Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

SOP for the GOP. Denigrate anything Obama. God forbid Faux would ever champion the idea that Congress should authorize the president taking some type of action to help those poor families.
AHA! You conservatives don't care about the girls... all you freaks care about is bashing Obama, and liberals in general.

Warmongering is conservatives answer to everything... typical dittoheads.
Sorry, which side is agitating for the US to "do something", jerkwad? Doing something means sending in the military. Unless you want to send Rachel Maddow and Nancy Pelosi and scare Boko Haram to death.

You're such a whining little bitch.

Send the military where warmonger?

Do reveal to us your attack strategy. How many American troops? Drones? Tanks? The Navy? The Marines? How about we send the NRA over there?
Are you fucking stoned? Do you even follow what you're saying?
The Left is agitating to "do something." That means sending the military to Nigeria. The Left is advocating sending the military to Nigeria. The conservatives are opposed to it. The Left are the war mongers here.
Geezus your one brain cell died of loneliness.
SOP for the GOP. Denigrate anything Obama. God forbid Faux would ever champion the idea that Congress should authorize the president taking some type of action to help those poor families.

Has Obama expressed an opinion on it? Don't think so.

Obama doesnt need Congressional authorization to send troops. Why isnt he doing it? Doesnt he care about those girls??
Hashtag diplomacy is utterly stupid. What it does do is allow the drooling liberals to think they are doing something. They are fighting for human rights. They tweeted a hashtag. Feeling like they are doing something is as good, or better, than actually doing something.

What do you mean I don't care! I sent out a tweet for you.

We aren't going to do anything. That's a fact. We might send unarmed negotiators but that's about it. There is no will in the military or in the public to embroil ourselves once again into someone else's fight. What we can do is "feel" like we are doing something. Raise awareness (in a world that mostly doesn't care anyway), of muslim atrocities, without actually calling them muslim atrocities because that would be culturally insensitive.

All the hashtag warriors can go around patting themselves on the back about how had they worked the hashtag. Maybe a new medal should be created.
That's because it's stupid. Hash tags don't free hostages. Action does. The “Bring Back Our Girls” Internet campaign, if you can call it that, is just a way for politicians and Hollywood celebrities to feel good about themselves.

Whoa wait a minute. Are you saying hashtags dont free hostages?

Even if its just a way to feel good while bringing attention to the issue why is that a bad thing again?

It is not a BAD thing, it is a STUPID thing.
It is pointless, we get it you touchy feely dipshits need to make yourselves "feel better" even is its by doing something meaningless.

Yeah, how dare someone raise awareness via social networks? No, the much more productive thing to do is be a part of the peanut gallery and complain about it.

That'll help
If there is anything worthy of mockery in the news today, this has to be it.

Talk about a pointless, meaningless, impotent gesture.

If you CARE about these 300 girls, then call your Congressperson and tell them to get U.S. resources involved in resolving the issue.

And don't jump on this bandwagon if you ignore the other killings that go on every day. What makes these girls any more special that the thousands of other victims of these bastards?

Oh yes, by all means, call your congressmen, that'll do it. How stupid can you conservatives get?

and twitter will? idiot.
It's not a case of "not getting it" it's recognizing the utter hypocrisy of those who have ignored the horrible abuse of women in the Muslim word. The genital disfigurement. The slavery. The denial of basic human rights.

But, let the media pick up a new item, they're all out there showing off "how much we care."

You liberals have twisted minds. :mad:

Aw... look, we have here a 'bleeding-heart' conservative shedding crocodile tears showing off how much he/she cares.
AHA! You conservatives don't care about the girls... all you freaks care about is bashing Obama, and liberals in general.

Warmongering is conservatives answer to everything... typical dittoheads.
Sorry, which side is agitating for the US to "do something", jerkwad? Doing something means sending in the military. Unless you want to send Rachel Maddow and Nancy Pelosi and scare Boko Haram to death.

You're such a whining little bitch.

Send the military where warmonger?

Do reveal to us your attack strategy. How many American troops? Drones? Tanks? The Navy? The Marines? How about we send the NRA over there?

You've never served a day in your life, what would you know about about any of those things?

I can say this and maybe you'll understand it, here is hoping that the NEXT time something like this happens it happens to someone YOU love.
Whoa wait a minute. Are you saying hashtags dont free hostages?

Even if its just a way to feel good while bringing attention to the issue why is that a bad thing again?

It is not a BAD thing, it is a STUPID thing.
It is pointless, we get it you touchy feely dipshits need to make yourselves "feel better" even is its by doing something meaningless.

Yeah, how dare someone raise awareness via social networks? No, the much more productive thing to do is be a part of the peanut gallery and complain about it.

That'll help

Why isnt Obama sending troops to Nigeria? Why doesnt he care about young girls?
If there is anything worthy of mockery in the news today, this has to be it.

Talk about a pointless, meaningless, impotent gesture.

If you CARE about these 300 girls, then call your Congressperson and tell them to get U.S. resources involved in resolving the issue.

And don't jump on this bandwagon if you ignore the other killings that go on every day. What makes these girls any more special that the thousands of other victims of these bastards?

Oh yes, by all means, call your congressmen, that'll do it. How stupid can you conservatives get?

So you think hashtagging on twitter will fix the problem but going to the people who actually have the authority to do something is stupid?

I propose a little experiment. You let us do what we want through Congress and we will let you do what you want on twitter and we will see who comes out ahead.
Sorry, which side is agitating for the US to "do something", jerkwad? Doing something means sending in the military. Unless you want to send Rachel Maddow and Nancy Pelosi and scare Boko Haram to death.

You're such a whining little bitch.

Send the military where warmonger?

Do reveal to us your attack strategy. How many American troops? Drones? Tanks? The Navy? The Marines? How about we send the NRA over there?
leave that to CNN and The NY Slimes.

LOL.. you dumb shit. Cat got your tongue?
Dear kidrocks:

We do care about the girls. Enough not to lazily approach the issue via an idiotic twitter campaign. Terrorists respond to only one thing. Force. Not liberals with nerf bats.

So what are you doing besides telling everyone else what they are doing doesnt work?

Oh, nothing...Thanks for that:lol:
It is not a BAD thing, it is a STUPID thing.
It is pointless, we get it you touchy feely dipshits need to make yourselves "feel better" even is its by doing something meaningless.

Yeah, how dare someone raise awareness via social networks? No, the much more productive thing to do is be a part of the peanut gallery and complain about it.

That'll help

Why isnt Obama sending troops to Nigeria? Why doesnt he care about young girls?

AHAHAHA!!! See? The Republican answer is always to put boots on the ground. Everywhere for everything.
This reminds of a board I got banned from because I made fun of female who bragged how good she felt because she signed an on-line petition to save the whales...

I said that I was glad that she felt good about it because that was all the good it was going to do. And that it was typical of Left-Wingers.. as long as it made them feel good, it didn't matter if it actually did any good or even did any harm.. Their feelings were more important than the actual outcome of what they were doing.

I guess it really hurt her feelings because I was sent a nasty-gram by the board monitor that I had caused the poster great emotional harm that I was being put on a 90 day "vacation".
That's because it's stupid. Hash tags don't free hostages. Action does. The “Bring Back Our Girls” Internet campaign, if you can call it that, is just a way for politicians and Hollywood celebrities to feel good about themselves.

It's also a way of dissipating energy that could have been constructive elsewhere. Kind of like a political heat sink -- it dissipates and dissolves, no muss no fuss. As George Carlin noted in the past, we used to simply "declare war" on issues -- "War on Drugs, War on Poverty, War on Crime --- we don't do anything about it, we just declare war on it."

Now we don't even do that -- we tweet, preferably before the light turns green for the mall where we're going for what really matters -- that new iPad. :eusa_dance:

I always say, "if a wrecker is for wrecks, what's Twitter for?"
That's because it's stupid. Hash tags don't free hostages. Action does. The “Bring Back Our Girls” Internet campaign, if you can call it that, is just a way for politicians and Hollywood celebrities to feel good about themselves.

Whoa wait a minute. Are you saying hashtags dont free hostages?

Even if its just a way to feel good while bringing attention to the issue why is that a bad thing again?

It is not a BAD thing, it is a STUPID thing.
It is pointless, we get it you touchy feely dipshits need to make yourselves "feel better" even is its by doing something meaningless.

Jealous because you politically-correct conservatives have no hearts? Thought as much.
If there is anything worthy of mockery in the news today, this has to be it.

Talk about a pointless, meaningless, impotent gesture.

If you CARE about these 300 girls, then call your Congressperson and tell them to get U.S. resources involved in resolving the issue.

And don't jump on this bandwagon if you ignore the other killings that go on every day. What makes these girls any more special that the thousands of other victims of these bastards?

Oh yes, by all means, call your congressmen, that'll do it. How stupid can you conservatives get?

and twitter will? idiot.

Oh. The irony!
Yeah, how dare someone raise awareness via social networks? No, the much more productive thing to do is be a part of the peanut gallery and complain about it.

That'll help

Why isnt Obama sending troops to Nigeria? Why doesnt he care about young girls?

AHAHAHA!!! See? The Republican answer is always to put boots on the ground. Everywhere for everything.

What do you propose? What is CC plan of action to bring the girls back? Lecture Boko Haram until they die of boredom? Shame them? C'mon, let's hear your brilliant plan for defeating terrorists without firing a shot.

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