Conspiracy theorist: CNN refuses to beleve Doctor who said Trump is physically fit

Given the propensity of Trump to lie and mislead, I am skeptical about the purported exam and subsequent results. His long time Bohemian diet of burgers and fries certainly wouldn't produce the results his Dr. alleged.

It may be noteworthy to observe the doctor was a military man. He could be compelled to lie for Donald in the interest of national security.

^^^^Just another libtard for whom Reality is what he wants it to be and everybody that disagrees is either evil, stupid or liars.
Given the propensity of Trump to lie and mislead, I am skeptical about the purported exam and subsequent results. His long time Bohemian diet of burgers and fries certainly wouldn't produce the results his Dr. alleged.

It may be noteworthy to observe the doctor was a military man. He could be compelled to lie for Donald in the interest of national security.

^^^^Just another libtard for whom Reality is what he wants it to be and everybody that disagrees is either evil, stupid or liars.

The intangible reality is whether or not Trump actually took a physical at all.
You choose to believe a Dr. who has a vested interest in making Trump look like the healthiest man on the planet. Do you think the Dr. would actually tell us that Trump is in poor health under any circumstances? Hell NAW. That kind of news would almost spell certain defeat in 2020 if Trump is still president by then.
Not really.

It's not the hefty behind that matters , it's the hefty mind... and OPRAH has plenty of both.
Say hello to the next democratic presidential candidate,Mas we can see she's a paragon of health and fitness...


Oprah doesn't go around bragging about her health. Oprah has always acknowledged her health issues. Unlike president Bone Spur.
Trump kicked Acosta out of the room for his inane comments. Reports have Jim weeping hysterically outside, as Cory Booker led him to.
I hope that black fuck doesn't get elected president someday. It will be Obama regime part 2.
Having demonized anyone who questioned Hillary Clinton’s health as she coughed and stumbled her way through the campaign trail as “conspiracy theorists,” CNN is now taking on that very role by refusing to believe a doctor whose tests found Donald Trump to be in perfect physical and mental health.
Conspiracy Theorists: CNN Refuses to Believe Doctor Who Said Trump is Physically Fit
Oh can you imagine that. Why CNN is just like the rest of the Trump hating leftist they will turn anything true intot he biggest bs story line there is. You can see the same idiots on here doing that. They will deny, deny create articles based off pure bs lies. Gawd its hysterical to watch how easily lead by the nose these sheep are. As long as it fits into their hate Trump box , they're like 5 yr olds on Christmas day. OMG did I say Christmas that bad, bad Christian word oh that's offensive to most Trump haters too . Oh guess it sucks to be you.

LMAO look at the jackass on here who posted some bs against what they said about Trump now do you see where these morons get this bs.

The Orange Fat Fuck is a mess of congealed Orange cottage cheese

Show us the girth certificate! These Donald Trump #Girther memes are everything
Someone has already offered $100,000 to anyone who can provide hard evidence that proves Trump is 6'3 and 239 pounds.
Having demonized anyone who questioned Hillary Clinton’s health as she coughed and stumbled her way through the campaign trail as “conspiracy theorists,” CNN is now taking on that very role by refusing to believe a doctor whose tests found Donald Trump to be in perfect physical and mental health.
Conspiracy Theorists: CNN Refuses to Believe Doctor Who Said Trump is Physically Fit
Oh can you imagine that. Why CNN is just like the rest of the Trump hating leftist they will turn anything true intot he biggest bs story line there is. You can see the same idiots on here doing that. They will deny, deny create articles based off pure bs lies. Gawd its hysterical to watch how easily lead by the nose these sheep are. As long as it fits into their hate Trump box , they're like 5 yr olds on Christmas day. OMG did I say Christmas that bad, bad Christian word oh that's offensive to most Trump haters too . Oh guess it sucks to be you.

LMAO look at the jackass on here who posted some bs against what they said about Trump now do you see where these morons get this bs.

The Orange Fat Fuck is a mess of congealed Orange cottage cheese

Show us the girth certificate! These Donald Trump #Girther memes are everything
Someone has already offered $100,000 to anyone who can provide hard evidence that proves Trump is 6'3 and 239 pounds.
What morons don't know is that muscle weighs more that fat.
What morons don't know is that muscle weighs more that fat.
speaking of Morons

The Evangelical Christians are like: who is Godly enough to support as President ?

Oh I know, the guy who screwed a porn star while his wife was home with a newborn baby then paid $130,000 to keep the porn star quiet.


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