Conservatives/Republican Future Choices for their Party Nomination

Conservatives/Republican Future Choices for their Party Nomination

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Je Suis Charlie
Mar 2, 2013
Given the comments by T-Rump and Carson recently I was listening to NPR this morning and they interviewed a Muslim who had run for a seat in his state legislature as a Republican. He stated that on both fiscal and social issues the GOP aligned with his positions so it was a natural fit for him.

He didn't prevail but for the sake of this OP I am jumping to the future and proposing a situation where the Conservatives are faced with 2 viable candidates to choose for the nomination to become the next POTUS.

One is a Muslim, born and raised in the heartland who is both a fiscal and social conservative.

The other is an atheist, born and raised in the heartland who is both a fiscal and social conservative.

In all other respects both are equally qualified with the requisite experience to be president. Both have policy positions which match your own.

Which do you choose and why?

Yes, I gave you the none of the above option because most of you wouldn't vote for either and I understand that.

What this OP is trying to determine is just how deep is the animosity against these two groups. If none of you can bring yourself to vote for either candidate then it will establish that no amount of outreach is ever going to close the gap.

Please vote and give your reasons for your choices.

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They'll vote for a Mormon, but certainly not a Muslim/Atheist.....unless the Muslim/Atheist candidate can convince them that he/she is really a closet Christian or Mormon, then they'll go all out for him/her.
I don't take polls. They tend to be rigged. Like yours is.

Taking advice from NPR is the sort of mistake that puts democrats like John McCain on the GOP ticket.
Libs love making up far fetched straw man arguments.

Have you been in a coma lately? The two front runners for the Republican party - one has asserted that he wouldn't support a Muslim for President and the other one thinks our current President is Muslim.......that's how whacky those wanting leadership positions are, imagine the followers!
This forum is for discussing real government policies and candidates, not a bunch of progressive hypothetical crap. Mods should move all these types of threads to general discussion.
Libs love making up far fetched straw man arguments.

Have you been in a coma lately? The two front runners for the Republican party - one has asserted that he wouldn't support a Muslim for President and the other one thinks our current President is Muslim.......that's how whacky those wanting leadership positions are, imagine the followers!

Why do you care, you people are convinced Hillary is going to win.
Depends on their positions on the issues, and their resumes.

Assume that both are equally qualified

That was covered in the OP.

IMO, policy positions are the most important factor.

Why would I want someone who was very effective at achieving his goals, if I did not agree with his goals?

Their background tells me more about the type of person and if he is on my side or not.

If one of the two had a strong platform to reduce Third World Immigration, that person would almost certainly get my vote.
Libs love making up far fetched straw man arguments.

Have you been in a coma lately? The two front runners for the Republican party - one has asserted that he wouldn't support a Muslim for President and the other one thinks our current President is Muslim.......that's how whacky those wanting leadership positions are, imagine the followers!

Why do you care, you people are convinced Hillary is going to win.

We shouldn't care...but you should. People from your party are supporting these morons. Even if they don't win, it tells you where the brains of the Republican party are at the present time.
Given the comments by T-Rump and Carson recently I was listening to NPR this morning and they interviewed a Muslim who had run for a seat in his state legislature as a Republican. He stated that on both fiscal and social issues the GOP aligned with his positions so it was a natural fit for him.

He didn't prevail but for the sake of this OP I am jumping to the future and proposing a situation where the Conservatives are faced with 2 viable candidates to choose for the nomination to become the next POTUS.

One is a Muslim, born and raised in the heartland who is both a fiscal and social conservative.

The other is an atheist, born and raised in the heartland who is both a fiscal and social conservative.

In all other respects both are equally qualified with the requisite experience to be president. Both have policy positions which match your own.

Which do you choose and why?

Yes, I gave you the none of the above option because most of you wouldn't vote for either and I understand that.

What this OP is trying to determine is just how deep is the animosity against these two groups. If none of you can bring yourself to vote for either candidate then it will establish that no amount of outreach is ever going to close the gap.

Please vote and give your reasons for your choices.

Islam has been statist from the get go and social values tend to be rape, subjugation, arranged marriages etc.

Atheists tend not to have deep values or passions about anything, and tend to dislike our religious country and its founding documents so neither an Islamic nor atheist extreme minority is a great choice when more obviously representative American choices are always available.
I don't take polls. They tend to be rigged. Like yours is.

Taking advice from NPR is the sort of mistake that puts democrats like John McCain on the GOP ticket.

Polls published by CNN, Fox, Quinnipiac or others are validated by public accounting firms such Ernst & Young, Deloitte & Touché to name a few.
Beauty contest such miss universe, American idol or dancing with the stars uses the same accounting to validate the winner. I can guarantee you 100% that it's not rigged. Just incase you are not aware.
Libs love making up far fetched straw man arguments.

As opposed to the reality of the clown choices you have right now?

Its not our fault you people are stuck with and old harpy candidate.

Your attempt to derail the thread is duly noted.

Which of those two options would you choose?

If you can't then just admit it and move on.

LOL the straw man OP began its life derailed.
I don't take polls. They tend to be rigged. Like yours is.

Taking advice from NPR is the sort of mistake that puts democrats like John McCain on the GOP ticket.

Polls published by CNN, Fox, Quinnipiac or others are validated by public accounting firms such Ernst & Young, Deloitte & Touché to name a few.
Beauty contest such miss universe, American idol or dancing with the stars uses the same accounting to validate the winner. I can guarantee you 100% that it's not rigged. Just incase you are not aware.
The very same?! Golly. Then this thread's poll is so not rigged either! Good to know.

You do know that wording of a poll has an effect on outcome, right? Thought I'd mention it just incase you are not aware.
Given the comments by T-Rump and Carson recently I was listening to NPR this morning and they interviewed a Muslim who had run for a seat in his state legislature as a Republican. He stated that on both fiscal and social issues the GOP aligned with his positions so it was a natural fit for him.

He didn't prevail but for the sake of this OP I am jumping to the future and proposing a situation where the Conservatives are faced with 2 viable candidates to choose for the nomination to become the next POTUS.

One is a Muslim, born and raised in the heartland who is both a fiscal and social conservative.

The other is an atheist, born and raised in the heartland who is both a fiscal and social conservative.

In all other respects both are equally qualified with the requisite experience to be president. Both have policy positions which match your own.

Which do you choose and why?

Yes, I gave you the none of the above option because most of you wouldn't vote for either and I understand that.

What this OP is trying to determine is just how deep is the animosity against these two groups. If none of you can bring yourself to vote for either candidate then it will establish that no amount of outreach is ever going to close the gap.

Please vote and give your reasons for your choices.


Is this your latest attempt at trying to be clever?

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