Conservatives: What is it you expect Biden to do about baby formula?

Serious question. This appears to be the latest outrage seized on by the right. Fair issue to get upset about as it affects a lot of people, but what is it you really expect the federal government to do about it? Just about every industry has experienced supply chain shortages. It took me four months to get my new car I ordered last summer. I'm a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity and it took longer than normal to get the current homes built in the area because of lumber and other shortages. We have new laptops and other IT products we need for people at work on back order with no ETA. Baby formula is just another facet of this, but for some reason the right is focusing on this specific product, so what solution are you expecting and why are you demanding the Feds get involved?
Well, that is a two fold approach....

1. Get out of Abbott's way and allow them to reopen and get to work....

2. Recognize that Government often gets in the way of handling large problems like this...
Yes, and it required an investigation to make sure of that dipshit. In the meantime, you would have just gone ahead and kept selling it. The only thing you care about is how you can use for political gain
There was no connection. That was known months ago. Why are they still shut down?
Serious question. This appears to be the latest outrage seized on by the right. Fair issue to get upset about as it affects a lot of people, but what is it you really expect the federal government to do about it? Just about every industry has experienced supply chain shortages. It took me four months to get my new car I ordered last summer. I'm a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity and it took longer than normal to get the current homes built in the area because of lumber and other shortages. We have new laptops and other IT products we need for people at work on back order with no ETA. Baby formula is just another facet of this, but for some reason the right is focusing on this specific product, so what solution are you expecting and why are you demanding the Feds get involved?

here's your solutions!

There are many pallets of Baby Food along our southern border for the babies of illegal immigrants. The babies of illegal immigrants shall be well fed while US Babies go hungry? The current Administration reacts rather than acting as shortages are uncovered.
To enemy democrats mass starvation is faster than individual abortion.
Serious question. This appears to be the latest outrage seized on by the right. Fair issue to get upset about as it affects a lot of people, but what is it you really expect the federal government to do about it? Just about every industry has experienced supply chain shortages. It took me four months to get my new car I ordered last summer. I'm a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity and it took longer than normal to get the current homes built in the area because of lumber and other shortages. We have new laptops and other IT products we need for people at work on back order with no ETA. Baby formula is just another facet of this, but for some reason the right is focusing on this specific product, so what solution are you expecting and why are you demanding the Feds get involved?
Lol, better question is why all the sky is falling bullshit. God forbid we get off our asses and realize the corporation has hornswagled doctors into doing their bidding. We survived eons with out baby formula. Ever heard of food supplied by nature? I know it's more work than opening a can and warming it up but we'll don't be so damb lazy.
Lol, better question is why all the sky is falling bullshit. God forbid we get off our asses and realize the corporation has hornswagled doctors into doing their bidding. We survived eons with out baby formula. Ever heard of food supplied by nature? I know it's more work than opening a can and warming it up but we'll don't be so damb lazy.
Duh, now women get shots so they don't lactate.

You don't have kids, huh?

Mom's have jobs, and maternity leave isn't very long.

The Xiden administration gets an "F" for baby Formula management. Xiden should have written an EO to expedite imports from the EU as soon as a major manufacturer went down.
Another Xiden disaster. I hope no babies dies from lack of Formula, that would be "manslaughter"...
Duh, now women get shots so they don't lactate.

You don't have kids, huh?

Mom's have jobs, and maternity leave isn't very long.

The Xiden administration gets an "F" for baby Formula management. Xiden should have written an EO to expedite imports from the EU as soon as a major manufacturer went down.
Another Xiden disaster. I hope no babies dies from lack of Formula, that would be "manslaughter"...
Lol, so I remember eons of history where we survived with out baby formula so I don't have kids huh. Hilarious. Ya do what needs to be done to get by and quit being a little bitch. A parent handles what is thrown at them and if you are to damn stupid to survive with out baby formula well then ya kinda get what you deserve.
Lol, so I remember eons of history where we survived with out baby formula so I don't have kids huh. Hilarious. Ya do what needs to be done to get by and quit being a little bitch. A parent handles what is thrown at them and if you are to damn stupid to survive with out baby formula well then ya kinda get what you deserve.
1. You are a clueless whiner. Must be a democrat. Back eons ago moms stayed home and breast fed, not today.
2. So when the government shuts down a major baby formula plant that's doing their job?
3. You are obviously not a parent. You are a young clueless low-IQ moron.
4. No baby deserves to get sick or die because the government caused a preventable baby formula shortage.

No baby deserves to get sick or die because the government caused a preventable baby formula shortage.
1. You are a clueless whiner. Must be a democrat. Back eons ago moms stayed home and breast fed, not today.
2. So when the government shuts down a major baby formula plant that's doing their job?
3. You are obviously not a parent. You are a young clueless low-IQ moron.
4. No baby deserves to get sick or die because the government caused a preventable baby formula shortage.

No baby deserves to get sick or die because the government caused a preventable baby formula shortage.
Lol, here is a slobbering idiot little bitch that says ya can't survive with out baby formula calling some else dumb. Lol I hope this Civil War yall keep talking about does come. If that is what it takes to break your apple cart burying you is going to be pretty easy. Look forward to seeing you across that battle field.
Lol, here is a slobbering idiot little bitch that says ya can't survive with out baby formula calling some else dumb. Lol I hope this Civil War yall keep talking about does come. If that is what it takes to break your apple cart burying you is going to be pretty easy. Look forward to seeing you across that battle field.
LOL....give your mommy her 'puter back kid. You're too stupid to debate here.
LOL....give your mommy her 'puter back kid. You're too stupid to debate here.
Lol, OK shortbus. Ya can't raise a child with out baby formula. You are not even a real conservative. Just a little bitch expecting the government to provide. Hilarious
Serious question. This appears to be the latest outrage seized on by the right. Fair issue to get upset about as it affects a lot of people, but what is it you really expect the federal government to do about it? Just about every industry has experienced supply chain shortages. It took me four months to get my new car I ordered last summer. I'm a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity and it took longer than normal to get the current homes built in the area because of lumber and other shortages. We have new laptops and other IT products we need for people at work on back order with no ETA. Baby formula is just another facet of this, but for some reason the right is focusing on this specific product, so what solution are you expecting and why are you demanding the Feds get involved?
I want him to do just what he's doing, absolutely nothing! My family members who were 2 of his 50 million actual voters can't stand him and said things were better with Trump.

Biden, Pelosi and Schumer and the last ever democrat leaders

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