Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

That's because it's stupid. Hash tags don't free hostages. Action does. The “Bring Back Our Girls” Internet campaign, if you can call it that, is just a way for politicians and Hollywood celebrities to feel good about themselves.

Whoa wait a minute. Are you saying hashtags dont free hostages?

Even if its just a way to feel good while bringing attention to the issue why is that a bad thing again?

Its not.'s just dumb.
Ducking Drones in the jungle isn't very conducive to Twitter internet fun. I seriously doubt these 'Terrorists' are on Twitter reading the idiot First Lady's dumb rants. Just not very plausible.
Gestures are just that----token attempts to tell everyone how cool you are because you care. It's horseshit. Hundreds of thousands of people including girls have been murdered in Africa and these hashtag soldiers didn't do shit. More liberals trying to make themselves feel better the easy way.

So sorry... no time to be politically-correct.

Who gives a shit about what's PC or not ? This is just a liberal feel good fad that accomplishes nothing.

Jealous? Of course you heartless conservatives are.
Well maybe I should have clicked on those emails which had wealthy Nigerians offering me money in them... I think I made them mad. They keep spamming my twitter account with

"We have your money, we've been trying for years to get it to you. Now we will resort to desperate measures. Come get the money now or we'll hashtag you to death. We're serious. See?"

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They just don't get it at Fox News... do they?

Conservatives mock 'Bring Back Our Girls' hashtag | MSNBC

Fox News contributors on Sunday scoffed at the “Bring Back Our Girls” hashtag recently created in support of finding the nearly 300 missing schoolgirls in Nigeria.

The international community has taken to Twitter using #BringBackOurGirls to encourage the release of the teenage girls. Boko Haram, a group of Islamist militants, attacked a school in Chibok nearly one month ago and kidnapped 276 individuals. Since, they took eight additional girls and threatened to “sell” them all on the market.

“I do not know how adults stand there facing a camera and say, ‘Bring Back Our Girls.’ Are these barbarians in the wilds of Nigeria supposed to check their Twitter accounts and say, ‘Uh-oh Michelle Obama is very cross with us, we better change our behavior?’” Will said on Fox News Sunday.
George Will thinks it's ineffective. What's the big deal? Free speech, man.
Well maybe I should have clicked on those emails which had wealthy Nigerians offering me money in them... I think I made them mad. They keep spamming my twitter account with

"We have your money, we've been trying for years to get it to you. Now we will resort to desperate measures. Come get the money now or we'll hashtag you to death. We're serious? See?"


:lol: This thread's becoming pretty fun. It's going in a different direction then the OP planned. It's crackin me up. Thanks.
Ducking Drones in the jungle isn't very conducive to Twitter internet fun. I seriously doubt these 'Terrorists' are on Twitter reading the idiot First Lady's dumb rants. Just not very plausible.

Of course they are. They are reading the headlines and following the "Bring back our girls" campaign worldwide as we speak. The "terrorists" are not the jungle-bunnies" you racist conservatives are making them out to be.
Just follow the oil & money peeps. Lots of oil in Nigeria. And we want in. This could be the way we get our Troops in there. This whole thing is very likely a scam. I'm just not buying it. The Boogeyman propaganda has been too forced. It looks too much like our Government is setting something up. So definitely stay tuned.
That's because it's stupid. Hash tags don't free hostages. Action does. The “Bring Back Our Girls” Internet campaign, if you can call it that, is just a way for politicians and Hollywood celebrities to feel good about themselves.

That's entirely what it is.
The whole thing is a good exercise in myth making. Let's start with, How did Nigerian girls, living in Nigeria, abducted by Nigerian terrorists become "our" girls? Is Michelle a Nigerian?
It is feel-goodism at its worst. If Obama wanted he could order Delta Force over to Nigeria today. Why aren't people pressing Obama to do something?
Well maybe I should have clicked on those emails which had wealthy Nigerians offering me money in them... I think I made them mad. They keep spamming my twitter account with

"We have your money, we've been trying for years to get it to you. Now we will resort to desperate measures. Come get the money now or we'll hashtag you to death. We're serious? See?"


:lol: This thread's becoming pretty fun. It's going in a different direction then the OP planned. It's crackin me up. Thanks.

Your mocking the kidnapped girls is duly noted. Laugh it up dittoheads.
Ducking Drones in the jungle isn't very conducive to Twitter internet fun. I seriously doubt these 'Terrorists' are on Twitter reading the idiot First Lady's dumb rants. Just not very plausible.

Of course they are. They are reading the headlines and following the "Bring back our girls" campaign worldwide as we speak. The "terrorists" are not the jungle-bunnies" you racist conservatives are making them out to be.

And now the Race-Card. You're very boring and dumb. But this thread is crackin me up. So thanks, i guess. :)
Ducking Drones in the jungle isn't very conducive to Twitter internet fun. I seriously doubt these 'Terrorists' are on Twitter reading the idiot First Lady's dumb rants. Just not very plausible.

Of course they are. They are reading the headlines and following the "Bring back our girls" campaign worldwide as we speak. The "terrorists" are not the jungle-bunnies" you racist conservatives are making them out to be.

Yes, they are a sophisticated, urbane bunch of motherfuckers who machine gun people in malls because they aren't Muslim.
Why dont you shut the fuck up, you immature pussy?
Well maybe I should have clicked on those emails which had wealthy Nigerians offering me money in them... I think I made them mad. They keep spamming my twitter account with

"We have your money, we've been trying for years to get it to you. Now we will resort to desperate measures. Come get the money now or we'll hashtag you to death. We're serious? See?"


:lol: This thread's becoming pretty fun. It's going in a different direction then the OP planned. It's crackin me up. Thanks.

Your mocking the kidnapped girls is duly noted. Laugh it up dittoheads.

Nah, just mocking you and your idiot First Lady. And relax, this is very likely a big scam anyway. Probably a way for us to get our Troops into Nigeria. We want their oil. That's what this is most likely about.
That's because it's stupid. Hash tags don't free hostages. Action does. The “Bring Back Our Girls” Internet campaign, if you can call it that, is just a way for politicians and Hollywood celebrities to feel good about themselves.

That's entirely what it is.
The whole thing is a good exercise in myth making. Let's start with, How did Nigerian girls, living in Nigeria, abducted by Nigerian terrorists become "our" girls? Is Michelle a Nigerian?
It is feel-goodism at its worst. If Obama wanted he could order Delta Force over to Nigeria today. Why aren't people pressing Obama to do something?

AHA! You conservatives don't care about the girls... all you freaks care about is bashing Obama, and liberals in general.

Warmongering is conservatives answer to everything... typical dittoheads.

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