Constitutional Right To Peacefully Assemble Latest 'Victim' of Govt COVID-19 Crackdown

Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peaceably".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceable" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

So we lose the right to freely assemble every flu season?

I am thinking about it, you're not

This isn't a plague or small pox

It's a coronavirus, IDK where the line is when it's an actual health emergency. But if you think this is it, kiss your right to assemble* goodbye. Because things like colds and the flu aren't going anywhere.


You don't wanna deal with reality/

boo hoo people are dying?

Fucking christ
"nor prohibited by it to the states"
Where does the Constitution specifically prohibit what states are doing?

Is that dribble something else you parroted from Barry, the self-professed 'Constitutional Scholar' who admitted he had no Constitutional Authority to affect US Immigration Law...and then did so anyway?

Learn to read and think for yourself. Educate yourself.

The earlier articles of the Constitution specifically give the American people the right of freedom of speech, exercise of religion, etc....period. States do not have the authority to strip Americans of those Rights. What you ignorantly fail to comprehend is that the 10th Amendment does is protect states from federal power grabs, from the Federal Government mandating / imposing powers and authorities over states, wielding powers not specifically delegated to it by the Constitution.

Again, 'C' for 'attempted spin', but your lack of comprehension is wonder Liberals / Democrats find it so easy to manipulate / control you.

The Tenth Amendment was added to the Constitution of 1787 largely because of the intellectual influence and personal persistence of the Anti-Federalists and their allies. It's quite clear that the Tenth Amendment was written to emphasize the limited nature of the powers delegated to the federal government.

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That's ridiculous. The morons who are insisting on their "freedom" are doing so out of hatred for their neighbors. They need to start showing some patriotism and respect for others. There is no such thing as being responsible only for your own safety. The entire field of tort law is based on the concept that the risk posed to others was foreseeable.
That's why we have lawsuits. You have the burden to prove that I infected you.

Yes. I do hate some of the "neighbors" that are commies and authoritarians. I don't want them telling me how to live my live. They are the real disease, not COVID-19.

My mere existence and presence is not and cannot be considered a threat. That is the epitome of oppression. In that sense, I am not responsible for your risk.

BTW: the other day when I was shopping and picking up something in the refrigerated section (which has glass doors) a white male approximately 45-55 walked straight up to me and reached around me, forcing me to step aside six feet, and then proceeded to do a ten-minute inspection of every package; no mask, no gloves, handled many items before finally picking one, this me standing there all the while. He forced me back. There should be a way to punish this sort of scum.
Assholes also have liberty, unfortunately. Good thing you were protected with a mask and gloves, right? Good thing YOU took responsibility for your own safety, right? You think all those packages have not been exposed? You REALLY think items in a store are pristine?

Did you get sick from this evil white dude? No? You have not been harmed. Quit bitching.

Incidentally, I identified this perp by race, sex, and approximate age due to the current idiotic practice on this board of identifying wrongdoers according to these characteristics so that the misconduct can be properly "credited" to the correct demographic group(s).
How racist/sexist of you.

Scumbags who do these things know that no one can ever prove in a court of law who exposed them. Moreover, this is a matter of common courtesy and respect. You seem to think that I should just skip over this inconsiderate slut's bullying and misconduct in public. No way. He should be called out and held accountable for his actions. Another typhoid Mary.

I already explained why I included his physical description. If this person were black or a woman or a black woman, you right-wingers would be shitting all over yourselves pointing this fact out.

Incidentally, this is not the first time during this pandemic that I have encountered a white, male asshole, but the other time was standing standing in line, six feet apart, listening to this bimbo rant about his "freedom" and how he was "sick of this shit," while all others were quiet, polite, and minded their own business. Some white males seem to think that their misbehavior should be tolerated because of their identities.
The federal government and the states all have emergency provisions that allow the suspension of constitutional rights...Whether or not this "emergency" rises to that, and they went through the proper legal procedure to enact these laws is unclear.

But our goverors definitely have this power under an emergency. We have suspended habeus corpus nationally before, emergency powers/provisions always get a pass from our judiciary. Dealing with emergencies is the prime benefit to having a strong executive.

The old "habeus corpus" canard again. That applies to arrests. "Shelter in place" and "social distancing" do not constitute "arrests".
Go ahead, show the class an example of a Honda Accord "infecting" a Chevy Blazer. Show me how my car can get sick by using the same highway as an "infected" Studebaker.
Are you deliberately trying to look like an idiot?

I'm mocking yours. Are you saying you can't do it? Because if you can't you'll have to give up that False Equivalence.

Seen it before btw, on the gun violence canard-arguments. It's a remix. BORing.
The point is that you are willing to live with the DOCUMENTED equal or greater risk posed by automobiles. There is no false equivalency. Risk is risk.

You are parroting your commie overlords who are out for political gain. Nothing more.

The old "habeus corpus" canard again. That applies to arrests. "Shelter in place" and "social distancing" do not constitute "arrests".
Yet one of the American citizens exercising their Constitutional Right to Assemble WAS arrested for refusing to disperse, return home, and shelter in place...
The federal government and the states all have emergency provisions that allow the suspension of constitutional rights...Whether or not this "emergency" rises to that, and they went through the proper legal procedure to enact these laws is unclear.

But our goverors definitely have this power under an emergency. We have suspended habeus corpus nationally before, emergency powers/provisions always get a pass from our judiciary. Dealing with emergencies is the prime benefit to having a strong executive.

The old "habeus corpus" canard again. That applies to arrests. "Shelter in place" and "social distancing" do not constitute "arrests".

The point was they can suspend your constitutional rights on a whim in an "emergency" if we as a society define the flu as an emergency...We'll we'v lost those rights


Thanks for explaining what a term I brough up means/ You fucking dolt

Remember your education. nothing has changed. You're still a retard.
Scumbags who do these things know that no one can ever prove in a court of law who exposed them. Moreover, this is a matter of common courtesy and respect. You seem to think that I should just skip over this inconsiderate slut's bullying and misconduct in public. No way. He should be called out and held accountable for his actions. Another typhoid Mary.
Common courtesy and respect are acts of free will, just like any other.

You don't have to skip over the behavior of another. You just don't get to hold him "accountable" by killing him or having him incarcerated. Sorry. You're not Odin/God/Allah or the fucking king. People can and will be rude. Freedom allows it.

I already explained why I included his physical description. If this person were black or a woman or a black woman, you right-wingers would be shitting all over yourselves pointing this fact out.
Oh, how you assume.

Why? Are you black or a woman? I don't know. I never assumed. Not that it matters.

Incidentally, this is not the first time during this pandemic that I have encountered a white, male asshole, but the other time was standing standing in line, six feet apart, listening to this bimbo rant about his "freedom" and how he was "sick of this shit," while all others were quiet, polite, and minded their own business. Some white males seem to think that their misbehavior should be tolerated because of their identities.
The irony here is fucking BLINDING!!!

The federal government and the states all have emergency provisions that allow the suspension of constitutional rights...Whether or not this "emergency" rises to that, and they went through the proper legal procedure to enact these laws is unclear.

But our goverors definitely have this power under an emergency. We have suspended habeus corpus nationally before, emergency powers/provisions always get a pass from our judiciary. Dealing with emergencies is the prime benefit to having a strong executive.

The old "habeus corpus" canard again. That applies to arrests. "Shelter in place" and "social distancing" do not constitute "arrests".
You should shut up now. You are no legal scholar and have clearly never researched the issue.

Or keep talking, and let us prove what we all already know about you.

Scumbags who do these things know that no one can ever prove in a court of law who exposed them. Moreover, this is a matter of common courtesy and respect. You seem to think that I should just skip over this inconsiderate slut's bullying and misconduct in public. No way. He should be called out and held accountable for his actions. Another typhoid Mary.
Common courtesy and respect are acts of free will, just like any other.

You don't have to skip over the behavior of another. You just don't get to hold him "accountable" by killing him or having him incarcerated. Sorry. You're not Odin/God/Allah or the fucking king. People can and will be rude. Freedom allows it.

I already explained why I included his physical description. If this person were black or a woman or a black woman, you right-wingers would be shitting all over yourselves pointing this fact out.
Oh, how you assume.

Why? Are you black or a woman? I don't know. I never assumed. Not that it matters.

Incidentally, this is not the first time during this pandemic that I have encountered a white, male asshole, but the other time was standing standing in line, six feet apart, listening to this bimbo rant about his "freedom" and how he was "sick of this shit," while all others were quiet, polite, and minded their own business. Some white males seem to think that their misbehavior should be tolerated because of their identities.
The irony here is fucking BLINDING!!!


The right-wingers are the ones who allot blame according to a person's physical description and ethnicity. This is a clear case of someone wanting to dish it out, but can't take it.
Go ahead, show the class an example of a Honda Accord "infecting" a Chevy Blazer. Show me how my car can get sick by using the same highway as an "infected" Studebaker.
Are you deliberately trying to look like an idiot?

I'm mocking yours. Are you saying you can't do it? Because if you can't you'll have to give up that False Equivalence.

Seen it before btw, on the gun violence canard-arguments. It's a remix. BORing.
The point is that you are willing to live with the DOCUMENTED equal or greater risk posed by automobiles. There is no false equivalency. Risk is risk.

You are parroting your commie overlords who are out for political gain. Nothing more.

I've just gone out to hang with my cars. Not one of them is coughing. Not one of them infected me. Not one was infected by me. Or by each other. None had a fever, none were coughing up blood. Strange isn't it?

Meanwhile walking back into the house I was not hit by a meteor. Astounding. Even as we speak there is no earthquake going on.
The federal government and the states all have emergency provisions that allow the suspension of constitutional rights...Whether or not this "emergency" rises to that, and they went through the proper legal procedure to enact these laws is unclear.

But our goverors definitely have this power under an emergency. We have suspended habeus corpus nationally before, emergency powers/provisions always get a pass from our judiciary. Dealing with emergencies is the prime benefit to having a strong executive.

The old "habeus corpus" canard again. That applies to arrests. "Shelter in place" and "social distancing" do not constitute "arrests".

The point was they can suspend your constitutional rights on a whim in an "emergency" if we as a society define the flu as an emergency...We'll we'v lost those rights


Thanks for explaining what a term I brough up means/ You fucking dolt

Remember your education. nothing has changed. You're still a retard.

I've never even heard of you. But I'm happy to explain what the term you "brough" up means, speaking of edumacation. Keep it real, brough.
I think most people do not know how horrible the economy will be after the helicopter money ends
their lives will be turned upside down in a worse way than it is now

Somewhere in this mad political scramble for cash the real intent of the stimulus was lost. The initial intent was to pay Americans what they needed not to lose their homes, starve, etc...while paying business so they could stay afloat, keep paying their sidelined workers, and when the economy opened back up all they had to do was go back to work, turn on the lights, unlock the doors, and pick up where we left off....

That was the VOICED intent I heard from several politicians.......that, again, got lost and was never going to happen.

Look at it this way......snowflakes don't get to claim Trump 'inherited a good economy' from Barry now. From here on out what happens to the economy as a result of this disaster is officially on Trump, whether he succeeds or fails. Personally I hope - for the good of the country - it can be turned back on and we start climbing again.

The question I have, though, is....


We absolutely get to claim Trump inherited a good economy. It's a fact.
Whatever you call it trump made it better

Yes, for a time, Trump made it better - because he cut taxes, and he spent like a drunken sailor. Like when your neighbour takes out a big loan, and buys new furniture, a new car and a fur coat for his wife. You'd be saying "Boy he's doing really well!", but it was all borrowed money. Now he's sick and he can't work, and the bills are coming due.

I remember when Trump said he was going to undo everything Obama did. This week's unemployment numbers have knocked out all of the job gains made under the Obama Administration and put the economy is the worst shape it's been in terms of jobs and productivity, since the Great Depression.

Trump has kept his promise to undo everything that Obama did. Only Obama's stock market gains remain. But Trumpy Bear is gonna reopen the country in two weeks and wipe those out too.
Go ahead, show the class an example of a Honda Accord "infecting" a Chevy Blazer. Show me how my car can get sick by using the same highway as an "infected" Studebaker.
Are you deliberately trying to look like an idiot?

I'm mocking yours. Are you saying you can't do it? Because if you can't you'll have to give up that False Equivalence.

Seen it before btw, on the gun violence canard-arguments. It's a remix. BORing.
The point is that you are willing to live with the DOCUMENTED equal or greater risk posed by automobiles. There is no false equivalency. Risk is risk.

You are parroting your commie overlords who are out for political gain. Nothing more.

I've just gone out to hang with my cars. Not one of them is coughing. Not one of them infected me. Not one was infected by me. Or by each other. None had a fever, none were coughing up blood. Strange isn't it?

Meanwhile walking back into the house I was not hit by a meteor. Astounding. Even as we speak there is no earthquake going on.
More dishonesty. I've posted nothing about "staying home" except to note that it's not required, and nothing at all about "not protesting". Prove me wrong.
And since your opinion is that staying home is not required then forcing Americans exercising their constitutional Right to assemble to disperse / go home - and arresting those who refused - was / is an Un-Constitutional limiting / suppression of those rights, correct?



the board Russians could care less.

I know. In fact they're driving the partisan wedges harder than ever. But that's OK. Putin has basically followed Dumb Donald's coronavirus playbook - deny, deny, deny, and Moscow is now a hot spot.

It's hard to know what's really going on there because Putin shot all of the responsible jouralists.
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peaceably".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceable" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

So we lose the right to freely assemble every flu season?

I am thinking about it, you're not

This isn't a plague or small pox

It's a coronavirus, IDK where the line is when it's an actual health emergency. But if you think this is it, kiss your right to assemble* goodbye. Because things like colds and the flu aren't going anywhere.

This is not the ordinary flu. It is far more dangerous than the flu. Even if someone recovers from the coronavirus, they could have a difficult road to recovery that could take months. That is not true with the flu. Flu sufferers do not need a vfentilator.

It is an ordinary flu, it's just a novel flu

The concern was our hospital infrastructure not the actual disease, even the worst projections for a corona virus are .....Flu like

Thankfully we're not the second oldest nation on earth...WHich is italy. Nor are we single child policy china full of old people

We were always going to be fine beyond major cities. Which obviously would receive help. And if by some disaster rural areas had outbreaks we were always going to be capable of dealing with that too. Just was never going to be an issue as it was portrayed.

Sweden is the proof of that.

yeah, corona just skips over a city if it isnt a MAJOR CITY -


No major cities just have higher population

25k people in my suburb are a lot more spread out than 25k people in NY or Chicago


Who is the idiot? lol

You're by definition doing more social distancing the smaller/more rural the place you live is. Which is why Asians are so used to dealing with this crap, they live closer to each otehr than we do.


but I repeat myself -

Yea you're a shoulda been aborted pleb

We know

Make an argument or shut the fuck up, retard

Corona viruses are what we call the flu. Live with it, you weren't clever in your class of 30 people. YOu certainly aren't here. Remember your place pleb

so go to walgreens and get a flu shot - dumbass

Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peaceably".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceable" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

So we lose the right to freely assemble every flu season?

I am thinking about it, you're not

This isn't a plague or small pox

It's a coronavirus, IDK where the line is when it's an actual health emergency. But if you think this is it, kiss your right to assemble* goodbye. Because things like colds and the flu aren't going anywhere.

This is not the ordinary flu. It is far more dangerous than the flu. Even if someone recovers from the coronavirus, they could have a difficult road to recovery that could take months. That is not true with the flu. Flu sufferers do not need a vfentilator.

It is an ordinary flu, it's just a novel flu

The concern was our hospital infrastructure not the actual disease, even the worst projections for a corona virus are .....Flu like

Thankfully we're not the second oldest nation on earth...WHich is italy. Nor are we single child policy china full of old people

We were always going to be fine beyond major cities. Which obviously would receive help. And if by some disaster rural areas had outbreaks we were always going to be capable of dealing with that too. Just was never going to be an issue as it was portrayed.

Sweden is the proof of that.

yeah, corona just skips over a city if it isnt a MAJOR CITY -


No major cities just have higher population

25k people in my suburb are a lot more spread out than 25k people in NY or Chicago


Who is the idiot? lol

You're by definition doing more social distancing the smaller/more rural the place you live is. Which is why Asians are so used to dealing with this crap, they live closer to each otehr than we do.


but I repeat myself -

Yea you're a shoulda been aborted pleb

We know

Make an argument or shut the fuck up, retard

Corona viruses are what we call the flu. Live with it, you weren't clever in your class of 30 people. YOu certainly aren't here. Remember your place pleb

so go to walgreens and get a flu shot - dumbass


I walk around without a vaccine without fear, your comment makes no sense

Again remember your education. Remember all those teachers who knew you weren't clever. It's clear to everyone else too bud.

YOu're a dumbass

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