Conspiracy theorist: CNN refuses to beleve Doctor who said Trump is physically fit


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Having demonized anyone who questioned Hillary Clinton’s health as she coughed and stumbled her way through the campaign trail as “conspiracy theorists,” CNN is now taking on that very role by refusing to believe a doctor whose tests found Donald Trump to be in perfect physical and mental health.
Conspiracy Theorists: CNN Refuses to Believe Doctor Who Said Trump is Physically Fit
Oh can you imagine that. Why CNN is just like the rest of the Trump hating leftist they will turn anything true intot he biggest bs story line there is. You can see the same idiots on here doing that. They will deny, deny create articles based off pure bs lies. Gawd its hysterical to watch how easily lead by the nose these sheep are. As long as it fits into their hate Trump box , they're like 5 yr olds on Christmas day. OMG did I say Christmas that bad, bad Christian word oh that's offensive to most Trump haters too . Oh guess it sucks to be you.

LMAO look at the jackass on here who posted some bs against what they said about Trump now do you see where these morons get this bs.
Wonder if the left and their media, will be questioning Oprah's weight, and suggesting she may have heart disease two years from now?
Wonder if the left and their media, will be questioning Oprah's weight, and suggesting she may have heart disease two years from now?
If she becomes president, suddenly fat will be the new thin, and you'll see "scientific studies" proving people are better off with a little "meat on their bones."
Trump kicked Acosta out of the room for his inane comments. Reports have Jim weeping hysterically outside, as Cory Booker led him to.
How can the Doctor be believed if even the weight and height are such obvious lies?
Say hello to the next democratic presidential candidate,Mas we can see she's a paragon of health and fitness...

It’s really sad to see what CNN has become a once respected Network now battling MSNBC to see which can go the most to the extreme left.
What's worse is they don't care how it affects their ratings or integrity.

They're going to drive right over the cliff until they go out of business or get bought out.
If Fox, Breitbart, or just about anybody in the world wants to call CNN conspiracy theorists they can have at it. But anybody at Infowars calling ANYBODY a conspiracy theorist should have their heads repeatedly slammed in a car door.
Pretty typical of lib rhetoric. Deny the findings of the examining doctor while quoting a doctor who has never even met Trump. It's not what doctors knows, it's what they say.
Given the propensity of Trump to lie and mislead, I am skeptical about the purported exam and subsequent results. His long time Bohemian diet of burgers and fries certainly wouldn't produce the results his Dr. alleged.

It may be noteworthy to observe the doctor was a military man. He could be compelled to lie for Donald in the interest of national security.
Don Lemon even admitted he is part of the Donald Trump "Girther" movement. lol Actually that was kind of funny.

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