Conservatives, what pisses you off the most about Democrats

in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.

Speaking for those who claim to be conservatives (very few post on this message board) the faux conservatives are really pissed off that Democrats are much more intelligent then they are, more informed and honest.

So you aren't a Democrat? To each his own.
Democrats are modern day Nazis who seek to destroy the white man and punish him for the real and imagined sins of his ancestors


If they don't like the comparison, then maybe they should stop talking racial retribution.

I don't think it's appropriate to blame others for your dumb comparisons. With that said, you're free to make them. It's a free country after all.

Democrats are modern day Nazis who seek to destroy the white man and punish him for the real and imagined sins of his ancestors


If they don't like the comparison, then maybe they should stop talking racial retribution.

I don't think it's appropriate to blame others for your dumb comparisons. With that said, you're free to make them. It's a free country after all.


It's a perfectly appropriate comparison. Much of the left's rhetoric regarding white males sounds like something borrowed from Mein Kampf.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.

Well, let me ask this first, for clarification.

By "Democrats", do you mean people on the political left in general, or specifically members of the Democrat Party?
Democrats are modern day Nazis who seek to destroy the white man and punish him for the real and imagined sins of his ancestors


If they don't like the comparison, then maybe they should stop talking racial retribution.

I don't think it's appropriate to blame others for your dumb comparisons. With that said, you're free to make them. It's a free country after all.


It's a perfectly appropriate comparison. Much of the left's rhetoric regarding white males sounds like something borrowed from Mein Kampf.

What about policy differences? What policy differences are there that simply cannot be resolved? I believe if a problem is created by man, it certainly can be solved by man.

"We cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it."
Alber Einstein.
Democrats are modern day Nazis who seek to destroy the white man and punish him for the real and imagined sins of his ancestors


If they don't like the comparison, then maybe they should stop talking racial retribution.

I don't think it's appropriate to blame others for your dumb comparisons. With that said, you're free to make them. It's a free country after all.


It's a perfectly appropriate comparison. Much of the left's rhetoric regarding white males sounds like something borrowed from Mein Kampf.


white men2.jpg
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.

Well, let me ask this first, for clarification.

By "Democrats", do you mean people on the political left in general, or specifically members of the Democrat Party?
Registered Democrats.
What about policy differences? What policy differences are there that simply cannot be resolved? I believe if a problem is created by man, it certainly can be solved by man.

"We cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it."
Alber Einstein.
What would life be like if you had images matin and optimism?
They hate white people.

The hate Christians(aka “Easter worshippers”)

They hate men.

And they claim to be progressive despite hating these people for no reason.
Do you think there are white Christian men who are members of the Democrat party?
Were there Jewish members of the SS?
the fact that a bunch of them wouldnt last long on "Are You Dumber Than A Fifth Grader"?...can u imagine the likes of Maxine and AOC on that show?
Today’s young white liberals make Maxine Waters and AOC look like geniuses.
we can vision it. Host: Ok, for 5000.00 Dollars,,,Mizz Cortez,,,,what country lies just north of the united states?....pause....Cortez:,,so like, what country like is just north of the united states,,,ahh,,,like,,,I think that like,,it's like,,Russia?

in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.

Well, let me ask this first, for clarification.

By "Democrats", do you mean people on the political left in general, or specifically members of the Democrat Party?
Registered Democrats.

In that case, it's that they're the official embodiment of a "political gain at all costs" mentality that I find repulsive.

For the record, my primary point of offense about the Republican Party is that, as a group, their politicians don't appear to have a complete set of testicles among them. Every time one of them appears to give glimmers of hope in that direction, the other crabs pull him back down into the bucket and smother him.
In that case, it's that they're the official embodiment of a "political gain at all costs" mentality that I find repulsive.

Even more repulsive than that is how Democrats always have an ulterior motive instead of just being honest of who they are.

I was listening to some audio clips of Pocahontas on the radio today. She was going on and on about how she wanted more people to experience college by the rich paying for it. How we need to draw more students into college for the future of the country because she's so concerned about America.

See, if she was honest, she'd come right out and say she wants more government dependents. She wants more people in college because that's where the liberal indoctrination continues after the kids get out of public school. You don't become a liberal after the mind is developed. You need to inject liberalism while the mind is developing.

Or how about Andrew Yang and his proposal to lower the voting age to 16. He has all kinds of BS reasons of why he wants to lower the age except the honest one, and that is kids don't know WTF they'd be voting on, and because schools are indoctrination centers for liberalism, let the teachers brainwash the kids into voting for Democrats.

Lower the Voting Age to 16 - Andrew Yang for President

Democrats are power hungry liars and phonies, and they will make up any BS to try and fool the sheep into thinking their ideas are for the better of this country instead of the betterment of them and their party.

If they don't like the comparison, then maybe they should stop talking racial retribution.

I don't think it's appropriate to blame others for your dumb comparisons. With that said, you're free to make them. It's a free country after all.


It's a perfectly appropriate comparison. Much of the left's rhetoric regarding white males sounds like something borrowed from Mein Kampf.


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The author is white and talks about disliking white supremacist ideology.

"Stopping" them is not quite the same as what Hitler had in mind, lol.
What I said is that if a conservative doesn't like something, as in something that's a choice.

How much money have I spent on climate change? I buy gas, I buy cars, I'm a truck driver. Climate change people have a negative impact on my life. In fact I have to buy license plate tags for my car in a few months, and now I have to take a trip to one of those stupid testing places to have my car tasted. Waste of my time, waste of gas, waste of my money, and doesn't do anything.

Gun control has an affect on me. It would give me limited choices, increased costs, and perhaps a denial of weapon ownership.

On the other hand, if a liberal sees parents at McDonald's enjoying their happy meals with their children. It doesn't affect them in any way. They just don't like it. So they run to their representatives to stop those people from being sold happy meals.

Take Mrs, fat-ass herself. Kids are in school enjoying their lunches, and she comes along to take away all the items she doesn't want them to have. It's none of her Fn business what kids want to eat. That's between the parents and perhaps the schools. What kids eat didn't affect her life one bit. She just didn't like what kids like to eat.

The point is that conservatives will fight to live the way they want to live, and liberals fight to have people live the way liberals want them to live.

Total utter poppycock. Conservatives want to decide if gays can marry or not. None of your business. They want to decide if women have abortions or not. None of your business. They want corporations to be laissez faire when it comes to polluting the environment - MONEY WINS at all cost. What a load of crap. It is okay to like money AND have a social conscience. Something conservatives find very hard to do. The conservative mantra from where I sit is "money trumps everything". What a crap way to live.

As for the fat ass kid eating McDonalds and being none of my business. It is my business when he or she weights 300 lbs by the time they are 15 and want to sit next to me on a flight, or expect the public health system to look after them because they can't stop stuffing their faces with shit food.

You always had to buy tags for your freaking car.

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