Conservatives, what pisses you off the most about Democrats

Dems are subvert, as opposed to the Rep's overt allegaince to $$$

either party is dildo's....

no its not,,,

100 per cent proven by modelling. Only neocon wing nuts with the IQ of a peanut think otherwise. Oh, and conspiracy theory whackadoodles.
modeling doesnt prove anything other than what they designed it to,,,

You really don't have a clue how modelling works do you?
sure i do,,,and it most cases it is designed to a preconceived outcome,,,so unless you post a link to the specific model you are referring I call bullshit,,,
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.

Nosmo King I'm a Democrat with the same criticisms that
my Conservative friends and fellow Constitutionalists have,
except I blame it on the person's ideology and not the party label.

5. Not recognizing that party beliefs constitute the equivalent of
a political religion, which the govt is not supposed to establish
or prohibit at the expense of another person's creed.

4. Not recognizing either
a. the same Constitutional principles, process or limits that Conservatives believe in as the meaning of Constitutional law or
b. that these AT LEAST constitute BELIEFS that should be respected and protected even if someone else disagrees with or doesn't believe them

3. Insisting on excluding the rights and beliefs of others based on "separation of church and state" while not applying the same principle to Democrats' OWN beliefs. Thus constituting Discrimination by Creed. And blaming "the other party" for what one's own party does goes in vicious circles.

2. Refusing to mediate to resolve conflicts, but insisting on bullying by coercion or exclusion and teaching dependence on "majority or judicial rule" instead of respecting CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED as the basis of civil laws and contracts.

NOTE: when people argue that "Republicans do the same thing" my response is that when I hold Conservatives to their own principles, using either the Constitution or Scripture in the case of Christians,
I find they ACCEPT responsibility for corrections by these laws they commit to follow.

Not so with Democrats who rely on partisan power instead of authority by invoking and enforcing LAWS.

That is the worst grievance I have with fellow Democrats.

1. Failure to teach knowledge and authority of law which equally empowers all people. To teach dependence on funding party campaigns, elections of party leaders to govt, and court rulings fuels the cycles of political inequality oppression and victimhood.

They don't teach that the more resources and rights you authorize Govt to secure for you, you lose standing to check your own Govt and the more leverage you give away to others to string you along.

It's sad that the party that CLAIMS to defend women from abuse and dependence on men continues to teach people to depend on govt in an ABUSIVE relationship.

And the party that CLAIMS to defend free choice and "separation of church and state" acts as a political religion regulating beliefs about health care through govt.

If "liberalism" isn't a disease, or mental disorder as it is criticized,
it certainly is crazy-making. I can't figure it out, and can only conclude
that people "in this stage of social development" have their beliefs until they forgive or resolve whatever fears or conflicts keep them in that dependent state of mind, unable or unwilling to work with others on solutions that don't require
depending on party or govt as they are currently teaching by mass propaganda,
like a political religion or cult.

You have free choice to ascribe to whatever religious organization or cult you affiliate or identify with. I understand that much.

But I don't understand what makes anyone think they have the right to inflict this belief system on anyone else, especially not through govt, and especially when they themselves claim to champion "separation of church and state" and "freedom of choice."
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I won't vote Democrat and just can't vote for the gop, the one percenter party. Forced to go third party.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats. Mexicrats just can’t be taken serious at all.
Reasons Democrats can’t be taken serious.
It's more accurate to say, "They cannot be believed" When was the last time you talked to a Democrat that told you the truth about anything?

Nosmo sure proved you correct by starting this thread.
What i see here is a compendium of human flaws not exclusive to any political ideology.

Everyone lies. Everyone assumes an air of self righteous indignation. Eveyone asserts their view as superior.

What a Conservatives call Liberals, Liberals call Conservatives. What pisses Conservatives off about Democrats is what pisses Democrats off about Conservatives.

What about policy differences? What policy differences are there that simply cannot be resolved? I believe if a problem is created by man, it certainly can be solved by man.

It's simple you guys want to sit around and do no works, ya all want to play the victim.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats. Mexicrats just can’t be taken serious at all.
Reasons Democrats can’t be taken serious.
It's more accurate to say, "They cannot be believed" When was the last time you talked to a Democrat that told you the truth about anything?

Nosmo sure proved you correct by starting this thread.
What i see here is a compendium of human flaws not exclusive to any political ideology.

Everyone lies. Everyone assumes an air of self righteous indignation. Eveyone asserts their view as superior.

What a Conservatives call Liberals, Liberals call Conservatives. What pisses Conservatives off about Democrats is what pisses Democrats off about Conservatives.

What about policy differences? What policy differences are there that simply cannot be resolved? I believe if a problem is created by man, it certainly can be solved by man.

It's simple you guys want to sit around and do no works, ya all want to play the victim.
I’ll alert my boss. And the next time I hear “witch hunt”, I’ll not think someone is playing the victim
What I said is that if a conservative doesn't like something, as in something that's a choice.

How much money have I spent on climate change? I buy gas, I buy cars, I'm a truck driver. Climate change people have a negative impact on my life. In fact I have to buy license plate tags for my car in a few months, and now I have to take a trip to one of those stupid testing places to have my car tasted. Waste of my time, waste of gas, waste of my money, and doesn't do anything.

Gun control has an affect on me. It would give me limited choices, increased costs, and perhaps a denial of weapon ownership.

On the other hand, if a liberal sees parents at McDonald's enjoying their happy meals with their children. It doesn't affect them in any way. They just don't like it. So they run to their representatives to stop those people from being sold happy meals.

Take Mrs, fat-ass herself. Kids are in school enjoying their lunches, and she comes along to take away all the items she doesn't want them to have. It's none of her Fn business what kids want to eat. That's between the parents and perhaps the schools. What kids eat didn't affect her life one bit. She just didn't like what kids like to eat.

The point is that conservatives will fight to live the way they want to live, and liberals fight to have people live the way liberals want them to live.

Total utter poppycock. Conservatives want to decide if gays can marry or not. None of your business. They want to decide if women have abortions or not. None of your business. They want corporations to be laissez faire when it comes to polluting the environment - MONEY WINS at all cost. What a load of crap. It is okay to like money AND have a social conscience. Something conservatives find very hard to do. The conservative mantra from where I sit is "money trumps everything". What a crap way to live.

As for the fat ass kid eating McDonalds and being none of my business. It is my business when he or she weights 300 lbs by the time they are 15 and want to sit next to me on a flight, or expect the public health system to look after them because they can't stop stuffing their faces with shit food.

You always had to buy tags for your freaking car.

Yes, we always bought tags for our cars, but we never had to go through E-Check years ago. You just got your tags and that was it.

So government should control what kids eat so you might not have to sit next to them in a plane? That's the best you can come up with? Then why don't we outlaw video games and cell phones for kids? That's what's really causing them to gain weight--not the food they eat. Kids today don't get nearly enough exercise because of all the modern technology we have. That's why you can't communicate in a professional baseball league team unless you speak Spanish.

You people on the left cry about the environment, and then when your people are in charge and the feds institute multi-million dollar regulations on businesses, you're the first people to run to Walmart to buy your goods because the American products are too expensive for you to buy. Then you cry about American workers not making enough pay to boot.
People who eat alot of fast foods raise my insurance premiums. Losing weight is easy. Exercise and change your eating habits. If you don't just pay more.
Yes, we always bought tags for our cars, but we never had to go through E-Check years ago. You just got your tags and that was it.

So government should control what kids eat so you might not have to sit next to them in a plane? That's the best you can come up with? Then why don't we outlaw video games and cell phones for kids? That's what's really causing them to gain weight--not the food they eat. Kids today don't get nearly enough exercise because of all the modern technology we have. That's why you can't communicate in a professional baseball league team unless you speak Spanish.

You people on the left cry about the environment, and then when your people are in charge and the feds institute multi-million dollar regulations on businesses, you're the first people to run to Walmart to buy your goods because the American products are too expensive for you to buy. Then you cry about American workers not making enough pay to boot.

What does an e-check entail?

Lack in exercise is only a small part of it. Almost all overweight people are overweight because they over eat. As a psychologist once told me, obese people will say things like "my whole family is big. Our family has a gene's issue" to which she always replied, "no, your family has an overeating issue."
You people on the left cry about the environment, and then when your people are in charge and the feds institute multi-million dollar regulations on businesses, you're the first people to run to Walmart to buy your goods because the American products are too expensive for you to buy. Then you cry about American workers not making enough pay to boot.

Depends on the regulation. Dunno about you, but I like clean water and air.
You people on the left cry about the environment, and then when your people are in charge and the feds institute multi-million dollar regulations on businesses, you're the first people to run to Walmart to buy your goods because the American products are too expensive for you to buy. Then you cry about American workers not making enough pay to boot.

Depends on the regulation. Dunno about you, but I like clean water and air.

And we Republicans don't because we breathe and drink different stuff than the rest of you people.

Did you ever consider there is such thing as over regulation? Let me give you an example since I brought it up.

Years ago the feds came to our town and said they don't like our air quality. Okay, then go home and we'll survive without you. No. The feds insisted we clean up our air, so they instituted this idiotic program called E-Check.

E-Check started out with taking your cars to stations that put the vehicle on rollers. The attendant gunned the engine for over a minute on those rollers to test the carbon output on the vehicle. It caused many problems that led to lawsuits. Those workers blew the engines on several vehicles. One time the rollers malfunctioned, and the vehicle crashed through the garage door almost killing the attendant.

If your car failed, all you had to do is get $250.00 of work done towards making your old car cleaner, and you drove off with smoke coming out of your exhaust back to the E-Check station to get your approval.

After about ten years, they tested our air quality again, and no improvements. So instead of concluding the program was a failure, they insisted we keep it and it's still going on today.

Those tens (if not hundreds) of millions of dollars could have been used for better things in our state besides a program that didn't produce any results.
If they don't like the comparison, then maybe they should stop talking racial retribution.

I don't think it's appropriate to blame others for your dumb comparisons. With that said, you're free to make them. It's a free country after all.


It's a perfectly appropriate comparison. Much of the left's rhetoric regarding white males sounds like something borrowed from Mein Kampf.


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The author is white and talks about disliking white supremacist ideology.

"Stopping" them is not quite the same as what Hitler had in mind, lol.
“White supremacy” is a strawman for racists.
Yes, we always bought tags for our cars, but we never had to go through E-Check years ago. You just got your tags and that was it.

So government should control what kids eat so you might not have to sit next to them in a plane? That's the best you can come up with? Then why don't we outlaw video games and cell phones for kids? That's what's really causing them to gain weight--not the food they eat. Kids today don't get nearly enough exercise because of all the modern technology we have. That's why you can't communicate in a professional baseball league team unless you speak Spanish.

You people on the left cry about the environment, and then when your people are in charge and the feds institute multi-million dollar regulations on businesses, you're the first people to run to Walmart to buy your goods because the American products are too expensive for you to buy. Then you cry about American workers not making enough pay to boot.

What does an e-check entail?

Lack in exercise is only a small part of it. Almost all overweight people are overweight because they over eat. As a psychologist once told me, obese people will say things like "my whole family is big. Our family has a gene's issue" to which she always replied, "no, your family has an overeating issue."

Then I think you better get a new shrink because this one doesn't seem to know anything about heredity.

We ate all kinds of junk when we were kids. But most kids didn't have a problem with weight because back then, entertainment was nothing like it is today.

We had three channels on our television set, and during the summer, they played reruns so you seen everything anyway. Most homes had one television set, one landline telephone, a stereo perhaps with an 8-track player.

We went to the movies as a family about four or five times a year. Other than that, all your entertainment was outside.

In the summer when we were off of school, you dashed out of the house after breakfast and didn't return until lunch. After lunch, you ran out of the house again and didn't return until dinner.

We rode our bicycles for miles a day. We played sports and various other physical games. We had a wooded area where we climbed trees and hiked hills. Even in the winter time, that was sled riding season where you hiked up hills to get to the top.

In the summer, you don't see a lot of kids outside today. They are in the house watching one of the 400 channels on their cable. They are texting their friends instead of riding their bikes to see them; or video chat. The only sports they play is on one of their four video game systems.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.
Your control freak nature, You’re constantly wanting to get into business that is none of your business...
When a conservative doesn't like something, he or she usually ignores it..

Like gun control, affirmative action, climate change and abortion?
Gun control has nothing to do with guns it’s all about control...
Affirmative action is beyond fucked up, It’s incredibly harmful to minorities. Just look at the fucking Indian reservation
Climate change has nothing to do with the climate it’s all about control…
Abortion should be none of the federal governments business… Simple as that
You think a fetus is not a baby
Personally, I think a fetus is a fetus, a baby is a baby and a bicycle is not a unicycle.
you are aware the word fetus means child or offspring,,,
Can you tell the difference between a human fetus, a rabbit fetus or a horse fetus at five days after conception?
Well, a human fetus is in a human… A rabbit fetus is in a rabbit... a horse fetus is in a horse... number of days doesn’t mean shit
Democrats lie all the time.
Democrats cheat all the time.
Democrats tell you to save the planet, then they jet off in their private jets.
Democrats ban everything, straws, plastic bags, now buildings made of glass and steel.
Democrat women are ugly as sin.
Democrats think "Men with Boobs" are actually women and force the rest of US to accept them as normal.
Democrats tell US that when it is hot outside it is global warming, then when it is cold outside it is weather.
Democrats want to fundamentally transform this country into a 3rd world shit hole, like what is happening to California.
Democrats are either "misguided" and need to wake up, or they are just EVIL as can be.
Democrats try to tell everyone else that conservatives are bad, while they are doing all those I have listed before.

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Since when is lying and cheating been bad things? Sure, before 2016, but the dynamic has changed.

Your other reasons seem to me to be rather silly. But thanks!

There you go! It is just a thread for Nosmo to insult. He wants no discussion, he isn't really interested in understanding. BIG FAIL!!!! Just like other lefties that pretend to want to understand.
No. I just responded to som pretty blatant hypocrisy. I did not learn anything new or different.

Of course not. LOL! You weren't looking, you are a closed minded leftist and you don't care what the right thinks, like I said it was an excuse to slam the other side. Nothing but a bait thread. Thanks for proving what a liar you are.
Everything you know is garbage right wing propaganda from Rupert Murdoch and other a****** greedy idiot billionaires and bought off demagogues like rush and Levin etc etc, so that might be a problem.... The GOP tax cuts for the rich and the resultant cuts in services for everyone else the last 35 years have given us the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world by far. For the richest country that is a obscene disgrace.
When will you realize there is no difference between the parties… Weasel boy

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