Constitutional Question

I understand that Pres Joe cannot take office until January.
However as the US is currently in the midst of a health crisis could this be looked at ?

Could trump step aside and allow Biden to tackle the pandemic ?

How would Biden do that?

Got any suggestions?
Well he could take it seriously, follow the science. That sort of thing. It would save lives.

Predictions were 200k if we did everything perfectly. Even if you believe the numbers, which no one does, we are only a little shy of that.

SO, shove your panic mongering up your ass.
230k death toll and the body count is going up every day. Its a big deal to those people and their families.

Viruses arise and spread. According to the "science" 200k was if we did everything perfectly.

Sure, human suffering is a tragedy. I am against it. But you judge a policy or a leader by a standard of what is possible, not some perfect ideal, where no one dies from a pandemic.

That you pretend otherwise, is you admitting that you are not serious about judging him, you are just a monkey throwing shit at your enemies.
All Trump ever had to do was act like he gave a shit. Instead he treated the pandemic like a political opponent and tried to defeat it with bluster and bullshit.

200k if we did everything perfectly.

Trump did what a President is supposed to, addressing the issue while trying to prevent panic.

You, being a partisan zealot, could not give him credit for anything, no matter what.
I understand that Pres Joe cannot take office until January.
However as the US is currently in the midst of a health crisis could this be looked at ?

Could trump step aside and allow Biden to tackle the pandemic ?

How would Biden do that?

Got any suggestions?
Well he could take it seriously, follow the science. That sort of thing. It would save lives.

He is already. He has scientific advisors , and medical doctors around him.
I understand that Pres Joe cannot take office until January.
However as the US is currently in the midst of a health crisis could this be looked at ?

Could trump step aside and allow Biden to tackle the pandemic ?
At any given time after an election, there is some sort of crisis going on. If a precedent were set and make the change prior to January inauguration day, every President elect will say "like they did in 2020, I should take over now due to the climate change crisis, or due to the North Korea threat, "...etc etc.

Would be a bad precedent to set
The Covid virus isn't going to start playing nice when and if Biden becomes president. He can announce a mask mandate, but he can not enforce it.

BUT, the media (and cdc) will stop panicmongering. This will allow Biden to quickly claim credit for it getting "better.
Oh yes, and you can count on the MSM and Tech's to portray it just that way.

I posted a thread a couple of weeks ago about it and made certain predictions.

One of which is, that within a month of Biden taking office, the CDC will change how they count the deaths, to be more "accurate".

This of course, will be barely mentioned in a release that will be buried by the msm media.

BUT, they will make a big deal about the "drop" in the numbers. And Biden will be given credit.

THen the restrictions will be lifted and Biden will get the credit for the economy coming back.

Total bullshit. But that is our future, barring a recount miracle.
Sounds like you called it right.
Like Trump said, he had no idea just how deep the swamp was.
I understand that Pres Joe cannot take office until January.
However as the US is currently in the midst of a health crisis could this be looked at ?

Could trump step aside and allow Biden to tackle the pandemic ?

How would Biden do that?

Got any suggestions?
Well he could take it seriously, follow the science. That sort of thing. It would save lives.

He is already. He has scientific advisors , and medical doctors around him.
But he ignores and undermines their advice if he doesnt like it. At least Biden is an adult.
I understand that Pres Joe cannot take office until January.
However as the US is currently in the midst of a health crisis could this be looked at ?

Could trump step aside and allow Biden to tackle the pandemic ?

How would Biden do that?

Got any suggestions?
Well he could take it seriously, follow the science. That sort of thing. It would save lives.

Predictions were 200k if we did everything perfectly. Even if you believe the numbers, which no one does, we are only a little shy of that.

SO, shove your panic mongering up your ass.

The predictions from our President was zero deaths.

He is off by 225,000
I understand that Pres Joe cannot take office until January.
However as the US is currently in the midst of a health crisis could this be looked at ?

Could trump step aside and allow Biden to tackle the pandemic ?

How would Biden do that?

Got any suggestions?
Well he could take it seriously, follow the science. That sort of thing. It would save lives.

He is already. He has scientific advisors , and medical doctors around him.
It’s rather ignorant of the left including the neocon Joe Biden, to claim they will listen to the experts...aka scientists like Fauci. Because their top job was to prevent a pandemic from occurring and they failed. Fauci’s number one job requirement for 40 years is to prevent and stop pandemics. The little doofus failed and lied repeatedly. Why listen to that?

The MSM talking point is Don doesn’t listen to the experts, but clearly the experts failed.
If any fucking thing is going to make the covid-19 pandemic worse, it is Biden (or better, PeloZi) at the helm.

I say the sooner the better!

If Trump does not succeed soon with his election efforts, he should resign along with Pence and put the mouthy fucking leftardz in charge of it.

After all, (according to the POLLS). . . . it's what the people voted for. Right?
I understand that Pres Joe cannot take office until January.
However as the US is currently in the midst of a health crisis could this be looked at ?

Could trump step aside and allow Biden to tackle the pandemic ?
What makes you think he is the next president?

It is not over yet. Trump is definitely in a precarious position but this thing could still go either way.
I understand that Pres Joe cannot take office until January.
However as the US is currently in the midst of a health crisis could this be looked at ?

Could trump step aside and allow Biden to tackle the pandemic ?
We should first teach him how to talk properly.

Baby steps.
I understand that Pres Joe cannot take office until January.
However as the US is currently in the midst of a health crisis could this be looked at ?

Could trump step aside and allow Biden to tackle the pandemic ?

How would Biden do that?

Got any suggestions?
Well he could take it seriously, follow the science. That sort of thing. It would save lives.

Predictions were 200k if we did everything perfectly. Even if you believe the numbers, which no one does, we are only a little shy of that.

SO, shove your panic mongering up your ass.

The predictions from our President was zero deaths.

He is off by 225,000

So, his prediction was wrong. The "science" though, that you people were pushing, says that his results are almost perfect.

Now, this is the part, where if you were ever serious about those claims or even your pretense of caring about those lives,

you would admit that and give him credit.

But, you won't.
I understand that Pres Joe cannot take office until January.
However as the US is currently in the midst of a health crisis could this be looked at ?

Could trump step aside and allow Biden to tackle the pandemic ?

How would Biden do that?

Got any suggestions?
Well he could take it seriously, follow the science. That sort of thing. It would save lives.

Predictions were 200k if we did everything perfectly. Even if you believe the numbers, which no one does, we are only a little shy of that.

SO, shove your panic mongering up your ass.

The predictions from our President was zero deaths.

He is off by 225,000

So, his prediction was wrong. The "science" though, that you people were pushing, says that his results are almost perfect.

Now, this is the part, where if you were ever serious about those claims or even your pretense of caring about those lives,

you would admit that and give him credit.

But, you won't.
He cant.
Never let a crisis go to waste.
And that philosophy worked wonders.

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