Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

So according to the right a goodwill gesture to support support to the girls is a bad thing?


Gestures are just that----token attempts to tell everyone how cool you are because you care. It's horseshit. Hundreds of thousands of people including girls have been murdered in Africa and these hashtag soldiers didn't do shit. More liberals trying to make themselves feel better the easy way.
Because it's a freaking meaningless propaganda statement from the once most powerful Nation in the world that has been reduced to wearing yellow ribbons instead of doing something productive. The low information pop-culture left wing is suitably impressed though.
Another CIA scam. They're angling for a way to get U.S. Troops in there. Lots of oil in Nigeria. These 'Evil Terrorists' you're seeing on video, are likely paid CIA Actors. 'Boko Harem?' Yeah, barely a word about this infamous terrorist group til about 2 weeks ago. Now we're suddenly being bombarded with Boogeyman propaganda 24/7. Something's not right with this. It seems too convenient and contrived. It's most likely about the oil. We want in. This could be the way to accomplish that.
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So according to the right a goodwill gesture to support support to the girls is a bad thing?


Terrible. Next thing you know they'll be saying temporarily supporting someone who cannot find a job is bad, wait...
The more I read these Progressive posts the more I'm convinced that Voter Fraud plays a massive part in electing any given Democrat because there can't possible be this many stupid people in any one place.
Because it's a freaking meaningless propaganda statement from the once most powerful Nation in the world that has been reduced to wearing yellow ribbons instead of doing something productive. The low information pop-culture left wing is suitably impressed though.

You mad? :lol:
CNN reporting they believe the missing girls might be on MAS 370

Yeah, there's something off with this one. Way too much forced propaganda. Call me paranoid, but i'm pretty sure this is a bit of a scam. I think it's a way for us to get our troops into Nigeria. We want in on their oil. This group could very well be a CIA scam. The loons you see in the videos could be paid CIA Actors. I'm not going All-In on this one. But hey, that's just me.
So according to the right a goodwill gesture to support support to the girls is a bad thing?


Gestures are just that----token attempts to tell everyone how cool you are because you care. It's horseshit. Hundreds of thousands of people including girls have been murdered in Africa and these hashtag soldiers didn't do shit. More liberals trying to make themselves feel better the easy way.

So sorry... no time to be politically-correct.
So according to the right a goodwill gesture to support support to the girls is a bad thing?


Gestures are just that----token attempts to tell everyone how cool you are because you care. It's horseshit. Hundreds of thousands of people including girls have been murdered in Africa and these hashtag soldiers didn't do shit. More liberals trying to make themselves feel better the easy way.

So sorry... no time to be politically-correct.

Who gives a shit about what's PC or not ? This is just a liberal feel good fad that accomplishes nothing.

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