Conservatives, what pisses you off the most about Democrats

in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.

Pretty much everything. Hatred of Christianity. Hatred of freedom. Removing freedom of speech. Removing right to defend yourself. Taking private property from people. Giving other people's property, to those who have not earned it. Forcing me to fund agencies and policies, that I believe are evil and cruel, and promote a world view I find adherent. Controlling every aspect of my life. Telling me I have to support views I believe are evil, or I'll be forced out of business.

And that's not including the endless hypocrisy. Driving a car while saying fossil fuels are bad. Selling government land oil rights to Occidental Petroleum, while owning shares of the company (Al Gore in the 90s), but then saying Trump has a conflict of interest today? Complaining that Trump destroyed evidence, while ignoring that Hillary had her private server wiped by professional data wiping software? Or just the shameless attempt to destroy a Supreme Court Justice with absolutely zero evidence whatsoever?

The Democraps are truly disgusting terrible people. They are just flat out evil immoral tyrants. Any democrap in this entire forum, that had their entirely life being ruined by utterly false claims with zero evidence, would be throwing a fit of rage at the injustice.... yet didn't stop a single one of them trying to destroy a man with no evidence against him whatsoever.

These are just horrible blobs of scum, that formed a party. Terrible people. All of them.
I have no problems with Dims, I enjoy our conversations and respect their constitutional right to voice their opinion, I only hope someday they will reciprocate and respect my right to respectfully disagree with their train of thought. Regretfully their decibel level is becoming somewhat annoying.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.

Pretty much everything. Hatred of Christianity. Hatred of freedom. Removing freedom of speech. Removing right to defend yourself. Taking private property from people. Giving other people's property, to those who have not earned it. Forcing me to fund agencies and policies, that I believe are evil and cruel, and promote a world view I find adherent. Controlling every aspect of my life. Telling me I have to support views I believe are evil, or I'll be forced out of business.

And that's not including the endless hypocrisy. Driving a car while saying fossil fuels are bad. Selling government land oil rights to Occidental Petroleum, while owning shares of the company (Al Gore in the 90s), but then saying Trump has a conflict of interest today? Complaining that Trump destroyed evidence, while ignoring that Hillary had her private server wiped by professional data wiping software? Or just the shameless attempt to destroy a Supreme Court Justice with absolutely zero evidence whatsoever?

The Democraps are truly disgusting terrible people. They are just flat out evil immoral tyrants. Any democrap in this entire forum, that had their entirely life being ruined by utterly false claims with zero evidence, would be throwing a fit of rage at the injustice.... yet didn't stop a single one of them trying to destroy a man with no evidence against him whatsoever.

These are just horrible blobs of scum, that formed a party. Terrible people. All of them.

Dont forget Democrats have also turned into the ANTI-white party while practically WORSHIPPING Negroids and Muslims!!
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.
Good question.
Number one thier feeling about immigration and how they try to skin color as a weapon
I don't hate Democrats, I just think most are pathetic. Somewhat like the far right who can discern right from wrong. There are always extenuating circumstances and we can't assume an entire section of our country are losers.
You think a fetus is not a baby
Personally, I think a fetus is a fetus, a baby is a baby and a bicycle is not a unicycle.
Somehow Democrats feel that a fetus is less than a dog. A puppy has more of a chan ce of living that a fetus of a baby. Now, that is sad. No one thinks of cutting a puppy up in the stomach of a mother dog just to pull it out piece by piece.

How did we learn to be so cruel?
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.
They hate white people.

The hate Christians(aka “Easter worshippers”)

They hate men.

And they claim to be progressive despite hating these people for no reason.
When a conservative doesn't like something, he or she usually ignores it..

Like gun control, affirmative action, climate change and abortion?

Gun control is more government control. Like our founders, conservatives are against more government.

Affirmative action is simply reverse discrimination. Conservatives are against discrimination of any kind.

Climate change is an unproven theory that we have spent trillions on thanks to Democrats.

Abortion is about the only thing you actually have.
Abortion is murder.
You think a fetus is not a baby
Personally, I think a fetus is a fetus, a baby is a baby and a bicycle is not a unicycle.
you are aware the word fetus means child or offspring,,,
Can you tell the difference between a human fetus, a rabbit fetus or a horse fetus at five days after conception?

why does that matter???
is that how you justify murder by calling it a rabbit??
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in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.
They hate white people.

The hate Christians(aka “Easter worshippers”)

They hate men.

And they claim to be progressive despite hating these people for no reason.
Do you think there are white Christian men who are members of the Democrat party?
You think a fetus is not a baby
Personally, I think a fetus is a fetus, a baby is a baby and a bicycle is not a unicycle.
you are aware the word fetus means child or offspring,,,
Can you tell the difference between a human fetus, a rabbit fetus or a horse fetus at five days after conception?

why does that matter???
is that how you justify murder by calling it a rabbit??
It's hard to say 'human life' before any characteristics of humanity. You would give an ovum and a sperm cell the power, rights and privileges of a human being given the chance.
You think a fetus is not a baby
Personally, I think a fetus is a fetus, a baby is a baby and a bicycle is not a unicycle.
you are aware the word fetus means child or offspring,,,
Can you tell the difference between a human fetus, a rabbit fetus or a horse fetus at five days after conception?

why does that matter???
is that how you justify murder by calling it a rabbit??
It's hard to say 'human life' before any characteristics of humanity. You would give an ovum and a sperm cell the power, rights and privileges of a human being given the chance.
I like how thin your line is to justify murder,,,,try moving it to 6 weeks which after that is when most abortions are performed

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