Conservatives, what pisses you off the most about Democrats

A woman should be aware she is pregnant
Six weeks after conception is too short a period. A woman may not even be aware she is pregnant. If you want to ban all abortions of zygotes six weeks old, you are basically banning any and all abortions.

Should women then resort to other methods of control?
Abstinence prevents pregnancies 100% of the time.
Really? Did it work in the Palin family?
I dont recall the palins wanting others to pay for their child,,,or wanting to abort it,,,

in fact they seemed very happy the child is alive and with them,,,
Did abstinence work in their case? Sarah is a proponent of Abstinence and yet she has a grandchild.

Abstinence prevents pregnancies 100% of the time. Well, I guess not.
They hate white people.

The hate Christians(aka “Easter worshippers”)

They hate men.

And they claim to be progressive despite hating these people for no reason.
Do you think there are white Christian men who are members of the Democrat party?
Were there Jewish members of the SS?
the fact that a bunch of them wouldnt last long on "Are You Dumber Than A Fifth Grader"?...can u imagine the likes of Maxine and AOC on that show?
Today’s young white liberals make Maxine Waters and AOC look like geniuses.
we can vision it. Host: Ok, for 5000.00 Dollars,,,Mizz Cortez,,,,what country lies just north of the united states?....pause....Cortez:,,so like, what country like is just north of the united states,,,ahh,,,like,,,I think that like,,it's like,,Russia?
Alaska, right?
Six weeks after conception is too short a period. A woman may not even be aware she is pregnant. If you want to ban all abortions of zygotes six weeks old, you are basically banning any and all abortions.

Should women then resort to other methods of control?
Abstinence prevents pregnancies 100% of the time.
Really? Did it work in the Palin family?
I dont recall the palins wanting others to pay for their child,,,or wanting to abort it,,,

in fact they seemed very happy the child is alive and with them,,,
Did abstinence work in their case? Sarah is a proponent of Abstinence and yet she has a grandchild.

Abstinence prevents pregnancies 100% of the time. Well, I guess not.

obviously she didnt stay abstinent,,,

your attempt at changing the subject is noted,,,
Six weeks after conception is too short a period. A woman may not even be aware she is pregnant. If you want to ban all abortions of zygotes six weeks old, you are basically banning any and all abortions.

Should women then resort to other methods of control?
Abstinence prevents pregnancies 100% of the time.
Really? Did it work in the Palin family?
I dont recall the palins wanting others to pay for their child,,,or wanting to abort it,,,

in fact they seemed very happy the child is alive and with them,,,
Did abstinence work in their case? Sarah is a proponent of Abstinence and yet she has a grandchild.

Abstinence prevents pregnancies 100% of the time. Well, I guess not.
People eventually decide they actually want kids, moron.
Do you think there are white Christian men who are members of the Democrat party?
Were there Jewish members of the SS?
the fact that a bunch of them wouldnt last long on "Are You Dumber Than A Fifth Grader"?...can u imagine the likes of Maxine and AOC on that show?
Today’s young white liberals make Maxine Waters and AOC look like geniuses.
we can vision it. Host: Ok, for 5000.00 Dollars,,,Mizz Cortez,,,,what country lies just north of the united states?....pause....Cortez:,,so like, what country like is just north of the united states,,,ahh,,,like,,,I think that like,,it's like,,Russia?
Alaska, right?
well,,,"Summa People, in our nation can see Alaska from thier house"
Democrats lie all the time.
Democrats cheat all the time.
Democrats tell you to save the planet, then they jet off in their private jets.
Democrats ban everything, straws, plastic bags, now buildings made of glass and steel.
Democrat women are ugly as sin.
Democrats think "Men with Boobs" are actually women and force the rest of US to accept them as normal.
Democrats tell US that when it is hot outside it is global warming, then when it is cold outside it is weather.
Democrats want to fundamentally transform this country into a 3rd world shit hole, like what is happening to California.
Democrats are either "misguided" and need to wake up, or they are just EVIL as can be.
Democrats try to tell everyone else that conservatives are bad, while they are doing all those I have listed before.

View attachment 257381
Since when is lying and cheating been bad things? Sure, before 2016, but the dynamic has changed.

Your other reasons seem to me to be rather silly. But thanks!

There you go! It is just a thread for Nosmo to insult. He wants no discussion, he isn't really interested in understanding. BIG FAIL!!!! Just like other lefties that pretend to want to understand.
No. I just responded to som pretty blatant hypocrisy. I did not learn anything new or different.

Of course not. LOL! You weren't looking, you are a closed minded leftist and you don't care what the right thinks, like I said it was an excuse to slam the other side. Nothing but a bait thread. Thanks for proving what a liar you are.
Everything you know is garbage right wing propaganda from Rupert Murdoch and other a****** greedy idiot billionaires and bought off demagogues like rush and Levin etc etc, so that might be a problem.... The GOP tax cuts for the rich and the resultant cuts in services for everyone else the last 35 years have given us the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world by far. For the richest country that is a obscene disgrace.

Oh gooooooddd, the dopey left wing liar chimes in again.

Look stupid dupe, nothing I just posted was propaganda, Nosmos is here with dishonest intentions. No propaganda asshole the straight up truth. Unless you have anything to counter what I said and not just your usual lumping everyone into your narrow minded bigoted stereotype, let me know, otherwise you are a waste of air and space, hater moronic dupe.
Democrats are modern day Nazis who seek to destroy the white man and punish him for the real and imagined sins of his ancestors

Democrats lie all the time.
Democrats cheat all the time.
Democrats tell you to save the planet, then they jet off in their private jets.
Democrats ban everything, straws, plastic bags, now buildings made of glass and steel.
Democrat women are ugly as sin.
Democrats think "Men with Boobs" are actually women and force the rest of US to accept them as normal.
Democrats tell US that when it is hot outside it is global warming, then when it is cold outside it is weather.
Democrats want to fundamentally transform this country into a 3rd world shit hole, like what is happening to California.
Democrats are either "misguided" and need to wake up, or they are just EVIL as can be.
Democrats try to tell everyone else that conservatives are bad, while they are doing all those I have listed before.

View attachment 257381
Since when is lying and cheating been bad things? Sure, before 2016, but the dynamic has changed.

Your other reasons seem to me to be rather silly. But thanks!

There you go! It is just a thread for Nosmo to insult. He wants no discussion, he isn't really interested in understanding. BIG FAIL!!!! Just like other lefties that pretend to want to understand.
No. I just responded to som pretty blatant hypocrisy. I did not learn anything new or different.

Of course not. LOL! You weren't looking, you are a closed minded leftist and you don't care what the right thinks, like I said it was an excuse to slam the other side. Nothing but a bait thread. Thanks for proving what a liar you are.
Thanks for participating! I learned a lot from you.

You will never learn a lot because you are a dishonest bigot. If you really tried to reach across and understand, I'd stick up for you but you don't so you are just another left wing bigoted asshole. Nothing new to see, you are just like nat and fort, lying sacks of crap.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.
Inability to maintain eye contact.
Ds cannot turn their arguments into a flowchart.
Democrats lie all the time.
Democrats cheat all the time.
Democrats tell you to save the planet, then they jet off in their private jets.
Democrats ban everything, straws, plastic bags, now buildings made of glass and steel.
Democrat women are ugly as sin.
Democrats think "Men with Boobs" are actually women and force the rest of US to accept them as normal.
Democrats tell US that when it is hot outside it is global warming, then when it is cold outside it is weather.
Democrats want to fundamentally transform this country into a 3rd world shit hole, like what is happening to California.
Democrats are either "misguided" and need to wake up, or they are just EVIL as can be.
Democrats try to tell everyone else that conservatives are bad, while they are doing all those I have listed before.

View attachment 257381
Since when is lying and cheating been bad things? Sure, before 2016, but the dynamic has changed.

Your other reasons seem to me to be rather silly. But thanks!

There you go! It is just a thread for Nosmo to insult. He wants no discussion, he isn't really interested in understanding. BIG FAIL!!!! Just like other lefties that pretend to want to understand.
No. I just responded to som pretty blatant hypocrisy. I did not learn anything new or different.

Of course not. LOL! You weren't looking, you are a closed minded leftist and you don't care what the right thinks, like I said it was an excuse to slam the other side. Nothing but a bait thread. Thanks for proving what a liar you are.
Everything you know is garbage right wing propaganda from Rupert Murdoch and other a****** greedy idiot billionaires and bought off demagogues like rush and Levin etc etc, so that might be a problem.... The GOP tax cuts for the rich and the resultant cuts in services for everyone else the last 35 years have given us the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world by far. For the richest country that is a obscene disgrace.
/——-/ And yet the market continues to rise.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.
Their Commitment to Lying as a Way of Life, and as a Religious Dogma.

To Lie is to be a Democrat. To be a Democrat is to Lie.

They delight in the hearing and telling of lies. To lie is a duty to them, and they do not feel alive unless they are lying or hearing lies. You can therefore NEVER had a reasonable or logical discussion with such persons who devotes their life to lying and propagating lies.
They abhor truth, and hate those who tell the truth. The Truth enrages them as if one were throwing Holy Water on them. Such people have no ethics and no morals and their only goals are to satisfy their own selfish desires and magnify their egos at the expense of others.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

9 The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, 10 and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. 11 For this reason, God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie, 12 in order that judgment will come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.
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in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.
Democrats lie all the time.
Democrats cheat all the time.
Democrats tell you to save the planet, then they jet off in their private jets.
Democrats ban everything, straws, plastic bags, now buildings made of glass and steel.
Democrat women are ugly as sin.
Democrats think "Men with Boobs" are actually women and force the rest of US to accept them as normal.
Democrats tell US that when it is hot outside it is global warming, then when it is cold outside it is weather.
Democrats want to fundamentally transform this country into a 3rd world shit hole, like what is happening to California.
Democrats are either "misguided" and need to wake up, or they are just EVIL as can be.
Democrats try to tell everyone else that conservatives are bad, while they are doing all those I have listed before.

View attachment 257381
Since when is lying and cheating been bad things? Sure, before 2016, but the dynamic has changed.

Your other reasons seem to me to be rather silly. But thanks!

There you go! It is just a thread for Nosmo to insult. He wants no discussion, he isn't really interested in understanding. BIG FAIL!!!! Just like other lefties that pretend to want to understand.
No. I just responded to som pretty blatant hypocrisy. I did not learn anything new or different.
youre one to complain about blatant hypocrisy,,,
why does that matter???
is that how you justify murder by calling it a rabbit??
It's hard to say 'human life' before any characteristics of humanity. You would give an ovum and a sperm cell the power, rights and privileges of a human being given the chance.
I like how thin your line is to justify murder,,,,try moving it to 6 weeks which after that is when most abortions are performed
A woman should be aware she is pregnant
Six weeks after conception is too short a period. A woman may not even be aware she is pregnant. If you want to ban all abortions of zygotes six weeks old, you are basically banning any and all abortions.

Should women then resort to other methods of control?
abortion is not birth control,,,its murder,,,
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats. Mexicrats just can’t be taken serious at all.
Reasons Democrats can’t be taken serious.
It's more accurate to say, "They cannot be believed" When was the last time you talked to a Democrat that told you the truth about anything?

Nosmo sure proved you correct by starting this thread.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats. Mexicrats just can’t be taken serious at all.
Reasons Democrats can’t be taken serious.
It's more accurate to say, "They cannot be believed" When was the last time you talked to a Democrat that told you the truth about anything?

Nosmo sure proved you correct by starting this thread.
What i see here is a compendium of human flaws not exclusive to any political ideology.

Everyone lies. Everyone assumes an air of self righteous indignation. Eveyone asserts their view as superior.

What a Conservatives call Liberals, Liberals call Conservatives. What pisses Conservatives off about Democrats is what pisses Democrats off about Conservatives.

What about policy differences? What policy differences are there that simply cannot be resolved? I believe if a problem is created by man, it certainly can be solved by man.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats. Mexicrats just can’t be taken serious at all.
Reasons Democrats can’t be taken serious.
It's more accurate to say, "They cannot be believed" When was the last time you talked to a Democrat that told you the truth about anything?

Nosmo sure proved you correct by starting this thread.
What i see here is a compendium of human flaws not exclusive to any political ideology.

Everyone lies. Everyone assumes an air of self righteous indignation. Eveyone asserts their view as superior.

What a Conservatives call Liberals, Liberals call Conservatives. What pisses Conservatives off about Democrats is what pisses Democrats off about Conservatives.

What about policy differences? What policy differences are there that simply cannot be resolved? I believe if a problem is created by man, it certainly can be solved by man.
There are very few conservatives in D.C. Progs are now calling Christians Easter worshippers as the continuing removal of Christianity and eventual persecution of them moves on.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.

Speaking for those who claim to be conservatives (very few post on this message board) the faux conservatives are really pissed off that Democrats are much more intelligent then they are, more informed and honest.

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