CONServatives Not Ever Getting It Right But Trying To Pull the Wool Over Your Eyes!

Wrong side of history? Really?

Who exactly was it that ended slavery and segregation? Cause it sure wasnt the Democrats.
I'll come back when you stop posting propaganda.

"Republican dirty tricks"

Yeah. Whatever.
Bizzarro World is a real thing afterall! And here I just thought it was part of Superman Superhero Fantasy where everything is the opposite of reality. Up is down. Black is white. Exits are entrances and vice versa. Etc.

But I'll be damned! Bizzarro World exists! Now easily observed anywhere a bunch of Liberals hang out.
Wrong side of history? Really?

Who exactly was it that ended slavery and segregation? Cause it sure wasnt the Democrats.
You evidently (and conveniently) didn't read this section in the article. And to answer your question, it certainly was not the Conservatives.

2) "Conservatives opposed freeing the slaves"
Wrong side of history? Really?

Who exactly was it that ended slavery and segregation? Cause it sure wasnt the Democrats.

It sure wasn't Conservatives! Stop hiding behind the skirts of party identity. Conservatives have always provided the resistance, the suppression to issues of civil rights and expanded personal freedoms. What should be slam dunks in the name of liberty have been challenged and resisted by Conservatives. Just look at marriage equality today, the Equal Rights Amendment thirty years ago and the Civil Rights movement fifty years ago for examples of how Conservatives stepped up resistance to freedom and equality.
Wrong side of history? Really?

Who exactly was it that ended slavery and segregation? Cause it sure wasnt the Democrats.
You evidently (and conveniently) didn't read this section in the article. And to answer your question, it certainly was not the Conservatives.

2) "Conservatives opposed freeing the slaves"

You evidently and conveniently are refusing to acknowledge the fact that the political philosophy of conservatives today is what we call classical liberalism of the past. We are conservative because we are trying to preserve the principles the nation was built upon.
Another leftist propaganda site. Yawn.
Keep being in denial about Republicans and how they are always wrong by clicking your red heels and saying "There's no place like home." Say that enough times and you'll actually start to believe your RW bullcrap only, undoubtedly, you already do.
Wrong side of history? Really?

Who exactly was it that ended slavery and segregation? Cause it sure wasnt the Democrats.

It sure wasn't Conservatives! Stop hiding behind the skirts of party identity. Conservatives have always provided the resistance, the suppression to issues of civil rights and expanded personal freedoms. What should be slam dunks in the name of liberty have been challenged and resisted by Conservatives. Just look at marriage equality today, the Equal Rights Amendment thirty years ago and the Civil Rights movement fifty years ago for examples of how Conservatives stepped up resistance to freedom and equality.

You can try to whitewash history but its simply not true. The democrats had become a party increasingly rooted in the southern states, with the northern political scene in a state of disarray. Out of this turmoil, emerged the Republican Party.
Wrong side of history? Really?

Who exactly was it that ended slavery and segregation? Cause it sure wasnt the Democrats.

Northern liberals.

Who drafted the 13th Amendment? James Mitchell Ashley, James F. Wilson, and John Brooks Henderson. All Republicans. Who passed it? Republicans. They had to do some arm wringing to Democrats in order to garner the votes they needed. Who issued the Emancipation Proclamation? Abraham Lincoln, a Republican.
Another leftist propaganda site. Yawn.
Keep being in denial about Republicans and how they are always wrong by clicking your red heels and saying "There's no place like home." Say that enough times and you'll actually start to believe your RW bullcrap only, undoubtedly, you already do.
It's not simply a Republican or Democrat situation. Republicans like Teddy Roosevelt were more Liberal than not while Democrats like George Wallace were rock ribbed Conservatives.

The contention comes from political ideology, not party identity. Republicans were instrumental in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. But they were Liberal in their attitudes about race and equal treatment under law. Southern Democrats, ensconced in office since the Civil War (Lincoln was a Republican who waged a war against state's rights) provided the opposition to civil rights. And those southern Democrats were not Democrats as we know them to be today. Those southern Democrats could be Tea Party members in 2014.

Strom Thurmond (D) South Carolina, took his ball and went home at the Democrat National Convention in 1948. He was miffed at President Truman for desegregating the military. Strom and a bunch of his Conservative buddies staged a revolt calling themselves "Dixiecrats" and mounted a campaign to unseat Truman all over the issue of race and equal treatment under law. Now, if you believe Thurmond would fit right in with a contemporary Democrat, you are sorely mistaken. Thurmond was as crazy with his ideas of equal treatment as many to today's extreme Conservatives.

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