Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

Twitter losers whining that non twitterers tell everyone how utterly POINTLESS this STUPID practice is.

That's because it's stupid. Hash tags don't free hostages. Action does. The “Bring Back Our Girls” Internet campaign, if you can call it that, is just a way for politicians and Hollywood celebrities to feel good about themselves.

That's entirely what it is.
The whole thing is a good exercise in myth making. Let's start with, How did Nigerian girls, living in Nigeria, abducted by Nigerian terrorists become "our" girls? Is Michelle a Nigerian?
It is feel-goodism at its worst. If Obama wanted he could order Delta Force over to Nigeria today. Why aren't people pressing Obama to do something?

AHA! You conservatives don't care about the girls... all you freaks care about is bashing Obama, and liberals in general.

Warmongering is conservatives answer to everything... typical dittoheads.
Sorry, which side is agitating for the US to "do something", jerkwad? Doing something means sending in the military. Unless you want to send Rachel Maddow and Nancy Pelosi and scare Boko Haram to death.

You're such a whining little bitch.
Ducking Drones in the jungle isn't very conducive to Twitter internet fun. I seriously doubt these 'Terrorists' are on Twitter reading the idiot First Lady's dumb rants. Just not very plausible.

Of course they are. They are reading the headlines and following the "Bring back our girls" campaign worldwide as we speak. The "terrorists" are not the jungle-bunnies" you racist conservatives are making them out to be.

Yes, they are a sophisticated, urbane bunch of motherfuckers who machine gun people in malls because they aren't Muslim.
Why dont you shut the fuck up, you immature pussy?

Muslim? Jungle? You racists are so driven!
1. #BringBackOurGirls

Those are Nigerian girls, not ours.

2. Some say we should attack and free the girls.

Admin not sending help to our own people (remember Benghazi).
Has Nigerian govt asked for help?
It's not a case of "not getting it" it's recognizing the utter hypocrisy of those who have ignored the horrible abuse of women in the Muslim word. The genital disfigurement. The slavery. The denial of basic human rights.

But, let the media pick up a new item, they're all out there showing off "how much we care."

You liberals have twisted minds. :mad:
Of course they are. They are reading the headlines and following the "Bring back our girls" campaign worldwide as we speak. The "terrorists" are not the jungle-bunnies" you racist conservatives are making them out to be.

Yes, they are a sophisticated, urbane bunch of motherfuckers who machine gun people in malls because they aren't Muslim.
Why dont you shut the fuck up, you immature pussy?

Muslim? Jungle? You racists are so driven!

Bet you've Tweeted that a hundred times today. Makes you feel so intelligent and original, huh? Another proud Twitter dipshit. Congrats.
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That's because it's stupid. Hash tags don't free hostages. Action does. The “Bring Back Our Girls” Internet campaign, if you can call it that, is just a way for politicians and Hollywood celebrities to feel good about themselves.

Whoa wait a minute. Are you saying hashtags dont free hostages?

Even if its just a way to feel good while bringing attention to the issue why is that a bad thing again?

Because its a false hope, its a false feeling of doing something when you are doing nothing.

Those men need to be killed, and killing requires intent and action, not feel good squishy crap.
That's entirely what it is.
The whole thing is a good exercise in myth making. Let's start with, How did Nigerian girls, living in Nigeria, abducted by Nigerian terrorists become "our" girls? Is Michelle a Nigerian?
It is feel-goodism at its worst. If Obama wanted he could order Delta Force over to Nigeria today. Why aren't people pressing Obama to do something?

AHA! You conservatives don't care about the girls... all you freaks care about is bashing Obama, and liberals in general.

Warmongering is conservatives answer to everything... typical dittoheads.
Sorry, which side is agitating for the US to "do something", jerkwad? Doing something means sending in the military. Unless you want to send Rachel Maddow and Nancy Pelosi and scare Boko Haram to death.

You're such a whining little bitch.

Send the military where warmonger?

Do reveal to us your attack strategy. How many American troops? Drones? Tanks? The Navy? The Marines? How about we send the NRA over there?
AHA! You conservatives don't care about the girls... all you freaks care about is bashing Obama, and liberals in general.

Warmongering is conservatives answer to everything... typical dittoheads.
Sorry, which side is agitating for the US to "do something", jerkwad? Doing something means sending in the military. Unless you want to send Rachel Maddow and Nancy Pelosi and scare Boko Haram to death.

You're such a whining little bitch.

Send the military where warmonger?

Do reveal to us your attack strategy. How many American troops? Drones? Tanks? The Navy? The Marines? How about we send the NRA over there?
leave that to CNN and The NY Slimes.
Ame®icano;9084322 said:
1. #BringBackOurGirls

Those are Nigerian girls, not ours.

2. Some say we should attack and free the girls.

Admin not sending help to our own people (remember Benghazi).
Has Nigerian govt asked for help?

It's a scam. We're trying to get our Troops into Nigeria. They have lots of oil, and we want it. They'll likely use this scam to get the Troops in there. Stay tuned.
That's because it's stupid. Hash tags don't free hostages. Action does. The “Bring Back Our Girls” Internet campaign, if you can call it that, is just a way for politicians and Hollywood celebrities to feel good about themselves.

Whoa wait a minute. Are you saying hashtags dont free hostages?

Even if its just a way to feel good while bringing attention to the issue why is that a bad thing again?

It is not a BAD thing, it is a STUPID thing.
It is pointless, we get it you touchy feely dipshits need to make yourselves "feel better" even is its by doing something meaningless.
Twitter losers whining that non twitterers tell everyone how utterly POINTLESS this STUPID practice is.


Thank you for proving my point as that was equally as stupid.

Twitter is out with their ‘Trends for 2012′ revealing that this year’s presidential election’s brought out “record levels of engagement” regarding political topics.

Republican and conservative hashtags rule the top 5 trends on Twitter with the popular #tcot (Top Conservatives on Twitter) at number one.

Here are the top 10:

1) #tcot
2) #teaparty
3) #gop
4) #romney
5) mitt romney
6) #dnc2012
7) #charlotte
8) #gop2012
9) #rnc
10) #obama2012

Republicans Rule Top 5 Political Hashtags in 2012 - Fox Nation

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