH.we protect tge law abiding citizens,and their quality of life.
Islamic terrorism and associated groups.any group that threatens the life and wellbeing of american citizens.

So...some crazy who threatens the life and wellbeing of an American Citizen abortion doctor is a terrorist?
Watchman?im a third shift county deputy 43,college educated,i aspire to run for office,but never stated i held three. Liar. I am a GOP constituent,plus charter founder of the FNRP,foundation national reform party,also,i held a city council position in middletown,de,before i moved to MA when i met my fiancee.then moved to GA,got law enforcement certified,and also,struggling with a slow architect business. I am,unlike you,very proactive. I want to make a change,not just enforce the law,but empower citizens away from this communist entitlement government.

Suuure you are. :eusa_whistle:
I would edge criminal gang elements to be handled in similar methods.

Thats domestic terrorism

First it is not terrorism. Do you know what the word terrorism means? Try looking it up.
So let me get this straight. Lets call something its not, so that we can put a harsher penalty on it then is allowed by law, and violate the bill of rights all at once. Good job, I guess thats how they do it in Georgia.

It is TERRORISM,AND WE DONT SUCK ALLAH OR CRIMINAL DICK DOWN HERE LIKE THE LIBERAL NORTH.we protect tge law abiding citizens,and their quality of life.

What kinda dick do you suck?
Trust me,its time to get rid of those threatening our freedom,our christianity,our life.power to the people,for the people,by the people.

Our christianity? :eusa_eh: So, it's okay if someone threatens our Jewishness? Or our Hindu-ist?
Very easily,if your found in support of alqueda,or any other related group,you are no longer in my eyes,sovreign to this nation,or in alleigence with. Funny,nobody criticizing me says anything about protecting the quality of life and lawabiding citizens,jyst make excuses for crooks and terrorists.
Islamic terrorism and associated groups.any group that threatens the life and wellbeing of american citizens.

So...some crazy who threatens the life and wellbeing of an American Citizen abortion doctor is a terrorist?

No,dont twist my argument. Normal law applies. Im talkibg about islamofacist groups,associated groups,and gangs.
I am creating another proposal.
Under my plan,regardless if the individual-
*is native born US citizen.
*naturalized US citizen
*or visa status..

If,with FULL INVESTIGATION,EVIDENCE,AND CONVICTION,any of the above are found to be in alliegence,support,associated,connected,or directly involved with any terrorist organization within the United States,with activities,inside or outside the borders,in support of these activities-

Upon conviction-
will be STRIPPED of US citizenship,and the protections of the constitution.
if found,by evidence,and investigation,to be supporting and engaging in activities to harm americans,then not only will conviction strip citizenship,but they will be handled ad enemy combatants.
This is simply common sense and nothing more. you simply stepped away from the illusionary world of media and made a common sense statement, but it's nothing new.
Abortion is murder,unless the woman is a victim of rape,or her life is in danger. But,an abortion doctor should not be murdered,but held in full accountability ubder the law,and prosecuted as such. Abortion at will without these exceptions is premeditated murder,but should be handled under the law. This is apples and oranges from islamofacists trying to destroy our freedom and way of life.
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...power to the people...

Yup. I knew it! He's a pinko commie. And, the way he rails against gay marriage, he's probably faggot to boot.

...if your found in support of...

If my WHAT is found in support of ...???

Power to the people is democracy,smarty,communism is power only the government,which is what you support,just like the rest of the NWO types trying to destroy industry.
I would edge criminal gang elements to be handled in similar methods.

Thats domestic terrorism

First it is not terrorism. Do you know what the word terrorism means? Try looking it up.
So let me get this straight. Lets call something its not, so that we can put a harsher penalty on it then is allowed by law, and violate the bill of rights all at once. Good job, I guess thats how they do it in Georgia.

It is TERRORISM,AND WE DONT SUCK ALLAH OR CRIMINAL DICK DOWN HERE LIKE THE LIBERAL NORTH.we protect tge law abiding citizens,and their quality of life.

How odd. You say you are a deputy sheriff and yet you know very little about the process of law.....unless things are very backwards where you are in GA. (totally possible)
You say abortion is not murder if the fetus is the result of rape?

You gonna tell the fetus that?

Abortion is legal. What should he/she be prosecuted for? "Myrder"? But, abortion is legal.

Premeditated "myrder"? But its legal.

Its not just legal. Its none of your friggin' business.

Quit being a Peeping Tom, peeking in people's windows, trying to pass laws to control their lives. We need less government, fewer laws. We don't need more radical right wing nuts, more laws, more Peeping Toms like you.

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