Consider That Trump Might Just Be Stupid

Sad fact, both party's are a mess. most government agency's are a mess, we are headed the wrong way. 60 % of the population is in a struggle to just stay where they are. most all forward movement is at the top. while we scream at each other those with the money & power keep picking our pockets while taking away our power, as we sling vile retorts at each other. what will history say about the dumbing down of America.
Bob Mueller’s report will come out before 2020, possibly before the midterms next year and his report won’t be flattering to this president to say the least.

At best, our president will have to sell the idea that he is an out of touch leader with no idea what the people under him are doing


Beat Hillary
Has eliminated many Barry 'Legacy' items
Has forced the media to shred their own credibility
Has gotten reporters fired
Continues to play the media
Has gotten FBI agents fired
Has snowflakws frothing at the mouth

Trump OWNS the Democrats, snowflakes, and liberal media.


Using EOs to undo regulations is not a sign of intelligence. Tearing down a building requires nothing, building a building requires engineering, planning & skilled builders.

Calling everything fake news when it is the truth is not shredding anything except Trump's credibility.

Reporters were fired for reporting stories they should not have. Trump played no role.

Trump continues to play his base. He successfully plays no one else.

You stupid fuck, Trump runs the FBI. He should grow a fucking pair & fire all those people instead of tweeting about them.

Trump is winning,. He is getting richer. America is losing.

He has patriots foaming at the mouth., He has America hating morons cheering.
Eliminating massive over-regulation and Un-Constitutional EOs (Socialist power grabs) have completely caused snowflakes to flip their shit, reporters to lose their jobs, the media to lose their credibility, and biased criminal FBI agents to be fired.

Rave on, snowflake.

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