Constitutional Conservatives Support Open Borders

You've only proven you are irrlevant to any intelligent discussion.
You haven't presented any thing of intelligence to discuss. Your comebacks are :lalala:
Yet you respond post after post.
You have nothing. You have lost this argument because you cannot give a basis in ConLaw where Congress has the power to regulate immigration.

It's been given. The authority of the federal government to defend the nation.
Immigrants arent invaders, numbnuts.

They are when they are illegal.
An invasion is a planned event centrally orchestrated carried out by armed people with the intention of overthrowing or replacing the government. Literally none of that applies to people coming here illegally.
You haven't presented any thing of intelligence to discuss. Your comebacks are :lalala:
Yet you respond post after post.
You have nothing. You have lost this argument because you cannot give a basis in ConLaw where Congress has the power to regulate immigration.

It's been given. The authority of the federal government to defend the nation.
Immigrants arent invaders, numbnuts.

They are when they are illegal.
An invasion is a planned event centrally orchestrated carried out by armed people with the intention of overthrowing or replacing the government. Literally none of that applies to people coming here illegally.

That's your madeup definition.
Yet you respond post after post.
You have nothing. You have lost this argument because you cannot give a basis in ConLaw where Congress has the power to regulate immigration.

It's been given. The authority of the federal government to defend the nation.
Immigrants arent invaders, numbnuts.

They are when they are illegal.
An invasion is a planned event centrally orchestrated carried out by armed people with the intention of overthrowing or replacing the government. Literally none of that applies to people coming here illegally.

That's your madeup definition.
It is literally the definition wveryone uses.
Unless you redefine "invasion" as "something I don't like."
Hey, mom. these pancakes suck. They're an invasion.
It's been given. The authority of the federal government to defend the nation.
Immigrants arent invaders, numbnuts.

They are when they are illegal.
An invasion is a planned event centrally orchestrated carried out by armed people with the intention of overthrowing or replacing the government. Literally none of that applies to people coming here illegally.

That's your madeup definition.
It is literally the definition wveryone uses.
Unless you redefine "invasion" as "something I don't like."
Hey, mom. these pancakes suck. They're an invasion.

It's moot because we've already proven the Constitution give the federal government the power to defend the nation and that obviously gives the government the power to control the border of the nation.

Would you explain to us why if 10,000 Syrian refugees show up in boats next week the federal government has no constitutional power to do anything but get out of the way as they disembark?
I fully understand that as a racist son of a bitch you believe that those provisos that benefit brown skinned folks should be ignored.

You and your ilk support the Constitution when is convenient.

Let's see if you stupid motherfuckers are successful in removing 12 million of our Alien friends.

.Fuck you now,.

Fucking hilarious. Half my family is Hispanic.

Me and my ilk actually comprehend the US Constitution to include History, we don't have to make up anything about it, sorry. :dunno:

So illegal immigrants are now our alien friends? SMFH
If only that were true. SMFH
It is true. You don't know jack shit. You've proven it already.
LMFAO I don't know who is dumber, you or Contumacious, you both taking the fucking stupidity award on this site.
If you dont know who the dumb one is on any thread it's probably you.
I know who the dumb ones are, just not sure who is dumber, you or contumacious, right now you both are tied for the award. Who wants it more?

Rabbi is one of those 'nuts who thinks you only win the argument if you get him to admit it. It's a funny childish well worn tactic.

Not to mention the fact that he doesn't even believe the 'argument' he's made in the first place.
The funny thing is is he hasn't made an argument, he proclaimed something and then when he was shown to be completely inane he goes :lalala:
That is simply untrue. People immigrate for all sorts of reasons. Tourists, temp workers, etc. All of them are covered under immigration law but that is nowhere a power given in the Constutution.

I guess you're just going to continue to ignore me when I reply to your rebuttals. I addressed this earlier. "Immigration" is when someone comes into a country with intention to remain permanently. Tourists and temporary workers are not coming with intention of remaining permanently, therefore, are not immigrants.

Definition of IMMIGRANT
a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence
So why are they covered by immigration laws? Do you have any idea how hard it is to come here as a temporary worker?

Why are gas stations regulated by the Agriculture Department? We can posit 50-jillion questions like this about the government, 90% of what they do is nowhere in the Constitution... but controlling who comes into the country is to control sovereignty and if they don't have that power they aren't sovereign.

What you are actually doing with this dumb thread is making it harder to present a credible Constitutional Conservative message. This is nut bag kook stuff. You have to be a clinical moron to think the government doesn't have any control over it's own sovereignty. With all the problems we face as a nation and all the crazy ridiculous government overreach... you pick something like THIS to make a stand? Really?

The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1790 was Constitutionally passed by Congress a long time ago. It is Constitutionally the law of the land and has been for just about as long as our nation has existed. It is supported by the enumerated power in Article I Section 8 Clause 4. So you really need to pick something else to rant and bitch about... this is just plain stupid and makes you look like a left-wing goofball.
By definition they are. Anyone who crosses the border into the US without permission is invading the US.
You dont know what "invade"means. You make shit up as you go along. People came to this country for 100 years before we had any immigration laws. Were they all "invaders"??

They could have been deemed so had Congress and the President taken action in that regard.

  1. a person or group that invades a country, region, or other place.
So Congress can just declare anyone to be an invader? You want to stick with that answer?

Yes. We have decades of case law to prove it.
Who is this "we" you speak about?
Post your "decades of case law."
You wouldn't know case law from case quantities.

Every court decision that has upheld a challenge to the government's right to regulate immigration.
That is simply untrue. People immigrate for all sorts of reasons. Tourists, temp workers, etc. All of them are covered under immigration law but that is nowhere a power given in the Constutution.

I guess you're just going to continue to ignore me when I reply to your rebuttals. I addressed this earlier. "Immigration" is when someone comes into a country with intention to remain permanently. Tourists and temporary workers are not coming with intention of remaining permanently, therefore, are not immigrants.

Definition of IMMIGRANT
a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence
So why are they covered by immigration laws? Do you have any idea how hard it is to come here as a temporary worker?

Why are gas stations regulated by the Agriculture Department? We can posit 50-jillion questions like this about the government, 90% of what they do is nowhere in the Constitution... but controlling who comes into the country is to control sovereignty and if they don't have that power they aren't sovereign.

What you are actually doing with this dumb thread is making it harder to present a credible Constitutional Conservative message. This is nut bag kook stuff. You have to be a clinical moron to think the government doesn't have any control over it's own sovereignty. With all the problems we face as a nation and all the crazy ridiculous government overreach... you pick something like THIS to make a stand? Really?

The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1790 was Constitutionally passed by Congress a long time ago. It is Constitutionally the law of the land and has been for just about as long as our nation has existed. It is supported by the enumerated power in Article I Section 8 Clause 4. So you really need to pick something else to rant and bitch about... this is just plain stupid and makes you look like a left-wing goofball.
So your argument is that because the fedgov oversteps its Constututional boundaries in some places we should allow it to do so here as well because it's something we all like?
Yeah, that's a failure.
Congress has no power over immigration and the sooner people understand that and rein in big government the better.
That is simply untrue. People immigrate for all sorts of reasons. Tourists, temp workers, etc. All of them are covered under immigration law but that is nowhere a power given in the Constutution.

I guess you're just going to continue to ignore me when I reply to your rebuttals. I addressed this earlier. "Immigration" is when someone comes into a country with intention to remain permanently. Tourists and temporary workers are not coming with intention of remaining permanently, therefore, are not immigrants.

Definition of IMMIGRANT
a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence
So why are they covered by immigration laws? Do you have any idea how hard it is to come here as a temporary worker?

Why are gas stations regulated by the Agriculture Department? We can posit 50-jillion questions like this about the government, 90% of what they do is nowhere in the Constitution... but controlling who comes into the country is to control sovereignty and if they don't have that power they aren't sovereign.

What you are actually doing with this dumb thread is making it harder to present a credible Constitutional Conservative message. This is nut bag kook stuff. You have to be a clinical moron to think the government doesn't have any control over it's own sovereignty. With all the problems we face as a nation and all the crazy ridiculous government overreach... you pick something like THIS to make a stand? Really?

The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1790 was Constitutionally passed by Congress a long time ago. It is Constitutionally the law of the land and has been for just about as long as our nation has existed. It is supported by the enumerated power in Article I Section 8 Clause 4. So you really need to pick something else to rant and bitch about... this is just plain stupid and makes you look like a left-wing goofball.
So your argument is that because the fedgov oversteps its Constututional boundaries in some places we should allow it to do so here as well because it's something we all like?
Yeah, that's a failure.
Congress has no power over immigration and the sooner people understand that and rein in big government the better.

Tell us what the government should be doing, beyond NOTHING, as the Syrian refugees begin to show up in the tens of thousands.
That is simply untrue. People immigrate for all sorts of reasons. Tourists, temp workers, etc. All of them are covered under immigration law but that is nowhere a power given in the Constutution.

I guess you're just going to continue to ignore me when I reply to your rebuttals. I addressed this earlier. "Immigration" is when someone comes into a country with intention to remain permanently. Tourists and temporary workers are not coming with intention of remaining permanently, therefore, are not immigrants.

Definition of IMMIGRANT
a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence
So why are they covered by immigration laws? Do you have any idea how hard it is to come here as a temporary worker?

Why are gas stations regulated by the Agriculture Department? We can posit 50-jillion questions like this about the government, 90% of what they do is nowhere in the Constitution... but controlling who comes into the country is to control sovereignty and if they don't have that power they aren't sovereign.

What you are actually doing with this dumb thread is making it harder to present a credible Constitutional Conservative message. This is nut bag kook stuff. You have to be a clinical moron to think the government doesn't have any control over it's own sovereignty. With all the problems we face as a nation and all the crazy ridiculous government overreach... you pick something like THIS to make a stand? Really?

The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1790 was Constitutionally passed by Congress a long time ago. It is Constitutionally the law of the land and has been for just about as long as our nation has existed. It is supported by the enumerated power in Article I Section 8 Clause 4. So you really need to pick something else to rant and bitch about... this is just plain stupid and makes you look like a left-wing goofball.
So your argument is that because the fedgov oversteps its Constututional boundaries in some places we should allow it to do so here as well because it's something we all like?
Yeah, that's a failure.
Congress has no power over immigration and the sooner people understand that and rein in big government the better.

No, that's not my argument at all. Congress is not overstepping it's Constitutional boundaries when it regulates immigration (aka: naturalization). In fact, it's one of the enumerated few things government has the authority TO do. I'm all for reigning in big government, this is not where you start. It's like trying to fix Kaitlyn Jenner by complaining about his toenail polish!
That is simply untrue. People immigrate for all sorts of reasons. Tourists, temp workers, etc. All of them are covered under immigration law but that is nowhere a power given in the Constutution.

I guess you're just going to continue to ignore me when I reply to your rebuttals. I addressed this earlier. "Immigration" is when someone comes into a country with intention to remain permanently. Tourists and temporary workers are not coming with intention of remaining permanently, therefore, are not immigrants.

Definition of IMMIGRANT
a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence
So why are they covered by immigration laws? Do you have any idea how hard it is to come here as a temporary worker?

Why are gas stations regulated by the Agriculture Department? We can posit 50-jillion questions like this about the government, 90% of what they do is nowhere in the Constitution... but controlling who comes into the country is to control sovereignty and if they don't have that power they aren't sovereign.

What you are actually doing with this dumb thread is making it harder to present a credible Constitutional Conservative message. This is nut bag kook stuff. You have to be a clinical moron to think the government doesn't have any control over it's own sovereignty. With all the problems we face as a nation and all the crazy ridiculous government overreach... you pick something like THIS to make a stand? Really?

The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1790 was Constitutionally passed by Congress a long time ago. It is Constitutionally the law of the land and has been for just about as long as our nation has existed. It is supported by the enumerated power in Article I Section 8 Clause 4. So you really need to pick something else to rant and bitch about... this is just plain stupid and makes you look like a left-wing goofball.
So your argument is that because the fedgov oversteps its Constututional boundaries in some places we should allow it to do so here as well because it's something we all like?
Yeah, that's a failure.
Congress has no power over immigration and the sooner people understand that and rein in big government the better.

No, that's not my argument at all. Congress is not overstepping it's Constitutional boundaries when it regulates immigration (aka: naturalization). In fact, it's one of the enumerated few things government has the authority TO do. I'm all for reigning in big government, this is not where you start. It's like trying to fix Kaitlyn Jenner by complaining about his toenail polish!
Immigration is not naturalization. Immigration is not naturalization. Immigration is not naturalization. Get the idea?
The Preamble does not lay out what powers the fedgov has.

It states the purpose of forming a federal government.
Right. But does not confer specifric powers, which is the function of Article I Section 8. And immigration is nowhere there.

What about states' rights to secure borders? The southern border states have tried, but Obama overrules them.

Every other country has strict immigration policies and they do not tolerate illegal entry.


The President of the US has NO AUTHORITY to overrule them.

But SCOTUS takes advantage of the fact that Americans do not know the Constitution (1787) and those who do are xenophobic.

That is simply untrue. People immigrate for all sorts of reasons. Tourists, temp workers, etc. All of them are covered under immigration law but that is nowhere a power given in the Constutution.

I guess you're just going to continue to ignore me when I reply to your rebuttals. I addressed this earlier. "Immigration" is when someone comes into a country with intention to remain permanently. Tourists and temporary workers are not coming with intention of remaining permanently, therefore, are not immigrants.

Definition of IMMIGRANT
a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence
So why are they covered by immigration laws? Do you have any idea how hard it is to come here as a temporary worker?

Why are gas stations regulated by the Agriculture Department? We can posit 50-jillion questions like this about the government, 90% of what they do is nowhere in the Constitution... but controlling who comes into the country is to control sovereignty and if they don't have that power they aren't sovereign.

What you are actually doing with this dumb thread is making it harder to present a credible Constitutional Conservative message. This is nut bag kook stuff. You have to be a clinical moron to think the government doesn't have any control over it's own sovereignty. With all the problems we face as a nation and all the crazy ridiculous government overreach... you pick something like THIS to make a stand? Really?

The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1790 was Constitutionally passed by Congress a long time ago. It is Constitutionally the law of the land and has been for just about as long as our nation has existed. It is supported by the enumerated power in Article I Section 8 Clause 4. So you really need to pick something else to rant and bitch about... this is just plain stupid and makes you look like a left-wing goofball.
So your argument is that because the fedgov oversteps its Constututional boundaries in some places we should allow it to do so here as well because it's something we all like?
Yeah, that's a failure.
Congress has no power over immigration and the sooner people understand that and rein in big government the better.

No, that's not my argument at all. Congress is not overstepping it's Constitutional boundaries when it regulates immigration (aka: naturalization). In fact, it's one of the enumerated few things government has the authority TO do. I'm all for reigning in big government, this is not where you start. It's like trying to fix Kaitlyn Jenner by complaining about his toenail polish!



Naturalization is NOT immigration.

Where the fuck do you stupid fucks get your ideas.?

.Naturalization is the process by which an individual becomes a US Citizen

Immigration - an individual from a foreign relocates to one of the states - he/she is free to ask the particular state for citizenship. State citizenship is NOT US Citizenship. For example , an individual may have all the rights NY may confer but that does not mean that he has the same rights in NJ . Nor does he have US Citizenship rights.

.See the numerous links previously posted.

Last edited:
That is simply untrue. People immigrate for all sorts of reasons. Tourists, temp workers, etc. All of them are covered under immigration law but that is nowhere a power given in the Constutution.

I guess you're just going to continue to ignore me when I reply to your rebuttals. I addressed this earlier. "Immigration" is when someone comes into a country with intention to remain permanently. Tourists and temporary workers are not coming with intention of remaining permanently, therefore, are not immigrants.

Definition of IMMIGRANT
a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence
So why are they covered by immigration laws? Do you have any idea how hard it is to come here as a temporary worker?

Why are gas stations regulated by the Agriculture Department? We can posit 50-jillion questions like this about the government, 90% of what they do is nowhere in the Constitution... but controlling who comes into the country is to control sovereignty and if they don't have that power they aren't sovereign.

What you are actually doing with this dumb thread is making it harder to present a credible Constitutional Conservative message. This is nut bag kook stuff. You have to be a clinical moron to think the government doesn't have any control over it's own sovereignty. With all the problems we face as a nation and all the crazy ridiculous government overreach... you pick something like THIS to make a stand? Really?

The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1790 was Constitutionally passed by Congress a long time ago. It is Constitutionally the law of the land and has been for just about as long as our nation has existed. It is supported by the enumerated power in Article I Section 8 Clause 4. So you really need to pick something else to rant and bitch about... this is just plain stupid and makes you look like a left-wing goofball.
So your argument is that because the fedgov oversteps its Constututional boundaries in some places we should allow it to do so here as well because it's something we all like?
Yeah, that's a failure.
Congress has no power over immigration and the sooner people understand that and rein in big government the better.

Tell us what the government should be doing, beyond NOTHING, as the Syrian refugees begin to show up in the tens of thousands.

Can anyone help Rabbi out with this one?

He's seems to have been stumped.
I guess you're just going to continue to ignore me when I reply to your rebuttals. I addressed this earlier. "Immigration" is when someone comes into a country with intention to remain permanently. Tourists and temporary workers are not coming with intention of remaining permanently, therefore, are not immigrants.

Definition of IMMIGRANT
a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence
So why are they covered by immigration laws? Do you have any idea how hard it is to come here as a temporary worker?

Why are gas stations regulated by the Agriculture Department? We can posit 50-jillion questions like this about the government, 90% of what they do is nowhere in the Constitution... but controlling who comes into the country is to control sovereignty and if they don't have that power they aren't sovereign.

What you are actually doing with this dumb thread is making it harder to present a credible Constitutional Conservative message. This is nut bag kook stuff. You have to be a clinical moron to think the government doesn't have any control over it's own sovereignty. With all the problems we face as a nation and all the crazy ridiculous government overreach... you pick something like THIS to make a stand? Really?

The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1790 was Constitutionally passed by Congress a long time ago. It is Constitutionally the law of the land and has been for just about as long as our nation has existed. It is supported by the enumerated power in Article I Section 8 Clause 4. So you really need to pick something else to rant and bitch about... this is just plain stupid and makes you look like a left-wing goofball.
So your argument is that because the fedgov oversteps its Constututional boundaries in some places we should allow it to do so here as well because it's something we all like?
Yeah, that's a failure.
Congress has no power over immigration and the sooner people understand that and rein in big government the better.

Tell us what the government should be doing, beyond NOTHING, as the Syrian refugees begin to show up in the tens of thousands.

Can anyone help Rabbi out with this one?

He's seems to have been stumped.

immigration is not naturalization. Immigration is not naturalization. Immigration is not naturalization. Get the idea?
I guess you're just going to continue to ignore me when I reply to your rebuttals. I addressed this earlier. "Immigration" is when someone comes into a country with intention to remain permanently. Tourists and temporary workers are not coming with intention of remaining permanently, therefore, are not immigrants.

Definition of IMMIGRANT
a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence
So why are they covered by immigration laws? Do you have any idea how hard it is to come here as a temporary worker?

Why are gas stations regulated by the Agriculture Department? We can posit 50-jillion questions like this about the government, 90% of what they do is nowhere in the Constitution... but controlling who comes into the country is to control sovereignty and if they don't have that power they aren't sovereign.

What you are actually doing with this dumb thread is making it harder to present a credible Constitutional Conservative message. This is nut bag kook stuff. You have to be a clinical moron to think the government doesn't have any control over it's own sovereignty. With all the problems we face as a nation and all the crazy ridiculous government overreach... you pick something like THIS to make a stand? Really?

The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1790 was Constitutionally passed by Congress a long time ago. It is Constitutionally the law of the land and has been for just about as long as our nation has existed. It is supported by the enumerated power in Article I Section 8 Clause 4. So you really need to pick something else to rant and bitch about... this is just plain stupid and makes you look like a left-wing goofball.
So your argument is that because the fedgov oversteps its Constututional boundaries in some places we should allow it to do so here as well because it's something we all like?
Yeah, that's a failure.
Congress has no power over immigration and the sooner people understand that and rein in big government the better.

Tell us what the government should be doing, beyond NOTHING, as the Syrian refugees begin to show up in the tens of thousands.

Can anyone help Rabbi out with this one?

He's seems to have been stumped.
Your stupidity frequently leaves me speechless.
The basic flaw in Rabbi's argument is the common one made by many about the Constitution; it's the misconception that unless the Constitution says, explicitly, word for word, that the government can do something,

then the government can't do it.

That is simply not true and the founders never intended it to be true.
So why are they covered by immigration laws? Do you have any idea how hard it is to come here as a temporary worker?

Why are gas stations regulated by the Agriculture Department? We can posit 50-jillion questions like this about the government, 90% of what they do is nowhere in the Constitution... but controlling who comes into the country is to control sovereignty and if they don't have that power they aren't sovereign.

What you are actually doing with this dumb thread is making it harder to present a credible Constitutional Conservative message. This is nut bag kook stuff. You have to be a clinical moron to think the government doesn't have any control over it's own sovereignty. With all the problems we face as a nation and all the crazy ridiculous government overreach... you pick something like THIS to make a stand? Really?

The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1790 was Constitutionally passed by Congress a long time ago. It is Constitutionally the law of the land and has been for just about as long as our nation has existed. It is supported by the enumerated power in Article I Section 8 Clause 4. So you really need to pick something else to rant and bitch about... this is just plain stupid and makes you look like a left-wing goofball.
So your argument is that because the fedgov oversteps its Constututional boundaries in some places we should allow it to do so here as well because it's something we all like?
Yeah, that's a failure.
Congress has no power over immigration and the sooner people understand that and rein in big government the better.

Tell us what the government should be doing, beyond NOTHING, as the Syrian refugees begin to show up in the tens of thousands.

Can anyone help Rabbi out with this one?

He's seems to have been stumped.

immigration is not naturalization. Immigration is not naturalization. Immigration is not naturalization. Get the idea?

Immigration is a territorial infringement committed by a foreign person or persons and it defies all reason and common sense to believe that the federal government of this sovereign nation has no legitimate power to regulate that.
So why are they covered by immigration laws? Do you have any idea how hard it is to come here as a temporary worker?

Why are gas stations regulated by the Agriculture Department? We can posit 50-jillion questions like this about the government, 90% of what they do is nowhere in the Constitution... but controlling who comes into the country is to control sovereignty and if they don't have that power they aren't sovereign.

What you are actually doing with this dumb thread is making it harder to present a credible Constitutional Conservative message. This is nut bag kook stuff. You have to be a clinical moron to think the government doesn't have any control over it's own sovereignty. With all the problems we face as a nation and all the crazy ridiculous government overreach... you pick something like THIS to make a stand? Really?

The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1790 was Constitutionally passed by Congress a long time ago. It is Constitutionally the law of the land and has been for just about as long as our nation has existed. It is supported by the enumerated power in Article I Section 8 Clause 4. So you really need to pick something else to rant and bitch about... this is just plain stupid and makes you look like a left-wing goofball.
So your argument is that because the fedgov oversteps its Constututional boundaries in some places we should allow it to do so here as well because it's something we all like?
Yeah, that's a failure.
Congress has no power over immigration and the sooner people understand that and rein in big government the better.

Tell us what the government should be doing, beyond NOTHING, as the Syrian refugees begin to show up in the tens of thousands.

Can anyone help Rabbi out with this one?

He's seems to have been stumped.
Your stupidity frequently leaves me speechless.

Stunned silence is the term you're looking for. It occurs when you realize you have no good answer for what was posted.

Try again?

Tell us what the government should be doing, beyond NOTHING, as the Syrian refugees begin to show up in the tens of thousands.

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