Constitution? Screw the Constitution

What's that?
You cannot show how the current senate rules violate the Constitution?
I thought not.
Run along, dickbreath.
It violated the rules when it ignored Obama's USSC pick.
Nowhere does the rules of the Senate, or the Constitution, require the senate to have a vote on a nomination presented to it by the President.
So... you're wrong, dickbreath
It is violating the independent aspect of the Executive & legislative branches by allowing Trump to control the Senate.
Ah - so we're back to:
Trump - I'd like a vote on this
McConnell: We'll vote on this

You don't have a leg to stand on, dickbreath.
Sorre but the Constitution says the President nominates & the Senate advises. The Senate never did.
It violated the rules when it ignored Obama's USSC pick.
Nowhere does the rules of the Senate, or the Constitution, require the senate to have a vote on a nomination presented to it by the President.
So... you're wrong, dickbreath
It is violating the independent aspect of the Executive & legislative branches by allowing Trump to control the Senate.
Ah - so we're back to:
Trump - I'd like a vote on this
McConnell: We'll vote on this

You don't have a leg to stand on, dickbreath.
McConnell distinctly said they would only vote on items that Trump would sign.

So how does that work?
Our Constitution set our form of government where we have three independent branches & a system of checks & balances.

Republicans have crumbled it up & threw it in the trash.

They did it when Mitch McConnell declared that Trump dictates what bills get a vote in the US Senate. No more independent body & no more duty to of checks & balances.

McConnell did it with Obama's USSC Nominee.

Republicans in the Senate sit idly by as Trump breaks the law on the border. When he orders people to break the law & them fire them if they do not.

Republicans in the Senate sit idly by & watch Trump obstruct justice over & over.

Republicans in the Senate are so pathetic, that they sit idly by as Trump destroys the American Farmer & hurts US exporters.

Republicans in the Senate sit idly by as Trump steals children from asylum seekers & looses them in a system on concentration camps.

Republicans in the Senate sit idly by as Trump denies proper aid to Puerto Rico & our own military installations damaged by storms.

Republicans in the Senate keep confirming some of the worst, crooked people into key government positions.

This is all against what their duty is according to the Constitution.

But hey, the only parts of the US Constitution Republicans care about are the First Amendment to defend their racist & bigoted speech and the Second Amendment as an excuse to do nothing as children get gunned down in our schools.

And the US Congress (Dems) sit by and proposes trains across the ocean and free shit for everybody while slowly meticulously and deceitfully trying to erode the freedoms our Country was founded on. No wonder they can't get a Bill past the President none of their ideas or resolutions are in the best interest of The American People they are great for making Dem politicians rich and powerful, but the rest of us will resist along with this Great President! We will never bow to Socialism or Tyrannical rule. Or Mob rule Democracy that the left desires! The great thing about America is the Three branches and Checks and Balances. Dems hate that part!
Sorre but the Constitution says the President nominates & the Senate advises. The Senate never did.
Nowhere does the rules of the Senate, or the Constitution, require the senate to have a vote on a nomination presented to it by the President.
Aside form your butt-hurt, your complaint is baseless, dickbreath
Our Constitution set our form of government where we have three independent branches & a system of checks & balances.

Republicans have crumbled it up & threw it in the trash.

They did it when Mitch McConnell declared that Trump dictates what bills get a vote in the US Senate. No more independent body & no more duty to of checks & balances.

McConnell did it with Obama's USSC Nominee.

Republicans in the Senate sit idly by as Trump breaks the law on the border. When he orders people to break the law & them fire them if they do not.

Republicans in the Senate sit idly by & watch Trump obstruct justice over & over.

Republicans in the Senate are so pathetic, that they sit idly by as Trump destroys the American Farmer & hurts US exporters.

Republicans in the Senate sit idly by as Trump steals children from asylum seekers & looses them in a system on concentration camps.

Republicans in the Senate sit idly by as Trump denies proper aid to Puerto Rico & our own military installations damaged by storms.

Republicans in the Senate keep confirming some of the worst, crooked people into key government positions.

This is all against what their duty is according to the Constitution.

But hey, the only parts of the US Constitution Republicans care about are the First Amendment to defend their racist & bigoted speech and the Second Amendment as an excuse to do nothing as children get gunned down in our schools.

congrats on ignoring the democrats corruption as well.the majority of the dems that control the senate are pro abortion. a democrat from Illinois who barely got elected because he is against abortion was on a free radio channel not too long ago speaking how there are only a handful of dems that are against abortion and have been blacklisted because of that not to mention that Obama expanded what Bush got started in the mid east.:rolleyes: NONE of our presidents believe in the constitution,nor the majority of congress from BOTH corrupt parties:rolleyes:

the non corrupt ones they always get rid of them.they dont last long in washington from either party:abgg2q.jpg:
You leftist totalitarians are just as bad. You are just too stupid and selfish to see it.

Once again, you don't respond to the issue, you use an ad hominem to attack the messenger. The facts, expressed in the OP are clear and relevant; the facts are substantial to allege high crimes and misdemeanors. Sadly, Republican Senators have and it seems will always put their party and their job before We the People and COTUS.

"It has been profoundly said, and how true it is, that the only thing necessary for evil to exist is for goodpeople to remain silent..." Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

It's damn clear that Senate Republicans and their fellow travelers (some posting above) are not "good people", for they allow evil to continue under the current administration.
Our Constitution set our form of government where we have three independent branches & a system of checks & balances.

Republicans have crumbled it up & threw it in the trash.

They did it when Mitch McConnell declared that Trump dictates what bills get a vote in the US Senate. No more independent body & no more duty to of checks & balances.

McConnell did it with Obama's USSC Nominee.

Republicans in the Senate sit idly by as Trump breaks the law on the border. When he orders people to break the law & them fire them if they do not.

Republicans in the Senate sit idly by & watch Trump obstruct justice over & over.

Republicans in the Senate are so pathetic, that they sit idly by as Trump destroys the American Farmer & hurts US exporters.

Republicans in the Senate sit idly by as Trump steals children from asylum seekers & looses them in a system on concentration camps.

Republicans in the Senate sit idly by as Trump denies proper aid to Puerto Rico & our own military installations damaged by storms.

Republicans in the Senate keep confirming some of the worst, crooked people into key government positions.

This is all against what their duty is according to the Constitution.

But hey, the only parts of the US Constitution Republicans care about are the First Amendment to defend their racist & bigoted speech and the Second Amendment as an excuse to do nothing as children get gunned down in our schools.
LOL...why do I have the feeling that you have no more idea what's in the Constitution, Dave...than you do about what's in the Mueller Report?
So I can read the Mueller Report online, unredacted?

Do you even understand what a Grand Jury is...or how it operates, Dave? There is a REASON why Grand Jury testimony is secret! This isn't about Trump or Clinton or any other's about the rule of law!

But Barr saw it. Did others in the DOJ also see it? Did Trump see it? Why can't congressional leadership see it?

You really expect that a report intro Trump's collusion & obstruction gets to be redacted by a pawn just appointed. A pawn with a record of saying Presidents are above the law?

Even of not made public, Democrat leadership must see it.

Let Barr send the redacted report and if later it is learned Barr redacted something he shouldn't, then I trust you will support the arrest & jailing of Barr & Trump?
based on what law?
You leftist totalitarians are just as bad. You are just too stupid and selfish to see it.

Once again, you don't respond to the issue, you use an ad hominem to attack the messenger. The facts, expressed in the OP are clear and relevant; the facts are substantial to allege high crimes and misdemeanors. Sadly, Republican Senators have and it seems will always put their party and their job before We the People and COTUS.

"It has been profoundly said, and how true it is, that the only thing necessary for evil to exist is for goodpeople to remain silent..." Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

It's damn clear that Senate Republicans and their fellow travelers (some posting above) are not "good people", for they allow evil to continue under the current administration.
Your idea of a "gotcha" is quite pathetic.
The dumbfuck OP acts like its just one side. Like you just did.
If you partisan faggots acknowledged reality, the duopoly wouldnt have such a grip on our politics.
Our Constitution set our form of government where we have three independent branches & a system of checks & balances.

Republicans have crumbled it up & threw it in the trash.

They did it when Mitch McConnell declared that Trump dictates what bills get a vote in the US Senate. No more independent body & no more duty to of checks & balances.

McConnell did it with Obama's USSC Nominee.

Republicans in the Senate sit idly by as Trump breaks the law on the border. When he orders people to break the law & them fire them if they do not.

Republicans in the Senate sit idly by & watch Trump obstruct justice over & over.

Republicans in the Senate are so pathetic, that they sit idly by as Trump destroys the American Farmer & hurts US exporters.

Republicans in the Senate sit idly by as Trump steals children from asylum seekers & looses them in a system on concentration camps.

Republicans in the Senate sit idly by as Trump denies proper aid to Puerto Rico & our own military installations damaged by storms.

Republicans in the Senate keep confirming some of the worst, crooked people into key government positions.

This is all against what their duty is according to the Constitution.

But hey, the only parts of the US Constitution Republicans care about are the First Amendment to defend their racist & bigoted speech and the Second Amendment as an excuse to do nothing as children get gunned down in our schools.
In which field of law do you specialize?
That's your claim, dickbreath.
You cant show it to be true, but it's your claim, none the less.

You are apparently unaware that the constitution gives the senate (and the house) the power to make its own rules.
One of those rules is that the majority leader decides what comes up for a vote.

Feel free to show how this violates the constitution .

So, if the Democrats would take the house & Senate they can pass a law to circumvent the Constitution?
What's that?
You cannot show how the current senate rules violate the Constitution?
I thought not.
Run along, dickbreath.

It violated the rules when it ignored Obama's USSC pick.

It is violating the independent aspect of the Executive & legislative branches by allowing Trump to control the Senate.

The GOP controls the Senate...not Trump. That control was granted by the voters. Get over it.

McConnell gave Trump authority over the Senate.

Why doesn't it bother you?

You elected two senators & they can only vote on what Trump says gets brought up for a vote.

If Obama did that you'd be dancing naked around the fire, shooting your AR-15
sin the air & arranging for a civil war.
That's your claim, dickbreath.
You cant show it to be true, but it's your claim, none the less.

You are apparently unaware that the constitution gives the senate (and the house) the power to make its own rules.
One of those rules is that the majority leader decides what comes up for a vote.

Feel free to show how this violates the constitution .

So, if the Democrats would take the house & Senate they can pass a law to circumvent the Constitution?
What's that?
You cannot show how the current senate rules violate the Constitution?
I thought not.
Run along, dickbreath.

It violated the rules when it ignored Obama's USSC pick.

It is violating the independent aspect of the Executive & legislative branches by allowing Trump to control the Senate.

The GOP controls the Senate...not Trump. That control was granted by the voters. Get over it.

McConnell gave Trump authority over the Senate.

Why doesn't it bother you?

You elected two senators & they can only vote on what Trump says gets brought up for a vote.

If Obama did that you'd be dancing naked around the fire, shooting your AR-15
sin the air & arranging for a civil war.
Trump doesn't control what comes up for votes, Dave. You're showing yourself to be REALLY ignorant about how our government functions!

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