Consider That Trump Might Just Be Stupid

Just take a couple recent Trump proclamations...

1. The tax bill is the biggest tax cut in history (not true)

2. The tax bill will cost him a fortune (not true)

Now...were those Trump statements examples of a. stupidity, or, b. outright dishonesty????
lolol, within days after Trump signs the most ESTABLISHMENT REPUBLICAN tax bill in history,

you people prattle on about how Trump is some sort of outsider, some sort of anti-establishment rebel.
And the capital of Israel is?

Complaints about military waste in both wars on terror brought up by whom?

That tax cut may have helped establishment assholes on both sides, but they still hate Trump because they are Globalist Authoritarians deliberately looking for war.


Beat Hillary
Has eliminated many Barry 'Legacy' items
Has forced the media to shred their own credibility
Has gotten reporters fired
Continues to play the media
Has gotten FBI agents fired
Has snowflakws frothing at the mouth

Trump OWNS the Democrats, snowflakes, and liberal media.

Most from your list are huge negatives for this country but being the traitor to the US you are you see it all as positives.

He has all sane intelligent people mad as hell and they’re not going to take it next time.

The carnival barker fooled you and just enough people to be elected. Now that we’ve seen this
insecure, incompetent, elitist person fuck up this country, it will take a generation to fix.

We don’t need nor want a white supremacist president. That will end in 2020 but the first shot at his knees will be in 2018.
lolol, within days after Trump signs the most ESTABLISHMENT REPUBLICAN tax bill in history,

you people prattle on about how Trump is some sort of outsider, some sort of anti-establishment rebel.
And the capital of Israel is?

Complaints about military waste in both wars on terror brought up by whom?

That tax cut may have helped establishment assholes on both sides, but they still hate Trump because they are Globalist Authoritarians deliberately looking for war.

Trump escalated the war in Afghanistan so that must have pleased them. Not to mention his willingness to make huge increases in defense spending.
If Liberals are so smart, why are they so bad at everything? Massive advantage in the Presidential election FAIL. Huge advantage in DNC funding FAIL. Mayors of all large cities FAIL. Reporting the news. FAIL. Late night talk shows FAIL.
Democrats govern much bertter than Republicans.

I did not vote for a stupid person, you did.
Bob Mueller’s report will come out before 2020, possibly before the midterms next year and his report won’t be flattering to this president to say the least.
Great post there Bertram! Ya know, most smart people thought that George W had no intellectual curiosity. This one beats Dub in in that regard and an utter unwillingness to learn by light years. Forgot who posted this link yesterday (thanks) but it's a must read.

Rebecca Solnit: The Loneliness of Donald Trump

Either we yank this president ASAP, or we may be destined to become not only a plutocracy ruled by autocrats .. but also an IDIOCRISY.

lolol, within days after Trump signs the most ESTABLISHMENT REPUBLICAN tax bill in history,

you people prattle on about how Trump is some sort of outsider, some sort of anti-establishment rebel.
And the capital of Israel is?

Complaints about military waste in both wars on terror brought up by whom?

That tax cut may have helped establishment assholes on both sides, but they still hate Trump because they are Globalist Authoritarians deliberately looking for war.

Trump escalated the war in Afghanistan so that must have pleased them. Not to mention his willingness to make huge increases in defense spending.
We already have spending for this military equal to ALL the countries in the world combined. There is no logical reason to spend more but this president knows he has to throw red meat out to his base so all common sense gets tossed out the window.


Beat Hillary
Has eliminated many Barry 'Legacy' items
Has forced the media to shred their own credibility
Has gotten reporters fired
Continues to play the media
Has gotten FBI agents fired
Has snowflakws frothing at the mouth

Trump OWNS the Democrats, snowflakes, and liberal media.


Using EOs to undo regulations is not a sign of intelligence. Tearing down a building requires nothing, building a building requires engineering, planning & skilled builders.

Calling everything fake news when it is the truth is not shredding anything except Trump's credibility.

Reporters were fired for reporting stories they should not have. Trump played no role.

Trump continues to play his base. He successfully plays no one else.

You stupid fuck, Trump runs the FBI. He should grow a fucking pair & fire all those people instead of tweeting about them.

Trump is winning,. He is getting richer. America is losing.

He has patriots foaming at the mouth., He has America hating morons cheering.
If President Trump is so stupid, how did he outsmart the GOP establishment, the MSM, the DNC, as well as Hillary and the Hussein?

He didn't out smnart any of them.

He went after the bigots & racists & stupid people & outsmarted them.
Just take a couple recent Trump proclamations...

1. The tax bill is the biggest tax cut in history (not true)

2. The tax bill will cost him a fortune (not true)

Now...were those Trump statements examples of a. stupidity, or, b. outright dishonesty????

Both - Trump doesn't care about honesty, integrity or for that matter about this country.
It's all about Trump and his unquenchable need to believe that he is somehow "winning".
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In his article at the following link, author Paul Blest is spot on when he states, “Donald Trump has spent the entire first year of his presidency doing the opposite of learning on the job. Nowhere is this more plainly obvious than his grasp of foreign policy; the only thing he has learned, it seems, is that the media loves it when he bombs stuff or gets troops killed.”

Blest then gives an example of the idiot Trump showing his total ignorance of the issues during a meeting with Angela Merkel. He reports that, “Some officials in the Trump White House ‘found the episode humiliating,’ presumably because the head of the German government had to explain to the most powerful politician in the world how trade negotiations with one of the United States’ largest trading partners works, and because Trump changed his definition of ‘a new bilateral trade agreement with Germany’ in the same conversation.”

In the year since his inauguration, the conservative rag National Review moved from their stand, “Against Trump”, to defending his stupidity.

Another example proving the idiot Trump sorely lacks the knowledge necessary to be POTUS appeared in the New York Times. That piece attempted “to assign Trump’s foreign policy some kind of quality that can’t be boiled down to him not knowing anything. Reporter Mark Landler writes that Trump is ‘unpredictable and inward-looking’ and ‘remains an erratic, idiosyncratic leader on the global stage, an insurgent who attacks allies the United States has nurtured since World War II and who can seem more at home with America’s adversaries,’ namely Russia and China. He also says that Trump’s tweets ‘often make a mockery of his administration’s policies and subvert the messages his emissaries are trying to deliver abroad.’ “

The idiot Trump’s supporters find his stupidity to be his most appealing quality, as it echoes their own deficiency in knowledge. Conservatives hear in the idiot Trump’s vile rhetoric vindication of their own, homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, and his permission to openly embrace the Nazis’ movement here in the U.S. (Conservatives’ have obviously forgotten WWII and why it was fought.)

In closing his column, Blest concludes, most accurately, that “Trump is ‘unorthodox’ because he doesn’t know anything. Contrary to what some in the media would like to believe, there is no doctrine or approach, just whatever Trump feels like saying or doing at any given moment. Trump isn’t unpredictable or inward-looking, but rather completely clueless and unwilling to learn.”

Here again, the idiot Trump’s refusal to familiarize himself with all the facts and protocols necessary to carry on an intelligent conservation with...anyone, fits well with the conservatives’ well-known disdain for education beyond the basic three Rs. (For conservatives, unaware of the term “three Rs”, it refers to readin’, ‘ritin’, and ‘rithmetic.)

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I don’t know a single trump supporter that’s not either a racist, dumb as shit, or knows nothing about what he’s doing.

Right here on this forum I post established facts of what he’s done all the time and I always get a Trumpanzee asking for links.

In his article at the following link, author Paul Blest is spot on when he states, “Donald Trump has spent the entire first year of his presidency doing the opposite of learning on the job. Nowhere is this more plainly obvious than his grasp of foreign policy; the only thing he has learned, it seems, is that the media loves it when he bombs stuff or gets troops killed.”

Blest then gives an example of the idiot Trump showing his total ignorance of the issues during a meeting with Angela Merkel. He reports that, “Some officials in the Trump White House ‘found the episode humiliating,’ presumably because the head of the German government had to explain to the most powerful politician in the world how trade negotiations with one of the United States’ largest trading partners works, and because Trump changed his definition of ‘a new bilateral trade agreement with Germany’ in the same conversation.”

In the year since his inauguration, the conservative rag National Review moved from their stand, “Against Trump”, to defending his stupidity.

Another example proving the idiot Trump sorely lacks the knowledge necessary to be POTUS appeared in the New York Times. That piece attempted “to assign Trump’s foreign policy some kind of quality that can’t be boiled down to him not knowing anything. Reporter Mark Landler writes that Trump is ‘unpredictable and inward-looking’ and ‘remains an erratic, idiosyncratic leader on the global stage, an insurgent who attacks allies the United States has nurtured since World War II and who can seem more at home with America’s adversaries,’ namely Russia and China. He also says that Trump’s tweets ‘often make a mockery of his administration’s policies and subvert the messages his emissaries are trying to deliver abroad.’ “

The idiot Trump’s supporters find his stupidity to be his most appealing quality, as it echoes their own deficiency in knowledge. Conservatives hear in the idiot Trump’s vile rhetoric vindication of their own, homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, and his permission to openly embrace the Nazis’ movement here in the U.S. (Conservatives’ have obviously forgotten WWII and why it was fought.)

In closing his column, Blest concludes, most accurately, that “Trump is ‘unorthodox’ because he doesn’t know anything. Contrary to what some in the media would like to believe, there is no doctrine or approach, just whatever Trump feels like saying or doing at any given moment. Trump isn’t unpredictable or inward-looking, but rather completely clueless and unwilling to learn.”

Here again, the idiot Trump’s refusal to familiarize himself with all the facts and protocols necessary to carry on an intelligent conservation with...anyone, fits well with the conservatives’ well-known disdain for education beyond the basic three Rs. (For conservatives, unaware of the term “three Rs”, it refers to readin’, ‘ritin’, and ‘rithmetic.)

There is not a single important issue in this country that trump has knowledge of more than a one to two sentence talking point. The real sad and disgusting part is that he shows no interest in learning either.
When he watches TV 8-10 hours a day he’s not watching historical biographies, science shows ( something he can learn from) he watches Fox and Friends or any Fox show.

And we all know he doesn’t like to read. Right there that should be a red flag to any concerned American.
If President Trump is so stupid, how did he outsmart the GOP establishment, the MSM, the DNC, as well as Hillary and the Hussein?

Trump didn't outsmart any of the groups you listed. He outsmarted a bunch of ignorant assholes that voted for him.

If the political establishment fails to cater to the "IQ of a donut" constituency, it only proves that they do have some integrity.
[There is not a single important issue in this country that trump has knowledge of more than a one to two sentence talking point. The real sad and disgusting part is that he shows no interest in learning either.
When he watches TV 8-10 hours a day he’s not watching historical biographies, science shows ( something he can learn from) he watches Fox and Friends or any Fox show.

And we all know he doesn’t like to read. Right there that should be a red flag to any concerned American.

Idiot Trump has to have his intel reports dumbed down to two pages - double spaced. The commercial breaks on Fox-n-Friends are only 2 or 3 minutes long and usually reserved for tweeting something stupid Steve Doocy or Brian Kilmeade just said.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
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